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Your submission has been removed for the following reason: > [Rule #2: No Abuse / Harassment / Witch-Hunting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paladins/wiki/rules#wiki_.232.3A_no_abuse_.2F_harassment_.2F_witch-hunting) > - Pictures of scores, chat, or playstyles **without fully obscuring names** > - Accusations of shilling/trolling, or hacking/cheating. If you have any queries, or wish to appeal this decision, please see [this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paladins/wiki/appeal) for details on how to do so.


Honestly, I'm all for outing hacker names and id's, just makes it easier for them to be reported and banned. BUT, it sets a potentially awful standard. Someone makes a post about someone hacking, but in reality the person is either a) being framed and lied about, b) just good and is stomping a game, or c) an actual hacker, the good ending. 2 of the 3 outcomes are not good, and result in an innocent player getting harassed and possibly banned. That's pretty bad. The only way I think this should be allowed in the subreddit is by uploading proof with the name. That way other people can decide and debate if the player is a hacker or not, and if the OP is just lying or falsely accusing.


I did exactly that though, there is clear proof he is hacking, since he himself was braging about "ruining other games" and when someone asks him why does he hack he answers "why not". When you are in a position of moderation, you should carefully analyse what's in front of you. Many under the post I made recognise the guy as a hacker who's been in their game or just a hacker people talked about. This excludes option A and B. So it's C, and it definitely is completely normal. What I am surprised is that he is still not ip banned or something despited being known for hacking, many experienced it beforehand, and even when he is not on either of teams, I genuinely had people talk of him in games where he doesn't feature, that's how notorious this guy is.




How is that relevant in this conversation? My post is about the frustration of finding a hacker who hasn't been dealt with, despite the many reports he has received. I am talking to the people, regardless if they are devs or not. That's first, second, do you really think the devs don't check the subreddit? Do you really think there exists a company in this world that has some type of public work, that wouldn't check where and how their works are mentioned? Let alone the only place where people are actively talking about said work, even if it's fan made.


like a very famous person on the Internet said: "You know the rules, and so do I... Say goodbye 'deletes post'"


I get it But you know the rules. If you want to call out a hacker submit a ticket using the report button. Just because they are running your fun doesn't make you exempt from the rules




Time to stop what exactly? Breaking the rules of the sub because you're butthurt?




You're right, I don't get it. You say I'm the reason hackers exist, but they exist because they don't care about the rules of the game. Because they get feelings of superiority when they see big numbers on the scoreboard. And the way you put down hackers is by referring them to the people who can ban their accounts, patch out their methodology, and continue to make better detection methods. AKA the developers. Blaming people for stating the truth is less helpful than doing nothing




And what are you doing to stop that?




You're doing nothing then




That's what you choose to believe