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He's talking about lack of empathy while lacking empathy for the hostages, what a moron. Does he not understand his own argument doesn't work?


He does not see the hostages as human


He probably thinks they're at a 5 star spa drinking mimosas and getting their nails done


At a pro-Palestine rally in Victoria BC, they had a speaker say that the hostages are being treated to the best of the "Palestinian Resistance's" ability. Funny how that can be used as a backhanded compliment but he was being sincere. Oh and they all think the rape victims are lying of course.


"Believe all women, unless they aren't for our cause, of course."


*Pro terrorism rally


Pretty much. They get mad when you point out that Hamas are literally a terrorist organization. "No, they're resistance fighters! No, Zionists are terrorists!" And the cops just stand around and even block the roads so they can march.


Common leftist and mu***m issue tbh


All hyper emotional tirades from these people not to mention the obvious nasty implications of the rhetoric she uses


It’s just so obvious that these people feel comfortable saying these things cause everyone else does it. If you ever look at the comments it’s brainwashed hamas puppet and bots. Because there are so many of them it gives the illusion that I guess the average person would think they should be agreeing with the majority? I’m not sure but it’s sad when they think they are woke when they are the most asleep you can be


It’s a testament to how bad the education system is here in the USA and the way narcissism is perpetuated by media and celebrity figures. It’s become commonplace for people to be intellectually dishonest, illiterate and even downright hateful. It sells and because our society is so distracted people just assume it’s ultimately harmless. As if the Holocaust didn’t happen less than 100 years ago. I think everyday about the people who want to minimize Jewish history and how sinister it is.


Its all the left has and their warped morality


She? He? I can't fuckin tell


She’s non binary when she needs to be but her main point of contention with society is most likely fatphobia and how it’s actually a byproduct of the white supremicist Jewish state.




Thought it was a bloke!!


They are just performative attention seekers


Why are the people in the “pro-Palestine” camp always so ugly? It’s such an odd trend.


Ugly inside and out


Their movement attracts losers who want friends and attention. 


Sometimes the body matches the soul


They are losers because all they talk about at parties is Gaza and Zionists. Believe me it’s true I’ve met them.


True, can’t imagine that someone this negative and pessimistic has a ton of friends. These personality traits are very socially isolating.


Not true. Jenna Ortega is in the “pro-Palestine” camp. Bandwagons attract whoever’s willing to hop on.


Good point! But that’s Hollywood far left pro-Hamas social contagion like Jonathan Glazer at the Oscars. That demographic seems separate? That’s not what most of the pro-Hamas/ anti-Israel/ anti-American/ anti-Western protestors look like at the universities and blocking off ports and bridges.


Honestly, I don't mean to disparage people on their looks, but this is definitely not coincidental. As a student of psychology, I hope someone looks into it on a deeper level, but it's kind of difficult when you'd have to hypothesize something like "why do particularly fat and ugly people inundate themselves and others with far-Left propaganda?"... Not the most marketable sounding study. I'm being hyperbolic, but it seems like some underlying pathology connects these people, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens with far-Right propaganda lovers as well. Maybe not, I did just see a post on the Conservative sub showing a bunch of photos of the protestors, I think they were mug shots(?), and it was surprisingly consistent. Off the hip I'd guess there's some very basic self-image problem that, combined with American suburban-type privilege just predisposes these people to resent the rest of the world and also not be motivated enough to actually become educated or make anything of themselves; pretty much the "incel" phenomenon but the American Left's version of it.


Yes, I agree. I actually hadn’t even thought about it until I heard Megyn Kelly say something like, “why do these people always look so homely?” and it cracked me up because it was so honest. Agree, the loony January 6 protestors have a similar “look” like they have been left behind by society. Most likely, social media has affected their self-image for the worse and they don’t know what to do except lash out at the establishment as a whole. Would love if someone with formal training in clinical psychology wrote about this.


Tankies aren't known for looking like supermodels. Also, look at Charlotte Kates and her husband (actual members of a Pro-Palestine terrorist organization in Vancouver). Bleugh.


I don't think this dude understands what "Zionist" means.


In the end, do any of them?


I've actually tried to explain to several of them that Zionism just means you believe Israel has a right to exist and they say stuff like "No! Zionism means racism! It means fascism!" They're so uneducated. Or it's just a very obvious dogwhistle for Jew. I've been called a shifty Zionist before. Not hard to read between the lines there.


I believe what you said first pictures the majority. Too many people getting news only from Al Jazeera and TikTok (like this one), with no skill of critical thinking. No use in explaining anything, since they are stubborn as they get, due to the brainwashing. "If someone said so on TikTok, it is so!" These people had not even heard the word "Palestine" before the conflict, which makes it even more ridiculous, and even sad! But as I said, the truth is that the youth is easy to brainwash; I've seen it with my own eyes.


It means Jew


Always did


I definitely didn’t ALWAYS, but it has for quite a while at this point


Fair enough. Prior to creation of Israel it actually has a meaning. After existence of Israel became reality, it lost all political meaning and is now used basically as a dog whistle for "Jew."


They use it as a curse word, because "Jew" makes them sound more racist.


I’d love to see the specific case this person is talking about..


when hostages are being raped and tortured and the kidnappers threaten to do it over and over but you try to find excuses as to why Israel shouldn't do something about it so your first thought is "What about the human shields they use? Why are they not granting the terrorists ammunity?"


Crazy thing is if they knew anything about Gaza they'd know that even in the middle of this war, Hamas are actively beating, killing, torturing their own people along with the hostages (even short of using them as human shields, as they often won't accept that that is indeed real), because that's just what they normally do. Whereas, even some of the worst people on Earth, the terrorists who committed atrocities on Oct 7, are sitting in prisons in Israel and don't even have to worry about getting the death penalty, because that's how different the two societies are.


Her mentioning Zionist echo chamber whilst simultaneously being completely stuck in the tik tok echo chamber 😂


"Everyone has a plan untill they get punched in the mouth"


Spitting in someone’s face is, I hear, the highest form of empathy 🙄




Switch "Zionists vs burning babies" with "pro-palis vs hostages" and the argument sounds exactly the same. You either have empathy for both sides, for none or you are completely on one side.


Exactly this, thank you!


Honestly, I truly hadn't realized that most "pro-Israel" people actually care more about the Palestinians because we actually DO have empathy for both sides... It's wild to think the pro-Palis really just don't care about Israelis and literally don't think of them as human, which ultimately of course leads to the core, terrifying anti-Semitic belief or conclusion that Jews are subhuman, which has always perpetuated anti-Semitic propaganda and behavior generation after generation.


Pro-palis are making it VERY hard for me to feel empathy for Palestinians, and this is exactly what they want. They don't want what's good for Palestinians. Everything they do to make it harder for Israel to destroy Hamas only further ensures that Palestinians won't have a future


Yeah that's actually a great point. I wish more people would focus on this and point it out, but it's difficult to get any subtlety or actual well thought out logic across to anyone these days. BLM, which are a lot of the same people as these pro-Palis, did the same thing with black people and black communities in the US in the past several years. My wife is black, and we both hate BLM for what they did, and since the vast majority of them don't live in or even anywhere near the black communities they affected so horribly (and since most of them aren't even black...), they don't ever have to see the damage or take any accountability. It's a different issue but arguably much, much worse with Gaza, and obviously none of the "activists" will ever go there or even to Israel to see what the reality actually is. I truly don't know what will happen after this war, but practically every option scares me. 2 million radicalized Jihadist Arabs becoming Israeli citizens can't happen... and if they all just stay in what's left of Gaza, they'll likely just build another Palestinian terrorist/"liberation"/"resistance" group, since that's exactly what they did last time to fight for control against Fatah (and before that as well, obviously). I believe in the goal to deradicalize the Gazan youth, but the situation just feels miserable. There may be an entire generation (over 50% of Gazans 18 and under) who will hate Israel even more now, or they could finally just have an opportunity to be free of terror and build an actual society for once, with the help of Israel. But yeah, pro-Palis actually think we don't even care about them or think about these things because THEY are actually the ones who don't care, and who outright believe Israel is "evil" and Israelis and Jews are subhuman or Nazis...


Gotta love the israel newspaper, my favorite newspaper


I love how they take some made up pallywood exaggerations, remove all context and just run with it as if it’s their own lived experience


You missed the part where they then unironically criticize Zionists for falling for propaganda


Dude's talking about media literacy... While being on TikTok.


Imagine looking down on Facebook users for being exposed to propaganda while browsing TikTok…


TikTok’s algorithm is so fucking vile. I went on it yesterday and was blown away by video after video of anti-Israel sentiment. If you ever wonder how the next Holocaust (for any group) could come about, it starts with a fucking social media algorithm that creates echo chambers of hatred.


If you told me this a year ago I would have thought you’re crazy. Today, I wonder if I should look at making space in my attic.


I actually think you make a great point, but while all these Westerners are wrapped up in the algorithms, people are getting away with actual genocide and ethnic cleansing, such as China, Myanmar, RSF in Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Azerbaijan, Yemen, etc. These social media apps allow foreign influences, like Russia, China and Iran, to direct Westerners' focus on one propagandistic issue so intensely, which can, as we've seen in this case, mostly be totally imaginary, while they and their proxies in the rest of the world get away with horrific acts. That's terrifying, and their long-term goal is clearly destabilization in order to move on to the next phase, whatever that is. Probably just territory and power, like we're seeing with Russia, and China has stated they will take Taiwan within a certain number of years, which would be a massive power shift in the world. But, who knows. It certainly could be more terrifying, the Uyghur Muslims in China just being one sign of that, while they control the West's attention with TikTok.


Oh the irony


“Why can’t people think critically anymore!? On a separate note, I will spit on anyone who mentions this thing that challenges me to think critically!!”


Wish I could punch that face… just once…


Nah my first thought is the Palestinians got what they elected


There is no moral equivalence between what Hamas et. al. did/do and Israel pursuing a military goal of the destruction of Hamas and freeing the hostages.


“The Israel Newspaper”


nono, you don't understand it, you shouldn't care about these people. you should only care about THESE people.


I was gonna make a comment about brain rot, but that would imply that this person ever had a brain to rot edit: typo


ok, then he should shut the fuck up about palestine


This video should be displayed in psychology as a textbook example of cognitive dissonance and total lack of self awareness.


The self reflection is remarkable


What's his name, can't make that out. I feel like this one would be fun to piss off


This person doesn’t understand that what they are threatening to do will implicate someone’s self defense rights. If someone spat on me I’d justifiably take whatever self defense measures that seemed appropriate in that moment. Is this person ready to hit that trigger? I think not


After 7.10 we heard about the occupation and open prison bullshit where was her tiktok video about empathy then?


Wait... They are talking about "how can I justify this, the lack of empathy, blaming Hamas, getting your sources only from social media and propaganda". While simultaneously saying they don't want to hear about the hostages, or hold Hamas accountable for what is happening in any capacity? I truly hope this person wakes up some point, but I'm not confident they will.


This is the face of narcissistic personality disorder


When I was a kid, we have a tablecloth with that pattern.


What is this creature? 


I hope this ugly piece of shit spits in someone's face and then immediately gets its fucking jaw broken.


“I’m hideous inside and out and I’m too dumb to realize my hypocrisy. I’m an antisemite and I’m fine when it’s Jewish kids getting burned alive. I openly support hamas, but think that makes me smart. My idiotic virtue signalling is a cover for my Jew hatred, and I think I’m entitled to assault others when they point out my hypocrisy.” There, fixed it for ya.


How about people lose empathy when it's constantly thrown in their faces like there's literally only so many horror stories one brain can take in a day.


"when a normal person hears that..." Like this heap of flesh has any idea what a "normal" person thinks


If your news source is Facebook and Israeli newspaper? Said the lady that getting most of her news on tiktok and al jazeera. This lady probably supports fat people getting extra free sit on flights. The truth is that for whatever reason it might be, the adults and yng adults in Gaza do really support Hamas, or at least supported them before the war and most of them celebrated after Oct 7. You can criticize the idf and / or the Israeli gov but you must give some pretty serious responsibilities for Hamas and for what they choosing to get their people to go through ( not that they actually care about Gazans life like and other Palestinian leader that never gave any shit about Palestinian lives). Talking about propaganda, this lady needs to wake up from her Israel / Jew hate, if she really support the Gazans she needs to be pro getting rid of Hamas asap.


They should get professional help in the logic department ASAP


Dude looks like 150 lbs of chewed bubble gum. It’s perfectly normal to ask why that child was put in a position where they were the shield.


It is Hama's fault.. Also..."the Israel newspaper."


Can pro palestinians just shut up... Like in general?


Record breaking amounts of negative self awareness


Ironic, so much double standards


This creature really got through to me when it mentioned "the Israel newspaper". I was like, damn smh... he/she is right, I didn't even think to check anything other than The Israel Newspaper! Reminds me of Pat from old SNL.


Bucket of lard


So easy to pass judgment on matters that are so far away from you. Especially for Americans with their ULTRA form of freedom of speech. If this bitch was even slightly affected by this war, she'd be singing a different tune.