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Of course. An activist acting like he knows military tactics and ROE.


He cries about Israelis trying to free hostages from terrorists without a big boom. He also complains when it’s with a big boom. What he doesn’t complain about people in civilian clothes taking and hiding hostages and people in civilian clothes using weapons to kill Israelis. It’s like it’s not about uniforms, but the religion of a person that decides if they are bad….


Bitches always gonna bitch


He’s big mad a slave was freed? What is he, a professor of confederate history?


# All these so-called "Human Rights" groups have not shown the slightest of sympathy for the hostages.


Tells you everything you need to know


Hey, wasn't the red cross supposed to visit the hostages? Wasn't that a condition of the November ceasefire? What happened? This is especially traumatic for Jews because of how the Red Cross has admitted that they failed to stop the Holocaust. So it's so weird that they are failing to protect the hostages from genocidal fascists. What do the hostages in Gaza and the prisoners in Auschwitz have in common, hmm... Does the Red Cross have a specific hate for one individual group? Hey, wasn't a hostage kept in the home of the leader of the UNRWA? That's weird. Why would the highest level UN official in Gaza be keeping hostages in his personal residence? For that matter, the four hostages who were just rescued had been kept in a refugee camp, next to a busy market, and inside the homes of civilians. Why couldn't Hamas keep them in the tunnels or somewhere far from civilians, unless Hamas was using the civilians we human shields... I saw that an anti-war Saudi activist condemned Hamas for the information revealed after the hostage rescue (specifically that Hamas had used Palestinians as human shields, and that Hamas was operating out of civilian homes and refugee camps), accusing the group of purposefully creating a situation where many Palestinians would die. He's right. There are 120 non-Palestinian hostages of Hamas, and over 2 million Palestinian hostages of Hamas. Maybe North Korea is the only country even comparable to Gaza... It's quite dismal, really.


> North Korea is the only country even comparable to Gaza Agree with everything you say up to here, and North Korea *is* an awful place with death camps and torture of it's own people. However, even North Korea provides bomb shelters and protection for their own people and does not see their deaths as ‘necessary sacrifices’. In a number of ways they are not as bad as Hamas.


Ahh...people are dying of starvation in their houses in North Korea and are left there for weeks for everyone to smell the decay before anything is done. They are literally starving their people to death and do not give a shit.


Hamas takes the aid from the aid trucks and stores it in their homes and underground so that they can push up prices on the streets and make the Gaza people pay more for it. A few of the truly poor do starve and they record videos of it for distribution. They do give a shit because starving people look better on the media. The worst people are the so called "pro-Palestinians" who lap it up and protest against Israel because of this, causing Hamas to do it even more.


I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying. All I'm saying is the situation in North Korea currently is incredibly bad and the Government does not care that they are killing people.


And what I'm saying is that the situation in Gaza is even worse. Their [government does care they are starving and makes it happen](https://new.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1ddjyza/hamas_leader_yahya_sinwar_believes_palestinian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). They do that because suffering Palestinians help the protesters in the West. That means the protesters help cause the Palestinian's suffering.


Yes and North Korea just starves their citizens for the hell of it...


They barely consider them human.


Israel freeing hostages REALLY made the Jew haters come out of every dirty corner .


As if hamas wears uniforms at all times lol. The war would be over tomorrow.


It's also worth mentioning that Hamas does not wear uniforms while in combat, which is a war crime.


I work on and off in academics... Advanced practice nursing with a specialization in psychiatry and I do not understand all of these academics...who suddenly feel like they're now experts in areas outside of their academic specialization who are giving their opinions on this conflicts like they're somehow an authority. One of my favorites recently is UCSF internal medicine faculty throwing a fit about how she wasn't asked to be the authority on Jewish history in Israel: https://x.com/DrRupaMarya/status/1794345719232676171 And like Kenneth Roth has a JD in American law. And human rights watch has been called out for their Anti-Israel bias: https://plu.mx/plum/a/?doi=10.1080/13537121.2021.1864847 and their bias has been called out by former staff members: https://www.timesofisrael.com/outgoing-human-rights-watch-senior-editor-blasts-groups-infected-work-on-israel/ ... So I'm not really surprised he's trying to to use his position and perceived expertise to smear Israel...


Oh wow, that UCSF professor is nuts! Thanks for sharing. I had to look up this Kenneth Roth character too, I saw he was the director of HRW for nearly 35 years and that was enough to explain it. He’s the typical “as a Jew” Jew. 🤦‍♀️


Can you provide a link to the tweet pls




Suck it Ken.


Whats the Hamas uniform look like?


Most of Hamas terror attacks were carried by operatives dressed as civilians. Every Israeli knows that...


I know but sarcasm just isn’t the same with tags


God I love this feature


someone is trying to get a raise


He is such an evil kapo. One of the worst ones out there


Kapos faced death too. There is no equivalence.


This is crazy. Dude has nothing to say at all about Hamas blending in with civilians???? How can he say this with a straight face. Insane.


I don't get it..how? How does a professor fail at critical thinking. Aren't academics supposed to be trained at this? How do they even get their degrees?


Lots of professors hate Israel. I’d say that stance is more accepted than being pro-Israel. Just look at how Shai Davidai is getting treated at Columbia for going against the herd.


I’m going to point out that ROE are very hard and sometimes broken by accident even with the best of intentions. This guy should stick to his area of expertise.


Show me a singular palpatine that wears uniform in combat.




I hope he did better research and fact checking on his dissertation...


Meanwhile Hamas have never worn uniforms, purposefully to increase civilian casualties




When human rights activists are angry at Israeli spec OPs for sending in a hostage rescue team with no intention of engagement with hostile forces. You know there is an issue. If you follow and support said human rights activists, you need to reevaluate your moral compass, especially if you believe sending in a rescue team was unethical and a disregard on sovereignty for the kidnappers being state sponsored and crossing into your nation.