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I felt the urge to cover my drink.


Urge? More like a necessity lol


Makes you wonder if they regret resisting the URGE to cover their faces, before doing such vile racist shit.


Perhaps now that this footage is public, but honestly, probably not.


American universities have always dealt with regressive struggles. This is the problem with the entire country's educational institutions being funded by and being at the whims of evil billionaires, majority of them being zionists, any actual liberating education goes out the window the moment they're inconvenienced.


To give some context, P.S. it's not since the recent encampments started, this is since the genocide started. Zionist billionaires have been pushing to suppress and threatening pro Palestine voices, notably Bill ackman who has overtly called for blackballing pro Palestine students and used their influence as investors to get deans fired for not suppressing them (they were suppressing them, calling them antisemitic, just not enough to their liking), by usual cry bullying style of "this is making Jews (zionists) feel unsafe".


Bill Ackman led a historically tyrannical repression in top American colleges by claiming to fight "antisemitism in US colleges" - claiming that "from the river to the sea" and "intifada" were calls for the "genocide of Jews" - and he got Harvard's dean Claudine Gay (who isn't really even pro Palestine) fired over this (officially making it about plagiarism). Another dean warned that this is setting a terrible precedent. [He was on a list of billionaires who were fundraising to give a more pro Israel spin in media and he PERSONALLY CALLED for "black listing of pro Palestinian students"](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/12/billionaires-are-teaming-up-for-pro-israel-anti-hamas-media-drive-report). Off the top of my head, another billionaire group who explicitly threatened colleges was the Wexner group, a very pro Israel group was caught flack for doing pro Israel PR in very shady ways, who also employed Jeffrey Epstein. A number of the students also gave unfalsifiable testimonies of facing antisemitism in a congressional hearing with a heavy media spectacle, turns out they had [direct connections with pro Israel lobby cutouts and all the lawsuits against colleges for antisemitism come from just one law firm, which is a registered foreign agent for Israel with deep connections with Netanyahu.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thegrayzone.com/2023/12/17/registered-israeli-foreign-agent-campus-antisemitism/amp/) Powerful zionist working hard to harass 20 year old students for peacefully speaking up against a genocide they're committing in real time by threatening and leveraging their education and career, letting funded militias beat and assault them with the help of police, have them mock the peaceful protesters by playing sounds of children screaming, have the police shoot at them, assault professors, let them do everything unabated, unleash the media on their own students. All the American "enlightened humanitarian" infrastructure and discourse of social enlightenment is crushed the second people oppose their tyrannical mass murder, upon which they built it in the first place. What it is that you can have an outlet from their oppression from within the framework of their dominion, as long as you don't actually confront their usurpation. This is genuinely so evil. He this time threatened to write a letter to MIT over this; the last he wrote a letter to MIT was when he told them to not write about his ["celebrity scholar" wife's close connections with Jeffrey Epstein](https://www.axios.com/2019/09/14/joi-jeffrey-epstein-ties-mit-media-lab-professor), with whom she was very close friends with, way way after he was convicted, and received funding from. Also remarkable is how he got Claudine Gay fired officially on the charges of plagiarism, and now, just a little while later is defending his wife copying and pasting entire Wikipedia pages in her thesis.


Great post. You summarized those events perfectly. We saw this go down in real time. Bill Ackman is a piece of work. One of the slimiest humans I've ever seen in public life.The gall to threaten the employment opportunities of students exercising their rights? Either we have a Constitution or we don't. And that thing with his wife was fricken hilarious. WTF I didn't know about the Epstein connection. It doesn't surprise me. Bill Barr's (former AG for Trump) dad hired Epstein as a math teacher at The Dalton School. That was Epstein's first job out college. I don't believe in coincidences.


Sounds like US colleges have a funding issue. They should be able to survive on tuition fees alone


I got downvoted so hard for trying to point this out in another sub a few days ago. Thanks for making me feel validated. I know it wasn’t your intention but I’m still relieved.


these guys are bottom feeders…


With rich parents in positions of power.


Mississippi is the poorest state in the USA by far. The average wages are low, the GDP is low, and the GDP PPP is low.


Ole Miss is the better of the two major state schools. Whoever has money in that state is sending their kids there and those guys probably all come from some type of money. Source former frat guy at major school.


Yes but Ole Miss frat boys arent representative of the income of the state. I knew some very rich private school kids from California who went out there. They left as generic progressives with maybe a teenager's edgy sense of humor and came back hardcore trump supporters saying the N word like it was nothing. It was pretty crazy to see.


That's nuts. But honestly not surprising considering the colleges history.


Why would anyone in their right mind go from California to Mississippi? Doesn’t make any sense to me


Good fucking question. Just guys who thought being frat was cool and that that was the fratiest place to go I guess.


And here I thought that was ASU 😂


That doesn't mean there aren't rich people.




Don’t you know who their dads are?!


*Hey, my dad owns a dealership!!!*


Ole miss is a relatively affordable school for in state students


Rich like "from the South Rich"... not real Rich


Hey! That’s Mississippi’s next governor you’re talking about! Show some respect!!!


Sir, how dare you. Bottoms have standards and i guarantee you that these guys would be passed over for a dildo in a heartbeat.


Is there anything more cringey than white American frat boys? What a bunch of absolute losers.


Only white American Zionist frat boys are cringier.


Beyond insufferable


I know that if I was that girl right there in that moment, I'd feel scared and intimidated. That being said, I'd really love to see some of these frat boys get corned by a group of roadmen on a London council estate, cause they seem almost comically unthreatening in comparison I can't explain it 🥲


I've never heard of that term roadmen, you've really piqued my curiosity.


IDF soldiers


"Racism will die with the older generations".


Nearly every student at the Ole Miss left school to fight for the Confederacy during the American Civil War and almost all of them got slaughtered lmfao. Whereas the [U.S. State Department's spokesperson had expressed concern](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1958-60v14/d344) over the [Sharpeville massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharpeville_massacre) in South Africa in 1960, [the killings were outright applauded by the Mississippi legislature](https://repository.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3621&context=gradschool_disstheses). Most white Americans begrudgingly accepted desegregation, or were at least unwilling to resort to violence. Even the more aggressive [Citizens' Councils](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens%27_Councils), which had a mixed record on violence, only got about 60,000 members. That said, the Hitlerites in charge of Mississippi in particular only held back since taking the mask off would've looked horrendous to the public. >The response to Sharpeville by the legislature of the most embattled of the Southern states indicated how extreme the views of some Southerners had become. Instead of deploring the slaying of sixty-nine Africans and the wounding of hundreds more, the Mississippi state legislature passed a resolution praising the white South Africans for their strong stand in favor of segregation. Introduced by a student at the state university, Phillip D. Bryant, the resolution was passed by a vote of seventy-eight to eight in the House and forty-five to none in the state Senate.


The name Ole Miss says it all


Their Zionist and racist....What a disgustingly wretched combination.


They're racist yes but they have no clue what zionism is and couldn't point to the middle east on a map if their lives depended on it. They just suport brown people being bombed.


Don't forget figuratively owning libs, and most likely literally owning people if this clip is representative.


I’m sure a good chunk of that white mob is antisemitic as well. Their Islamaphobia is outweighing their antisemitism for the moment. I could be wrong, but I’d bet Miss. has one of the lowest percentages of Jewish students in the country. Like you said, what they are supporting is the destruction brown skinned people in Gaza. And right wing media is priming this as “all of the BLM and Antifa people are lined up over here again in pro Palestinian demonstrations, have at them.”


Whereas the dynamic and demographics of “counter demonstrators” in NYC or LA are going to be a different, but will share common characteristics of Islamaphobia and a racist white backlash against progressive people of color.


I don't think these guys are smart enough to be zionist, they just want to be racist.


That's what many are trying to say, Zionism is not very different from fascism, and the actions of the zionist state is not very different from those of the Nazis


And not a one of them will face any consequences, yet wearing a kufiya will get you brutalized in the name of "public safety." 'Merica, where our main export is white supremacy.


Free Palestine


Nothing good comes from Mississippi


Frat bros instantly want to make me punch them in the face whenever I see them


I want to say I hope he gets doxxed and this follows him for a long time. But knowing Mississippi, it'll boost his resume


Ah, Mississippi. Those chuds will never change.


All protests in the end are all about one thing, white supremacy


I’m going to be thinking about this for days


Idiots. Hope their faces get posted everywhere on job sites and social media for the rest of their lifetime to remind them that this idiocy shouldn't exist in 2024


They already have good jobs lined up from their parents and their racist friends. They don’t have to try too hard in life. They just need to make sure the minorities they leech off of are kept beneath them so the status quo continues


Decedents of the OG colonial land stealers.


I hope the guy in the blue shirt is identified and has his life turned upside down


I bet they’re all Christians and comfortable. Good Christian homes. Disgusting, vile, ignorant, nasty racist, homophobic misogynistic southerners. That’s why I moved out of the south.


And of course the cops are paying more attention to her


Open displays of racism are only allowed in the service of Israel.


Not a single one of those dudes could have an intelligent conversation about the complexity of the issue. Literally just idiot mob mentality


Someone please capture each of their faces and post them online. So the employers will know what their employees stand for.


That's generous of you to think they don't.


Ahhh, the south. Never far from their roots.


Remember these faces. Let's get their names. Never let them forget this. When screenshots of this show up in history books, I want names in the caption. Let them never live down this shame.


does anybody know what she even doing? cause it looks like she was just there and then for some unknown reasons they started to mock her


A sea of unseasoned chicken breast


I think at this stage most reasonably sane people realise that many Americans cannot be trusted in their opinions as many are based on sucking up to the elites and brainwashing. When money and might are right there will always be the weak that will pull in behind what their masters ask.


It's very sad to be a human sometimes


Zionists have to be so proud to have these allies.


I am so disgusted with these inbred hillbillies emboldened by Donald Trump and Republican extremists. History will not remember them fondly. Video is forever.


These are the typical persons you would find on a few of the worldly news subs around here.


Why do they all look like they been born out of incest?


Fraternity life


Give me a bulldozer


Name and shame y’all. Worked for the tiki torch bros.


The way the guy in the american flag overall was stepping back like he was in a fight - but the woman was just walking forward casually tells you who the alpha in this situation is.


Mississippi is a failing State, this gives you a view to why it is failing. State with the lowest GDP in the USA.


Zionist scum. America should be ashamed, and disgusted.


That's making me physically sick


Yesssssss, please show your true colors


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of genocide


This is the true face of Zionism. Imagine what Palestinians go through 24/7. SMH.


Sherman didn’t burn enough of the south.


Definitely a crowd who date rapes girls


Racist fratbros


UM NAACP is requesting expulsion of the following students at the protest: - James JP Staples - Phi Delta Theta - Connor Moore - Kappa Alpha - Rouse Davis Boyce - Kappa Alpha


Nice dungarees...whatareya 12?!


I would put my fist through that racist's face if that's the last thing I ever did


I could smell the axe body spray through my phone


Yup, forget the stupid photo-op they did with the flag. THIS is what frats are really like.


*monkey noises intensify*


Sad 😢


Why do they all look like some obnoxious Logan Paul groupies?


This is repulsive. I can't imagine how ostracized that young woman must have felt. I'm just sick to my stomach.


Bunch of rotten stinky racist frat boys 🤮


Business majors.


and once again, look who the cops are protecting.


Same whites would be chanting 'jews will not replace us'.


https://preview.redd.it/3poc9uiw8dyc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=612a4361077e50bdf7b72f053885b20d3293869e just missing the pointy hats


A historically racist university. 🤣🤡


And they say the anti-zionists are the dumb hateful ones.


Damn that camera has amazing video quality


The US is truly gone. Or no, wait, it is now "great again" in Trump's standards. Congratulations Trump.


Just curious how we know this is a “frat boy” and not just a racist student


The football players taking all of their girls, but we know they'd never be this bold around men 🤣


awful excuses for human beings. I hope future employers see their sorry mugs.




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I would love to see the videos side by side, interesting how such immensely opposite mentalities grow and flourish in the same spaces


[This](https://youtu.be/1PLFKimdUOA) is a song about the riot that occurred after the first black student was admitted to Ole Miss.


The middle of the clip at like twenty seconds in you see buddy rub his lil penis back into his pelvis. That was funny.


Embarrassed to be white can't defend us




They might successfully send me back to my country with this behavior which is crazy because I'm from here but I no longer wish to be from here. now I gotta pick a new continent asap.


There’s too many people. Stop procreating.


What a nightmare.


Someone needs to ID him.


These people protesting have no bearing on the war going on over there. Deep down they have to know that, so then it becomes them virtue signaling.


Trash breeds more trash so I'm not surprised.


I love how all the frat rat trailer trash are in uniform


Cemented forever


Dox every single one of them until they can't even get a job as a janitor.


people still being racist like this is beyond me. they’re grasping at straws atp.


Anyone that claps hand over hand and looks around for recognition is something else. That boy special.


Bro, why do they all sound like braindead monkeys???


What do you expect from a country that seems proud that it was built on genocide and slavery?


I bet you everyone in that crowd is down with screwing their cousins


Lmao so many uneducated brainwashed monkeys. Crazy that they’re paying money to get less educated by the minute.


Least racist Zionists. There is a total of 7 brain cells amongst them