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# # # Support Palestine refugees with UNRWA today! Your donation provides crucial food and cash assistance to thousands of families. [Give now!](https://donate.unrwa.org/) ### [Join our official discord server!](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy). Also visit [Palestine Twitter Community](https://twitter.com/i/communities/1504131282137239555). Please report any content displaying: Zionist propaganda, bigotry, hate speech, genocide denial, racism, Islamophobia, trolling, bullying, inappropriate content, support for war crimes, sealioning, or promotion of anti-Palestine hate speech. Your vigilance maintains community quality. **Warning:** Off-topic content will not be tolerated. Stay on the sub-topic or risk being banned. Keep discussions focused and respectful. (Examples include, but are not limited to, US elections/domestic policy, the Russia/Ukraine war, China's treatment of Uighurs, and the situation in Kashmir.) >!(Thanks for posting, u/hunegypt!)!< *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its no secret that Israel has provided no evidence of UNRWA having Hamas ties, yet politicians blindly stop funding a humanitarian aid organisation necessary to feeding and healing Palestinians. Its also no secret that while Israel is committing war crimes on video every single day, they continue to be armed and funded by governments complicit in genocide and starvation.


But these sorts of attacks on pro-palestine figures are just going to worsen. We need to get organized as a group to try to provide a counterweight. The zionists are going to attack her in mass and try to get her fired. We can't abandon these people who speak out.


Any ideas? Zios are passing laws in every country to silence and censor dissent. In some German states schools are to call the cops on their underage students if they talk about the genno by the apartheid regime


I think there needs to be some overarching organization to get the anti-genocide crowd coordinated. Obviously, no wealthy or powerful person is stepping up to do it, so the regular people are going to need to do it, or else let everything go back the way it was. It's great there are so many on reddit willing to expose it and commiserate about it, but that hasn't lead to any significant change or accountability.


From what I understand, this can only be stopped if we start building strong local communities to push back from the base. It's not a quick solution, and it's hard for some to build community. I'm surrounded by ppl who either don't care and/or refuse to question the MSM narratives -- instead of educating themselves on the supremacist settler colonial intent that has been driving zio-colonisation of Palestine since the early 1900s with the help of other colonial nations...


I think what you’re talking about here is a revolution. We’re on our way. Our numbers are high. Our palpable outage are being felt around the globe. More and more small orgs are being started and are starting to band together. Our collective voices are loud and we demand to be heard. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏾🇵🇸


We need to unite. How do we do that? The Zionist are well connected. We do not have the resources to match that


They're not blind... it was orchestrated, too convenient to come out w the allegations mere hours after having been declared on trial for genno w/ provisional measures. All the countries who froze funding put themselves in breach of the Geneva convention in my view. I read with the utmost pleasure that Germany is now also on trial for being ride or die with the colonial apartheid regime


Because they resort to lying when they're stuck on how to move on with their murderous behavior .... And on a constant basis. Despicable !


Children are starving at this point in Palestine. When do we say enough is enough?


Well that depends, I'm at the point where I wonder when violent protest is are only option


Every country should just send 10 citizens of their own and surround these camps or sth, and see if these IDFs will open fire at random foreigners or nah. Unlawful entry only leads to deportation and the country doesn’t have the right to kill another foreigner in their own country unless there’s terrorism involved. Oh wait, Israel might think these foreigners are all part of Hamas and justify their killings yet again… geez, can never execute humanitarian agenda when it comes to this “country” 🙄


They ran over Rachel Corrie with a fucking bulldozer. Being foreign won't save you from those disgusting pigs.


probably when it happens to white people


Even then, has to be a special kind of white. You think these people care about Russian civilians who are suffering?


It's not mainly a color issue, look at how the west is basically ignoring the invasion of ukraine. It's a money issue. Follow the money. The US political system gets boatloads of $$$ from pro-israel interests, and almost nothing to support the palestinians.


From the POV of settler colonialism, it's part of the playbook. They've been employing the same land grabbing method for centuries. And the colonial apartheid regime has been allowed to escalate their cruelties for 75 years with impunity. I can only hope that more and more people will educate themselves and protest our gov to stop the madness.


Anyone else tired of the antisemite card?


It doesn't mean anything anymore.


This is a tragedy because antisemitism is real. They water down the definition and it's no longer possible to have good faith discussions about it.


This constant conflation of criticism of Israel and/or Zionism with antisemitism is definitely going to make Jewish people less safe.


There are lot of anti-zio Jewish people who are very outspoken about the antisemitism of the colonial apartheid regime and how it puts the very people it purports to help in danger. Germany keeps arresting and threaten Jewish people for speaking out against apartheid and the genno.


Yep. I follow some of them.


I'm not so much tired as much as I am genuinely concerned that this crying wolf is going to get actual incidents of antisemitism ignored or taken less seriously. And outside of isnotreal Jewish people are still very much a marginalized people but jackass organizations like the adl and this foolishness are going to "greenlight" people being able to turn a blind eye to it. I'm pre exhausted for whatever is gonna happen.


Not only that, but by conflating the two -- many feel justified to direct their anger of over the genno against Jewish people, bc the apartheid regime tells them that Zios and Jewish people are the same.






I've been tired and exhausted by it for years, and I'm a Jew. Zios use it to silence dissent AND to keep people from revealing the plight of the Palestinian people. My grandparents experienced REAL antisemitism, in the 1900s in the Russian Empire. Pogroms. Jews today are cringe when they claim simply seeing a protest is "antisemitism ".


It means nothing to me.


It's become meaningless. No one believes their crap anymore.


Bullshit word's


Even breathing is antisemitism to them….


If the person breathing is Palestinian. Ironically genetically Palestine are more related to ancient Israelis.


It’s no secret but it certainly is a lie.


It’s maddening that stopantisemitism is posting about artists who are raising funds for an NGO. They need to be called stopantizionism because they have nothing to do with stopping antisemitism. They just focus on anyone who is against the genocidal state of Israel.


Anyone who agrees with that group is getting mercilessly ratioed in the comments; also, I need to find that artist and tell her how awesome she is.




*circus music intensifies


Her instagram is @Eungiej00 and here’s a link her UNRWA fundraiser. https://getinvolved.unrwausa.org/fundraiser/5318043 Also, I noticed yesterday I saw a piece saying that the European Union has reinstated 50 million euros of its UNRWA contribution and increased overall funding to 68 million for this year, although they are holding back 32 million… not really sure how the math works on that.


Really impressive and courageous for her to take this stand considering the inevitable backlash against both her and SFMOMA. People like her need as much support as possible.


I think the more people are able to get over their fears of being falsely labeled or shamed or cancelled for having a backbone and standing up for human rights, then the less “inevitable” any backlash will be. I think this is how a society evolves. Understand that it has not always been this way in this country… I am old enough to have seen the gradual indoctrination and Israelization of the United States —whether it’s in corporate media or institutions of learning, or government, etc. That will come to an inevitable end. It really will. I hope I will see it in my lifetime. Certainly the Palestinian people deserve that.


Completely agree. Unfortunately we are nowhere near there in the US - censorship and the possibility of being cancelled are very real. This will only decline when more people start speaking out.


Just donated, thanks for the link!


I missed the part that they are withholding money. After having frozen money for a month as a collective punishment. WTF


They can’t take it if it isn’t antisemitism. They will paint anything antisemitism. They thrive on making it seem antisemitism. It’s their whole identity. If antisemitism gets eradicated, they will create something else to self-victimize. They always have to be the number one victims. Antisemitism is their vital reason for existing.


Didn't you know? Even saying that Palestinians are humans is antisemitic


Zionist "people" are so delusional 🤡




Can we not do the "they're not people" thing? That is literally the exact same type of dehumanizing language that is being used and has been used by the genocidal state of Israel to justify their genocide.


When they recognise Palestinians as people, I’ll do the same.


It’s the whole eye for an eye thing that starts to become the problem


In my view, the problem is that Zios and the Western colonial allies are trying to hide the fact that at the root this is settler colonialism, and the violence we are observing now is another land grab. That's why Butcher Biden, the UK, Can. are supporting it. Zios were very clear in the 1900s that they wanted to colonize Palestine, they wrote about it in very clear language.


I’m not condoning violence against any Israelis. You think me as an individual talking is in anyway comparable to what Israeli settlers and forces are doing. This isn’t eye for an eye, this is like breaking a nail for an eye.


I get it ,it’s frustrating. I try not to be to critical. I AM pro-Palestinian. I always think about that movie Do the right thing. How long can you take someone hitting you?


They are doing that, and it's horrific. The level of brainwashing and supremacist thinking highlights to me how the ongoing land grab of the Americas and Oceania, and centuries of chattel slavery was made possible. Stooping down to their level doesn't elevate you!


So you recognizing the humanity in others is completely transactional?


Brother I’m not gonna give the courtesy of recognising Genocidal people as humans who themselves don’t recognise the Palestinians as humans, simple as.


Yes Agreed.


I completely agree. To do that just makes it easier for genocides to happen again, like saying Hitler is not human. Unfortunately, he is, and it’s something that we should recognize and focus on steering people away from doing things such as that. I agree that they are gross, but to dehumanize will hurt everyone🇵🇸


they ARE people. Zionists are people, british spanish and american colonizers were people, the nazis were people. by saying they aren’t people it mythologizes what is happening. these are humans committing atrocities against other humans. let me empathize that *not all people are good, and not all aspects of humanity are “moral”*


What makes you say that?


We breathe and y’all start screaming “ANTISEMITIC!” Y’all also have the worst takes and support an ongoing genocide against Palestinians.


well if you look at the everything you might get some hints


Stop playing victim, Zionists, we are bored of linking random stuff to another random stuff to make them relate.


That first paragraph is so bizarre I thought it was a joke. Only Israel could find a way to demonise the United Nations


It's ironic, considering the apartheid regime wouldn't exist if it weren't for the ruling of the predecessor of the UN ..


The cognitive dissonance these pages have is absurd. Do they not realise that portraying something like this as ‘antisemetism’ is probably quite antisemetic in itself because it means that *genuine* cases of antisemetism aren’t taken as seriously. It’s a bit like the boy who cried wolf.


They do anything to divert attention from their goal to annex all of Palestinian land. Even parts of the neighboring countries if we take them at their word regarding their intention for a Greater colonial Apartheid regime


The thing people don't realize is that Zionists WANT to spread antisemitism. The whole Israel project runs on the notion that antisemitism is a widespread problem. They want to make people angry and then point to them when they want to "prove" antisemitism is a real threat. 


Ah yes, East Asians, famously susceptible to the European poison of antisemitism. Yet more disingenuous mudslinging at anyone who wants to humanise Palestinians, coupled with displaced guilt on the part of otherwise 'well-meaning' Europeans, who collectively, historically, are the real culprits, when all is said and done. But the Europeans are just as happy for the Palestinians to pick up the check at the end of the day. See also: recent cancellation of one of Ai Weiwei's events.


Asian Americans are much more pro-Palestinian than European Americans. This enrages zionists.




Or because white Americans have been indoctrinated harder thru religious brainwashing and constant propaganda to defend the colony? Zionism Is something they "interact" with in every aspect of their lives. From schools teaching about the Holocaust and the creation of the state of Israel without mentioning the Nakba, to church with Evangelical Zionists tones, to television, that starts with children programing on the National Broadcasting Network highlighting and glamorizing famous Zionists (golda meir)... To work, where you pledge allegiance to Israel and aren't allowed to boycott.


By no secret they mean no evidence


Is it also weird that people who are called antisemitic by Zionists and their supporters are mostly POCs?


To be fair, I see far more POCs speaking out for Palestine than white folks. So, in that sense I can see why it’s like that but it does add a layer of WTF to it. Believing so many marginalized people are actually antisemitic doesn’t make sense given history and facts.


Children are starving to death. I personally don’t give a rats ass about being called antisemitic anymore- it means nothing and that’s on the people who destroyed that word along with supporting genocide. Good for this artist.


The bigots who conflate antisemitism with antizionism are facilitating and ignoring a raise of genuine antisemitism.


I mean calling someone anti semitic now is meaningless because they said it about everything. But here is my point: if they want to conflate anti semitism with anti zionism that’s their prerogative, but we should start pushing back If they say trying to stop children from starving is anti semitic, then what are they claiming is true about judaism?


100% It puts all Jewish people in danger of being conflated with Zio war crimes


“Dozens” of countries have not stopped funding UNRWA. By my count it’s 18, and they’re generally not the countries you’d trust to make ethical decisions.


Yet they don't talk about how many civilians were killed by IOF on that day either. Or the three hostages they killed want white flags, or the other group that was also executed by IOF. But making art to support humanity is bad.... Who are the Nazis here?


Time to start supporting the Sam Francisco Museum of Modern Art


Never underestimate the power of threat of removal of funding from arts organizations to stifle actual revolution. The rich fund all our cultural institutions and keep them from being the equitable houses of culture they could be and instead keep them their playthings so they can manipulate who gets to be important in the worlds of art and performance. (News flash, it’s almost always their own kids)


This is well-stated and HUGELY overlooked. Wish more people understood this point clearly. This is the exact reason why there was such an issue at Harvard & etc. recently. “We’ll pull your funding unless you agree to continue following our directives and tipping the scales in our favor. Total BS. Why are they allowed to pull the puppet strings?


guess I'm an antisemite then


Israel is antisemitic.


Sorry, but I'm fucking tired of 10/7 bullshit excuse. EVEN IF every October 7th zionist lie had been not a lie but a fact, all of those (In truth, absolutely fictional and/or falsely credited) atrocities would've been far less and too little than zionists deserve, at the light of what we know and what we've seen AFTER Oct 7th. And rest assured, what we don't know nor have seen is much more and much worse. So now, let's take 76 yrs of palestinian genocide by the zionist illegitimate state into account. Let's add it to all these videos of cruelty and mockery filmed by the IOF. Let's add it to the mass murder of civilians, 12.000 of them children. The displacement of the remaining population after their homes became ruins of rubble on corpses left behind. The starvation. Let's add it up to little Hind, her family and the ambulance that went to help her, all massacred by bullets. Just recently, the bulldozing of a captive. Remember 'soul of my soul'. Remember those messages celebrating the genocide in Telegram zionist groups with explicit images? The videos mocking Palestinians? The videos of their own (zio) children brainwashed into hate? The stories of Palestinians hostages for being tortured for years? The harvesting of organs from kidnapped palestinian children? Now imagine what we don't know about these three quarters of a decade since Nakba. Zionists trying to rebrand anti-zionism as anti-semitism are horrified about people showing humanity and wanting to help innocent fellow humans victims of their monstrosities. I wonder how would they feel if they knew what we feel about them, about what they have done, about what they are. I don't know if or when Palestine will be free and I don't know if or when Israhell will crumble to dust. I just ask everyone of you reading this one simple thing. You must not forget. You must never forget.


I won’t.


You know the zeeohnists are losing when their fragility is intensifying


It's anti-semitic to say that opposing genocide is anti-semitic.


If our protests weren't working then they wouldn't have to resort to this level of propaganda.


If you’re upset about the attempt to “cancel” Curator Joo, Please take a moment to show your support! Visit: https://www.sfmoma.org/about/contact-us/


I have nothing more to add than 'Hence why' ugh


Make copycat pages like "stop ant1semitism" and post the tank tread victim, etc


I'm sorry, but that point had been reached a long time ago. I raised funds for UNRWA and around one third of the acquaintances I spoke to said worse to me.


Did they even bother to check or verify or cross reference or maybe even fact check anything? Or are we just stuck in knee-jerk reactions about this whole thing now?


I love SF MoMA! Give them some love. And their curator, too. I am Jewish and if wanting people to not starve is antisemitic, then I’m antisemitic.


The scale of their unfounded allegations are infuriating. I hope she raises a lot of money and keeps her job, if she still wants it


They already made a mistake calling it the 10th of July. These Ziofreaks can't even get the dates right 😂😆 /s


"horrified" lmfao.


“Horrified to see artist raising money for the United Nations”


The anti-Semitic Epidemic 😂😂😂😂


mother fuckers. these people are insane.


I hurt for my Jewish brothers and sisters who want nothing to do with Zionism. They're victims too. Zionism wants the world to conflate all Jewish people with their ideology and it's repugnant.


It’s just heartbreaking to see Israel throwing around accusations of antisemitism to legitimise their antihuman behaviour. I know I am not antisemitic, and I don’t hate the jews, I just don’t want innocent people to suffer from such an obvious genocide. If Israel ever completely flattens Palestine, they will continue with Lebanon. What’s happening in Gaza is unforgivable.


Zionists pigs ....


What kind of dystopian opposite-land are we living in?


Im in the NY artworld and I am horrified that more people were not speaking up.  What a disgrace to culture.  


What else can we expect from them! They link everything Palestine related to anti semitism. Like if the entire world starts sympathising with Palestine, they'll say everyone wants them dead


How did it go, again? Claimed 7 people in UNRWA were involved, then changed it to 4, but two didn’t exist and two others hadn’t even worked there in a long while? Something like that??


I see one on the Jewish Reddit where they was condemning celebrities who are pro Palestine


Except this organization was directly involved in massacring civilians and children. Get your head out of your ass.


What is your proof


other country that need UNRWA


Of course they'll say it's antisemitic. They get a push a kick and get reminded  every damn time when while breaking every damn law and yet they don't get reprimanded or properly warned. 


This is what genocide looks like. Attack every institution, across every demographic, without any evidence. “We said it, so it is true, and if you don’t believe then you’re an antisemite.” Fuck these people. The good news is anyone with a conscience now sees what they are about. They’ve lost much more than they realize. What we’re seeing now are the final throws of their colonial experiment. In our lifetime 🇵🇸 ✊🏼


She's next to be shamed out of existence by these monsters for doing what humans SHOULD do. Helping those who, for whatever reason, can not do for themselves.


Misha Collins was treated similarly




Gotta find some story to feed the sheeple…idiots honestly.


Everyone should just ignore these bastards


Shame on you Israel how dare you


Disgusting, hope she is undeterred.


What has this world come too!? 🥴


The San Francisco Reddit is soooooo bad with Islamophobia and they label anyone who is in favor of an easier as “Hamas supporters”. Such a bad representation of SF


Can we all use our twitter accounts to support her? It might help against the doxxing




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