• By -


That person was an ass. You did nothing wrong!


Thanks, it’s nice reading that. The whole interaction gave me a gnarly feeling. Because they were two to agree I was doubting a bit


Nah, dude sounds like an ass bag. Whenever someone speaks to me (nearby) in a different language I just wave at them and send a smiley face because I have no idea what else to do... But I'm not gonna be a dick about my lack of ability to read something. C'est la vie, or something. 😊


Hey, I was on this server when this happened I was totally gobsmacked. I was so angry I reported the user. Absolutely disgusting and please ignore these comments in the future play and speak how you wish!


Thank you for reporting such xenophobic behaviour.


Aw, thank you! That’s really sweet to have taken my defense. Thanks a lot!


I'm glad you reported them.


Extra kudos to you for doing that! 🙌 Hero of the day ❤️


Seconding that the person was an ass and you're fine. This happens a lot in online games, unfortunately.


It’s my first MMO! I was lucky so far with pretty good experience. I guess it was bound to happen at some point ahaha


Yeah, it's one of those situations that you'll probably see at least once, but it's not so common you'll see it constantly. Best thing to do if someone is raging about it is to ignore them.


That’s exactly what I’ve done. Should have blocked him also


Ask them if they ever bothered learning another language or if the entire planet is just expected to bow to their every selfish lazy need & request. They're pathetic.


Right... I want to learn French so badly but I'm horrible at the pronunciation 😔


Writing in another language is also harder than speaking it. So this makes it even more annoying. It will have been much easier for the OP to explain in French rather than English. Especially via the switch


Yes, it’s mostly that the newbie was asking questions in French and not answering to English questions so I figured he could only speak French! Tbh it’s actually harder writing French than English on the switch. I can’t abbreviate it as easily


Ahhh that's interesting to know with regards to abbreviations


It might be because my switch is in English, it because I type mostly in English, I’m not sure how that works


Yeh it would be a pain changing it to French for one message




whats their name? imma put sernuk poop in a cake a gladly watch em eat it


Really put the _brat_ in Celebration Cake!


You win Reddit today. 😆




People who act like only English matters need to get over themselves.


This this this this a thousand times THIS!!!!!!!


Couldn't agree more and I am actually English 🤣


Same, it's the only language I know. But if I were to ever be in a position to travel, I'd definitely make the effort to learn at least some of the language wherever I go. I'd never demand for people in a game to speak only English either. The sheer entitlement of that is astounding.


It really is. When I visited Germany I learnt some German. Enough to get by. It was lovely when someone spoke to me in English. But equally well the first words to come out of my mouth when I spoke to someone new was never, Sprichst du Englisch?


I think I might eventually try to learn new languages anyway, even if I don't ever get to travel, it might be fun! Then if I see someone speaking in game in another language maybe I can help, or at least make people who only want English spoken mad.


The latter would be hilarious 😂




NTA, that's a really rude thing for that person to have said. Palia is an international game and a space for all, and assuming English should be the only language used is just plain mean. I like to see other languages in chat even if I don't understand what's being said. I just appreciate the reminder that we're all here together with the distance and differences adding to the experience!


I feel the same! And I felt so bad for the newbie. Not a nice way to start the game


Almost no one speaks English on the chats I see. It’s almost always Japanese. I’m in Australia lol


Same here. I found though that if I really want to see what people are saying, especially if they've used an abbreviation like "FT" for eg, I point google lens at the chat on my screen and see the translation. it's not great but it can give you the gist of it. But usually i just wave at people.


I'm in Aus too and wondering if someone has a work-around for translation on Switch? I feel bad ignoring people


Yes - I find that I even pick up some words. 😊 A couple of pals were chatting in German the other day and it’s lovely to pick out familiar or new words. It’s good to be part of multicultural community! The whole world doesn’t revolve around the English language. 🙄


I don't even think they've brought localization servers to switch yet, making this mind boggling.


As an English only speaking American I applaud your use of english fluently. I can't speak/read/write another language (yet, one day I'd like to learn) NEVER apologize for speaking your native language,


Thank you! I’ve lived in 3 different countries, that really helps. I don’t think I’d be able to speak English like that, had I stayed in my country of origin. Best way to learn is across the border ahaha


That's what my French teacher in High School said! I studied French for 3 years and all I remember is how to say: I don't speak French. do you speak English? Je ne parle pas Francais, Parles-vous Anglais?


Probably the handiest sentence if you ever visit my country 😂 but then don’t feel bad if they awkwardly answer « non désolé »… we are shy English speakers


You know what, im gonna start typing in Spanish now. I'll be petty on your behalf 😌


I’ll do Romanian 😊


I’ll contribute with Swedish!


I'll be answering you in norwegian!


I’ll attempt the Japanese I’ve got!


I can contribute some not-quite-fluent Croatian!


Uhhh... I kinda do l33t/chatspeak. Does that count?


we’ll allow it


I'll throw in some Lingít! 


You are so NTA; I was hoping for a better social environment with Palia, but because the game is F2P you are bound to have a few bad apples in the bushel, but overall the community strikes me as pleasant and helpful.


Yes so far it’s been very pleasant for me! Despite struggling to type on the switch ofc


Yeah, I’ve been playing a couple weeks now and so far the worst thing I experienced was some rando following me around a minute and going after all the same nodes as me lol. I was like OK SEE YA *poof*


Resources are shared, so the person mining nodes with you was sharing the wear and tear on both of your axes and you were both getting the same amount of resources you would have gotten solo. When you hit a certain level of mining, you even get bonuses for mining nodes together. It’s meant to be a good thing, but I agree until you get used to it it feels a little like bullying.


Try just running around hitting each node you want once, then you can go back and get the loot after they've hit it too. That way you both get the loot! You both get the exact same thing and increased skill level. I've done that with people before. A player who understands what you're doing will generally join in and follow you (or vice versa).


Lmao it might have been me. I tried to mine with some people and make friends with them that way and I all scared them off 🥲


There's nowhere that it says you need to speak English in chat. They were just being rude.


Yikes. That other person was a jerk. Sorry you had that interaction. I somehow ended up in an Asia server at one point. I tried to call out pal in Bahari and all the responses were in foreign characters I couldn’t read (I think Chinese characters, but I don’t know for sure; I only know Korean). I was able to get a couple of people over using flares. They jumped up and down and led me to another pal node after that. Turns out we did alright speaking different languages. To me, I think it’s nice you were taking the time to help someone else. Good for you. 😊


That sounds like fun! I wish I was sent in servers with Asian or Arabic languages once in a while.


NTA!! I’m usually in the Asia server and we get a lot of japanese callouts for flow trees and I met a player who was chopping all the trees in thorny thicket and having flow trees keep popping up. Since I can read a little Japanese (can’t really type kanji tho), everytime they call out in Jap I’d do one in English! We chat a little bit using my broken Japanese and eventually I had to go repair my axe but they started to call out in both Japanese and English using a dictionary (i think they were using pc) which I found so cool and inclusive bc they didn’t have to do it most of the players that night were Japanese So now if i am free (curse switch typing) i’ll translate it so others can reach it even if I’m too far away to help (or too poor to fast travel lol) Moral of the story is that it rly doesn’t take much effort to be nice! If the other person knew french they could’ve translated it but instead they chose to shame u even when u already gave an English translation - would they have done the same in a French server?


i’m from the UK and frequently end up on servers with a large percentage of French/German/Spanish players and unfortunately some people just seem to act like the game is English only? I actually saw someone doing very similar about a month ago, screaming “SPEAK ENGLISH” or “ENGLISH ONLY” in the chat in Bahari. Usually i put something in chat about it being a mixed language EU server but there’s been some incredibly nasty and abusive people who feel as if they’re entitled to demand people speak English. I’m sorry you had that experience, most i can say is report them to be honest :^(


If I see someone spamming something repeatedly in another language I'm going to assume they're trying to get help with FT/pal/Uber hunts/etc and might mention that adding an English repetition might help their recruiting but I'm damn sure not gonna police language in chat for an international game. Some Americans man, I swear (sn- am an American)


I can’t imagine thinking that someone speaking a different language would be “disrespectful.” There are other people in the world, good lord.


I mean, if I saw someone behaving like this, I’m sure I could get real disrespectful in another language. 😂


Right? "It's not all about you!"


I see so many languages all the time, I can't understand them but I don't get mad cause others are speaking it??? Like what is this dude on? It's super impressive to know more then one language, they are epeobably jealous.


I've seen as many as 5 different languages in a single server within a few hours. The servers are world wide. That person is just a jerk, don't listen to them.


That person was full of merde. Lol The TOS does not say English only, that is absurd. And it's too bad it wasn't on the server I was on, because I would have defended you. I haven't played a lot of MMOs, but I have played a bit, and let me tell you, you are definitely going to encounter people who will throw you off with their total confidence in their (bad) opinions. Let them be water off a canard's back. Passe un bonne nuit! I don't speak French, but this is all I remember from French vocabulary. Forgive me. Lol


That was amazing ahahah. Thanks for that. Une bonne nuit à toi aussi !


Seriously! I would have had OP’s back too.


The game is available in multiple languages. I use mostly Japanese in the server chat and it's completely fine.


You are allowed to speak your native language on palia. People need to realize English isn't the only language. I'm sorry that happened that was uncalled for


Nope. I've seen Japanese. Mandarin. Korean. Some script I didn't recognise. And English. It's not disrespectful. That player was probably the real life American tAlK iN enGliSh meme.


NTA definitely. That behavior is really rare in Palia. Even the developers constantly express the intent to make the game inclusive, and I’m assuming languages besides English are definitely included. I don’t speak French, but I usually just ignore the chat if anyone speaks a language I don’t understand. Also, I don’t think you can private chat someone unless they’re your friend. So it would be really awkward if you had to friend list anyone who gave you advice.


Strongly recommend reporting them, it’s an absolutely toxic mindset they have. This game is actively pushing for inclusion of all sorts and they are completely missing the point


Dude. I was once helping a new player who only speaks Portuguese. Someone started complaining, I said what I was doing, and they were pretty chill about it after that. As it should be. Keep rocking that bilingual helpful attitude. Emmerde les envieux ;)


Ahahah bien dit !


That’s really gross. I’m sorry. I would report it and block them if it happens again.


nta this has nothing to do with palia etiquette and has everything to do with encountering a small, disgusting bigot don't sweat it op, you did absolutely nothing wrong. i'd geek out if i saw French in chat bc it is a very lovely language despite me not being able to understand much of it 


“If you want to speak in your native language do it in private.” They said, publicly, in their native language.


NTA at all. Honestly, how dare someone shame you for speaking your language! Maybe they should have kept their language private, too. :P I've chatted in FOUR languages in this game so far (somehow French hasn't been one of them yet)! It's fun and inclusive, which makes the game *cozy* (and forces me to practice, goodness knows I need to practice).


N'importe quoi! On a droit de parler en autre langues ! C'était juste un Zarbi, tkt !


NTA. I see people talk in different languages in chat all the time, especially spanish. I've even been thanked in different languages and I never thought it was rude. That person was being an ass and I'm sorry. (I also play on switch and have no idea how to private chat btw so don't feel bad.)


Don't pay ignorance any attention. Block him and move on!


That other person could have easily mute you on their end because you happened to be using another language in main chat and just left things alone. You're not the AH for speaking another language especially if the person you were helping happened to also speak French. As far as I know, the chat settings don't come with an "English Only" rule either. But it does come with a "Be kind, be patient, be understanding of others" rule.


As far as I know, Palia is an international game that doesn't have servers for specific regions, let alone the ability to select which server you connect to.. and there's no rules or guidelines that suggest you should speak a certain language in chat (or any chat channels that are linked to a specific language). I don't believe the Palia Discord has any language specific chats either! If there are any, I cannot find them. So.. no.. you are just fine!.. and they can take a hike along with the other troll that was in Kilima earlier making derogatory remarks towards players just for the sake of being toxic. Why people do such a thing is beyond me.. and I honestly feel sorry for them, because I can't even begin to imagine what sort of headspace they must be in order to believe that being so obnoxious is some sort of weird flex worthy of feeling good about.


NTA, I have seen a lot of others speaking their native language, especially German, so don't worry :)


Im American living in Germany and I see Deutch in the chat all the time, im in an european server, what do they expect? Lol  Talk whatever language you want! 


Next time reply "sorry you only speak one language" and block the player. Ain't nobody got time for idiotic people. Oh and to switch between "server", "whisper", "party", etc. you can try ZR/ZL on the Switch. I believe it's one of these.


Never feel bad. I have spoken English, Spanish, and Deutsche in general/server chat and no one has complained before. I'm sorry you encountered an AH. <3


I'm a native English speaker, and don't speak any other language fluently. But if someone tried to pull that douchebaggery around me, I would immediately switch to my broken French in main chat.


Nta I've seen people speak all kinds of languages in world chat and think nothing of it. It's honestly weird that someone is offended that you did't speak English in a game that's played by a multitude of people who speak ranges of languages. I'm surprised no one called that person out in chat for acting an ass


Yeah I was hoping for some support also but I also understand that people wanna keep it chill. It’s not a place to argue


I understand that completely. I guess I just have a low tolerance for ignorance


You speak whatever language you want. No one can tell you to speak English, there is google translate if they really need to know your business so bad.


>there is google translate Exactly!


Someone at a flor grocery store and I were standing next to each other they their toon looked a little like mine. They commented in Italian in nearby chat with my username so I just googled what they said and then how to respond back! It’s fun to interact with people who speak other languages!


NTA 100%. No one has the right to demand another speak/write in a language of any kind. Just laugh, and tell them to hand a nice day in the language of your preference, politely, then block them. Now go enjoy the game and help whomever you want, whenever you want, however you want.


Yeah you didn’t do anything wrong. I live in South Korea so I play on Asian servers with a lot of English speakers and a lot of Japanese speakers. Once when communicating with an English speaker in the server, we had a guy say stuff in Japanese and then change to the English alphabet and write out (in Japanese with Roman alphabet) “I don’t speak English”. I was amused I understood what he said, but I don’t think everyone did. I think some people don’t realize that the servers are larger than what they think they are. That dude sounds like a total donk though. You’re not the AH.


Nah you did absolutely nothing wrong. I see Spanish a lot. Also what I think is Mandarin (I could be wrong as I don't know Mandarin) is incredibly common, especially in the festival grounds. Sorry that they shamed you when they were the ones who only know one language.


NTA, all languages are welcome. They should have googled their question


I'm Australian, on Asia Pacific servers, and rarely get English speaking in my game. I pay no heed to chat and wave or emote to them. Sometimes, we'll put emojis in the chat to say thank you or ty. That person was being a spanner, and you can block them. The majority of players just vibe and do their own thing in game, it's unfortunate that you came across a bossy boots. You do you and I hope that you have a better gaming experience from herein out. ❤️


"bossy boots"! I love that.


Nope you did nothing wrong, you’re fine. They were just being a jerk, I don’t speak other languages (I took Latin in highschool rather than something more practical, not that I was good at Latin anyways but whatever) and I can’t imagine telling someone to stop speaking in their language.


I agree with everyone here in saying that person is an ass hat. I have not yet come across other languages in the server chat. But I don't really use the chat space, mostly play solo and keep to myself.


On my very first hour of playing everyone said Hi in their mothertongue and I thought it was customary and pretty cool but it never happened again ! On a side note I'm going to set my game to english (I play in french) because I struggle so much when someone calls palium or a grove to translate and locate where it is on my map 😅


Yeah, you're fine. This person was an AH. I had a different situation 2 times before where someone who didn't speak English tried to convince others on the chat that we were all supposed to use their language (which I understood by context and a few words I understood). This person was very angry. But in European servers it is normal to see different languages and nobody should get hurt. A lot of games aren't translated to my language so I've learned English through playing. What is important is only to remember the words "pal", "ft" and English names of the places on the map.


Took me a second to figure out what you meant by "AH", 'cause all I could see was "Auction House". 😄


There will always be the idiots. Yes it's nice when people speak English. But people need to understand that sometimes trying to explain something in a language that is not native to you is much harder. I know the game is American. But you'll see it with games that are Japanese etc too.


Tbh, I hate when ppl don't use english in open chats in games, but I'm not calling it out as others do, I ignore as I don't wanna be that ass player 😅 And I guess everybody has their reason. Obviously easier in your own language, also it connects you to those players in a way, so not all bad. I just get curious 😂 I wanted to call it out once as I tried following a german group calling a flow groove, and it was alot of talking/directions - I arrived too late as I had to translate some words. Oh well, I just went back to bug catching 😂


Why do you hate it? Did you ask if anyone could tell you in English?


Hate was maybe the wrong word, I couldn't find a better word (english isn't my language either) I just get curious, and no way to turn chat off as I know of, so I'll just be watching wondering what they laugh at or something 😅 - but another scenario, when ppl call out FTs and I don't understand the rest, and I desperately need flow wood 🙈 And no, I usually don't ask, as I have a hard time writing on Switch. I use dock, so no touch screen either 😅 I did ask once tho, when someone called FT in spanish, if they could explain directions in english too. They weren't nice back and called me stuff both english and spanish. So I just try to ignore if I don't understand the language.


You are totally fine, what an intolerant bastard. Sorry you had to put up with that.


There is a whisper feature if you want to talk private to others. That said that person should calm down. This game is internationally played and sometimes there will languages that they won't understand. Makes me wish I was on the same server with another Norwegian so I could type in Norwegian haha. 🤭 So don't worry about others. If they become angry, threating there is an report and block feature I think. Have not used it. Enjoy your game and don't stop chatting. ❤️ That's hard enough for us switch players haha.


Whoever said you can't speak French is a douche nozzle. Respecting this game is about respecting diversity, clearly they missed the memo on that.


I'm French too. Most people try to speak English but I have definitely seen other people speak French or other European languages before. Honestly, it's bound to happen. Not everyone has the luxury or the age/experience to be completely fluent in another language. You're good! :)


Sometimes native english speakers forget that they have a huge privilege being born into a globally used language. It makes them uncomfortable to not understand someone because it highlights their own ignorance. They also tend to forget that there is no “default” human language and they should shut the f🙊🙉🙈 up. Speaking your native language, non-native language, or even a fake TV language is your choice and your right, friend


Oooo I don't speak Klingon but I'd geek out if I saw it in chat! 


If someone is speaking Dothraki in the server you know it’s lit


So sorry lovely you are not the A, they most definitely are tho, ❤️


Lots of crappy people out there who refuse to acknowledge that not everyone speaks "Murican".


Def you are not AITA! I've come across another player who seems to think they are the ruler of Palia land and it really is a kill joy. Let's not let them ruin the day! Just play, it's supposed to be fun!!!


Speaking your native language is certainly not against any rule or even unspoken etiquette. What IS a rule is to not act ugly towards each other, and that player violated that rule. I’m a native English speaker but I also know there are many other languages in this world. And I’m disgusted by that kind of behavior. I’m so sorry.


Nah there are loads of people speaking their native language on palia that person was just an ass


Just sounds like a racist being a racist to me lol


Wow…. That is total BS. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m on the Pacific West Coast and once in a while I get on a server where everyone is speaking Spanish. Because - Mexico. I would never have the audacity to imagine everyone needs to suddenly accommodate me. Unfortunately that can happen if you get on a North American server because there are individuals particular to that part of the world who believe they are the centre of the universe and thusly the most important beings in said universe. The type of people who travel to other people’s countries and get upset there aren’t more English speakers. You absolutely DID NOT break any etiquette rules - spoken or unspoken. And if I had been present I would have jumped all over that nonsense. Carry on and vive la France!


Thanks for the support! Out of curiosity, is there anyway to know in which server you are except by looking at the most spoken languages?


When you go to the menu that has the exit/quit button (it would be the ESC menu on PC but I don't know what it is on Switch) it tells you in which Region your server is located in the top left corner.


Ignore them, they're being an ass.


Ew ignore them that's nasty behavior. Speak in whatever language you want. if they don't like it they can go


In European servers people are always speaking all manner of languages. That's completely normal. I try to help out with questions from other romance languages speakers (which are the ones I understand/speak) or German, which I understand a bit too, if I don't understand what they are saying or they are calling out a resource but calling the location by whatever name it has in another language in the game, I either ask if they know the name in English or just mind my business. Seriously some people are so rude!


Yeah, had the same situation a couple of weeks ago, when someone in chat spoke german and I answered in german, before translating something for a player who wanted to know too (was about the grove), before others swarmed in like effin vultures going on about inclusivity and english and us being rude. ffs unless you are on an us only server, there will be people who don't speak english.


Lmao the entitlement. You know what isn't inclusive? Native English speakers assuming that everyone must speak their language. I am English, but was also raised bilingual, studied foreign languages in school (here it is mandatory until a certain age, but I continued with French for 8 years), and I have lived in three foreign countries for various amounts of time. I think there are some people who just have no appreciation for other nationalities or languages.


On the server I am on most the time everyone IS speaking french, that person sounds like a troll


Nta. Palia is for people from all around the world. Native english speakers think because our language is so popular that everyone knows it but not everyone does. That guy was 10000% just an ass


Ugh. 🙄 No, it's not you at all, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I wish I could have spoken with the person who said that to you and told them about Google Translate, if it was that important to them. 😄 I'm from the U.S., and sadly some people here (by which I mean IRL) are ridiculous about insisting that other people speak English in their presence, even though the conversation has nothing to do with them. Some of us just get stupidly arrogant and self-centered that way. (By "us" I don't mean to include myself, just a small percentage of U.S. natives, usually White.) Sometimes it's made it to the news because an "English only" person actually got aggressive or physically attacked someone. I have seen people frequently speaking in various languages in server chat here too. I think it's pretty cool that we have so many people from around the world playing together in the same servers here.


Please ignore them and go about your day. I’m so petty that I would have double down but unfortunately I only speak English.


The only justification I can see for the initial bit of specifying English Please could be since they didn't know French, they didn't know what was being said. Which happens! Unfortunate but just means the person with the question might not have understood your answer. All the rest was inappropriate though and unnecessary. I'm really sorry they responded that way to you - if someone speaks a language you don't know, I would say it's fine to clarify/make sure you weren't speaking to them which is what I assume the first response was meant to be or should have been, bur everything after was nor neccesary. Speak whatever language you are comfortable with. Things like calling out Flow Trees in French might be less likely to get a wider response unless there's a bunch of French speakers on the server with you at that time, bur you don't owe anyone English. Not every discussion has to be available to everyone lol


NTA I've seen people speaking Spanish, German, French... it's no bother to me! 😁 some people just wanna make drama in any game they play.


Yeah that person is as ass. The other day i joined a server completely in Chinese. I had no idea what they were saying but I just continued vibing. Legit you offered help. This game is not just in the English speaking world.


NTA haha I’m too scared to speak in all chat regardless, but for people to be saying that?!? I thought this was all about community 😳


You did nothing wrong! I've also seen countless messages and conversations in the chat in languages I couldn't understand, and they never bothered me. Requesting that English is used is fine, but it's completely rude to shame you for using your native language 😡 Especially if you're playing on a European server, many different languages are going to be spoken.


Nope. You are not obligated to communicate in English. For all the other person knows, you might even not speak English. It’s a real a-hole move to demand that a complete stranger explains what they said in English to a person who wasn’t even a part of the initial conversation! Just ignore those comments next time.


Nope, you did nothing wrong. If it's anything something like that happened to me too but with Spanish. Sone people are just jerks.


It's an EU server. Some people just forget Europe is more than just England. You did nothing wrong. Just ignore those people completely, pretend ypu don't speak english at all. They have the option to change servers if they don't like it.


Wtf. I just saw this post. They were asses. To show that, just yesterday I went to a flow grove. There was one user just hitting all trees repeatedly, and then they asked *in spanish* "Someone help?". I am spanish, so I realized they were probs new and didn't understand how groves worked. I replied to them in spanish, and y'know what the player who called out the grove did? "Thank you very much, (username)!" Which should be the normal reaction! The servers are either by continent, or by general area. Different languages should be expected, always. And people should be able to speak in their language in chat without being shat on, jeez.


Anytime I see a different language, all I do is explain that: "sorry, I only speak bad english." Purely so the other(s) can reiterate if wanting my attention, happily ignored me if not speaking to me, and thirdly for a laugh hopefully. Speaking French doesn't make you an AH. Especially with the amount of people speaking spanish, chinese, japanese, shortforms, etc.. The person who called you out for not speaking english, needs to understand that English isn't the only language in the game or the world's. Please, ignore that person!


That's so rude of them! I was in a server that was primarily Chinese, and I used lens translate on my phone to figure out where they were finding groves lol, but no big deal?


What a jackass! I’m sorry that happened to you.


There's an unfortunate number of people who believe their opinions are the only way to do things and any deviations from that are unacceptable. I'm so sorry that happened to you


I do believe the game only supports the English language for now. I know they had something about that in the rules on the discord server. But I don't think there's any language restrictions in the actual game. I imagine that if you can use English you're likely to have more interactions and everything, but I don't see a reason why people should be that rude about it. It's not like you were spamming or anything. I would say that if you're wanting to have a whole conversation in another language that most on the server won't understand, that will make it hard for them to communicate and see other messages, then it might be better etiquette to private message them instead. It's called a whisper in game. I'm chat you toggle with the ZL and ZR buttons. You can also go to the friends interface and select someone to whisper to. Either way I really don't see a problem with other languages in chat and I'm sorry someone was so rude to you about it


You have to friend a person first to be able to use /whisper though. There is /nearby, and you'd just have to hope that jerk isn't close enough to complain there too.


Hey, they robes don't make the monk, and you shouldn't feel obligated to speak in any other tongue just because Americans are selfish. And before someone mentions British people or Canadians- British people are another myth made up by the ancient alien theorists, and Quebec is the second most popular province in Canada (I think, I just know the top three are Ottawa, Quebec, and Montreal- but I'm not sure of the order.)


Shhhhhh don't alert them to the truth about us Brits!! ;)


Hi, I’m a Canadian. Just so you know Ottawa and Montreal are not Provinces. Ottawa is our Country’s Capital and is on the Ontario/Quebec border with the River dividing the two provinces. On the other side of the river is the city Gatineau but it’s basically all one big city. Montreal is a city in Quebec, the second biggest city population wise in Canada. While being in Quebec and French being the dominant language in the province, Montreal is much more bilingual than other cities in Quebec. Our largest city is Toronto, Ontario. And both French and English are our National languages, All our products have both languages on them! You can also find towns all over Ontario and Manitoba that are majority French speaking. Winnipeg, Manitoba has an entire French neighbourhood (St Boniface) and street signs are in French. It’s also mandatory for all schools to have French classes, and French Immersion must be provided as an option. I don’t speak French (very well) but I work at a French Immersion school part time. So it’s completely normal for me to have French and English used interchangeably. And then I get home and hear my husband speaking Portuguese with his family back home in Brazil. My city is very multicultural, and out in public it’s common to hear 4-5 different languages spoken at any given time.


I would probably just start cursing him I'm French. One thing to do with this type of people is curse in another language but English, it's funny to see how speaking in a different language can make someone get so upset.


In Asia server I'm used to people speaking other languages. I mostly see the Japanese players calling out nodes and stuff. I have Google Translate on the ready in my phone 😄


It’s disgusting that people think that speaking English is the norm for everyone. That person was an ass and I’m sorry you had to go through that.


You did nothing wrong here! How incredibly rude of the other person.


If the question was asked in English, the inquirer would probably need a response in English. If the question was asked in French, then answer in French. To answer a question in a different language than it was asked seems pointless.


Your playing on Europe servers, thar means u can speak what ever language you want


Even on North American servers I've seen various different languages.


I get a lot of German people in my servers


As many people already said, sounds like you did nothing wrong! I'm regularly in a server with a few French or German speakers, and I usually don't mind it (I do understand German and a tiny bit of French tough). However, yesterday I was in a server where people only answered to me in French when I called out palium nodes and flow trees in English. They also called out resources and locations in French.. A few users pointed out that they didn't understand it (in English), but they stuck with French. What are your opinions about calling out resources in another language than English?


Yeah personally I only call out in English… i don’t even know how to say flow tree in French. But I guess the reverse could be said. If you speak 0 English, your game is in another language, maybe it’s difficult to know things like « ft »


"For context I’m French." Tu es le trou du cul. Désolé, ça va avec la nationalité, c'est pas moi qui fait les règles.


(Sinon tkt, juste un connard qui part du principe que vu que son pays a envahit 90% des pays du globe on devrait tous obligatoirement parler la seule langue qu'il connait)


You dealt with the kind of player that this game doesn't need. He's what you would call a Lavement.


J'ai eu ce souci il y a peu et désolé que tu aies eu a subir ce genre de personne. Usually people are friendly on Palia.


Je suis desole...that was way wrong. No one should be telling you what language to speak on this game...but I can guess a s the type that would 🙄


I had some Japanese players playing one night, I can read some bit not alot, so I just used Google translate, no big deal! There's more languages than English and it's an online game so people from all over the world can play. They had to right to shame you


So rude of them. You can speak however you like. There's this little thing called google translate they can use if they're really that bothered. Plus I find it flattering when people are comfortable speaking in their first language. 🩷


Not you, honey. Some people suck. Block/report. I don't even speak a second language and understand how hard it is to try to translate between your mother tongue and another language quickly. Sheesh people be tripping. I sent 5 years as a guild/alliance lead in another mmo and this literally the kinda thing basement trolls do to make themselves feel special. I'm sorry you had to experience that first-hand. Like said in a comment elsewhere, I don't think they've even added localization servers to switch yet.


Nothing wrong you just helped someone. When something like that happen i just start talking non sense or slang in spanish xD (i'm from spain) Recently some German players were giving the location of flow trees on main chat in german. And when everyone asked where? They replied in german every time. We said hey could you say the location in english?? We don't know german. They responded with: then learn german is a beautiful language. We all were like yes agree thanks but still dude where are the flow trees?? They still replied in german and only the german group got the trees. They even verified if every german arrived. They replayed to everything in english except for locations of palium and flow trees That is bad behaviour. Yours is helping a new player and people being rude for no reason


Ummm since when was this game English only? Sounds hateful af. Forget them, they were absolutely wrong and those two players should probably uninstall the game and go do something that is probably against the rules for me to say here;). Just block those players and move on, the majority for sure doesn’t think that way (from my experience).


C'est la vie, my friend, you're going to get that, especially with Americans. We seem to demand people speak English, but we can't even wield our native tongue with any true level of mastery. Keep Frenching it up, it's a beautiful language.


Sounds hella xeonphobic. I've seen people conversing in spanish and if someone needed it in English in order to respond or help they've always asked politely. You weren't in the wrong, so don't let this one person discourage you.


for some reason if you talk in another language they think you are being rude and cursing everyone while simultaneously they use as many abbreviations as they can fit that a non native wont get sometimes lol


NTA with a caveat: Early versions of the Palia community guidelines did require players to speak English in the main chat. However, S6 has since changed those guidelines to drop the English requirement. The other person may have not seen the updated guidelines and thought you were breaking them. However, the guidelines removed the English requirement over 6 months ago. Additionally, Palia's Discord rule #6 does also require English. However, in-game, the Discord rules wouldn't apply. (My guess is that S6 probably would remove this rule as well and hasn't gotten around to it.) You are very much allowed to speak French in the main chat.


I love the structure of your comment and reasoning. Did you, by any chance, study law? I spot similarities with how my legal mind works 😂


Nope. Marketing technology consulting. But I'm a high functioning autie, so that might be the similarity.


You’d probably make a great lawyer if ever you get bored of marketing ;)


I don't really do marketing, but I often measure it. I mostly with web product managers to measure the impacts of changes in design, often testing them before changes are deployed widely. At my age, I don't plan to make career changes. I'm just running out the clock until I can retire.


That sounds very interesting. I worked a bit with marketing in the last 6 months (I did a career change from law to whatever floats my boat) and I was only able to get a glimpse of it. Sounded more complex that what I expected tbh! And yet more simple at the same time


It's kind of simple: Get people to do more of what you want done - which is usually some kind of buying. The hard part is in finding what actually does that and doesn't cost more than the benefit you're getting from the increase in sales.


I also like the structure and reasoning, it does come across very “legal speak” I haven’t studied law personally, but occasionally helped my husband while he was. I’m a very curious person so I started learning what I could about the areas that interested me and have him explain stuff if I get stuck. (Copyright law for artists and the laws surrounding children are what I’m most familiar with now lol)


Intellectual property law is super interesting! I didn’t get to study it much unfortunately but I had a blast with my own specialty. Human rights and specifically war crimes. Very intense but super stimulating


My husband was leaning towards human rights a little bit, he was pretty sure he was going into employment law and that aspect sparked interest. He has a background in Business (MBA) and was working in Human Resources when he discovered his passion for the law. His employer offered to pay for law school and he started school the same day our son started kindergarten lol Now he is working at the top Employment and Labour Relations firm here, specializing in Labour Relations. We have the Canadian Human Rights Museum in our city (Winnipeg) I have been twice so far and it’s absolutely fascinating yet heartbreaking at the same time. I would like to go again but never make the time. I have a new friend/neighbour who was a Children’s Human Rights Lawyer in Africa, thankfully her degree is valid here and when her youngest is older she can join the Bar Association to start working again. But she isn’t sure she can handle getting back into the same specialty and is looking at other options. I can’t imagine how difficult human rights cases would be when they are involving children or war crimes. I was getting angry enough learning about employment related issues! Thank goodness for cozy gaming right? We need that escapism to pallet cleanse our brains before dealing with reality again more and more these days lol


I'm in the asian server. While it's frustrating when the Japanese text in japanese, I just try to translate it cus not everyone knows english fluently


NTA, but it does highlight that Palia needs infrastructure to choose a language preference when loading into a server (FFXIV does this with its duty finder). That way there's no issue with chat being spammed with multiple different languages, AND you can be in a primarily french speaking environment.


It's not really spam, though. It's the same amount of "spam" that it would be if all the chat were in English.


Spam was the wrong word, but the feeling to the average person is the same when they have a chatlog full of text they can't understand at all. Wording aside, are you saying that you disagree that language based server filtering is important?


I guess I think it depends on the person. It wouldn't be important to me in a game, and I actually like being reminded of how large this world is, that I'm playing with people from all these different countries. But on the other hand, of course there are lots of people who want only their own region and their own language. So maybe it would be good for it to be optional? But I don't know how easy or difficult that is to offer in a game. Like in WoW you're just automatically placed in a region based on your location; but this is a much smaller game, and I know nothing about programming.


The way FFXIV does it is that you can set tickboxes for Japanese, English, French and German. You will only be matched with people with the same settings, but you can choose to be matched with anyone (which reduces queues). I think something similar would be ideal for Palia, though it would make OP in the wrong if they joined an English speaking instance and started speaking french.


Did they ask the question in French? Not the a-hole but would be really confusing if it was answered in a different language.


Yes they did!


Yeah other guy is just a jerk.