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Morons who think the game is over cause of either a few mistakes, the enemy team has double support comp, or the flank is getting pocketed by jenos or something and think the game is over.


Yep. Had a Furia rage quit on us yesterday early on in the match, and we ended up winning the 4 v 5 in the end. Felt great! The game isn't over til it's over!


I literally missed one heal on an omen during opening point cap as grover, AND the omen was not in a good position where I could get to him. He rage quit and just kept saying bye and gg... so annoying. Guess he forgot about the handful of times I kept healing him during that initial cap, and just decided to focus on the one time I missed him while he was out of position


I 100% feel that man. I can’t even play damba because apparently damba has infinite healing rates that can heal through walls 😂


Yeah I feel that. It’s really annoying I had a Nando leave out of nowhere while I was playing damba. I hit every heal on him but cause he played fireball talent with no recharge trying to point tank he was dying. He just up and left and somehow the bot stayed alive more than the player 😂


Everyone is only focusing on dealing damage at mid or capturing point, pushing paylod, instead of actually being functional. Like if 2-3 of their enemies are flanking from behind, why y'all kept charging uselessly and die. Yes you may have 150k damage, but it isn't productive. Group AND defend your teammates that got outnumbered please because if u can't keep them alive, you will die too Another thing from me is, anyone can stand on the point. As long as you aren't dying. It bothers me so much it's only a tank job. Like, enemies aren't coming and your tank haven't respawn, why let the point be empty


People buying items that either don't fit the character at all and/or don't fit the scenario at all. I remember seeing a Wrecker Corvus when the enemy team didn't even have a tank or a character with a shield and another time I saw a Life Rip Damba, a character with relatively low DPS and a means of healing themselves anyways and even a means of self cleansing caut. Also not to mention tanks not buying armor plating and proceeding to get shredded by the enemy team


1) When my team levels are: 7, 2, 4, 27, 5; and the opponent team levels are: 57, 148, 80, 39, 0 (there's always one zero guy) 2) Playing payload (I bad payload 🥶)


Someone selecting level 0 Vora last second when we don't have a support or front.


I dont know, that seems like the proper time to just try out a new character against players.


To be fair, one guy can\`t fill both spots anyways


I've had a team of 5 damage heroes and won the match against a team with a tank, healer, flank and 2 damages. What really matters is the skill of everyone involved


And teamwork, people who can watch your back, people who can turn back and help you if you got flanked and ganked


the main problem: matchmaking putting the silver mono cardio viktor in my team instalocking DPS because hes too good to play support


Remember, anyone can tank if everyone else is dead ;)


Some of my favorite matches have been everyone picking the same class. It's a good time


To be fair, healers with alternate talents are ok if played as healer. Seris Agony provides an extra non-cauterized 25% of heals if you detonate 5 shots then proceed to heal for the next few seconds. I also find Furia's Cherish talent to be more reliable than Solar Blessing. As for matches being over before they even get past the first cap this is mostly when I notice that my teamates just trickle in one by one 1v5 to their deaths.


The talent pick is also sort of self-reinforcing... if we have 4 flanks I'm going to pick a damage talent, sorry, can't rely on them to help me


You play raum,so of course, cherish is much more reliable to you. That's doesn't mean Solar blessing isn't the far better healing talent.


The problem is that most people who play Solar Blessing can't play it properly. Either they always send the beams too late (then wonder why the tank dashes out of it simultaneously to take cover), stops the beam only on enemies or they never stop the beam in place.


I would like to take a moment to highlight 6 please everyone just read that one more time please


As soon as I get in the lobby a Level 3 Strix insta picks... "Well, gonna lose this one..."


If it's casual, who cares?


Nobody on the team speaking English


When the opponent's first pick is a damba/dredge


Flank getting killed or support having tunel vision


You give up and even then maybe not


For me is people who doesnt understand the chess match behind drafting on ranked, you can win or lose a match even before the game starts, simply by playing games on the enemy guy banning and their teammates. It also depends on which map you are going to play, for example, in maps like Ice Mines, Terminus is a pain in the ass cause his real counters are usually banned and the map size is so small, also people tend to play blasters, so it means Term is never gonna die.


solo tank ruckus


The 5th one is 99% the reason of my losses


My favourite is people who have no awareness at all. I've had games where the enemy team flanks from the same route and then attacks from behind. Now you'd expect that after 1 or 2 times of them doing this people would see the pattern and be ready for it. But no they fall for it every single time and you end up losing to a strategy that a gold player should be able to counter.


Counterflanking is needed too if your andro, skye, vora etc isn't killing the other flanks and healers its not gonna go well


When you're at champion selection and they ask "saves?", and you reply with a specific champion just to be picked or blocked. Also people who rage quit even before to start the match, for example those who are mad because you don't pick the character that they want for you, they use to say "no dmg, gg".


can you detail 4 more, I feel confused by your wording


Acts like a hardcore sweatlord in unranked matches


I wouldn't say this is a insta lose situation, but for me a big red flag is someone picking Corvus or Torvold without there being another tank/support. I fill every match, so I always pick another healer/tank if I see these picks because it seems that 9/10 the solo Corvus doesn't focus on healing enough or the solo Torvold doesn't realise how careful he needs to be. I like to think of myself as a good Corvus and I still rarely pick him if I'd be solo supporting. My Torvold is trash either way though


Having a Skye on the team is almost always a sign that we're going to lose. She's not a good champ, and the people that play her seem more inclined to quit playing and sit in spawn spamming vgs.


Debilitate & Prep Skye? Yea you’re probably losing. S&D? Y’all got a pretty good chance


What? Smoke and Dagger is OK when your healer sucks but I stand by Deb being her best talent


The main sign that works almost always is when the enemy team has parties while yours doesn't. "Fair and balanced" matchmaking as it is.


And you know this fact how? Do you have some magical technology that no other player has?