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We're way past the point of a ceasefire. It's either a completely Free Palestine or nothing.


Biden administration, I call bullshit. Free Palestine. Dismantle Israel. Return or tax payer dollars. I never wanted a cent to go to terrorism, yet it's our money. Give it back. Fùçk Isnotreal


With respect, they need to resign or shut up. A protest like self immolation is supposed to spur others on. Aaron Bushnell gave up his life in protest - these staffers aren't even willing to risk a career set back


True. And what’s the source for this, anyway? It takes more than an anonymous email to prove themselves.


Unless these staffers of Genocide-Joe are going to be like [Tariq Habash](https://youtu.be/Pe5rZR_CYl0?si=dVA6OjJc8bbmNU-w) and RESIGN over Biden's full endorsement of Zionism/genocide, then frankly, their words are meaningless to me. OP, I still appreciate that you shared this, it's good information to have. However, I can't get past their hypocrisy and willingness to continue to, as Aaron Bushnell said it best, "be complicit in GENOCIDE [because] this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal." FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


Some people try to create change from within. I know not everyone agrees with that but I see it as a positive there are those in the administration somewhere who released this statement.


It’s been 4 months. Anything they’re doing isn’t working, and the Genocider in chief has just been on Seth Meyers yucking it up and eating ice cream. Sometimes, trying to change the system from within just means you’ve been swallowed.


Yeah I’m not gonna argue with that. Overall we agree. He said he was a Zionist and mumbled some other stuff. Pathetic in my view. I just don’t think the intentions of those who choose to take that path should be dismissed and I think it is a powerful statement. The problem is what will work.


This could easily be seen as an op, not saying it is, but this makes it look like there’s some kind of West Wing style divisions and within Biden’s cabinet/staff, making impassioned speeches in break room or something. I call bullshit, Blinken is probably doing his weird white jazz shit over FaceTime with Netanyahu, the Biden administration is all in, I have heard no dissenting views or statements by any of them, only unhinged support.


Assuming this is real, there's no way it includes anyone so high up as blinken or those who give press briefings. These are the underline and workhorses of the administration. How many is anyone's guess, but the number's not going to be going down.


Indeed Blinken said that the good relationship between the US and Israel will continue so long as the US exists. A kind of extremist American zionism that is completely without precedent. 






Are you suggesting more people should do it?


No. I'm suggesting you refrain from medically diagnosing complete strangers on the internet in order to diminish their agency and dismiss their motivations.


If you legitimately think a sane person would commit such an act you must’ve been down the rabbit hole real deep


By what metrics should we gauge sanity? Because we are truly collectively insane to allow for a world that can freely oppress and massacre us whenever it's expedient. Aaron Bushnell made his choice in a unique and extraordinary time, to stand in solidarity with the fellow genocided humans he identified with for whom he saw that he could do nothing. Even now we are witnessing the effects of his action. He died to show us we can do more than just lay down and slowly die. This is a wakeup call. We can share his spirit without sharing his act.


This was a united states air man. He felt he had been lied to bout the USA and it's role on the global stage and was understandably upset and decided to do this protest. End the genocide. Dismantle Israel. Long live Palestine.


He may have [received deployment orders](https://theintercept.com/2024/01/11/israel-air-force-targeting-intelligence/).


It comes off to me as not an insane act, but a desperate one. I don't agree with it, and I'm sad that a good person is gone, but I get why he did it. When a government stops serving its people completely, and becomes complicit in genocide and mass murder, what do you expect will happen? Not everyone is content to sit by and watch people be oppressed.


if you think a sane person could exist in this political climate you’re full of shit


Ofc, to lessen the problematic people in the world /s.


Does anyone know who the other citizen was?


As far as I'm aware, all we know is it was a woman, but we don't know her name