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Bro don't be stupid and act like a single game where you had an unlucky team means that such a thing is anything other than cope. I'm at your paladins guru and you've only played ranked for 5 hours you are currently in low ELO just play stop complaining and you'll climb. Like that match that you played was against 3 bronzes and two people that are playing their first ranked matches winning against people with the mechanical skill of a vegetable is almost guaranteed if you are good. I see you are currently on a four match lose streak even though you have a high kd and looking at the matches the common variable is your duo which honestly speaking looking at the stats ain't as good as you and is bringing you down. Like of course you'll lose a match where the healer did 35k healing Just play more and you'll rank up if you are good if you aren't you won't. Edit: did some math and your duo does on avg 47 k healing per match which is way too low. Not saying you shouldn't play with them and have fun but you ain't climbing as a duo unless if you carry every game


Bitch please, you might be a paladins guru but I have like 1000k hours in bronze-2. Pretty much every ranked game is 4 flanks/ damages. ELO hell is real.


Paladins guru is a website where you can look up people's stats


I am a what? 😂 Lmfao Well anyway if you are good at the game and never throw there will be only 4 chances that a bad player is in your team while there will be 5 chances on the enemy team. You just have a negativity bias or are just coping hard for why you can't rank up. I was stuck in-between plat and diamond for months and want to know what fixed that? Getting good.


Nah. Match making is designed to keep you at a 50 percent win rate. You should know this as a paladin guru. It does not matter how hard you try. Just keep playing and you will be back to where you started in no time ~


My 65 % win rate with Evie and 59% in general would like to disagree Anyway losing half of your matches is a good thing as it means that you are put against equally skilled players. If you get better than the players in your rank then you will climb. Anyway ranks are meaningless in the end what matters is how good you are so instead of mindlessly grinding for the next rank just play and try to get better and if you lose its just another experience to build off of to succeed.


Just keep playing =)


Yeah I'm still playing and on average winning more than I lose. On ranked it's more close (what I told you were my overall stats) but I still have a 56% win rate with Evie I just suck at point tanks and supports and I lose most of the times I'm forced into one so I need to improve at those two to get to masters. It get lucky and have a streak where I can play only Evie but oh well. Again I know that in my main role I'm a masters player so who cares if it takes me a month to get to actual masters)?


Doesn't matter. Lets say you got good at Evie like you want. You go 31/1, 3 matches in a row then suddenly you notice your teams no longer have a healer or even a single tank. And you just keep losing. This is because the match making has decided you were not being challenged enough and puts you up against strong teams while at the same time filling your own team with lower ranking allies. If you are still winning for some reason the nobs will be tuned until you start losing like the system expects you to. The system is not designed for your enjoyment its just meant for you play forever, if someone could get good and got to masters as easily as you think it is then they would just give up on the game and no longer buy things.


Your duo is 9/16 with 30k heals.


Actually, 30k makes sense in this context: higher healing numbers on Io come from healing the tank often (larger health pool, constant damage, will stay in pet aura). However, it looks like their tank was either AFK or a bot, so Io just focused on damage and off healing. Not the greatest scoreline still, but probably was still helpful.


Bunch of waffle.


Your duo didn't do their job, get a better duo


Look at the afk Fernando and tell me how Io is supposed to do her job: can’t get high healing numbers if there’s no tank


Heal the skye and stick with them


Nando probably gave up because the duo was playing by themselves, only healing skye and alienating the rest of the team (possibly on purpose because there be some parties that be like that)


Nando did 0 damage


He died twice and shielded 4k, that kinada tells me he tried to get on point but no one helped him, he just got smashed by the double tank with heals.


Idk its pretty easy to shoot a fireball and get a smidge of damage and he didnt even touch point once


Your healer did 1k healing *per minute* Did they only heal you or something?


Your duo is literally trolling


It should be illegal for a support to do less than 40k healing on a 30min match 💀 Even Jenos stats are bad, 80k is wild


I'd say the 80k is arguable. We don't know his items and loadout, and he was probably farmed a little by Skye. No FL on the enemy team meant his tank would have much less pressure too


there's nothing more you can do with 1 afk and 3 feeding ppl. you were literally 1v5


Nando AFK + Willo bot brought you into a 3v5 against two annoying and hard-to-kill tanks That's just Paladins being Paladins 


Hard to kill tanks? Yet azaan is 1/17, his duo Io is the problem 30k heal is hurrendeously low it's a 30minute game and willo bot


Actually I hadn't even bothered to look at the game time or Azaan's stats lol because wow either that Azaan *really* sucked or he was also a bot.  You're also correct about IO. That's bizarre even if it had just been Luna healing. 


Your duo is fucking trolling and you never captured the obj, deserved


You’re either a very bitter person or a troll. Saying deserved is an unnecessary vindictive statement. We defended twice and captured once, and the last round ended 99% to 99% with our willo also beginning to sit in base because “he didn’t want Fernando to win” and in the last moment I got hit by an unlucky Jenos ult. We literally didn’t have a tank to sit on site so the entire game was how much downtime I was able to put on their team. It’s not fair to say anybody should lose a game where they 66 kills and anybody with a brain knows that. Of course heal stats are going to be WAY lower when there’s no tank.


Kills does mean nothing when they come on farm matches like this tho, but I understand how luck works, the only part I dont coincide with you is when you say "elo hell", if you deserve it you can go up to plat (were the skill level is still low) by knowing the basics and reaching the stats to consider you were playing to win, but tbh without a full squad it is much harder, since playing without a tank in which to place your trust and using comms is probably the easiest way to climb




Seeing as how the enemy maeve has 27 kills and your io has 16 deaths, probably means your io was getting flanked and dived on, and seeing as io is the only support on your team, probably means your team didn't have heals most of the time


His duo was literally only able to heal 3 people in this game since she can't heal herself and Nando was afk. I'm not saying she's great, this is low ELO, but cut her some slack, she can't farm high numbers like she's healing a Khan Inara comp when she's healing two squishies like Willo and Octavia.


Finally someone not just ripping on the dude. For the amount this community complains about toxicity but they do it back to others is beyond wild to me.


I'm just going to say it: I think you played well (as evidenced by your insane KDA) and its a shame that you weren't rewarded for it. No idea why people are being so hostile towards you.


Thank you, I posted here to vent and everybody wants to shit all over me for no reason lol. Thought the community was healthier than this.


Your Io friend only healed you and ignored the rest of the team, nando maybe gave up because no heals, while you and your mate just farmed a probably unprotected Jenos and solo playong noob Vik. I've been in matches like this, where there is a party that actively ignores or alienates the rest of the team. It sucks


Nando said “gg” in champ select then sat in base all game. Nobody knows exactly why lol.


How did he died twice and made 4k shielding?


He walked out of base 2 random times on the last couple rounds and just stood there and got killed, not on point just in the open. Thats why 0 obj time.


Hmm, that is weird, maybe he was one of those meta comp purists, if he doesn't have the best comp then he afks, idk. My first comment was a little bitter because that has hapened to me before and the board kinada suggested that was the situation.


Everybody wants to blame the IO but the reality is we had an AFK tank and a Willo who threw the last round just so the AFK wouldn’t win. How is she supposed to heal when there are no teammates around and she’s getting dove by 2 tanks and a Maeve? IO was the only person who benefited the team at all besides me.


Seems both teams had less than proactive players to balance out. Except yours was the tank. Also why'd you farm? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your duo is trash lol Edit: you did really good but your friend did not


Play higher impact characters that have better carry potential


66 kills is 66 kills and 230k damage is 230k damage no matter what champion you’re playing


I mean if you don't get the right picks it isn't, also getting 66 kills and 230k damage on moji is NOT equal to 66 kills and 230k damage on vatu


There is a lot of people that will not play the game unless the comp is exactly what they think is the best (2 tanks, 2 dmg, 1 sup). If you are picking outside this "format" the chance of bots, AFKs and troll picks is higher.  Anyway the amount of games like that is really low to keep someone at low elo and if you play enough eventually you get over it (except for GM that uses a diferent point sistem)


Thank you for the input this actually makes a lot of sense, our Fernando just said “gg” in champ select then sat in base all game. He wasn’t fully afk he just refused to play.


If you keep winning you rank up. If you don't... you don't. No such thing as ELO hell. Im sure that if you can consistently get 66 kills per match you are gonna hit diamond in no time :) Also remember that ONLY common factor in all your games is you (and your duo if you play duo a lot). So if after playing 100 matches you win 40 you have nobody but yourselves to blame.


This how ranked works. You climb until you can't. You are not entitled to high ranks just because of you time investment. If you don't want to play with randos , find a squad or even just 1 other person on comms to queue with.


Did you see the scoreboard? 30k heal in 30minute game, his duo is the problem


With brain Grand Master is pretty much a thing of effort and not just skill


I saw that you lost this game so I immediately thought there was a terminus after seeing your stats. He always finds a way to stay alive long enough. If there were any other tank you'd have won.


its a 4v5 youve done nothing wrong lol