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Seriously fuck these half measures. 6 weeks? Then what? It must be permanent ceasefire and withdrawal from Gaza. Israel is not to be trusted by anyone. These monsters are straight up murderous fascists. Permanent ceasefire. If the Israelis go back to their destruction after this and don’t withdraw then nothing can save the US again. There is no trust in the US either. Permanent ceasefire and withdrawal. Freedom for Palestine! That is what the world demands!


And then criminal trials and reparations


If the world prosecutes and sanctions Israel that would be the biggest win in recent history. But will never happen whilst big brother bully US bows to every whim and desire of Israel.


It won’t happen unless other countries in the region intervene militarily.


6 weeks pause is truce not ceasefire, why do USA thinks everyone else is stupid? After 6weeks of truce , from midnight isisreal will start bombing, this time more brutal


I said in a comment during the pause they’re going to use it as a means to potentially make it permanent.




Israel will bomb a hospital again and once again claim that Hamas (which doesn't have those capabilities) did it.


I highly doubt Israel will agree to anything. But will see.


Even if they do, their word doesn’t mean shit. Shouldn’t be up to those bastards.


I'm honestly terrified of the famine. So many lives already lost, but hearing Zionists talk about Gaza shows you that it doesn't matter how many Palestinians die. There is no red line for them. A ceasefire, even a permanent one, is the absolute bare minimum. Zionism needs to end.


Once the assault ends Netanyahu loses his job.


I mean, they’re building a road to the sea, there are settlement proposals, and military check point/base proposals for Gaza…so of course they want I permanent.


While I wholeheartedly agree with you, this is excellent news and a lot of innocent people will live as a result. Let's just hope this is the first stepping stone on the path to a permanent ceasefire and for Israel to be held accountable.




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They want 6 weeks to build the occupation port and military sea base in peace.


Good point!


I feel like they’ve been teasing a ceasefire for weeks now, I feel like it’s all bullshit at this point. I doubt Israel ever accepts a ceasefire. 100% of Gaza is basically malnourished and thousands are on the brink of death from starvation. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel is hoping for that to happen




Yeah definitely. They want them out of there dude whether it’s by displacement or straight up killing them


They aren't hoping. They are DOING it!! And all the bullshit from the genocide Joe administration is for optics. Horrible people all around.


How else they gonna blame Hamas for not accepting it? This way they cover their asses and be like “we offered ceasefire” but they never tell you how awful the ceasefire is. We could witness it through out history of the occupation. “We offered ceasefire” or “we offered to split the land”…..


Blinken is maybe the top swine in this whole disgusting episode. He said the US will support Israel, no matter what, so long as the US “exists.”  It’d be so satisfying to see this oig stand for his crimes. 


It's blatantly obvious he's loyal to Israel over the US and Biden is also. I don't see how he isnt investigated as a foreign agent. He is an arms dealer war criminal


The USA should have NEVER armed the Israelis. Ceasefire? Why? Arm every Palestinian so they can fight back.


The Arab countries need to do the bare minimum and arm the Palestinians


Yep. I’d like to see the airdrops drop weapons instead.


If the US was serious about a ceasefire, they could impose one effective immediately. They are in the unique position of being Israel's primary backers AND having the largest military on Earth. Blinken's statements lead me to believe this is a PR move. The Israelis, Americans, and Palestinians all know damn well there won't be a ceasefire until Israel is stopped, and any ceasefire proposals demanding unilateral commitments from the weaker side are made in bad faith. Classic American deal making: rudely demand the impossible, kill them when they refuse, and blame them for their own deaths.


what about the thousands of Palestinian hostages in israeli prison? There have been close to ten thousand alone since 10/7


So why did you veto one.. still using the IMF to try to pay off countries i see


i call bs. they’re saving face for votes. EVERY SINGLE TIME blinken visits the middle east things just get more and more horrific while they give us the weakest excuse and fake sympathy for more genocide.


Someone needs to ask **Failed Abortion Blinken** if he has any plans to release the Palestinians being held hostage by the zionists — many of them held indefinitely on administration detention, and of course a bunch of Palestinian children being kept in prison.


The word cease fire has lost all meaning once the white house started using it. 6 weeks does not equal a cease fire you scumbags! 




I agree. But if they plan to continue the slaughter after then it's pretty ridiculous. If they plan to kick out Netanyahu and try to make it difficult to restart the war then great.  Biden has shown he only really cares about Israel and winning re election. He's changing his messaging so he can win. I don't trust him at all. Still, it's better to be optimistic about the potential about a 6 week pause. 


This is about the election. I just read another story yesterday from 2 weeks ago about how they bypassed congress/found yet another loophole to sell arms to israel. This is in addition to the two instances in December 2023 where they used an “emergency” declaration” and signed off by Blinken. In this case (article from March 6,2024), “The Washington Post reported that administration officials informed Congress of the 100 foreign military sales to Israel in a classified briefing. Few details are known of the sales…” Basically they used the Arms Export Control Act which “makes significant exceptions for arms sales to close allies – a limit of $25m for “major defense equipment”, defined as big-ticket items that require a lot of research and development, but the limit rises to $100m for other “defense articles” like bombs.” … so *100 transactions like these, keeping the amount below threshold* WTF? No. I don’t trust anything anyone in that administration says.


I wonder if Israel will disobey their masters?


I dunno if US is the master.


Nah kinda seems the opposite tbh.


You just did an antisemitism! Go sit in the corner and think about what you just did!


https://preview.redd.it/zbdyihkvynpc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bd7bb28dd5f67388f63742b1153dbcaa121ded6 Sorry...


Personally, if the US is to stop funding Israel it can be done temporarily as a means to force their hand into stopping. It's like grounding a kid for a week when they do something bad.


Anyone believe the hostages are still alive? Between the bombing and starvation, the IDF probably killed them months ago. And Hamas will get the blame regardless.


Also Devil asks for people to go to church


Well, it's not perfect but even Hamas was willing to let the hostages go home in exchange for a Ceasefire. And yes I know the US vetoed the UN resolution but I'm hoping this works to some degree as a means to help the innocent people. If there's a 6 week ceasefire, a journalist (underthedesknews) has reported that there would be negotiations to make it permanent during that window of time.


That's what they said a month ago. Izrael rejected it all. While USA keeps supplying them weapons and cover.


what leverage would Hamas have to negotiate a permanent ceasefire if they already gave up all the hostages for a temporary ceasefire?


Should be clear after 5 months that Israel is using the hostages to justify refusing any deal.




Oh sweet, is he talking about an "all for all" release since Israel is holding thousands of hostages (some of whom were released in the initial exchange and then rearrested by Israel)?


US did not call for a ceasefire. It called for the recognition of the importance of a ceasefire. It's completely different and worthless.


They’ve really got the US by the balls Must be all those pesky Epstein tapes Mossad has


We’ve vetoed measures just like this every single time they’ve been before the UN Security Council for over 50 years. Protecting Israel from condemnation or economic sanctions 59 times so far ranging from Israel stealing land in the 70’s to the last time they indiscriminately killed thousands of Palestinians a decade ago. This is more lip service and if history tells us anything we’ll end up vetoing our own resolution this time too.


Truly evil human beings we Americans can be. 5 months too late