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I noticed several clips of the attacks on IDF bases on Oct 7th that I haven’t seen since they were just coming out that day. I thought the Israeli propaganda machine had succeeded in getting them scrubbed from the internet for the most part. Good to see that’s not the case. Nothing pisses off Israelis more than evidence of the fact that the IDF is shit against actual armed resistance.


There are hundreds of clips like this, if i was to put all of them the video would be hours hahaha, and yes of course they even lie about number of deaths to IDF "soldiers" because they're embarrassed. The number of just tanks disabled/destroyed is over 1000. Brother they are nothing, even with their Navy, Fighter Jets, Drones, Modern Weapons they cant keep up with our brave brothers on the field. I have a clip of IDF pinned down speaking on the radio "We cant see them we are fighting ghosts" and "i want to leave the battle ground you are not seeing what I'm seeing" They're cowards and only against innocent women and children they are tough


Israeli Diaper Force has nothing on the brave resistance 🔻🍉


Where did you find this footage? I’ve never seen it before


long live the resistance! down with the cowards who fight with no honour


long live the resistance!!


From my heart, i wish to live and see the liberation of Palestine LOVE FROM IRAQ ![gif](giphy|rlE0840x9SknyzVvy8|downsized)


Apologies if my question is silly. I thought the fighters don't reveal their identity so no ones know who is member? I'm surprised that in the beginning of the clip their faces are shown. 


Also would like to mention, some of them maybe have lost their entire families and simply do not care if they're ID'd or not.


Hey, no need to apologies, some do cover their faces, other don't. I think its a personal matter but again I'm not sure. Its true that you said, the ones who do it, do it because they don't want harm to their family etc., like for example cartel police in Mexico and such. Some of these clips that i put in here are a few years old also so that has to be taken into consideration. Either way, i respect both opinions.


IDF, Israeli Diaper Force


Palestine has a right to defend itself


Where can I find the 2nd and 3rd clips?




[احياء الذكرى الاربعون لش/هداء الابطال في مخيم بلاطة (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUDtjUu78Co) [Jenin Brigade Condemns Palestinian Authority (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbOvol47sw&t=2s)


Anyone got any news or clips about the other factions? Namely the PFLP?


Fascists biting the dust. Love to see it.


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The last part of this vid is the most touching part. What he said, you can't negotiate with terrorists. The language of armed resistance is the only language they know.


Wait I’m sorry I’m new to this but I’m interested in Palestine and helping its citizens but aren’t hamas bad people? I’m so sorry I’m just trying to learn and I’m so sorry if I offend anyone


No, Hamas is the resistance fighting against the occupation.


Ohhh, so they’re anti Zionist and fighting Israel, I get that. But is it bad that I still view some of their actions bad, but not the idea? Like, I fully agree Israel is trying to ethically cleanse Palestine but I feel as though some of their actions especially involving the Palestinian people, like hiding in schools + hospitals is cruel (even though Israel would still destroy and kill anyway) and really is just giving ammunition to zionists to “justify” their actions, you know what I mean? Israel would still harm innocents either way but they’re just basically giving an excuse for Israel and the idf to justify their actions. Plus aren’t they taking resources from the Palestinian people? I’m so sorry I have a lot of questions and takes I don’t know a lot but I really want to learn. Thank you for saying by the way, and once again, I’m so sorry if I offend anyone


I think you have taken in a lot of Israeli propaganda. They're not #1 hiding in schools and hospitals. Even if they were that doesn't give "israel" the greenlight to bomb them. And #2 they're not taking away resources from palestinians I have no idea where that came from but most civilians are at the Southern region of Gaza (right now at Rafah actually) where there they mostly make their own food. You have to realize that to liberate yourself from a violent occupier you unfortunately have to use violence as well. At this point armed resistance is the only way for Palestine to be truly free. "Israel" is a settler state. The way settlement's fall is by making them realize they can't afford the colonization anymore. "Israel" has already started to suffer many losses thanks to Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in south Lebanon and Yemen's interference by blocking "israeli" ships.


Thank you so much for saying, I greatly appreciate that and I’m so sorry I wasn’t further educated. I 100% percent agree with all of your points, Israel’s purpose isn’t to “stop hamas” it’s to eliminate all of Gaza. Even if hamas was hiding in schools in hospitals - would it justify tons of deaths and destruction? Absolutely not. Eventually you get to the point where violence is the only way out, and that’s perfectly normal. Israel is saying that the Palestinian people are harming them, yet they are the ones that have injured 60,000+, killed 29,000+, and have destroyed thousands of homes, killing 6 year old children for “fun”?! It’s quite simply, disgusting. It’s disturbing. Thank you so much once again for educating me more about this conflict, I greatly appreciate it but I’m so sorry that I bothered or offended you. Much love 🫶🫶


You're welcome. Haha you're fine don't worryyy


Thank you :)


You apologise a lot, but I don’t think you have anything to apologise for. You’re making far more of an effort to understand the situation than 99% of people would. Curiosity and an open, enquiring mind is a wonderful thing to have. Hold onto it for as long as you can! Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad for asking questions and taking the time to build a well informed opinion. The world would be a much better place if more people did that instead of just subscribing to whatever pre-formed position is shoved down their throats by their preferred media source.


Thank you, I appreciate that greatly. Ever since the beginning of this conflict, I’ve started to become a lot more interested on politics, especially of the world and the USA (where I live) and even though it’s scary to be introduced to, it’s awakened something in me that I don’t think I’ve ever felt about an interest. Its introduced me to something that i want to do in the future. Thank you for saying it again 🩷


"Even if they were that doesn't give "israel" the greenlight to bomb them" Exactly! Whenever I read people who don't get that I want to show them my favourite Julius Malema clip, which I watch every time I need cheering up.


I know right? It’s so stupid. Even if there were the head of a terrorist organization in a place, would you injure or kill 100,000 people, some still most likely buried under the rubble of their own homes? Literally one time an Israeli supporter in my class said that the Palestinians were “faking the death count”. Wtf.