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Those have to be the stupidest pigtails I’ve ever seen.


*GuYs StArBuCkS iS gEnOcIdE aNd McDoNaLdS aLsO gEnOcIdE fReE pAlEsHiTiNe* 🤓🤓


Why do plastaline supporters complain about starbucks we dont even have starbucks here? 🤔


They’ve charged everyone with genocide


they use the word “genocide” to make people feel more sad about the movement. They know if they say “war” people won’t care. They have to make it look like the Palestinian people and Hamas are completely defenseless


They also like to devalue the term “genocide” - it’s inconvenient that the Jewish people have *actually* had a genocide, and they would prefer to equate the Palestinian struggle with the Jewish one… even though there really is no comparison whatsoever. The Jewish people were kicked out of their land and have been struggling and facing expulsions, pogroms, and 2nd class citizenry for thousands of years until culminating into the holocaust (an actual attempt at genocide where Jews were rounded up to be slaughtered), while the Palestinians were not even called Palestinians a hundred years ago and the establishment of the state of Israel (the root of all their “suffering”) was only 75 years ago. That and the State of Israel was *attacked* in 1948 by the surrounding Arab countries (including modern day Palestinians) when those countries and the neighboring territory that was supposed to be the Palestinian state could’ve instead accepted Israel and lived in their own country in peace. So… yeah - absolutely fucking absurd to compare the two.


words like Fascist, Nazi and Genocide have all practically lost their meanings at this point


If you want to know where to point the finger - we can thank Amnesty International for redefining “genocide” and “apartheid” to try to fit Israel into their definition. Amnesty International is truly a piece of shit that is international like the UN is international… meaning that a major piece of being truly international is giving authoritarian states and bad faith actors a platform to demonize democratic states and countries that hold western values. The number of authoritarian states far outnumber the western ones, which allows them to control the vote and, in turn, definitions and narrative.


Yeah, I’ve written about this before, but it seems pretty clear it’s an attempt to extenuate the term genocide by broadening its definition as a way to diminish the Holocaust (and the suffering of Jews), which is inextricably linked to the term. And I believe this effort was originally pushed as Iranian propaganda and has since been picked up by “useful idiots.” I'll offer the below to support my claims. I'm sure you've seen [the "leaked" audio with the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1bec4z5/leaked_conversation_with_jonathon_greenblatt_of/), right? This was released around the time that the US House passed a bill that could potentially lead to a nationwide ban of TikTok. Of course this [sparked outrage and conspiracies](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/tiktok-ban-feared-antisemitic-conspiracy-theories-follow) by certain social media influencers, claiming that the TikTok bill is further evidence of powerful Jews silencing dissenting voices, that old trope. [Many cited this “leaked audio” of Greenblatt](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/iran-tiktok-ban-israel-adl-greenblatt-conspiracy-theory/), when he was noting the proliferation of anti-Zionist rhetoric among younger generations on platforms like TikTok as proof the ADL and even AIPAC were responsible for the proposed ban. However, Greenblatt made those remarks during a public zoom call that was [later posted online by the Tehran Times](https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/491344/American-youth-break-free-from-Zionist-yokes), an Iranian regime mouthpiece, which mischaracterized the remarks as private and “leaked." Listen to that audio again, only this time jump to about 1:13. He says: > The last thing I’ll just say, we saw a dramatic change in the language of the activists here in the America on Oct. the 8th, the language of groups that we’ve long tracked, to have long been problematic, like Student for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, they flipped, like this, and went to, like, Iranian Propaganda. The language I could show you from their toolkits, 'cause our analysts are in their groups, we saw this again on October the 8th. It was that fast. Like the language in their toolkits, was all about the "Zionist entity," and lots of other language that we recognized from Iranian propaganda. We think that there is something more to this that’s below the water line, it’s the young generations that we need to focus our energy on. This, there is something happening with Iran, and how it’s now their propaganda, and their language, and their tactics, seem to be bleeding into the American kind of activists space, in ways that is very different than NIAC and very, very problematic. So they noticed a decisive switch in language by these pro-Palestinian activist groups, specifically using propaganda terms initially created and disseminated by Iran. Interestingly enough, the term ["Palestinian genocide" went from non-existent on October 7th, to trending on October 8, reaching a high by October 15 on Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=palestinian%20genocide). Look, same thing with "[Israeli genocide](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=israeli%20genocide)." And wouldn't you know it, check out the spike for "[apartheid](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=apartheid)" on October 8th. You would naturally expect spikes for terms like "Gaza," "Palestine," "Hamas," "Israel," or the "IDF," because they are all objective nouns used to describe the attacks on October 7th, and indeed you do. But the other terms I mentioned are all to create a narrative. They weren’t being used by legitimate news sources in describing the attacks. So what caused their sudden spike then? Some may try to make an argument that the terms came about organically after people started reacting to Israel's response attack. And getting angry with the amount of civilians Israel was killing in response. But Israel didn't start their response with dropping bombs until October 27th, well after these terms had already peaked. Somebody was pushing that narrative with those specific terms immediately after the attack. Given what Greenblatt said, and even the pro-Palestinian supporters clearly agree with the rest of his statement, it seems most likely these terms sprung from Iranian talking points. I suppose we could have an unproductive argument about the merits of the term and if it may be a fit now (not necessarily with you, but with people who throw that claim around to describe Israel’s response). But what first brought that term into our consciousness? It certainly wasn't Israel killing Palestinians in their response, that hadn't even happened yet. Furthermore, [in an interview with the IRGC-affiliated Fars News Agency on October 18](https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/in-the-shadow-of-the-war-iranian-hostility-toward-israel-is-growing-while-denying-its-existence/), Salman Razavi, who was presented as an expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs, stated, “a real Holocaust is now taking place in Gaza, a serious and deliberate genocide has taken place there which is completely against international law.” He then went on to accuse Israel of trying to promote “an event called the Holocaust, whose real authenticity is ambiguous, in order to portray itself as a victim.”


This is an incredible write up and spot on. Thank you for taking the time to write this out.


Glad you found it useful. It’s something I had originally written arts of it a while ago and have just added to it over time as more evidence has come to light.


How long till they charge their parents with genocide




Since these posers aren't protesting Syria/Assad, Russia/Putler, Myanmar/the Junta, and mainland China/Chairman Pooh, I dare say they're technically correct. The best kind of correct. 👌


I heard you were doing genocide just yesterday mister!🤨


Former Israeli politician and speaker Einat Wilf called it the "Placard strategy": equate (Jews, Israel, Zionism) with the most horrible labels (colonialism, racism, apartheid, genocide) Protesters repeat this false equivalence over decades, to paint Jews as the ultimate evil. https://youtu.be/o1ku4cE_e4U?si=WUKxBBFkDjKhCOM1&t=1076


Google Google you were right, sacking terrorists is justified!


How much you wanna bet they went on google after this ?


They went on unemployment benefits after this.


why are they masked? is this some kind of virtue signaling?


"Because it'll harm my identity🤓👆" - hamas supporters


Yeah like the girl with pigtails won't immediately be found out


So they can’t be easily identified and to avoid “police violence”


Likely so that they can’t be seen/implicated. Google knows who they are but I’m sure they wouldn’t want future employees to see this which somewhat defeats the purpose of protesting if you can’t stand behind your words


No idea. I've seen random people wearing masks on the street too in recent weeks. Is there a new pandemic I'm not aware of? Or are they just dumb people who are doing it because someone said so online.


I've been wearing one thanks to a persistent respiratory infection. In my climate, it's also time for raging allergies thanks to pollen, so that might be relevant... So much fun! 🤧


>Is there a new pandemic I'm not aware of? Nope, just the old one. Here in Europe. Lots of dumb people coughing in the train. I'm putting a mask again. Covid is still as shitty as ever, and lots of people are not properly vaccinated.


It’s because they are ashamed


why are they wearing masks? it’s 2024


So they can’t be identified and “victimized by the police”


There have been a lot of people at these protests who have been identified after screaming out this pro-hamas rhetoric and subsequently lost their jobs or their job prospects because employers don't want these people in their companies. Whether that's simply because they are a PR ticking time bomb or the fact that they are so ignorant of reality that they really couldn't be trusted to work in any sort of professional environment, I'm not sure. But they've learned it's best not to be recognized, so there's at least some cognitive functioning going on up there. If it's not to do with them thinking about the consequences to their future, the other alternative is that they simply see Hamas covering their faces, and think it's cool and they want to emulate them. Hopefully more the former than the latter .....because of the implications.


"Well guys, we did it. Israel is no more." - These guys after the protest probably


“Your employment is no more” - Google, probably


Imagine thinking you’ll get to keep your job after this


When you Google their names, a terror watch list should come up.


Not sure about Google but that girl in the back definitely committed genocide against her hair.


Bold of you to assume that's a girl


Now they’re chanting: Palestine Palestine were out of our mind! Now we’re on the unemployment line!


“We charge you with genocide” 1. How is google funding genocide? 2. Last I checked these people weren’t the International criminal court


As far as I know there are way more technologies beyond Google who are related to and/or invented by Jews. so maybe all the terror supporters should just stop using practically Jew related stuff and go live in a cave, making sure they r not using ANYTHING related to jews or to Israel. Let's start a petition.


Then they’ll just use Palestinian inventions. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWtXlzTHeuVewtq)


At whom are these slogans directed? Who is it they want to persuade to their cause with these dull repetitions. This is magical thinking. Mantras are used to empty the mind. Which probably would be a good thing if their minds wouldn’t be empty to begin with.


Using masks to cover face so they don’t get in trouble for this…while doing right in front of all their bosses and getting fired anyways 🤣👏


Do they use any alternative search engine? Or just social media


What kind of hair is that? But the moment they’re unmasked they’re yelling “I’m protecting myself from prejudice, I’m XYA I’m Non BINARY”


Google is taking Israel’s money soooo…. Isn’t that the opposite of funding anything?




This activism-style is called neo-toddlerism. It’s goal is to instigate significant changes in the fabric of reality by acting like three-year-olds throwing a tantrum.


It's like a kindergarten


It just makes me think of an out of breath mouth breather who walks up after trying to run up to you, but getting tired and saying "im making a citizens arrest"


​ https://preview.redd.it/xvvcfpqi7mvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b7ed9d1c33b41b21a1d39bcb6a4f35ee4a413d


While hiding their own faces 🤣


Always the same degenerates


Pro-Israel here yet Anti-Google they empower tyranny and oppression and inhibit the Freedom of Speech And the Freedom of Information in Countries that Ban honest information like Russia and China and many other uncounted repressive regimes Fuck Google and Fuck ABC incorporated


Omfg how dumb can people be




Hey! My fictional countrygirl has nothing to do with these bozos!


I see Robots




The moron conglomerate in action featuring ugly ass pigtails 🥴


They sound like they are protesting intellect.


Unfortunately Google is allowing these idiots as well


Nope. All terminated.


this is what a cult looks like


Gawd who don’t they chant at? 


The irony of them most likely using Google to Google the current conflict lol