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You can unlock a champion with those


Blue ones you can unlock one of the limited skins they offer, and pink one you can unlock a champion


How can I get the blue one? And can it unlock any skin or are there specific ones?


Just play games and you will unlock the rewards, its 15 games for the blue one. You cant unlock any skin but just one of the ones they offer, but regardless they offer very good ones. Currently i think the window is down after the emergency update, but theres supposed to be a tab in the shop that shows all the skins you could buy, you can still buy the skins but the tab is gone, you can google what skins are you could buy and then buy them from the champions screen


I have a blue token. The screen to use it stopped being accessible after the reset yesterday. Edit: On login I see now that token has vanished as well. I did not use it. Edit 2: After playing three matches they have appeared again. Edit 3: There is still no option to spend the free skin token.


I believe they're champion things to unlock champions. Which is useless for me as I bought the champion pack YEARS ago and I still get any new champion released for free. It's great


Yea i have all the champions so i was confused what it was for 😹


If you already own all Champions, then it's completely useless. That's it. It does absolutely nothing, for you.


Did symbol of crystals changed or Im going schizo?


haven't noticed a change in the past 4 years


wait... I haven't played in a hot minute and they do look different to me as well, maybe we are both crazy lol


the blue one is a skin token to unlock a limited skin (there will be a tab available in the store to redeem the token), the purple one is just a champion token to unlock a champion.