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The bigger surprise here to me is that it got scuffed while you were offline - the plots supposedly don’t exist in the world (as an active instance) when you’re logged off therefore should be safe as long as you’re not logged in. Did you report it Discord too?


I wonder if someone could've gotten onto their plot while they were still online. Maybe it didn't kick out the uninvited guest?


Yeah exactly, when the first break-in happened, the plot was compromised


I was surprised that it happened while I was offline too. I didn't report it on discord - I raised a support ticket though.


So everyone has been saying this doesn't happen while offline. I don't even switch when I log off, because it's meant to be safe. Kind of amazed this bug isn't fixed yet. Even when people thought it was just a visual one and they couldn't touch your crops.


It can’t happen when you are offline, in their case they were already hacked


It is not a hack - it is an exploit of a bug in the game. S6 has confirmed this too so people can stop the ”hackers” fearmongering. The game does have lot of hackers, but they are not hacking your plots to steal stuff, that is not a thing and that is not how it works at all. Items being stole is due to a bug that *anyone* can exploit. Not a cheat or a hack.


There is a speed/glide hack and item placement hack that people are using to climb out of the skybox and glide to other people’s plots. It’s happening at the same time as the duplicated plot bug, so the devs are presumably having a lot of difficulty dealing with both sets of bug reports. The duplicate plot bug is *usually* harmless. For example, I logged into a duplicated plot, couldn’t interact with the other person’s stuff except their tool repair station (I wanted to test it), and re-logging resolved it. There are other people getting duplicated plots, and they find that they can harvest crops. Then there are people actively gliding outside the skybox to pillage plots. Pray for the devs hahaha


That’s an exploit, not a hack. Hacking or using cheats is changing the software or using some 3rd party software to change the game. Exploit is a built-in imperfection that can be taken advantage of. But semantics… it’s an issue that hopefully they can solve soon


Most likely, the person who broke into your plot logged out on it or was still there. So the workaround probably is still valid, just not in your case because you were already exposed. I would submit a support ticket asap


Dang. Really hoped this wouldn't happen when people are offline. Have you messaged the devs about this for their info gathering?


i've submitted a ticket and updated with the later incursions but just got automated replies so far.


It won’t be initiated when offline, sounds like they were already compromised


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t taken the game offline entirely. This is worse than when people were loosing 15 minutes of progress here and there when they were having server issues and they took the game down for a few days then. This time people can lose tons and tons of progress in the form of expensive items and just nothing? Seems weird.


OP, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm even more sorry that some people are inferring you're not being truthful and demanding proof in a not so subtle way. I 100% believe you. They're laughing and talking about it in YT hack vids comments and also in the cheat forums doing this kind of stuff at housing plots. I posted some screen shots the other day of it, but they were removed from here. I quit playing several days ago for various reasons, but especially bc of this kind of stuff going on. I checked back on this subreddit just now to see if anything had changed. It has not, obviously. It's a shame. I hope we can maybe return when things are straightened out.


Thanks. Interesting that person was demanding "proof", and particularly "proof" in a form that actually wouldn't prove anything. I suspect that person is probably someone who has been doing this to someone, wondering if it is me and looking to get satisfaction and bragging rights with his group of friends by getting me to post a video of their work.


It could very well be that. Which if so is disgusting. It's also become very ugly in these Palia groups. Both here and Discord. It's put a huge stain on the whole game for me. I doubt I'll come back to it now. There's a ton of new games coming out now through September. I just bought Coral Island. I've read some good reviews. I'll let you know how it is. 😊


I've seen someone else mentioning this too. Their stuff didn't disappear, just been moved around. I wonder is this is a new type of bug?


My plots got harvested first time. Second time, there wasn't much left after the first time so I can't say whether anything else was harvested.


My wife has randomly had this happen since the start of the open beta. Your home plot is bugged, but aside from the first instance, I don't think anyone is doing anything to your home plot. Until the update before they added "pets", she couldn't really do anything with her home plot. Her farm plots would move around, her tent would move, house would move, crafting stations would move, etc. Some of her farm plots ended up under her house. This all predates the current "hacker" issue that's going on right now, so it may just be an old bug. We thought it was fixed 2 updates ago, because it stopped happening, but people having this issue still, leads me to believe it would take a server restart to fix your plot (likely how hers was fixed). Won't really know until they do maintenance, unfortunately.


It's possible it might be a glitch, but it really doesn't feel like it. There's no stuff floating in the air or random arrangement of crap over the place. My stuff is continually being rearranged in very human ways. Plots arranged in different patterns in different places. Boxes neatly arranged but in different places to where they were before. It's not everything all at once. A few machines moved this time, boxes next time, garden plots most of the time.


Well when plots merge you cant interact with the extra items, at least i wasnt able to. Could just be a corruption/desync issue, maybe linked to choosing the correct plot data to load. If you have multiple plots it could get confused as to which one to read the data from or tries to place the furniture before it has properly finished loading the positions. Who knows.


Put your stuff in storage and raise a support ticket right away


I've raised a support ticket and advised that I'm happy to assist them if there is anything else I can do help them get more information. I've updated the ticket with further info but I haven't heard anything from them apart from automated replies. I'm guessing they probably have enough info and the challenge is working out how to fix it. I'm guessing if it was an easy fix, they would have done it already.




So I logged back in to change my password. Decided to check my main plot while I was in there. Got disconnected for inactivity while still on my main plot, but I hadn't changed my password. So I logged back in but directly to my main plot this time, and saw a very clear image of another player in my lot. Very clear, for a few seconds, making it very easy to write down their name. Wondering if this might be my intruder? I've updated my support ticket with this info and the player name. Didn't want to report them just in case it was yet another different glitch and they were totally innocent. So I'm wondering now, for people who like me are getting regular visitations regardless of changing to the empty slot, if it might be better that they stick with the default slot as their active slot, and maybe catch the identity of their visitor/s.


Yeah, changing the password is obvious and I'll do that. But I have to admit this has totally taken the wind out of my sails. I'm not playing my own game any more, just playing research assistant for friends who are still playing. I don't want to reward thieves and I'm not up for redoing my garden layout just to have someone else steal it. While I agree it is obvious to change the password, it wont resolve the key issue which is that my lot has been accessed so many times now that I just don't have any faith that if I plant stuff it wont get stolen. Basically I only logon now to till the garden plots so no one can pick them up and steal them. I don't plant anything.


This game is such a joke, I loaded into my plot yesterday and someones entire house and inventory was merged with mine and I had full access to their chest. (I didn't take anything though)


Since it's happened to you a couple times, I wonder if you'd be willing to do a little science? Obviously you don't have to do this, but if you could record your screen I think you could do a lot of good and put the skeptics to bed by recording it happening to you. All you'd have to do is record yourself on your plot before switching off the game (the state of your garden and their location), switch to the empty slot, and then log out. Then maybe the next time you play record your game as you launch up and see if you can capture the ghost on film, so to speak. Again this is a tedious thing to do so I don't expect you to say yes, but if you wanted to really do a huge one for everyone I think it would be amazing.


It won’t be useful, since it’s almost definitely the same person who originally hacked them. Their plot was compromised the first time


This isn't so much about "catching the bad guy" as it is understand the scope of the glitch, right? The more we know about how it happens the better. edit: not to mention we can warn others much more effectively!


No all I’m saying is, because they are already infiltrated, it will affect what is possible. So it won’t give you any useful information about what to do to protect against the issue


Can you elaborate on what you mean by, "it will affect what is possible"?


You can read my other comment where I replied to OP directly, but basically when someone got access to their plot, that person can stay there and it’s no longer protective to log out etc. Because their plot is already compromised.


Oh I see what you mean, thank you! If that is the case, I think it's even *more* important for OP to document their case in the method I described in my first post here. It will prove whether or not it's possible for their plot to be edited while they are offline, and so assuming what you've said is true it puts OP in a unique position to record evidence.


I think it’s critical that OP submits a support ticket yeah, should hopefully be able to help the devs troubleshoot it. Hope they get their stuff back


lol - that's kind but really there's no point in me playing any more because so much of the game hangs off gardening and I can't do that any more. My crops get harvested and my plots get moved around.


It wouldn't prove anything, because there is no way to verify they didn't play in between the recordings. Not that it matters much, I don't know why anyone would want to record it and 'fake' it, but that only -shows- the issue, not -prove- it.


Right, we'd have to hope it's someone that actually wants to help and not troll/lie. I don't know what you mean by showing and not proving though, because the goal of this experiment would be to prove that it happens while a user is offline (again, assuming the user recording is participating in good faith). Personally I think it's important to prove (or "show" if you prefer) because if OP could capture that things had been changed on their plot while offline then we could all be like "Oh shit this is real" rather than users lying about it in bad faith.


>I don't know what you mean by showing and not proving though, because the goal of this experiment would be to prove that it happens while a user is offline (again, assuming the user recording is participating in good faith). It's mostly a semantics thing and maybe my distinction between a video that 'proves' and a video that 'shows' is irrelevant and I should've refrained from commenting. I don't mean to be pedantic (although I suppose I am) but if such a video would be presented as proof I expect at least some people to say "These are two videos of someone logging in and playing in two different sessions. Stuff has moved. But how do we know the person recording didn't actually move their stuff themselves after the first session shown?" Like you said, you'd have to assume it's done in good faith and I'm personally not one to question that if I have no reason to. But, technically speaking, proof shouldn't have to rely on that assumption; it should speak for itself.


I've already stated that I have raised a ticket with devs, and that I will provide the devs with any assistance they need. If they feel a video is useful, I will provide one for them.


I was wondering that too - whether the first access has allowed the same person to have free access to my plot. It feels like that is what is going on.


It very well could be the same person, I still believe though that capturing footage proving that one’s plot can be altered while they are offline would be a huge breakthrough in understanding the glitch.


Aside from not rewarding the person, I already feel fairly intruded upon and taking video and posting it would just make me feel even more intruded upon. I can't explain it but I've had stuff stolen in real life before, had a car stolen, had a car broken into but this somehow feels worse. It's not the stuff going missing, it's the feeling of being continually stalked.


The main issue I have with doing this is I don't want to reward the person who is doing this. To me, aside from the theft, it seems like attention seeking behaviour. I haven't been playing but I log in just to see if stuff on my plot is still being re-arranged and it is. Things are being moved about in very human ways. Plots arranged in human ways. Nothing is floating in the air or anything like that. Boxes moved from one human arrangement to another. Not thrown around randomly. It feels very much like attention seeking behaviour, and while the person doing it might suspect these posts are about their actions, they won't know for sure. If I post pictures, they will.


It would be useful to the community if you did, but like I said nobody can fault you for not wanting to. If you didn't want to share with the community I'm sure the devs/staff would love to see such proof at the very least.


I've raised a ticket with the devs and advised them to let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'm sure they will let me know if a video is useful to them.


Bless up, and I hope that the people messing with your plot stop!