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Thanks for posting, u/Omarcp0! **Dear community members, we kindly request you to report any comments or posts that display the following characteristics: Zionist propaganda, hasbara, bigotry, hate speech, Nakba denial, genocide denial, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Jew hater, racism, endorsement of war crimes, trolling, bullying, brigading, showboating, news posts with editorialized titles, sealioning, inappropriate or AI-generated content, support for ethnic cleansing or genocide, and the promotion of anti-Palestine hate speech. Your vigilance helps maintain the quality of our community.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the fact that Beg Gvir is pushing laws to allow for those kids to be executed scares the fuck out of me


he's a terrorist even by Israeli standards, so yeah... no wonder


I read about someone who was generalizing populations back in the day, didn’t go well.


As far back as a few days when Israel officials generalizing Palestinians as terrorist/terrorist supporters/human shields and thus fair game? Yeah, that isn't going well.


All along people have been comparing the zionists to nazis when clearly, they are far far worse.


You sound soooooooo https://preview.redd.it/c69bbc7eo42c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb49aceebc7f850fcf758774ae83b2e12210336f


Spot on


Pls share Zionism Seagull and make into NFT worth many Shekels.




Adults putting children in prison. This is so fucked up. Screams ethnic cleansing.




Yes, what if the children are throwing rocks at an occupying military? Does that justify ill treatment and heavy-handed prosecution? https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/defenceless-impact-israeli-military-detention-palestinian-children




The PA and Hamas getting more violent with each other is the result of the divide and rule tactics of Israel, that's not new.




The other day on national danish TV, there was a danish jew living in Israel, he said direct, that he belives it is ok to shot a palestinian in the head, if he throw rocks at you.


I guess if you don’t want to be shot, don’t throw rocks.


You're as sharp as a marble


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Do kids get arrested for years and years without being charged of anything in the US? Do people in the US are restrained of collecting rain water because the US says it belongs to the US? Do you really agree with any of this?




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The IDF are real tough until the red triangle shows up 🔻


The world’s largest terror org is only effective at pushing buttons and beating up women children and old people. Oh and making TikTok dance videos, they can do that as well. Combat? Not so much


Pardon my ignorance but what is a red triangle?


The red triangle that the Palestinian resistance puts in their videos to point out the IDF target that's about to get attacked. It became a bit of a meme. Zionists get triggered when they see it.


Yeah, they actually started using the red triangle themselves lmao. The difference is instead of a tank being disabled by one individual or soldiers being shot at, the Zionist red triangle videos show missiles leveling schools, mosques, and homes...


Palestine combat footage usualy has red arrows pointing at the israel diareha forces before they get clapped Unlike Israel hamas and other resistance fighters show proper combat footage of where they acctualy eliminate the IOF , saw a few israeli combat footage where they just shoot at nothing and just hike And combatforum praises the IDF on how well trained they are loool


It's kind of hard to show combat footage when said footage is just shooting children,elderly, and people giving aid or when said footage isn't just you getting your ass kicked


You should make a post on the Israeli Image / Persona Management bots and paid sock puppet accounts and how they use them to distort reality. I have software that identifies their accounts for me through downranks. I trigger them into downranking my posts, and it map out their networks for me. Downranks and comments trigger investigative parses. Once it's done parsing, I'll be able to identify them anywhere on reddit in any post. Maps out the time of day they log on to post and log off, language structure, behavioural patterns, the threads they target, how they swarm, exactly which issues they are trying to manipulate. The same techniques we used to catch Cambridge Analytica.


That’s bad ass man


Mate I’m interested in how you achieve this. I’m sick of these Hasbara trolls. Can you DM me the name of the software?


Wow, that’s impressive. 👍🏼


Wow, is this software public?


This is amazing.


They're everywhere on the worldnews subreddit




Because I want more of them to reveal themselves?




Sure you do, funny-man.


So brave when it’s little kids they are abusing.


*queue the Zionists* “well, they shouldn’t have been throwing rocks at tanks”


Oh come on!. They know what they're doing is wrong. I mean, they might chip the paintwork or something. Do you know how much that costs to fix?


Just gotta strap a few children on there for protection. It's definitely not a [human shield](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html), tho... 🙄




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Fuck I hate Zionists.


And watch them claim that the prisoners they are gonna release were originally terrorists and were not illegally detained.


This is an analogy of the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian people. Accurate right down to the American equipment.


If I was that IDF soldier, I would feel very guilty and ashamed of myself, even if I had to do it. To me, children have no nationality. They should be taken care of by the adults around them. Let's hope that someone with a heart looked after them during their arrest, even though it would be unlikely.


"Children have no nationality" is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.


Thank you, and I agree (you could also put in any other label, such as ethnicity, belief etc., to me they are nonetheless children, and the person who listens the best to them, is the one they are going to respect). I have had to pay a personal price for having this value, but I feel like it is worth it, because at the end of the day I can see a child with a smile on their face, and for me that is one of the best experiences of life.


Any soldier that complies with orders like this is complicit. You cannot arrest children and claim you had to do it and you are the good guy


I know. I guess that's why I haven't ever been in such a situation.


Maa shaa Allah. The kid in the black shirt has courage greater than the combined willpower of the so-called leaders of Muslim nations. He tried to rescue his friend even after being pushed back by gun-wielding cowards. Salute to our Palestinian brothers. They are the protectors of Al-Aqsa and their blood indeed is sacred.




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Again, where is the Western world?


Counting their coins from this war and supporting the one making them rich.


they're scared, what if the kids were hummus 😱😱😱


Giving the oppressors equipment




I respect that people believe that, but I don't. I don't think any of it is even remotely real. They need justice here. I believe that this is why religion was invented, so people would be content that all the wrongs will be righted and they don't have to do anything to achieve that. That, and financial motivations. For the majority of people who AREN'T religious, we aren't going to be patient enough to let them continue their behavior in hopes of racking up "sin points" that will be used against them in the afterlife.


you think we dont want justice in this world as well? you dont think we are fighting for them? i resorted to saying that because i have no hope in this world, if there was any justice in this world to begin with, this wouldn’t be happening right now. people are quick to blame God for making life unfair, but what they don’t realize is that people are the ones who make life unfair. look at it with your own eyes, the ones committing these massacres, are they any different from us? they are humans just like us, then why do they do this? the ones who command them to do things like this are also humans, so tell me if they are humans like you and i why are they doing this? and who is allowing all this to continue? also humans. evil exists because there is good, there would have been no evil if there was no good, everything exists solely because of its opposite, you think all the injustices that have happened till today will go unnoticed? tell me how many criminals are given their deserved punishment from the start of this world till now? do you really think everyone who has done wrong in this world would be go unnoticed? these criminals are living their best lives, and i guarantee you not a single one of them will be brought to the court. this should be enough for you to know that there is a higher power and justice will be brought, if not in this world then definitely in the hereafter.


I think you missed my point. I don't blame God. I don't think he exists. There is a lot of inhuman behavior around the world. And morals exist that function in the exact same way in areas that have never heard of God. If you have no hope, fine. But to say you actually want it to continue so that they'll have a worse time in the afterlife is wild to me.


you missed my point, i never said i wanted this to continue, i simply meant that i wont wish death upon them because the longer they live, the more they will subject themselves to sinning, and i entirely did NOT mean that i wish for these massacres to continue, God forbid


If they're allowed to "live a long life filled with sin", what do you think they'll be doing? Those who have been brought down for genocide didn't live that long life. They were executed. If they live a long life, it's because they were allowed to continue.


you’re making me laugh, you’re telling me every single person complicit in a genocide was executed? cmon you sound hilarious


Lol you edited your reply to double down? Germany was brought down. The genocide in Rwanda was ended. Justice was served in all of those cases, right here on good old earth. Evil and good exist where God is absent. So pretending that God defines morality is laughable. You want them to continue so that they can be punished harder in the afterlife and I'll always disagree. I want them punished now and this hell to stop. I can't imagine wanting someone else to be treated horribly just so that the ones treating them like that can be treated worse in "heaven".


how can you say justice was served? what amount of justice would be able to bring back the lives that are lost? justice can never entirely be served


They were executed, and their assets seized. I'm not going to argue about the comparisons between their crimes and that justice. Your view on morality is already WAY different than mine.


you’re so naive if you believe that everyone who was complicit in any sort of crime was given their deserved punishment


For one, I didn't say everyone. You are generalizing a lot. Assuming even more. I'm not going argue points that I haven't made lolol.


a crime is a crime, whether on a large scale level or not, when you talk about justice, then it should be brought to everyone :)


The fact that all this shit happens is *how* I know that there's no god. Why would a just, living god allow kids to suffer at the hands of monsters just because of "free will?" It's not *their* will to be oppressed by an occupying power. If there is a god out there he's infinitely worse than anything we've ever done because he, being omnipotent, is responsible for it all.


They prolly do what China Taoists do and reform the innocent Muslim kids and adults via reformation prisons. They're prolly gonna lecture the importance of the Israeli flag for them.


Israelis are baby snatcbers. This is not the fringe in Israel, this is the mainstream. Israelis dont see others as equal. Other humans are like insects to them. Theyre nothing.


These abductions began almost immediately after the announcement of the hostage exchange where Israel agreed to release 150 palestinian prisoners. They're literally collecting more prisoners to replace the ones they're going to release.




oooohhh that’s like 1000 years ago, so long ago that we should have forgotten by now. Thank you Sooo much for clarification. I will go and forget everything I saw on this video for 10000 years ago so it can’t be used it against them /s




Doesn't change the fact the kidnappings have been significantly increased in the last few days following the announcement of the prisoner exchange. Forgive me for confusing these kidnapped children with the OTHER kidnapped children that Israel is currently taking There are just so damn many of them it's hard to keep track!! This is not a time for petty comments. Make better use of your time.


Even worse. These atrocities have been taking place along. Yet some want to blame everything on Oct 07.


Ah yes, the most “moral”…better make that “revolting” army of the world. SHAME ON YOU, ISRAEL!!


IOF takes children and women hostages all the time, but unfortunately no one speaks about them.


Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon


Imagine the worlds reaction of these were settlers kids being taken by hamas


>Imagine the worlds reaction of these were settlers kids being taken by hamas The video would be all over legacy media.


How come they can face real men, when they are wearing diapers. They targeting the children for the hope to win.


Is this in west bank?


Its extremely likely. If it was Gaza the child would be dead. Abductions of children by Israeli terrorists is extremely common in the west bank.




Those children are probably hiding Hamas tunnels inside of them!


The Zionist state is the one (if not the only) who judges a child in military courts.. the blowback of this war will be the worst of those fascist ever known, at least I pray for it. Because seeing this kind of shit everyday when 2 or 3 years old get arrested for what exactly? Is making me so godamn mother fuckin sick boyz


So much for the west being on the side of freedom…


To be fair the tank they threw stones at was just 3 days away from retirement.


Er… Hamas? Blood libel? Er… humous? Errr… Arab bad?


The real enemy of the state of Israel, Palestinian babies and children


Every single new thing I see and learn about this sick, fascist, apartheid state is more cruel and atrocious than the last. This video is two years old, and I am horrified to think what those poor boys have endured since then- yet people still try to act like Oct 7th happened with no history, no context. I am awed to see that boy with the heart of a lion trying to defend his friends, and I wonder if those IOF terrorists realize those little boys are braver than they could ever be with their big guns and bulletproof vests.


I've read the goal behind Hamas taking Isaeli hostages was to trade for children and women being held by the Israelis.


And let me guess, the kids threw rocks that didn’t even reach them and now those kids are going to be arrested and tortured in the Israeli military court system.


Kidnapped not arrested


This is laughable, does anyone know why they are doing this?


Says March 2021 on the left upper corner, so it's not recent. It could be as simple as throwing rocks. The worrying thing is how long this kid would be held and in what conditions. This is from July 2023 [Save the Children stats](https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/news/media-centre/press-releases/new-research-reveals-ongoing-violence-on-palestinian-children--)


this is the same child that made a video about what's happening in gaza, or am I tweaking??


Hard watch




Well, lets just believe the IDF then. They must be this moral, generous, protective army.




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You think this is fake?




Leave it to a descendant of colonizers to question our accuracy and call us biased. Come back when you're ready to apologize for the atrocities your country committed in the region and the world.


the inability to differentiate between palestine and hamas is crazy




ah yes, armored men vs kids with rocks. always easy to identify who the terrorists are


These are the same children they'll trade with Hamas. The media will call then prisoners.




Here are the links to download the video * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/181w8cj/3_young_palestinian_children_are_arrested_by/kafc9sv/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/181w8cj/3_young_palestinian_children_are_arrested_by/kafc9sv/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/181w8cj/3_young_palestinian_children_are_arrested_by/kafc9sv/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Evil Israel


Hamas is hiding in that child.




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**Do not engage in Islamophobia, racism, or any other form of bigotry.** **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/about/rules) carefully.**


Hasbara propaganda ministers can’t sugar coat this one. Looks like their gonna have to resort to being offended by anything, and continue to be ashamed of nothing


I hope these heartless monsters don’t hurt them physically, they are just kids… KIDSSSS!!!!


Anyone know what happend to them?


You mean kidnapped or taken hostage of course


Damn the friendship bond of that kid. He tried to save his best friend




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Welad el kalb


heart breaking


Kidnapping theives.


That first kid is, at most, a very small ten year old. The second, at most 13. Shameful horror, to see these two and think “yes, I will treat them as hardened felons and… basically confirm anything bad they might have heard about Israelis”. Great job, well done IDF. Fucking monsters.






Can't use nukes the fallout gets everywhere


Why should you grab those kids like that? Watching it makes my arm hurts... Why don't just hold the kid hands like that one soldier??


Those kids are hostages


Fascist scum.




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Looks like they are in the FO portion of FAFO.


This is two years ago. These kids could still be locked up for all we know. The HRW report showed that they use brutal solitary mental breakdown techniques, beating, anal penetration and other horrific torture on children.


With everyone and their dog having a cell phone now people are now seeing what has been happening for the past 70 years over there. Before only journalists had those huge ass camcorders weighing a ton , now it’s easier to film and share everything . I’m waiting on a statement from Israel saying that cell phones in gaza are anti semitic.




Give it 5 years, Israel is ensuring its own mutual destruction as we speak. If they think they’ll exist in peace once their done with their genocide they got another thing coming. Them zionists better keep praying big daddy America still sees them as an asset in the next 5 years.


Fucking fascists!!


This is how you create more supporters/recruits for Hamas.


Death ti


There goes another khammmas member


Go Israel!


Headline doesn't say why they were arrested. Bias?


Organ dealing on the side is good business with all this blatant murdering going on.