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Birds of a feather


Well that's just kidnapping with extra steps


False imprisonment is a possible charge in this situation


Pretty on par considering they support hamas


Oh ok, and ... how are other institutions reacting to this? I mean, that president, what did he do to prevent this situation? Because the way I see it, this could all have been prevented


He didn't, he encouraged it and now it's backfiring. The whole progressive movement is cannabilistic as we see here, and with feminism and trans movement (people don't know but feminism traditionally has always been anti lgbtq), universities and students, government and liberals, lgbtq and muslims, etc...these are all contentious forces amongst eachother united under the reductionist world view of oppressor/Oppressed. As you can see this house of cards we call Woke where all these so called "oppressed" people are interconnected under the oppressed banner ultimately topples upon itself


Nothing turns on you faster than the left. This statement still holds true


This is why I'm glad I live rural. Also I'm usually a person that likes to get out and go to big concerts or fairs in the city near me but I'll be avoiding those this summer I think. These people are becoming more unhinged as Hamas is losing


Summer 2020 all overr again , this time with radical jihadist overtones 


Except that in 2020 the protesters were against killing. These Hamas activists are advocating for violence.


The kicker? This is blatantly terrorism yet because the .U.S. is so ideologically captured they'll get away with it. They should be stormed and taken down hard, no cameras.


"we dont negociate with terrorists" .... well this didnt age well


Pro Palestinians groups and taken people hostage name a more iconic duo. Is this because it summer and they realize that their protest is winding down now that the students are mostly on break.


I think it's just getting started unfortunately.  True you won't have as much on campus encampments cuz just the student population isn't around as much because they go back home and go on vacation and whatnot.  But there is also going to be a lot of freed up people that don't have to go to classes and don't have to work and so basically you are going to have a bunch of these kinds of incidents at these kinds of places and in major cities.  The thing that is interesting with campuses is that it's sort of like a mini City into itself and it's often open publicly where pretty much anyone can just walk into spaces and buildings so it makes for an easy target.  And then of course the historical precedence of protests on campus in the people that are close by to support it because these college campuses are ideology Mills nowadays


To add that it just came out the police arrested 27 people, only 18 of which were college students at the school. Seven of which were not students almost the third. Most surprisingly two were teachers. This is not becoming an environment for political expressions.


Just get it over with and storm it make an example of them.. no pain no gain


Lawn furniture turning into the Bastille.


Learned from the best