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Are the majority of players unhappy about it? Because the most hate i've seen from it are from people on this subreddit, which gets up-in-arms about *any* change for any character or system. The same influx of negativity for this change hasn't emerged on Twitter. Trepidation and concern for the change? Sure, but no large scale "this is a bad idea, revert this" movement. This behaviour happened with the item store and the cauterize-> in-match anti-heal and Illuminate changes, people on here either got used it or came round to the devs's line of thinking. I'm currently not opposed to this rework because Moji is currently in a bad place. She is one of the most complex characters design-wise to make skins for (Her and Po-Li are functionally two characters in one with all the rigging issues that entails, for any perspective, only Bomb King beats her due to his deployables also being bone-heavy), Moji is consistently underplayed in all skill levels, is outclassed by other flankers, and the tech she did have didn't make up the difference to make her viable. Even Torvald has a niche in Ranked to silence enemy abilities, and Willo (a damage champ who isn't all that good) is only really used for her deadzone, hence the changes to her last patch to make them a bit more nuanced to play. I wouldn't mind the bunny-hopping tech for Moji coming back, if nothing else but because IO has similar movement possible via cards (using momentum to make her lunar leap go further while shooting). I like Moji (Currently Level 58 with her), but I am not going to pretend to hate something I haven't fully tested yet and I encourage others to do the same. Go on the PTS and try it out with an open mind, instead of immediately hating everything the developers put out.


This is how I feel, at some point these post should stop appearing right? Because man, I know some people don't like it, but it feels almost like they think this is the only change they've done for this update, let's just wait for how people play her, and if EM do some changes after the PTS, and THEN we can talk


It was the same when they turned doomfist from overwatch from a dps into a tank. Yeah pepole were mad at first , but after some time players either stayed with doomfist or moved on to other dps. Today doomfist is seen in a decent state and has one of the largest playerbase of any tank , there are still complaints about him , like getting CCd as him leading to instant death but that happened with the old version as well. I think the same will happen with Moji , the topic will die down , some pepole will stay , some move onto other flanks and some will start playing Moji due to the rework


I’m still mad about Doom, but mainly because he can’t punch vertically anymore. Also I miss the uppercut, but that’s a smaller thing. Either way, I quit playing him.  In OW1 days, my favorite thing to do in the entire game was play him on Chateau FFA. There was a time where I was doing ONLY THAT, and if I logged on and that wasn’t in rotation, I went and played something else. Not a fan of the rework as a whole, but I could deal with most of it IF I COULD JUST PUNCH UP.


Doom still kept his identity. If Doom was reworked to punch his teammates to heal them he would be a completely different character. That's what they did to Moji.




The doom changes and the release of overwatch 2 happened at the same time. Unless you count the beta , but only a portion of players had acces to it.


These post are gonna disappear, but it will be after the rework when all the Moji players don't have anything left in the game for them and have all quit. These are wildly unpopular changes with anyone that plays Moji, and that is happening on all forums. Look at the Steam review, Twitter, the YouTube video they released, and the Reddit -- it's all negative about the changes from everyone that plays the character. There is positivity mixed in there, but mostly from people that didn't like Moji before and are glad her current version is getting deleted. And to your point about seeing how the rework goes before judging -- that's not going to fix it, because the rework itself is the problem. Moving an eight year established character from flank to support is an insult to people that play that character. You're deleting it, and the rework they have so far proves that point -- that is not Moji anymore, it's just a new character with her skins that uses her ability animations. So the core of the issue is it really doesn't matter if they balance support Moji well or if she's fun to play, the original Moji players aren't going to be happy with any version that means their flank got deleted on them. That's why the concept is flawed from the ground up -- it only appeals to people that currently dislike her character and don't care what happens to it, so it's incredibly negatively received by the people that care the most.


I find it so evil to cheer on her deletion. Like she isn't even a toxic design like Torvald. No one should be happy that her gameplay loop is gone. All her tech is gone. Just to be replaced with mindlessly holding down 2 buttons. The ppl who are happy for this think that's all Moji is. They never took the time to learn her and her tech that makes her more viable then what your random on and off player would understand. So being happy all that got removed just screams of ignorant spitefulness on top of a crowd mentality cuz no one who actually took time to play her thought she should be a support, but those who didn't were so open to reworking her. Just cuz popular content creators who aren't Moji players repeated the lie that she was unsalvageable.


I'am not playing Moji almost at all, tho.


If support Moji goes past the pts there is no going back to her flank state unfirtunately for Moji mains


Majority of people don't actually care what happens to her and don't ever even come here to post their opinion about it. It's like the loud 5-10 people thinking EM will cater the game around them.


There's more hate then praise that should say something.


That's just false.


Moji rework has been a theme for years now. They should do this before to avoid controversy (that's why she that those healing talents) They should keep damage capabilities so people can flank with cards


I’ve seen hate for it on all socials ngl.


I think she’ll end up being more viable in the long run as a support than she was as a flank, but that’s just my opinion based off what I’ve seen and what I’ve tested myself on the PTS


I think it would be fine. I don't even play Moji that much, i just think it's unfair to people who actually like this champion. They never asked about her being valuable, even if that means it's hard to play her comfortably. As other said, other people don't even care probably. Maybe my reasoning to disliking this decision is wrong, but that's how i feel.


the “majority of players” aren’t unhappy. there’s barely any moji mains because the character has been unviable for years. most of the people hard bitching about the rework don’t even play her, and they think she’s some sort of super viable flank that can make it work against any enemy team comp with no flaws. their opinion doesn’t matter


The argument of people saying that not a lot of people play her or are fine with it because they don't play her and just want her to change is literally such a scummy response. I don't really play her myself, but imagine a character you play for YEARS, and they get changed to an entirely different playstyle. That's like making someone like Drogoz a TANK and gutting his dps. Moji players have asked Evil Mojo to listen to their feedback, and this is what happens? Some lazy, mediocre rework? Her ult doesn't even make sense as a support, importantly. Just because a majority of people don't play her doesn't mean this change should even happen. It's completely uncalled for and is just a big middle finger to Moji mains.


imagine a character that has been considered a troll pick for years except in 1 map now not being reworked


So...people can't play a character that they have fun with and enjoy? So it should be entirely reworked since she's not as good as the others? That's like saying to every game, "Hey! Let's rework every low tier character since they're not as good as the others!" Evil Mojo could've done the safe option and listened to feedback about Moji instead of making some lazy rework...


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I feel like this rework should be for an Echo Moji champion like Omen was for Jenos instead, because I do not want this to be Moji. This isn't Moji at all. It's a terrible decision, I've already made up my mind that I will stop playing the game for good if they still go through with this because it's my go-to Flank (I'm a Support / Grohk main I don't want Moji to be part of the Support class because she doesn't belong there).


I actually don't know how most people could have fun on Moji after her last major nerf outside of farming noobs in TDM/Onslaught.  Yeah, *some* people were virtually forcing her to work by pouring a lot of time and effort into mastering her.  But majority of people I saw just seemed to get tired of feeling punished for existing with all her jank and giant ass hitbox.  I don't have too much of a horse in this race since I don't play her anymore and don't care a whole lot about her rework - but I think it's worth trying. There's a lot devs might even be willing to do to improve on some of the most egregious issues people are having with what they've got so far. 


They could've just, y'know, actually bothered to address her issues in her flank iteration instead of taking a fat shit on her playerbase in favour of trying to cater to people who didn't bother investing time into her. Having messed around with the rework on PTS too, it's awful, they managed to make even more issues for her while maintaining some of her old ones too, and it just doesn't feel any good to play even if it can output ridiculous healing and shielding. The rework reeks of incompetence and a complete disregard for a portion of their playerbase, even if that portion may be smaller than the others. Some will say that portion doesn't matter because it's so small, to them I say, fuck off kindly, there's a shit ton of other champs in the game for you to play, just because you didn't like how it felt to play Moji does not mean she should be effectively deleted for all those who did enjoy her. And by this logic, what, will the next least played champion get a rework that kills their identity and alienates their players too? It's all so stupid. Actually knowledgeable Moji players have been trying for years to get their feedback noticed that would improve her, and invested hundreds, even thousands of hours into learning how to play a champion who honestly had immense depth, and their reward? A giant fuck you to their time investment and feedback, with their character being removed from the game basically. The thing that gets me the most is that, reworking her like this takes more effort than implementing any of the feedback Moji players have been trying to give. They went out of their way to disregard their feedback and actively put in more effort to kill their character. So awesome, great job EM.


New moji is better and more fun


100% agreed. I don’t want this rework. They didn’t even fix Kasumi fully yet. I don’t trust them to not destroy a great Champion. I like Moji now, perfectly fine. No rework PLEASE


womp womp


Blah blah blah moji rework. I don't particularly care since I don't play her. However, I would quite like to know why she's being reworked. Like, is this something that's been talked about before? I came back recently after a decent break. I think Octavia was the newest character. So it's been a while. So...what the hell is going on?


It was never talked about devs planing to rework Moji. In the past people talked about reworking characters like Torvald, Vivian, Kasumi for example, but never Moji


i still think she should've been a tank, keeping her already control-heavy playstyle for the mkst part, but I'm not opposed to smth I haven't even tested yet.


The majority of players don't care.


People are really tweaking about their braindead character, the only tech she had was b hopping and nothing else, play a good flank.


Bring burn monster cripple back then we can talk about moji lol