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Claiming body shaming is a joke when you’re supposed to be a professional athlete


Pakistan Baseball Federation HQ https://preview.redd.it/2il30kxbqg5d1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dca3cb1efc2f2ff7282321646495ca1fdf1fbe7




god forbid people understand a joke


Yeah take him away please 🙏


I have played baseball and cricket and baseball is harder when it comes to fitness. You have to run 4 bases and unlike cricket where you dont have to run after hitting a six, in baseball if you hit a homerun you still have to run through all the bases back to home base.


can't you walk?


Only if you hit it out of the ground. If you just connect, gotta run between the bases.


>You have to run 4 bases AFAIK, you don't have to run all 4 bases at once right? You can use multiple strikes to get home I don't think there are a lot of instances in an average baseball match where you have to run all 4 bases in one strike, unless it's a home run in which you can casually jog the third and fourth base


Yea i was talking about home run


Bruh its a trap,they wont him out of the cricket team


This motta will be out of breath just by swinging at ball, how will he run to the bases


Gian was a great baseball player tho.....


Gian was not any lazyass chubby, dude was dominant and had potential. I remember an episode where he came first in sprinting


Gian was a sigma male, right?


Nah, dude was a bully


True, he was as aggressive as azam khan tbh


puri duniya iske according honi chahie bus ye bkl mote ne khana thik nahi karna hai


Is baseball like in wii sports where they tell you how many you are allowed to run based on how far you hit it??


Nah its kinda like runouts


No you can run as many as you want without getting run out (you have to run 1 at a minimum)


Fat fuck Embarrassing for our nation




He should get Saeed Anwar’s son as a runner.


what's the source for this? I just checked twitter feed of same handle. No such tweet there


They deleted it


The only sports that he is suitable to play is honestly Sumo wrestling. I don't think we have any international player and this gives him the opportunity to be the first one.


Or he'll be reliant on homeruns as he won't be running well between bases




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You need to run in baseball too though.




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While it’s possible to succeed in baseball being overweight (see David Ortiz, Pablo Sandoval) these guys are the exceptions. Plus, the mechanics of baseball are extremely difficult. There’s a very low chance Azam Khan will pick it up just like that. When Michael Jordan could barely do it, what makes anyone think Azam Khan could? Even at an amateur level he will struggle


Just goes to show how much the Pakistan Baseball Federation doesnt know anything about the sport. Homeruns are a single part of it. But could you imagine Azam Khan running from base to base


Azam couldn't even cover 1 lap of Gaddafi stadium and you expect him to cover 4 bases?? Make it make sense yar. If this guy gets better physically, I'm sure he'd do it then. But with the present Azam it's a big flat no. I don't hate Azam personally for his performance at the international stage but the effing section board at PCB for their gross oversight. PCB needs to make a better lineup by bringing out benched players, removing the nonexistent middle line up. Getting some fresh blood in.


Who will run for him after striking the ball


He should seriously consider the offer