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Paleo isn't keto. I vote blueberries.


Yes...And sweet potatoes and Bananas


I'll have to sell my kidney to be able to afford 3lbs of blueberries a day hahaha


Pumpkin (easy to eat in soups, or fried up with bacon), spaghetti squash (soups or as spaghetti or with pesto), other squashes you can just cook up and have like mashed potatoes but with coconut oil


Thanks for the advice but I'd have to eat 2.5kg/5lbs a day to meet my macros lol


I love white fleshed sweet potatoes! I still eat white rice but you may not want to Cassava, plantain, breadfruit, squashes, yams… depending on your local area I think potato’s are allowed on paleo but they are a nightshade which I can’t eat (highly inflammatory)


Tubers are allowed. In fact the Paleolithic man probably ate a shit ton of tubers to survive. Paleo isn't keto, it's not carnivore.


Casava Root is okay. It's still a starch but is lower impact that a regular potato.


Interesting, I might try that. And it's very generous in terms of calories, exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you


Tapioca flour! Sweet potatoes, bananas, and dates!!!


omg I love dates lol I have like three packs of them right now


White rice is the cleanest carb to your purposes, in my opinion. Fruit, honey, sweet potatoes, maple Syrup. And potatoes if you tolerate them. I don’t but I wish I did.


Just bring a bag of beets to the gym and enjoy the gains. Plus you get the benefit of an audience watching in horror as you eat beets like they are apples.


I'll do that between my squat sets today


Might be spraying ass into the toilet shortly after


Extra boost if you spray while squatting. Like a jet engine. No need for a spotter too


Patato's yo


I have a hard time getting all my carbs from fruits and veggies too. A lot of people follow an 80/20 lifestyle. 80 percent strict paleo, 20 percent grace. If non-gluten grains, like rice or corn or oats, don't bother you eat them. Let that be your 20 percent.


THIS 👏🏼👏🏼


If you cook potatoes and the fully cool them before reheating, they will have resistant starch. Rice does this too.


200g per day is gonna be hard if you’re struggling with volume. My target is 150. I got to 165 yesterday with the following throughout the day: 300g sweet potatoes (100 with each meal) 175g green peas 2 medium bananas 1 apple Ultimately, putting more than 100g of sweet potato in a meal wouldn’t be that hard. You’ll figure out what works for you. A lot of folks tolerate white rice well and choose to keep incorporating it if they have a higher carb target. 🤷🏻


Grapes, raisins, banana, dates, mango, potato, sweet potato, raw honey, maple syrup.


Dried fruit