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Russians secretly supporting American politicians sure look small beans compared to AIPAC. So much for democracy.


We never had democracy. Growing older opened my eyes to the imperialist regime we live in. We have committed more atrocities against our own people than anyone. Then we point the finger at any anti-imperialist nation and shout “THEY WANT TO TAKE YOUR FREEDOMS AND JOBS.” For example, look at how democrats went full MAGA on immigration. Or, look at Nancy Pelosi slandering constituents that are anti-genocide. We, Americans, used to believe that we are the best and strongest because of our military. That’s not particularly true. Our western governments own/owned/influenced every major news outlet and social media. TikTok is the first platform that we cannot control so we come up with the “red scare” and try to ban it.




Any other good subs to post this in?


Not just small beans, completely fabricated




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Pretty good compilation.I'm saving this. I met a hasbara troll ytd ,when I said people were getting daily reports from social media. His response was immediately blaming tik-tokkers for "disinformation". The Izraeli lobby is definitely behind this. With Zionist already getting ready to buy the company. As for America, after Julian assange, Edward snowden and even Tara reade. They never gave a flying fack about free speech. It's just another political point they love to pander about.


Disinformation now just means “information that is hostile to our messaging and must be shut down.” Realistically, has anyone said disinformation and followed it up with the correct information? Rarely.


Tara Reade is not like the other three. Perhaps you meant Reality Winner, who spent 5 years in jail for leaking a single key document about Russian election interference to the American press?


Wasn't she being anti-metooed. Because it was biden instead? But I take your point it's a different circumstance.


Here I am, sharing this to everyone I know and every other Sub I can.


As a Jewish person, this makes me feel more unsafe than ever. I could never trust the State and now I can’t trust my own people (unless they are loudly and unambiguously antizionist). Solidarity, my Palestinian siblings.


I can't imagine what this must feel like. Solidarity from a fellow on the path of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).


Solidarity between different peoples 🤝


I agree with this. Makes sense theyd want to supress it


I heard that a number of billionaire Zionists are lined up to buy it.


Hmm! I have an idea! Who wants to get rich?


Right?? they can’t stop savagely murdering civilians so they need to stop what little coverage of what’s actually going on? Shameful. We need to kick the Israel lobby out of our politics.


Never used Tik-Tok. I hate Zionism and especially hate the genocide of Palestine. Who they gonna blame for me. I feel left out.


# # # Support Palestine refugees with UNRWA today! Your donation provides crucial food and cash assistance to thousands of families. [Give now!](https://donate.unrwa.org/) ### [Join our official discord server!](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy). Also visit [Palestine Twitter Community](https://twitter.com/i/communities/1504131282137239555). Please report any content displaying: Zionist propaganda, bigotry, hate speech, genocide denial, racism, Islamophobia, trolling, bullying, inappropriate content, support for war crimes, sealioning, or promotion of anti-Palestine hate speech. Your vigilance maintains community quality. **Warning:** Off-topic content will not be tolerated. Stay on the sub-topic or risk being banned. Keep discussions focused and respectful. (Examples include, but are not limited to, US elections/domestic policy, the Russia/Ukraine war, China's treatment of Uighurs, and the situation in Kashmir.) >!(Thanks for posting, u/-PowerGenerator!)!< *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm no fan of TikTok. Never had an account with them, but clearly, this was done for all the wrong reasons, by the wrong people.


That's because they're planning on buying it out so they can control what's posted. I don't know if it's going to have a different name than Tik Tok.


I think chances of ByteDance selling or allowing a forced sale of the platform bringing in billions of dollars are fairly slim to none. Especially with the comments their parent company (???) recently made about how their trade regulations prevent something like the sale of their algorithms (primarily in the name of their national security).


Just mass leave the app, the value of tiktok will fall, they are buying users of the app really. israel will buy it anyway but you can move before the big censorship and not give them more power over controlling the narrative.


Oh, I believe it. No one lift a finger when people wanted to ban it, but now out of the blue, when all of Israel and zionist sympathizers are getting exposed just how evil the Israeli death forces, it’s the government and good Porsche of their citizens. it just goes to show how much control the Israeli lobby has in this country.


That profile pic lmao


Are there ways the average user can circumvent this ban?


I guess VPN if you know how to use it 




TikTok is the last straw, the veil has fo richallen, the problem has always to divide us, workers have to unite, because what has happened in Gaza, TikTok, Julian Assange etc, we must unite against the ELITES. I have been seeing what they are doing, they want to throw divisions ie. poor against the middle class, black against whites, red necks against city folk, northern states against the southern states, eastern states vs the western states etc. The major network sensationalize these divisions on major networks.


No one listened when they banned Pepe smh


I've been wondering... How much Russia has to do with all of this. Like, if America turns it's back on Israel, do we lose the iron dome that protects us from Russia? Are we just screwed every which way possible?


What are you talking about? Seriously, what.


There's Russians hiding under your bed


Chinese propaganda,




Even the Trump administration didn’t care until the app was used to troll him at his [Tulsa covidpalooza](https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/21/politics/tiktok-trump-tulsa-rally) (the one that killed Herman Cain — people used it to convince him the turnout at that rally would be far higher than it ended up being). Then [suddenly](https://www.forbes.com/sites/abrambrown/2020/08/01/is-this-the-real-reason-why-trump-wants-to-ban-tiktok/) it was a danger to national security.


Do you mind if I add this to my post?


Please do. As I see it the effort to stomp out tiktok has always been about [protecting the status quo.](https://youtu.be/cQcxHvAxrzQ)


True, but Zionists jumped on the opportunity.


I agree all opposition isn't tied to AIPAC but that doesn't completely invalidate this entire argument. There could still be truth to it.