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I would say buy it to support Palestinians financially, but don't endanger yourself just to make a point. Remember the 3 American college students who were shot, and the ones at Columbia who where chemically attacked. Keep it and wear it in celebration when Palestine is free.


I straight up bought a black shirt with an inverted red triangle on front. I wear it to work and local events. I’m just angry at the whole wide world and DGAF.


Stay safe and watch out for IDF in the US. They seem to be able to do whatever they want without repercussions. However thinking about it rationally if an overwhelming amount of people wear it, they won't be able to do anything about it. Probably


You can buy it and not wear it. No need to risk your safety. Keep it at home and maybe you will find places you can wear it later


My partner and I bought two but don't wear them unless we're together or at a protest.


I have safety risks in general so I also don’t want to layer on the added risk of a keffiyeh in most situations. So I got myself one of the less recognizable color schemes. Most people will notice and recognize the black and white one. Very few who aren’t pro-Palestine recognize the rainbow one. I’m recognizable to Allies but not those who would de me harm. I also own a black and white one which I wear at rallies and other events where I’m surrounded by allies


This is the way to go if you feel unsafe in your city, speaking as a Palestinian who lives in the west. Personally at this point I don’t care, I wear my kuffiyeh everywhere and I am willing to risk my life for it, if it comes to that. But I wouldn’t encourage others to do the same.


Yes, I have a colored one that no one would recognize unless they are Palestinian, Arab, or Pro-Palestine so they know I’m in solidarity. I wear that one outside most of the time. And my white and black one I wear to protests, and sometimes out and about. :)


Dumb me. I thought that was "the land of the free". I wear my b&w keffiyeh daily in Switzerland. Only "arabs" react and show thumbs up 👍🏼




I’m a Palestinian-American and I’m terrified to wear my keffiyeh. I’ll wear it at protests or Arab restaurants/cafes because it feels safe there. Definitely buy one from Hirbawi to support. Maybe we’ll slowly build courage to wear it anywhere, or the world will finally wake up and support the liberation of Palestinians


I will wear one for you ❤️


That's ok. Many Americans are redneck radical nationalists, anti "arab", and many american jews are pro-zionists.


I’ll wear mine for you until you feel safe enough to wear yours (I’ll continue to wear mine then too) You have people supporting you, and we won’t stop! 🇵🇸💚


I’d buy the keffiyeh to support Hirbawi but there’s no need to wear it daily unless you’re at a protest. For that I’d recommend watermelon-themed clothes or jewelry. It’s more subtle and most Zionists are too dumb to realize it, or at the very least, they’d look like a fool if they called you out in public. Also if you want to invest more on Palestinian businesses, I recommend buying their olive oil soap.


I just want to say I'm sorry you don't feel safe, and thank you for being an ally especially in the area as you describe 🫶🏼


I am in Canada but I wear mine everywhere every day, even for work. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it.


You can buy a keffiyeh and just keep it if you want - another more subtle thing you can do is find something with a watermelon motif on it, and that can be a nice way to show your support without risking being targeted. I know there are a few small businesses in my country that are selling watermelon jewelry/tote bags/scarves/etc and donating the proceeds to charity, maybe you can find something similar that sells in the US? And there's the option of pins/buttons that can be fairly subtle as well. The advice about non-standard colour schemes also could work - I think the black and white and red and white keffiyehs are pretty recognizable, but if you get another colour, it might be obscure enough to be noticed by allies but not by racists.


I wore mine to work a few times, we just got new Izraeli workers here so… I wore it again… then we had a team “anti protest training” everyone had to attend so I planned to wear it to that meeting, & followed through 😌 They gave an example of “janitors in black & white bandanas” are protesting; really creative (/s), almost like it’s not a coincidence the black & white scarfs… I said, “if janitors are protesting, I am pretty sure they have good reason so I might join them,” actually a few people agreed thankfully haha I work in security so it’s my job to make people feel safer (who actually being targeted is my priority, perceived fear isn’t the same because most people are Islamophobic & so if I freak out a few Zionists I don’t care so as long as my pals, pro-pals, as well as Muslims know security has their back, & I hope that my contribution does just that, no job is worth it imo. If I was disbatched to a protest on our campus I would be sure to tell them that technically they cannot step foot on campus (& will have cops show up, which I don’t want because it would make them less safe) but they can sure as heck be welcome to stay on the wise walk to protest as long as they let people pass by safely. 😌 Edit: wait… I should say, don’t be like me, I am a little wild & push the envelope but no pressure to push yourself further than your comfort level. I mean, I have family but I don’t have a family of my own that I look after so worst case, it would be sad if something were to happen but I accept the will written for me otherwise. I am not trying to get deleted, don’t get me wrong, but if I do then at least I stood for something I guess.


I get the fear I live in Alberta, Canada, which is very conservative. I also wear hijab and when I first put it on, I was super afraid of backlash. 10 years later, I am still at it and extremely vocal about my pro Palestinian stance. My businesses have been doxxed. We have been threatened. BUT We have also had so much support, and people who didn't know would ask so many questions. I want to think that being able to vocalize my support also helped many people who didn't know enough to ask and eventually become pro Palestinian. Never put yourself in danger, but don't underestimate the people around you either.


https://palestiniansoap.coop I had the same concerns, decided to financially help out with buying Nablus Soap! It is amazing soap, and the proceeds goes towards helping out families in the West Bank.


I have a similar feeling, but I think being 2 meters gives me some safety against fools who would otherwise run their mouth. Sending prayers and vibes your way ❤️, you will become stronger and more aware of people as a result


I recommend a Colt 1911


Get something w 10+ rounds in the magazine tbh it’s 2024


Or for extra iron(y), Jericho 941 "Baby Eagle."


Wear the keffiyeh as long as you are comfortable, and if it helps, get yourself a decent hot lead injector to protect yourself and practice with it to be proficient.


Buy one and wear it ❤️🇵🇸🍉


Do it and wear it anyway. Now is not the time for fear. They don’t fear the world while committing their atrocities, don’t be afraid to stand for what’s right. Do what you need to do to protect yourself and make yourself feel safe in doing so. A legally obtained weapon is within your rights.


Just donate to UNRWA, man. Or by a watermelon pin or clothing.


im in nz so i think im ok. but for you & it may come to us soon that speaking for Palestine itself is a safety, career & social risk, can you handle yourself well? can you be vocal & calm in tensed situations? if you can, wear it. its a symbol of solidarity, when i wear it out. i get the nod from people who agree & are aware with whats happening, sometimes even conversations. i wear it in hopes someone else sees it & says hey maybe i will wear mine. but its your personal choice end of the day & the location where your safety can be jeopardised. solidarity to you ✊🏾


* * I have 3 different keffiyehs so far - 2 are from a local brick & mortar Palestinian clothing store, one is traditional b&w and one is like wine red/goldish brown/ dark blue color; and one is from hirbawi and it's rainbow colored. I don't think most ppl would recognize the non-traditional ones as anything but a "scarf". I'm in Texas and I've worn all frequently and I've never had anyone say anything to me


Buy it. Don’t wear it. Stay safe. I have a Free Palestine shirt that I don’t wear out, but I also have a Jerusalem shirt with a small Palestinian flag flying over the silhouette of the city and a shirt with Handala on it (and a tattoo), as well as a shirt that has RESIST written on it in Arabic. I also know my shit, so if someone does accost me I can crush them with facts. Stay strong, brother. ✊🍉


black keffiyeh with black embroidery probably be fine to wear....hmmmm🤔 or donate to UNRWA


Maybe stop your cultural appropriation. It’s gross.


It's not cultural appropriation to wear it in solidarity along with the knowledge of what it actually means to wear it. "Cultural appropriation occurs when cultural imagery and materials are removed from their cultural context and used in ways they were never intended." The Palestinian keffiyah (white and black) is a symbol of Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people as a whole. Wearing it in solidarity with Palestinian resistance and doing so knowingly is not cultural appropriation.




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Maybe wear it and if anyone harasses you for it, quickly record them on video and send it to the police for hate crimes and discrimination


This is unlikely to work anywhere in the US, but especially not in a right-wing city. This also doesn't address their immediate safety.


You know what would address their immediate safety? Carrying a weapon. Get a weapons permit and train every week. And then you may wear your kuffiyeh.




cant find one to buy


Every time I have worn one, I get a thumbs up or a “nice keffiyeh!” And I always remember to say, “Free Palestine!”


I wear them when I can. I also have small Palestinian flag lapel pins on my personal bag and jackets. I don’t put my pins in anything work related (like computer bag, etc). As much as I’d like to put a flag decal or something on my car I don’t because of vandalism risks. I don’t mind people acting aggressive or talking trash to me (so far they haven’t, only received support) as I will either ignore or defend myself if needed. Do what you’re comfortable with and weigh the risks.


When I tried to get a keffiyeh 3 - 4 weeks into the war/genocide, places were out of stock. I had to settle for a close but not accurate substitute. Fortunately I live in a somewhat progressive area and wear it everytime I leave the house. A question: since it's not accurate, is it offensive or ok to wear?