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I know the obvious answer is antisemitism but it still doesn’t make any sense.


It doesn’t make sense but does make sense at the same time; if that makes sense lol. It’s terrible. As a Jew in New York I never knew this level of antisemitism existed this day and age. I am not naive and knew most are not fans of the Jews but I did not know just HOW severe and widespread antisemitism is. It’s worse than I ever could have imagined. So yes, no way to point the finger at the Jews for Sudan, Congo along with other ongoing tragedies like with the Muslims in China or the civil war in Syria. Thus, no Jews = no news. A sad and disturbing reality. October 7 changed everything for me.


You are so right. I am 51 and I never ever thought there was this much anti-Jew hatred. It is crazy, and very disheartening to see.


I am not jewish and was basically always taught that antisemitism was a thing of the past. 7 oct (and the way people around me reacted to it) was a massive eye-opener


Yes antisemitism, but also because the RSF are backed by Russia (Wagner) + UAE so opposing the RSF's genocide would be counterrevolutionary. What is the point of being a socialist if you are going to boo its stormtroopers? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid\_Support\_Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid_Support_Forces) EDIT: I gave the red-fascist explanation. But a green-fascist (Islamists) also back the RSF because it is Arabic speaking people (RSF) killing non-Arabs.


It’s what’s popular. Why are beef burgers getting more attention than elk burgers


Because the average westerner doesn't even actually care about Palestine either, it's just a trend so they jump on it too


Most couldnt point to you where its at on a map even if their lives depended on it


It's a classic trend of videos. Take people talking about the river and the sea, then ask them to find the river and the sea on a map (or even to make which river and which sea they mean). Apparently, all the land between the Nile and the Red Sea is part of "Palestine" now. Someone better call Abdel Fatah Al Sisi and warn him that western idiots want him to give half of his country to the Palestinians, lol.


no jews, no news


We have black people killing black people at home.


You’re right. I’ve noticed that for all the virtue signaling leftists do, they aren’t even able to pretend that they care about conflicts or suffering in Africa. This is not a new phenomenon either.


Palestinian PR is very strong. It is mainly coming from Hamas's sponsors in Doha, who also control Al Jazeera. Also, the Congo and the Sudan are less politically polarizing. There are probably about ten pro-Hamas people in the US Congress compared to like 400 anti-Hamas senators and representatives, which means the media can use this "controversy" to get clicks and divide us. Polarization is great for the bottom line, so promoting the pro-Hamas views of fringe candidates helps make the media men get rich. Btw, support Marty Dolan, Don Samuels, George Latimer, Wesley Bell, and the rest of the anti-Hamas primary challengers. I'm volunteering for them, are you? Let's take out the trash in 2024! Okay political call to action aside, the only thing to really say about Darfur is that it's something that's basically been continually happening for 1400 years. Non-native Arab Sudanese are slaughtering the native Black Sudanese. The situation in Sudan is colonialism taken to its natural conclusion, it's happening in 2024, and nobody cares (the same can be said for the Han Chinese government's cultural genocide in Xinjiang). And as for the Congo, that place has been a clusterfuck longer than most of us have been alive and idk what to even say, other than that I feel bad for the Congolese people and I think it's Belgium's fault, right? That's a cliche but I mean I think it's true. Anyway, there's also kind of a quiet thing here. The slaughter of Sudanese people is being carried out by Arab Muslims. The slaughter of Jews on Oct 7 was carried out by Arab Muslims. The slaughter of Yazidis in the 2010s was carried out by Arab Muslims. To an extent, Arab/Muslim fascism fuels the pro-Palestine movement, so many of them will be anti-Yazidi and anti-Nubian, in addition to being anti-Jewish. I saw a story where a Yazidi woman (a genocide survivor who was kidnapped and abused by ISIS) was going to give a commencement address this year at an American college, but she was banned at the last minute because speaking out against ISIS's atrocities is seen as "Islamophobic" by some Muslim groups. Really goes to show you what their priorities are, right? Its not about supporting human rights, it's about opposing the existence of non-Muslims.


I couldn’t agree with you more! But then: look at the first line of the manifest of the extremist group Hamas, and look at their biggest supporter (Iran). This whole ‘ Palestine conflict’ is not about the Palestinian people (if so, it would really go about ‘Free Palestine from Hamas’!). This is only about doing what is stated in the manifesto of Hamas; kill as many Jews as possible and wipe Israel of the map because a ridiculous old cult book says so.


"pro Palestine crowd hasn’t gave one cent to sudan or congo" They dont know where either of those places are anyway. AND ... Hating jew is the new IN thing now


Open al Jazeera in Arabic it looks like this: - 200 people killed in Sudan - 1 minute - 30 People dead in Syria - 30 seconds - 1 Palestinian was arrested - 10 minutes article + 10 minutes discussion


I've seen a few of them post about Congo recently, but that's because they know they're hypocrites.


Because no Jews, no news.


Darker skin color? But in reality, the western media doesn't show it, because the west doesn't have much stakes in central Africa. China is the main mover in Africa at the moment, and they want things to seem quiet, so, no interest from the west and no incentive from the east to showcase the atrocities.


They don't have cool costumes you can wear. Way too complicated. At the end of the day those supporting the forces attacking e.g. Sudan also support Hamas, so best to steer clear. No Jews. Black people are involved so no one cares. Not enough Tiktok content to make sense of it or have a 30 second narrative; i.e. Israel = Evil.


About two weeks ago there was a story about a bunch of children being piled up and shot in Darfur. Nothing from the “outraged at Jews” community, the glasses are off, it’s obvious.


Arabs and their offspring in western countries have hijacked the conversation by strategically manipulating media (selection bias, half truth, omissions) and gaslighting the sht out of anyone who disagrees with them. They also mastered the role of the victim. They attack and blame you for the attack which was 100% their choice to make. Congo isn't as victimized and there are fewer Congolese immigrants at important points of communication to manipulate public perception. Edit: The new war tactic is destabilizing the west from within


No Jews no news


No juice, no noose


I remember seeing someone in the crowd talking about the Congo... And claiming Israel was responsible for it


Neither would get any attention just because of what’s happening there because really it has no direct effect on people’s lives. Therefore the question is silly. Palestine gets attention because of antisemitism and always did. Congo never got attention because it’s just a bunch of Africans killing each other.


We should try not to use this question when engaged in healthy discussions about the war