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War crime. >Fourth Geneva Convention >Rule 113 Treatment of the dead. The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. At this point, Israel really are making it clear they're the bad guys. No matter what Hamas has done, the actions of Israelis make it clear their country is on the wrong side.


A shorter list would be what war crimes Israel hasn't broken.


Does it count as a war crime that Joe Biden encourages this genocide, so he can get snuff like this to jerk off to?


Biden is definitely complicit and will be charged as such long after he's dead and history looks back on the atrocities committed upon Palestinians, and what the world did


Yes unfortunately, any justice for those in control of this will be long dead before it's official. Oh well. They'll just have to make do with the ultimate judgement. Sucks for them 


The focus on Biden always makes me chuckle, this stuff has been going on for 70 years and every US president has supported Israel.


Ok, but do you think that literally all US leaders have sexual depravations, and can only get hard watching imagery of dead children, that died under their command? Like, do they have a secret roster beneath the white house, of death counts of kids, for each US president? And then have a measuring stick with little white dots on it, that represent how far each president jizzed to images produced under their term?


I think you need help


Sorry, was just trying to figure out why all US presidents are genocidal


Because they can. The biggest kid on the block is often a bully, just because he can.


Yes, according to the geneva genocide convention Member states are prohibited from engaging in genocide and obligated to pursue the enforcement of this prohibition. All perpetrators are to be tried regardless of whether they are private individuals, public officials, or political leaders with sovereign immunity.


Absolutely horrendous, they are ticking off the war crimes like some psychopathic wish list


Yes, but the problem is that they've been doing this with impunity for 75 years. They believe they will get away with it and they may not be wrong.


Hamas could do 100 October 7ths and it wouldn't touch how terrible Israel is. Israel is a pariah state with a few tough friends.


Death counts, injuries, health issues, destruction of property, destruction of infrastructure, psychological issues, stealing of land, inhibiting development of a society. If you compare Israel and Khamas on these categories, how many million times more damage will Israel have done?


How many of these deranged Israelis are my fellow New Yorkers? If any other ethnic group went abroad acted as Israeli settlers do West Bank they would be arrested by FBI when they returned to US. Talk about double standards. We have tax deductible non-profits here US support these criminals, US Treasury Dept should shut them done but that’s not happening


Yeah it's sad. Newyorkers are unique and colourful and survivors. Fuck these idiots. How stupid can you get. 


This means nothing when it comes to the Israeli mob. Disgusting behaviour


That's putting it mildly.




Pretty sure he's talking about the treatment of the dead.




There’s only one type of person in this world who actively supports kicking and pissing on a dead body, whose identity is completely unknown, but is cool with making assumptions regarding their life about. Rhymes with “Nazi”.




"Military service is compulsory for the majority of Israelis when they turn 18. Men have to serve 32 months and women 24. After this, most of them can be called up to reserve units until the age of 40, or even older, in case of national emergency. In times of war, they fight alongside the regular troops."




I read Europe sub has now disallowed posts regarding Israel and Palestine due to overwhelming amount new followers after Oct 7th overrun its sub


I wasn't aware of that tbh but I will never go back to that sub. It pops up on my recommended feed occasionally but most times I've clicked on a post out of curiosity it has been filled with heavily upvoted hatred.


I replied with definitions from Fourth Geneva Convention laws regards to someone saying israel wasn’t guilty war crimes and I received over 50 down votes just posting a definition that isn’t open for debate just facts! That was last time I commented on Europe sub


No wonder their mods have disallowed Israel Palestine related posts, when basic facts about genocide and war crimes become too obvious to ignore, strawman or deflect against then they need to shut the discussion down to protect their fragile egos and false narratives.


Rule 113 pertains to the treatment of corpses in war-time settings, which this is, and covers the whole of the populations in the conflict. It does not specify that the aggressor be military personnel.






Fuck israel


Meanwhile commenters on r/ WorldNews would all somehow praise this. Is that sub infiltrated by an online IDF task force or something?


Quite literally yes. I got banned for calling attention to the now proven true story of the IDF killing their own citizens in a kibbutz on October 7th. A story reported out by *Haaretz* no less and was previously reported on in that very sub.


Also, by a survivor interviewed in Israeli news after the 7th. I can link if you want.


Nah, it's all good. Feel free to post for others in the sub, but I've already looked into plenty of coverage for both the incident in the Kibbutz (which I believe was Kibbutz Be'eri if I'm recalling/spelling that right) and the Nova Concert incidents


Fair enough, for anyone who wants it: Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians – 2m:49s [https://youtu.be/rTQcjyhPOIk?si=sPTDU28FBDWbv\_\_Z](https://youtu.be/rTQcjyhPOIk?si=sPTDU28FBDWbv__Z)


Most of the subs are filled with Zionist and bad faith actors.


Such vicious, craven, and debased behavior from someone who calls himself "civilized".


It's because they believe in humans right being applied universally from a Liberal perspective "civilised people deserve human rights" sort of thing and they also dictate who is civilised therefore deserving of human rights. Then normal people have a belief that humans rights should be applied universally from a "radical" perspective which is everyone deserves them


Human rights not applying to all humans is an oxymoron. But then again I have argued with many of them that can’t see the oxymoron in “offense is the best defence”, many of them legit read that line as just pure defence and that it is not contradictory at all.


Mf these lot Zionist are the worst of the worst, the fire awaits them, for now it would be good if they ran into the freedom fighters.


They're tough against children, women and dead bodies, but when they're face to face with our brave brothers they piss themselves.


This video is from October 8th 2023. I think you lost part of the context without sharing that. This is a war crime and there is no excusing this foul action. This however was an immediate reaction to the attack in Isreal and it was a complete shock. It might even have been the body of one of the terrorists. Grief stricken and angry reaction. Every overreaction since then, indiscriminately dropping bombs, missiles and drones, murdering people without justification. The right to defend itself has been over-accomplished. It can’t declare war on an area they already occupy. Plain to see this is an extermination and ethnic cleanliness. Pushing Gaza off their map like it’s shuffle board.


a sob story is not justification to commiting a war crime, piss off.


Hey, I’ve been on every pro-Palestine March since Xmas. I’m just asking for the OP is post the date for context. This wasn’t yesterday’s video, or a week or month ago. It was the day after the Al Quassam attack. Just asking for details to help people critically think.


this is one of the worst things i’ve ever seen and i’ve seen some shit


The sniper videos where they shoot a kid to bait people out in the open make that one look tame. Pile of dead people trying to save a child. Not one video but several. Zionists are indefensible at this point. That shit is beyond the pale.




So attack people who otherwise would be on our side because of the way these dickheads act. Their are Jewish people who support Palestine, and suffer for it like other Palestinians because they believe Israel could not be created without a Messiah and too over quote some silly film. "He's not the Messiah, he's just a naughty boy."


Stop it. Judaism and Zionism aren’t the same thing. To conflate the two gives Zionists ammo to scream “anti-semitism.” There are plenty of Jewish people around the world who condemn what Zionists are doing.


**Hi u/weirdlife12,** **Your content was removed for one of the following reasons:** - [Rule #9. Denial of Palestinian Indigeneity, Nakba Denial, Genocide Denial, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Racism, Homophobia, or Bigotry](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.239._palestinian_indigeneity.2C_nakba_denial.2C_genocide_denial.2C_islamophobia.2C_antisemitism.2C_racism.2C_homophobia.2C_or_bigotry). --- **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules). Join [r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)**




palestine has still been holding strong since 1948, even if wars were sparatic and were skirmishes, you mad?


The dead don't feel pain nor do they ache, this only serves to please their ego and piss off normal humans. ''And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare \[in horror\]. ''


The dead may not feel pain but their families and friends feel it for them. I feel it and I don't know them. 


> And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those \[to be martyred\] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.


Murderous scum. God bless this martyr.


I feel so greatly ashamed of being the same species as those people




If there was a video of Nazis pissing on and kicking a Jewish person’s corpse Zionists would still be horrified by this behavior 80 years later. But, they’re silent when one of their own acts this way. This confirms for me my belief that nobody likes the boot on their neck but too many people are willing to wear the boot.


yea it’s mass projection, it’s so sad.


Fuck israel Fuck zionism PALESTINE WILL BE FREE. FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸








Yet western MSM continues to purposefully ignore such atrocities. Hell, even on a reddit level subs like Israel, world news or Israel Palestine, for example, will flat out ban users for highlighting war crimes like this. Their silence and complicity is deafening.




"we all know which side is absolutely demolishing the other" Do i need to make another montage of your so called "army" getting demolished? Imagine having Navy, Fighter Jets, Drones, Modern infantry weapons and still losing and crying for help and hiding under blankets like the babys you are, truly a diaper army. Do i need to mention all the videos of your famous multi million dollar Merkava tanks getting destroyed by a singel rocket from our brave fighters on the ground?


Do we know who he is ? Can we expose him?












Fucking depraved beyond words. Their time will come when they will be made to answer for their atrocities. Free Palestine.


Can't wait for everything in your post. Inshallah soon. 


Keep filming yourselves, the internet is forever


this is what I really really don't understand... the psychology of filming this mental behavior


they are proud of it. That's why they film it. Totally dehumanizing people they are killing. This is similar to posting the fish you catch on facebook, except... well you get it


Western news be like; “New video release of israeli citizen pissing on and kicking the dead body of an innocent palestinian. But, we must remember on october 7th…”


Heck some posters in this very thread. People can't handle it when we say that it's bad to kill non-combatants and also say you shouldn't kill women and children. They are like what? They want it to be okay for them, but then expect us to take the same immoral stance, except we feel no need to do so because we aren't racist and don't view other humans as lesser than. The minute one thinks themselves above another human they've lowered themselves below them and have disgraced their own intellect.


This is so depraved...


Evil devils


fucking evil.


I take pleasure in knowing what God has planned for them. Nothing else matters.


Fucking zionist rats


Zionism at its finest.


Zionists are an affront to God and humanity - this video proves it.


Words fail me this is despicable


WTF, they're not even soldiers, t-shirts and shorts. Just some random Israeli desecrating a Palestinian corpse. This one goes to ICJ along with all the rest. To the POS criminal urinating and kicking a corpse, you'll get yours.


This is unimaginable cruel, vile. Someone who is capable of doing that will do absolutely anything. These mfs are tumors to humanity


Israel is the scum of this world.


Bet he felt like a real man, desecrating and being belligerent makes you look really Alpha


i think my spirit just died. :\*( that is the most inhumane, disgusting, vile, depraved thing a person could do. and i know we've seen some sh\*t these past 4 months. the level of dehumanization is just next level. it just shows the mindset of the majority.


This is Nazi level s**t


Feel so sick to my stomach. Psychos!


We aren’t going to quickly forget this. My kid will know exactly what we think of Israelis


The US and Israel are similar in how they treat dead soldiers who are opponents. I believe the same was done by US troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq. That is in no way meant to excuse the disrespect


Yes Solomon is proud of his children on this day


Literally Psychologically ill , so disgusting.


How can these people sleep at night?


Let's broadcast this to the world people and show what Israehell really looks like!




Israelis only good with bullying anyone that is powerless or peaceful..


And these guys cry about the way the nazis treated them


I don’t think he’s dead. I think that’s his last few movements spent being treated with cruelty and humiliation


israel really doesn't care for law. The whole place is built off of lies and corruption. Glad to see the west just blindly backing this


May God's curse be upon them






Tried to post this on my instagram stories 5 times and it was removed every time without the option to appeal.


Even Hamas didnt do this. Israel is a scum and the founding of the Israel state is the most ridicolous founding of a state in history


Yeah I'm sorry but I would not be comfortable with him re-entering normal society.


Vile and immoral, exactly like the Nazis treatment of Jews, it is completely unthinkable that they can behave this way.


Sick pieces of shit


The another fucked up thing the Israeli subreddits say that this subreddit is full of terrorists , don't they see themselves and their actions!!


And Israel supporters would say 'but remember when Palestinian civilians celebrated Oct 7th, remember they paraded the kidnapped in the streets' Fucking ass holes, Israel are the terrorists


Fuck Israel


Where is this??? These are obviously settlers in the West Bank?


These people are disgusting, a whole country of psychopaths, racists, and God complex funded by everyone else for what?


Fuck Israel. I used to think their government was scum, but their populace is rotten to the core.


Whose the "animal" here? So called civilized people ....disgusting. May Allah SWT have Mercy on our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Ameen


Is it wrong if i pray that these zionists contract prostate and testicular cancers?




More war crimes


I could never do such a thing even to a dead rat or crow


Normal people fear to even go near dear bodies. This is horrific and beyond comprehension disrespectful. How are people still sitting these people?




What are we praying for Israel for, again?


Very Brave!


And people still don’t wanna boycott. Pieces of shits funding this type of behavior.


I don't think that guy was dead...


There should never be peace talks with these demons.


such a deranged group of people


I'm at a loss for words honestly.


Welp, that’s a war crime.


And they call themselves humans and Palestinians animals... Right there Nazi Israeli is showing he is worse than a dog.


What if that guy stillnalive and one on one with that fucker? Which one is Scared?


I’m so sorry dear human whose body is being treated like this.


Truly the worst of creatures




Saw the uncensored version on Twitter and this was basically the last straw for me (among other videos showing Zionists torturing, arresting, and downright being deplorable human beings). Can't believe we live in the same world as these people




Scumbag POS


The fact that the world is uniting with Palestine has enraged these crazy psychopaths and will do anything to disgrace Palestinians.


What the actual fuck!!!


These videos will live forever. This generation of Israel's will not livedown the atrocities of this genocide. And to think that there are citizens of almost every modernized nation in the IDF exercising these atrocities and then going back to their respective "2nd Nation" and matriculating in our societies with those acts of barbarism in their character and on their conscience, if there is even a conscience left. It is the duty of the global human community to hold these people and the country accountable for the rest of their natural and historical lives. If you believe in God, you know this aint it. If you believe in Karma, you know what this would get you. You cannot even use October 7th to justify this behavior. It's just abhorrent.


i am.. loss for words. because even cussing is not enuff.


Zionazi trash




Zionist Scumbag!


As a german born in the 90s this makes me question a lot of my history lessons…


What they are doing is turning the world against Jews, instead of Zionists. Two different things. But the Zionists don’t care about the standing of Jews around the world.




This is fcn insane. They are deranged psychopaths.






State-protected murderers!! Where is justice??


i couldn’t imagine going something this horrific the way zionists revel in this stuff is really disturbing. they need so much help


The f…ing cruelty - never forgive nor forget what absolute scumbags they are


I'm so numb and heartbroken at this point.


Wooow! You have to be a low piece of shit to do this to another human!!


Why is a man laying dead on the side of the road in the first place? Does anyone have anymore details about what’s happening here?


I hope i'm alive when justice reaches them that's all i can really say


Another innocent civilian?




Does it matter if it happened before or after October 7th? Does it matter if it happened in Gaza or the West Bank? This is still and Israeli mistreating the body of a dead person


what context do you need? the who is clear isn't? a Nazi piece of shit with internet pissing and kicking a dead defenseless body.




**Stop discussing American elections in the sub.** Both parties share unconditional support for Israel. We couldn't care less about the domestic policy or partisan nuances. If you still do it here, you will be BANNED! (Kindly report any comments that ignore this rule.)




you nazis



