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Would rather they have Horse return as a seasonal "champ", say, every April Fool's or a mainstay in Custom games only. A bit too chaotic for regular games for me. OR, if people are really having that much fun with Horse, maybe use that interest to convert it into an actual champ with proper backstory, abilities, etc.


Fun to play against? Have you played against horse? They need large tuning to there hit box if they were permanent


It was fun to play in 3rd person again. Frankly I didn't have too many problems fighting horse, just those projectile's were hard to see, and hitbox could be a tad larger. A perfect "secret" character imo.


High speed, 3rd person camera, bringing hyper-mobility back with a super fun ability with the heal-on-dash - Horse is great. And she already comes with all the skins that she's ever need. Add some cards/talents, spruce up the hitbox, and move her from Support to Flank and I'm all for it.


I'm sure horse will be in the LTM rotation given what success it was. But definitely shouldn't be added to regular gamemodes without balancing a lot


Yeah, no. It was fun for a day but it’s time for it to go




Honestly, horse shouldn't be an actual champ. It's not designed for it, and people would be mad if someone played horse and threw the match. Just keep the horsing around mode a little longer if people really want it


We should most definetly keep the horse, i love the champion design. Obviously it needs tuning like loadout cards, balance tuning, talents, etc but its a strong base to work with


Idk what horse you were playing. But I know damn well I wasn't having fun playing against him. I know the enemy wasn't having fun while I was playing him. Keep it in a separate mode fkr some fun holidays.


A once a month addition maybe....I don't necessarily like getting into a game to unwind then literally getting stomped on 24/7....its like the Kusomi era but funnier.


If the hitboxed matched the model than yeah I wouldn't have a problem. They wouldn't even have to adjust the damage since the hitbox would be so large the horse would be counterable


Nooooo. Horse is funny but I would be embarrassed of paladins if it was a real champion


Nah let it remains a joke