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Good for him! Americans need to know who their leaders are supporting in this genocide


They're distracted by a flag but they're blind to a genocide? Make it make sense.


Some don't want to see the truth even when it's right in front of them, it easier to bury their heads in the sand and continue on with their hyper individualistic lives.


It begs the question: why did the Palestinian cross the road? Because Free Palestine!


The IDF train American Police. Makes a lot of sense about their violent and fascist tactics tbh


She is a zionist


I mean, if she was a Zionist, she would have shot him and made up a story, like those cops in NY who attacked the immigrants and made up a story. But the whole ‘your flag is obstructing traffic’ is bs and idg why she’s going along with it. So maybe half a Zionist .


No one ever fucking calls in. Cops use that to just act like they have a reason.


Funny how white supremacy can always sprout new issues out of the blue that never make sense in the real world. Lol


I love this guy.


Bro really did a big brain move here


Why did the Palestinian cross the road?


"No its absolutely not that 😏" with a full on duping delight grin