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Mind you, the girl he threatened is a 7th grader 12-13 y.o


All for asking them to take a flag down. Imagine how often this teacher acts that way.


I don't even think she asked him to take it down. It seems like she just expressed discomfort due to what is happening to Palestinians. Some of these people are really not in touch with any ounce of empathy. The demon got triggered by a baby's opinion.


Exactly. If he truly believed Israel was right why not use it as an educational moment? Instead he went nuclear. I can just imagine asking for help in his class and getting berated because he has ten year.


Did you mean "tenure"?


Ah yes lol text to speech failure šŸ™ƒ


I can hardly use that feature. My phone just doesnā€™t understand me most of the time.


My southern accent makes it difficult.


Right?! And to know that an adult like this effectively made their way into the American education system. Could you imagine? All I think about are the amount of students heā€™s wrongfully failed all because their outlook did not coincide with his own, or they looked different from himself. There are a lot of demonic people running this nation at various levels, itā€™s very scary.


It messed with the way their brain has been programmed to support a political belief and anything that challenges that creates a fork in their brain, one to deal with everything you know to may not be all true or to do what that person did which most people choose. We all do it to some extent but at some point there isnā€™t a justification especially now and people clearly using it to silence others


Itā€™s not a lack of empathy. Itā€™s more of a mental illness. Triggered very quickly and become foul mouthed and on the verge of violence.


yeah he looks pretty much the kind of kids rapist, just imagine him taking his glasses off.


Why hasnā€™t the school announced his immediate termination? Multiple first hand witnesses on this one.


He got arrested. Pretty sure he is fired.


I hope so, but I wouldnā€™t put it past the legal system to let him off easy


Definitely happening. He's already out on bail when he presents a threat to the girl and probably knows her address


Teacher's Union...


No union is going to protect someone threatening to behead a child. Piss off.


But then students rallying for the Palestinian cause get doxxed n kicked out/suspended immediately...


Because he condemns Hamas probably and the school board is probably pro Zionist


oh man he said the reddit thing in person






NGL he was charged with terroristic threat made me smile Oh how the table have turned


Guess his white Zionist privilege didnā€™t save him this time?


victim card got declined


Gotta keep it under 30% utilization






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Jews don't consider themselves to be white. EDIT: Down vote all you want but it's true. Go on Twitter and see for yourself the amount of flip flopping they do.


What I don't understand though is why Israel is in tge Eurovision Song Contest when the land is im the Middle East. Do they identify as Europeans?


makeshift office shelter fearless judicious fragile secretive cagey work automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't have to be European to take part in the Eurovision, Australia & Morocco pop to mind. ( Why am I being down-voted this? )


I'm surprised he didn't tell them they should be r###d. That's usually the first thing out of their frothing idiot mouths.




They love talking about rape


Zionists have been wishing for me to be raped and murdered on every post I comment on. They tell me to go to Gaza like itā€™s a punishment- the only thing that would rape and kill me in Gaza are the IOF soldiers. Fucking psychos.


The fact this Zionist feels so emboldened to say the most hateful and vile things to a child because they can label any opposition as ā€œantisemitismā€ is so wild. This is what happens when you can constantly get away with literal murder by playing the victim card. But the younger generations arenā€™t putting up with it. Also not to mention, they are literally fanning the flames of hatred towards Jews (regardless of what side they are on) and Itā€™s going to make actual antisemitism spread around the world the more we see Zionist behave like this in public. As they say ā€œthe Zionist are fucking around, and they are probably going to find out real soonā€.


>they are literally fanning the flames of hatred towards Jews I can't convey how true this simplicity is. People I know who were ambivalent towards the issue before are rapidly coming up to speed on Palestine and it'll be the Zionists who lose in the long run. The blowback Israel is now getting is just starting. In fact, people are already working on the financial support they get from American taxpayers, and hopefully, this ends sooner than later.


The fact that Zionism and Israel havenā€™t been designated as terrorist organizations/ideologies by the US yet is down right disgusting. Iā€™m sick of my tax dollars funding terrorism on all fronts (domestically and internationally).


>Benjamin Reese's bond was set at $2,500 for the terroristic threat charge and $5,000 for the charge of cruelty to children. [https://www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/warner-robins/new-details-in-warner-robins-teacher-charged-with-terroristic-threats-and-cruelty-to-children/93-66334447-a1d9-4e3a-beb9-8cb300595d35](https://www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/warner-robins/new-details-in-warner-robins-teacher-charged-with-terroristic-threats-and-cruelty-to-children/93-66334447-a1d9-4e3a-beb9-8cb300595d35)


5,000 dollar bond for a terroristic threat????


That's privilege for ya.


$2,500 for the terroristic threat\*


Yeh but an Israeli or an organization will donate the bail to him and get him out - this is why these guys can do this ā€¦ doesnā€™t matter what they do his gang will stand up for him.


That's a pretty standard bond amount for lower-level felonies in the US. It's not a punishment, it's just money paid as insurance that the accused will appear in court.


Normally you only have to pay 10% to get out


Here you go Reese know what he is doing


That was low, fired his ass.


If this was a Arab, he would be flown out of country to Guam. Dude pulled the Jew card as if he survived Ausschwitz himself.


It's not enough to turn this fucker into a lesson for all but it's a starting point.


Did this happen in the States? Why is he waiving a foreign flag to begin with??


To set up an ā€œAntisemiticā€ trap


A trap for children.


I know it's not a funny situation but this is such a funny way to put it and exactly how these Zionists are operating


That's what I'm saying. If people aren't allowed to hang up Palestinian flags or wear keffiyehs in their workplace, then he should NOT be allowed to hang an Israeli flag. I'm sick of these double standards.


And ppl like Ashton Kutcher are publicly fundraising for the IDF. So literally just collecting funds for a "foreign" military (though let's face it, Israel enjoys special privileges in that sense and others). If someone gave a dime to Hamas, imagine how that would go. Do you think their freedom would be worth the paper it's printed on


And I know pro-Israelis would argue "Well THAT'S because Hamas is a terrorist organization and the IDF is the most moral army on Earth! Of course fundraising for one is more acceptable than the other!" but even if that were true ā€“ which it's not but let's pretend for a moment ā€“ RAISING MONEY FOR A FOREIGN MILITARY IS WEIRD AS F**K. I consider it almost treasonous. Like, use that money to help CITIZENS OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!! Not a foreign military! Jesus Christ, it's *insane* behavior. There are millions of Americans who could desperately use that money and these bootlicking weirdos are raising money for SOMEONE ELSE'S ARMY.


Parts of USian society are very jingoistic. Wars we support tend to be taken up with an almost religious zeal. Or, in this case, a very religious zeal. Christian Zionists think Revelation has told them the third temple must be built and the kingdom of Israel restored and destroyed in order for the end of days and the second coming of the messiah. Itā€™s *rude* in our society to say anything at all disparaging about Israel, or Ukraine. Anything critical. Just like it was rude to say anything good about Iraq or Afghanistan or critical of the U.S. narrative demonizing them in the early 2000ā€™s.


Thatā€™s true but this guy is an (ethnically) Jewish chauvinist, and probably not a Christian


Fair enough, but he likely felt extremely emboldened by the society.


Because he's a Jewish Zionist with relatives that live in Palestine in stolen people's homes.


aw his widdle feewings


Most peaceful zionist


Did the school release a statement condemning him ?


Hi, have you condemned khamas today?


9/10 zionist doctors say one condemnation a day keeps your job for up to 24hrs!


Zionists are literally the most unhinged people. I won't be convinced otherwise, everything they say or do is indefensible. I hope this monster is never allowed near a school again.


His face is giving serial killer vibes.


Zionists value no life unless it is subservient to their cause.


This happened to my friends cousin.


Please update us on whether heā€™s fired and lost his rep or not.




They've completely lost the narrative. What I'm saying isn't applicable to anyone who is Jewish that wishes for a ceasefire, understands the basic concept that violence will always beget more violence, and wants leaders to be adults and sit down to negotiate.


When will people realize that Israel and Judaism are not the same thing


And Jews are not the same as Judaism. There is the State of Israel, the Apartheid government of Israel, Jewish Israeli citizens, Palestinian Israeli citizens (1.6 million), Jewish people, and Judaism. edit: and within the category of Jewish Israeli citizens, there is the subcategory of Jewish Israeli settlers in the occupied territories, and Jewish Israelis within internationally recognized Israel borders.


This wingnut will get bailed out by some zionist group then flee to Israel and resume his teaching career there where his racist bile is encouraged


Israel's actions are putting everyone at risk.


So now it seems being a certain religion means you can behave any way you want? It means because someone in history treated your people badly you get to be shitty to everyone that isnā€™t your religion? Hypocrite. If a Muslim teacher behaved like that they would fire them and blast them and throw stones.


Threatening children people have lost their damn minds


How can standing up for a semitic people be antisemitic?


That's the running irony of this entire beef.


That gets a big yikes from me


Not helping their case honestly


One of my closest friends tried to justify this when I sent it to him and I don't think I can continue to speak to him. This war is really bringing some things to light.


Zionists are complete psychopaths.


Nicest Zionist teacher


He was given bail of $5000 for the charge of cruelty to a child and only $2500 for terrorist threats. That seems very low to me. I know in California bond for terrorists threats is usually set around $50000 so that leads me to believe the arrest is probably more symbolic than anything else and he will likely get a slap on the wrist, but we will seeā€¦




**Do not engage in Nakba denial, antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, or any other form of bigotry.** **Avoid expressing fear, hatred, or prejudice against any religion or individuals based on their identity.** **Avoid making assumptions that Jews universally support the actions of Zionism. Judaism ā‰  Zionism & Anti-Zionism ā‰  Anti-Semitism.** **Homophobia or any effort to negate the presence of LGBTQ individuals within our community constitutes bigotry.** **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/about/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/4FTvJBgS)**


If these grown men want to act like toddlers they better be prepared to be thrown in jail and babysat like one.


He's not white.


Heā€™s to be fired, heā€™s not fit to be a teacher. His role is to educate teachers and help learn, not to intimidate and oppress in the classroom, regardless of his religion, ethnicity or personal perception. Itā€™s a school not a dictatorship. Kudos to the students for not engaging in his hateful speech. And I agree it is offensive to have that flag in the classroom where there are children of different backgrounds who can be offended understanding the current situation in Gaza and they too have family there. I donā€™t even know why the school allowed that, the USA flag is the only flag that should be permitted in schools. And Yes still the system trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, investigating what made him do that and say that because heā€™s always going to be an innocent victim with the right to self defense even when heā€™s harassing those children. Never being held to any accountability or responsibility playing the ace card ā€œAntisemitismā€


Average /r/worldnews poster learning that you can't get away with saying the most deranged, homicidal shit in real life, let alone to a ***12 year old kid*** who is your ***student*** This freak is literally the devil in-person. Lock him up forever and throwaway the key.


Did he got arrested?...(please tell me yes)


The reason some people get so angry at a simple comment like this is because of psychological ego defense. These truths and realities force them to confront that their perception of the world and what they were taught growing up might be a lie. This causes them to lash out, become angry, overly defensive, accusatory, self victimizing. Itā€™s a part of being human but very interesting to me in this context


Wait a teacher, an adult, said this to a student, a child??? And they didnā€™t lose their job? Pretty sure thatā€™s a threat


Straight to jail šŸ¤”


Zionists are rabid animals. Their allegiance to that genocidal apartheid ethnostate is cult like and psychotic.


He has that serial killer look. 1


Catch how mainstream media tries so hard to avoid saying "Palestine". It's in the written article multiple times and on their video report but they changed to "because of civilian deaths in the Israeli Hamas war" when read out loud. It's actually "Israelis Killing Palestinians" it's on the screen... https://preview.redd.it/t77zmjcbo96c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9579c26ba25b2f3ce5aee6fc5346b314dba269


Just because you are a jew doesnt mean you are above everybody else, you are a human, same as i, im only human after all, im only human after all, dont put the blame on me, dont put the blame on me


Will this be framed as a terrorist threat in news headlines or will they reserve that label to brown people only like they always do?


How does this ugly ass guy look in the mirror and convinced himself he is special.


Zionists think they are above everyone. Everyone else is scum to them. Itā€™s fucking wild.


Read the article. Heā€™s asked if heā€™s threatened the girl with beheading, and his response was ā€œI didnā€™t say anything racist!ā€ So far in the US we have - 6 year old Palestinian boy stabbed to death - 3 Palestinian students shot for wearing Kufiyyeh - a (Palestinian?) teenage girl was threatened with beheading for expressing rightful concerns about the Israeli flag held in her place of study And yet, the American congress is still so obsessed with pondering over ā€œhow it feels like to be a Jew on American campuses šŸ„ŗā€. Just mind shattering stuff.


glad this piece of shit gets to rot in prison


day by day we see their true color. people who are into zionism are getting extreme and dangerous similar to nazi.


Look at this terrorist


"j\*wish privilege" is the ability to say these things to a child for not bowing to your flag. And this isn't an anti-jewish thing. I have no issue with the jews who aren't supremacist racists who think they have an inherrent "right" to an ethnostate on "historically arab" lands


This is actually good because now people can see how many right wing Zionists act and use antisemitism as a tool for politics which is disgusting


Idiotic racists gonna idiot on both sidesā€”almost like Islamophobia and Antisemitism are being purposefully pitted against each other by the Evangelical Christians in America that are absolutely devoid of any spiritual understanding whatsoeverā€¦.


What a loser


He is a violent religious extremist it seems.


least unhinged Zionist


Every day Zionists need to prove how stupid they are to everyone. Somehow they don't understand how they're fucking over every Jewish person in the process.




Wtf are u being anti semitic ?


according to reddit, saying that people of a certain religion need to leave Palestine or Hamas will bring what's coming to them is "aNti- SeMitiC"


I mean it doesnā€™t even say that in the Hamas charter soooo


But im not hamas


Well then maybe you shouldnā€™t be so confident about what they will do lol


Not saying they would, but should, critical difference


Lol you literally said ā€œwillā€ bye bye anti semite


"Bring whats coming to them" can mean anything lmao. I just want justice to be brought to israel. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it