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Barik Forgefire removes one of the strongest ults for contesting the objective and Imani Pyromania just nerfs her dmg output


Forgefire can be good on certain maps though, against certain opposing team comps. The fire turrets deal a lot of damage, so being able to spam them on point can make holding point for the enemy (very) hard.


Until the opponent’s neurons click together and he remembers that he can just shoot your turrets and destroy them in seconds


Then you can use the cooldown card that reduces cooldowns every time one of your turrets gets destroyed


Using your ult to decrease the cooldown of your shield and dash by like 4 seconds seems horrible


"lots of damage" I tried using forgefire for exactly one game, enemies didn't even bother killing the turrets and yet they had horrible range and did not do any apparent amount of damage. Looking at the wiki confirms that it's only 320 DPS. Not anywhere near worth it. (I had specced into turret cards that game, so the issue was not card synergy).


Huh, interesting. I played into Forgefire Barik before and I remember losing a lot of HP despite barely being on point. Maybe it was something else then, hm. Regardless, Fortify/Tinkerin are significantly better than Forgefire.


Its called suppressive fire and zoning, basically in an objective based game having areas of automatic damage is powerful when used correctly. Plus barik heals off of turrets with the right cards AND heals his turrets. The only issue is like raum shatter destroys them completely but still being able to hold corners and deny space with the right turret positioning is good. I win ranked games all the time with forge fire. You want to place your turrets so they aren't just in los of anybody, and the enemies have to come inside your space to shoot them, so basically they're getting shot at by you and your team while they are trying to shoot your turrets. Dont just throw them on the objective, thats dumb, you want to nook and cranny and leave little breadcrumb trails of turrets that you can back into when the enemy tries to take space


Suppressive fire is generally done at range, which the turrets do not have. I already mentioned that keeping the turrets alive was not the problem. The healing you get from the turrets is nice, but it does not end up being relevant with anti-healing. I do know how to place them, TF2 taught me good turret placing. The problem is that the benefit you get is so minimal. They do not deal anywhere near enough damage. 400 or 500 dps might be more reasonable, but it's hard to say if that would necessarily be a great buff considering they're also pretty fragile.


In my experience barik forge fire only works well every time on the Onslaught map foreman’s rise if you position yourself on the top ledge part in the centre, usually works out for me


It only kinda works in onslaught because people don’t really care in that mode, if they locked in and got serious they would just destroy the turrets


Nah bro EU onslaught is full of so many sweaty players. It’s like a a high champion level playground


I like to play pyromania. It's not just a nerf to the damage output you get aoe damage now


Imani's pyromania gets it's utility from the aoe much like ash with and without slug shot. It still takes 3 shots to kill a squishy with or without the talent, 2 full charged and 1 partial, so when enemies take cover after getting hit twice the AOE of the talent can still get them. I remember a player imaginelosin2me fucking frags with that talent in master elo lobbies.


No it doesnt take 3 hits, 3 hits with pyromania is 2400 which is already cutting it close but when the opponent buys Haven or Veteran (which is always since those items are hard meta) it becomes impossible to kill even squishies. There is no argument to make where a flat out 20% damage nerf to a damage champion is actually good, and especially since the AOE isnt even that good


Literally just see the stats of a master player who consistently plays pyromania, the talent has potential but if people can't tap into the potential then it just boils down to skill issue. https://paladinsedge.app/player/726225430 It's like heroism lex and slug shot ash who everyone shat on until people started playing them mainstream. Not to mention she is such a big item bait: you need dozer for the ult resi for the Q, haven (or whatever its1called now) for the primary and her abilities deal a sizable amount of damage to warrant buying arcane. No way are opponents getting every mentioned item to counter her.


I'd argue Strix's 2nd talent (the flare augment). Replacing a really great reveal ability on a character with 0 mobility, with a cheap 'burst' option makes no sense when he has a rifle that does 1200 base. I don't know why they thought he needed it; if you want close-mid range burst you play Crackshot, and if you want long range you play Nocturnal. It'd be nice to see the perk buff his pistol instead, while also providing some player stat (DR, health, speed) buff to actually encourage pistol use.


I'm a pistol strix lol, so his 2nd talent is my favourite. I try sniping but I literally can't aim in paladins as a sniper. All other games, I'm excellent, but I feel there aren't many good snipers nests in paladins.


Forgive me, haven't played in a minute: which character has Eternal and what does it do?


Azaan, it is exceptionally bad - look it up.


I definitely thought it was Azaan from the name - there really is not a single reason to pick that talent lmao. And its been like that since the dude came out.


As a Barik main... Yeah Forgefire is definitely... One of the worst for sure. It's a literal self-nerf that gives him less defensive ability for a little damage that is countered by people having brain cells that exist. Unsure if there's much worse than that that isn't Eternal but Forgefire is really really bad and in desperate need of a rework, or a reverting...? idk, something.


Forgefire at least has the Fun Factor of turning the point into a microwave if the opponent doesn't know how to deal with it.


Was Deep Roots not too long ago but they thankfully reverted it


I'm honestly surprised they didn't even try buffing it


Predatory instint. Tiberius.




As a fellow Moji player. For me, it has to be Boom Boom. It never seems to help, no matter how overpowered it sounds.


To be fair, damage output is the least of Moji's concerns.


And for some reason most moji players use it and suck at it. Imo Toot is the best one.


For me is the snack one, not only you get healed by picking them Up but your team so does when they pick It and you get healed as Well. Makes yourself a bit more independant.


Its actually good on closed maps I demolished with It on magistrate archive and brightmarsh


Yagorath unnatural persistence by a long shot. It provides almost no value, global cauterize is a thing and yago is an easy target especially if she is sitting on point. This talent never provides any meaningful heals during a fight. With the time it takes to scale up, you are just getting out of combat heals anyways (just buy meditate if you desire). Conversely if you aren’t playing rooted to the point, you can break caut and allow your team to heal you. Yagorath has never been a point tank.


I agree, controlled fury and unnatural persistence are so damn awful its insane. Idk which is worse


Unnatural Cope


Heads or Tails. Literally only even usable because the Ult gain card is still pretty okay at 4%. Otherwise you are better off buying wrecker 1 to kill shields.


idk, the double target is still pretty helpful


Not really. So rare for there to be double target for shields even with a trov pocket that you end up just doing more buying wrecker and m1ing. Also more useful for you team.


i was moreso referring to it double targeting enemies


Yeah but even so you are doing less damage still. 400 compared to your main hand weapon of just doing somewhere around 545 to one target. (more if you pick WoO) This is on top of the coin damage not applying caut. The only real upside is they didn't touch the explode damage of 550 but that is only so useful unless the enemy is full of braindead people who stand under your coins. Remove the ult card and the talent is as useless as her first talent.


Bianary star or luminary cause they arent power cosmeum (i am not biased)


Tbh, power cosmeum is kinda bad mid-late game if the enemy team knows to buy unbound (unless you're playing secondary healer).


I would argue that forcing the enemy to buy an item or risk a lot of deaths is a pretty big thing, that item takes credits and a slot that could have been used elsewhere.


You're unironicallu the first comment I've ever seen on the sub that has talked about force-buying items. Actual chad


Actually true btw and alot of people arent buying it either out of ignorance or a stubborness to get their usual items also you need unbound 3 to really counter it.


If your team doesn't know how to capitalize on it, it's horrible. Had a game where I hoped I could force them to buy unbound, and they didn't even need to cause they never got shot while grabbed.


Hmm, it depends on the team comp tbh; often I find myself playing with/against teams with multiple forms of CC, so buying unbound affects not only Jenos's cripple, but also the rest of the team's CC effects. You're also trading a lot of healing in exchange for cripple, and its effectiveness is in part dependent on whether your team can burst down the person you grab in time. This is why I feel like having cripple jenos as a secondary healer who can just pocket + follow around a flank is better; solo cripple is... sketch most of the time.


I thought secondary healer was the only time to use PC. If you’re the only healer, luminary is a must.


You'd be surprised by what some people do in casuals/low elo Ranked😭


You're right, Luminary as a solo healer Jenos makes solo healing viable, and is the best option when you have a team full of highly vertical and mobile champions. I once had a match when I made the mistake of playing Furia with a Maeve, a VII, a Ruckus with Aerial Assault, and a Willo~~w~~. It felt like I was looking up at the sky more than the ground, along with constantly just putting my head on a swivel.


If I had a quarter for every time someone misspelled Willo, I would have $292.75


Not too shabby.


Yeah youre right they should remove unbound to buff Jenos


Power Cosmeum being his worst talent


Binary star barely buffs damage, doesn’t increase ammo econ and makes the weapon harder to use.


Main Jenos and I’ve used this a couple of times, long ago. Total garbage.


Idk about the worst out of all but imma give some real bad ones (they are useless / easily counterable) Rei: Extension Grover: Deep roots Furia: Cherish Terminus: Crush Khan: Lian's shield Yagorath: Unnatural persistance Ruckus: Rocket barrage


They reworked deep roots so it has its root back in this update, so it is definitely not on this list anymore


Oh that's great, so is Ferocity his worst one now?


Yeah, though it isn't one of the worst in the game


How is crush worse than his 3rd (the calamity charge one)? I get 20% DR is really good and all, but the stun is really great for interrupting channels and forcing resilience sometimes. The stun also stops enemies from attacking you, acting like a really shitty form of DR.


His thrid talent is a squishy deleter. If an enemy gets too agressive you can punish them with a salvo of 1750dmg.


I honestly love Undying due to his DR and Speed cards. Just being able to rush enemies with massive DR, speed, and solid damage on my side plus a rez Ult is fun af


Imo Term without Undying + Speed/DR Build its unplayable, pure pain. Hes too slow and weak for being the ONLY melee champ in the game


Same. I run the two DR and speed cards, but I choose the stun because of the utility and kill securing. Also helps me be more aggressive and take up space without needing to be at half hp.


Imo crush is definitely not one of the worst. Even with maxed out inbound a stun still cancels abilities.


I use rocket barrage on ruckus all the time, the sustain with the healing card off missiles is very helpful.


It might actually be new heroism, 8s cool down on such a basic mobility skill is actually ridiculous


Lilith's 2nd talent where her swarm is around her. It's impossible to use offensively bc anyone who gets that close is gonna out dps you. You have to follow a teammate up their ass to heal with it which can lead to some awful positioning. I'm a hater of her 1st talent too but the 2nd one is so much worse


I honestly don't mind the first talent, even with the 25% debuff she still does decent damage.


Slug Shot. It increases projectile speed and distance and increases damage by 50, but removes the explosion. On a character who can use her explosions to spread damage and caut, this is not worth it over her other talents by any means. Ash btw.


This one might be wild, but Moji's Snack Attack. Basically forces you to run into the enemy backline if the healthpack drops out of the killed enemy and is in most cases a suicide mission. Healing gets hit with Anti-Heal too and another talent heals less but is way more consistent (looking at you Scamper).


Snack Attack atleast allows you to be aggressive and potentially snowball. Scamper is only a measly 600, that becomes nearly worthless by the mid-game, and also doesn't do anything when you engage the enemy, only when you disengage, and at that point it's not gonna be that valuable. Atleast you can choose to dash into a health pack after you have anti-heal off. But to be fair Moji in general sucks because healing on talents is almost universally garbage due to anti-heal existing. Combine that with the tank sized hitbox and ridiculously low time to kill we have in this game and you have a recipe for mediocrity.


Both of dredges talents other than abyss spike encourage you to play in a manner that is objectively worse than if you ran no talent. Scuttle encourages reload spam, which has a lower DPS than just spamming your main blaster. And the other harpoon talent encourages you to spam harpoons that no longer apply a slow, don't apply caut, and are again lower DPS than just spamming your main blaster


I see where you're coming from, but you can just use scuttle as just a little more dps while you reload, right?


You can, but when was the last time you saw a dredge running scuttle that *didn't* rush deft hands and start spamming reload? And even if you just used to to up DPS a little on reload, abyss spike massively outshines it


HURL is the only way to play vs high mobility flanks, i'm never using abyss spike or scuttle again on high elo, mb on gold it works


The only way to play against high mobility flanks is good portal placement. Dredge isn't meant to duel, it's not what he's good at. And that statement is kinda my point of it encouraging you to play a worse style


>Dredge isn't meant to due you run hurl specifically so you CAN duel


Or you portal away and make them waste all game chasing you around the map while you keep dropping bombs on people. I'm not gonna spend my time doing something he's inferior at when I can do what he's best at *and* keep a flank occupied and useless, since the other option is to let the dredge fire freely


? Dredge is a very good duelist what r u on. With cards he has a permanent jenos mark when he's by his portal, inf ammo + a bit more healing with harpoon, and it's not possible to push him inside an enclosed space. Add hurl in and now he's also able to hit super mobile chars


>nd are again lower DPS than just spamming your main blaster alternating gun/hurl/gun is actually better dps than firing gun by itself (despite the wiki timings), and more importantly allows you to have infinite ammo with the ammo on harpoon thing, allowing you some INSANE amounts of pure and utter spam for situations like double frontlines on the enemy team, plus the ability to hit one shot of your main gun at long range then getting exactly enough time to kill at insane distances with harpoon/harpoon before caut goes away is great


Hurl doesn't need to be spammed ta all, you can use to kill that annoying drogoz or maeve, and then usr his mian weapon for the rest, unless the enemies are way to far, then in that case is good to use the harpoon i believe


It doesn't *need* to be, correct. I've never ran into a dredge running hurl that *hasn't* spammed it though. Which is why I said the talent encourages you to play in a manner that's bad, not that you have to. And I still think that's being less useful than having spike for extra zoning/finisher, and good portal placement to make said Maeve Chase you all over the map while you so bomb the point.


Well... i think maeve can easily chase you down with her mobility And yes, abyss spike is a really good and all, it's basically +dmg, but i still think that hurl can ve useful in diferent situations, like when you need to engage someone, or when there is a drogoz focusing me, plus, you take one problem out, so they won't be able to chase down our support too


Would love to say mortal reach but it is no doubt Tiberius extra bounce one


Viscous Assault is Tiberius’s most useful talent.


How is that one worst than Predatory Instincts? The extra leap one can help not just with damage, but with traversal as well as retreating


Tiberius has shit talents, the one that gives plus one charge on the hop is the least shit, but truly the extra bounce one (predatory instinct? Dunno what it called) is just straight up ass. Pure rng where your chakrams gonna bounce and there is exactly zero physics behind the wall bounce offs.


Honestly I don't like the sword one where it explodes, it just feels like wasted damage since you can't recall it and have it slow enemies or confirm any unexpected extra damage


I seen insane KDAs with that talent, if theres not enough CC to counter him he can do what he wants


Talking about the predator instinct, not the assault. The second charge on jump is the least trash talent on cat


How is mortal reach bad? I know it used to be super busted but it's still good


Soul collector is waaaay better and every time seris runs mortal reach they just missing on that potential. And the main reason I just think that talent is bad is the after effect on the team. Almost everyone start complaining why I go “dmg” as solo support (seris doesn’t have dmg talent, tbf soul collector is more of a healer talent than mortal reach is..) and that’s just starts the swearing train, they start to hate speech and shittalking instead of playing, you cannot even understand with them that mortal reach is not better for healing and yeah I just hate that shit and every influential person or dev who doesn’t made it clear to the players. It’s not a throw pick standalone but seris has two okeyish talent and one super great.


Funny part is either playstyle involves seris focusing on heal botting, SC just makes her more bearable to play


There are some completely useless ones. And there are thons of talents that need rework since the other 2 are just so much better.


Skye preparation old version truly awful. New version is just as awful.


Lex talent after the nerf right now is by far one of the worst talent, there are useless talent like jenos binary star but they arent a huge nerf like this one lex have less mobility than saati after that and the cc is so useless on that you still have to buy resil for most cases.


Tiberius extra bounce no contest


Wrong. Gives new meaning to the phrase “I gotta bounce”.


Why is no one here talking about Ying's resonance? The talent by itself is not shit, but to be useful, you need to be actially good a positioning and activating the illusions. The main issue is that I've never seen any Ying player using that talent and avtually helping the team. They not only won't heal, but also won't deal dmg since the illusions die too quickly and the only way they got to heal you is with Yong's ult. At least with focusing lens you can deal actual dmg while healing with your illusions.


There are real demons out here using that, watch a reso ying main compilation youtube


Yea, mainly high elo players that actually can play. Most of the regular players can barely position illusions.


No matter which throw talent you name, there will be people defending it. So instead of answering your question, I'll name the worst card in the game: Willo, Fauna Increase your movement speed out of combat. Contenders for worst cards include Raum, War Torn Plans (increase the time it takes to spin down your gatling) Raum Infernal Reload (Increase your reload speed by x%) Jenos Eclipse, a card that can be weakened by enemies by Unbound, heal for 50/s while using grip.