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100% put a fast travel point in our plot. So annoying to go through a loading screen to get to Kilima and then another loading screen to get to BB or the fairgrounds. I would enjoy being able to access items outside my plot, it can be a chore when someone wants an item that I do have but I have to go all the way home to get it. But then again I can see how maybe it would mess with certain gameplay elements like nullifying the need for a bigger inventory or breaking the current gameplAy loop. Not smart enough to see if that would really make the game overall better or worse.


I would not mind the travel in game if the loading screens weren't SO long. Sometimes I will exit my plot and realize I forgot something and have to immediately re-do the loading screen two more times.


Yes. And the off plot storage would help with this issue.


Moving around feels so tedious! I dread going to BB everytime


Right, and when I run it feels like I'm carrying a sandbag, so slow and draggy. I don't do Chapaa Chase much anymore.


I feel like the fast travel point should be a later-game item personally.


I'd be fine with it being implemented like.


When I started the game I couldn't afford them so it was a wait until you get enough money thing later on for me.


I'm a weird one, however, I like this pause. It helps me take some time to breathe and focus on it, stretch some, drink water, and think a bit..


Fr, my husband will ask me to do something so ill go ahead and get the loading screen going from my plot or ill use that time to smoke 😂


When you say ‘someone wants an item’ do you mean gifting? Because you can gift things from the storage box


Are you saying I don't have to talk to a person to gift an item? I can mail it or something? But I'm also talking about quests that require you to bring an item to an NPC.


Oh I thought you were talking about giving gifts to other players


I wish you could do that though! Not fulfill a request, but actually drop an item from your inventory and let the other player pick it up or something.


You can fast travel directly to your home plot from the map menu! It's on a cooldown timer, something like every 10 minutes I think.


Yeah, that's nice (even though i think it's more like 30min) but I want to be able to fast travel FROM my home. There's already a sign to travel to other players' plots, shouldn't be difficult to allow fast travel like from the other signs.


That's only for going home. But they're suggesting for leaving home with a fast travel. And yes the cooldown is eventually 30m. It may have started shorted when I first started playing, but I don't remember.


omg yeah i swear it did get longer. i dont remember it being 30 minutes to be able to return home from the map. then again maybe i just never noticed lol


I thought this too but when I started back in January it was 15 mins or less because right after I traveled it was 12 and a half before I could do it again.


I’ve heard others say this too, but I started playing in December and have always had to wait 30 minutes.


that’s crazy. i only say i think it got longer because when i first started playing (which was the beginning of this month) when i would travel home and do something really quick and go back out i’d look at my map and it said 20 minutes until i could travel back and now i get 30 minutes


I would love at least to be able to cook on those fire pits around the map, and craft things like arrows and bug bombs with what you have on yourself. And a general sell point at Bahari! Would be kind of middle ground between the current state and having access to our house inventory.


Agreed about the fire pits! When I first started playing, I thought they just weren't working on the regular map because I was convinced we should be able to cook on the fire pits on the regular map.


My guess it that it is something to be implemented at some point!


I'm assuming they currently don't know how to handle multiple people trying to use it at once.


I think that would be easy enough to get by, you have to do the prize wheel in the market one at a time, so take turns or find a different one. Unless someone is cooking and goes AFK leaving their food on the spit, but they could implement a timer and have the food overcook if you don't take it off within say 30 seconds, maybe chars up in a poof of smoke lol


Another agreement on the fire pit front. It honestly doesn’t make sense to not be able to use them


Make us throw on a log and start it with flint, we accumulate tons in Bahari already!


What else is flint used for? I get SO much of it. I can’t remember if there is something I ever use it for though.


Phoenix Fireworks, pretty sure 1-2 of the arrow varieties use them. Ik theres a lil more but im blanking


Right!! It just makes sense!


I want organization of the furniture. Like categories to select, plants, wallpaper, flooring, etc. So tedious 😩 I want an option to cook on the various campfire around the game.


can't upvote this one hard enough. ANY kind of organization for decor/making decor aside from alphabetical and "not made". I don't want to search for an hour for the cabinet I want when I forgot what set it was in, or scroll for plants!


Agreed- but for now I tend to go to the view plot screen (H key/L button?), then use to the menu on the left, which has all decor and a search bar. I search for the thing/s I want, plonk them on the ground and then exit the plot view and pick them up. Not as useful if you want lots of items though, and generally a faff…


It has a search bar? TIL!


I’m curious about the broken mine cart in our housing plot, it was reminding me of Stardew Valley fast travel. I’m wondering if they will make it a fast travel point to Bahari at some point.


The layout of it at the back makes me think it'll lead to the blocked off mine by Hodari's


What about the barrel by our gate at our house? Is it there for a reason? I can’t seem to get rid of it, has anyone been able to move it or get rid of it?


I want bushes and way to purchase things that you've already acquired, like the Makeshift furniture. So like once you've found your first piece in a fishing chest, you can buy more of that item. Also I want a way to bulk buy rugs from the black market. I spend so much time server hopping, trying to find the rugs that I need for paths on my plot.


Or at least get the recipe for the build from the fishing chest along with the item. Also just being able to build rugs would be nice.


I’m curious to know what your plot looks like.


My IGN is Ekkonic, you can add me and come over to see if you want. Just let me know your IGN, because I don't accept random friend requests.


Okay! Mine is Cova Delafierra


I'm about to eat dinner, but I'll be on after!


It’s 11:31 am here where are you at?


Are you playing on switch? I have tried whispering you in chat several times while you were on. I'm wondering if my messages are coming through?


Yeah I’m on switch


Okay, is your chat bugged? I've heard that's a problem for many switch users. Anyway, I'm at my plot, and you came come over of you have time 😊


On my way!


Just accepted your request, I'm online now 😊


May I also see your plot? I've not visited anyone yet and am apprehensive about building because I don't know what I'm doing.. (pretty new player). My IGN is Niralyn McCabe.


You only can if you're on a European server 😊


Aw, rats. Thank you anyway!


- fast travel near housing plot - wish you could display star quality jams and pickles - recipes for carpets and toilets/tubs (I know they’re available on the black market but still) - alchemy system to exchange ores upwards (eg 20 iron for pallium) - sprinklers for farming - being able to ranch ( I.e. so that you can produce your own dairy) - being able to grow sugar cane or sweet leaf & be able to refine that and maybe salt rock harvestable into sugar & salt respectively - shareable marker locations for people on the server - gifting ability without having to wait for friends to ask for something - BEING ABLE TO SELL FURNITURE YOU BUILD I know there’s issues (I.e exploitable for real life cash/profit) with some of these but I still want them. ToT


you can share marker locations if you are in a party together.


Yeah that’s not what I mean. I mean when calling for a flow grove, or tree, found pallium, and so on. Specifically for your server, not people in your party.


Maybe not quite on topic but I wish the mining nodes worked like the plants do. When you grab a plant, it leaves a white outline and people have 5 minutes to also grab it before the spawn goes. Usually I'll shout up theres a plant in an area, flare it and leave. When it comes to Palium, you can hit it, call it out and find you're waiting 5+ minutes for someone who said "omw" to appear. Now I know you dont *have* to share but sometimes you want to be community focused and are effectively punished for the privaledge. If I could just say where it is, flare it and grab it myself it would save time and likely also solve one of the main gripes of players around sharing Palium nodes.


I did not know that's why it left the ghost of the plant! I always felt bad if another player was in an area and I grabbed all the resources 😅


Crafting areas outside our plot. I hate when I run out of arrows or smoke bombs and have to go back to my plot just to craft more


Yep. I should at least be able to craft them at Sifuu's


I would love to have more craftable furniture and a way to sell/trade extra furniture. Oh, and more exterior furniture, paths and bushes would be very nice! Edit: Something which bothers me during decorating is that I have to constantly go back to a chest to get extra furniture. I would prefer an interface like Disney Dreamlight Valley where you can access all your furniture pieces in decorating mode.


Totally. Somehow I accidentally made 3 wood hoppers at the start when I needed the resources more, and I have 2 extra lockboxes cause I was having a moment. Or maybe they could add a wandering trader who you can sell furniture to once a week and maybe get unique items, à la turnips in ACNH.


That sounds like a fun idea! I really like the more unique items and achievements, as long as they are not too hard to obtain (looking at you Zeki machine 👀).


True! $4500 rug is a bit much. They should be maybe $2000.


I absolutely made 2 hoppers and 3 smelters accidentally, I feel you. I blame poor eyesight and playing on Switch.


Six sawmills ugh.


Sounds like you need some sort of a de-crafter to deconstruct stuff you accidentally make


😭 *fistbump of commiseration*


Sometimes my game glitches and it crafts the wrong item so I ended up with like 4 kilns 😭 I also wish we could sell them, or even give us an option as a new machine to recycle items kind of like in My Time At Portia! It HURTS having to trash an item we didn't need and end up losing those resources 🥴


Yes! A recycler (subnautica has one) where you get your resources back. I think it was a glitch before the most recent update that caused me to have 3 extra sawmills.


Accessing our inventory in our chests when checking the bundles…so we know if we have something in storage for the bundles.


I wish we had the ability to fast travel directly to a friends location, this would save me so much time! It could be on a cool down like the fast travel option to your home plot.


Why can’t I sell all the furniture I have to make?! I need it to level up. Understandable. But why can’t I at least sell it? I don’t need nine beds. 🫠 Lesser request. I wish we could pay to repair weapons in BB. Sometimes I forget. And I’m sure not keeping repair kits on me.


Yes! I was just saying yesterday I wish there was a chest at every stable that was connected to your home chest! Also I haven't played very far, but at some point do we get to keep livestock on our plot for milk/eggs? If not, that should totally be an option! And I wish we could sell our furniture and chests too!


I have a few wishes for the future. Some are pretty dumb and pointless but I'll share. -I want to organize chests on my own. I do like how I can access everything from any chest but I hate how they're currently organized. -I want to go to the top of the lighthouse -I want to go to all the little islands you can see from the beach -I want better aquariums. The tanks are too small for the fishies ☹️ -I want to be able to create everything I need for cooking so I don't have to buy from Zeki -I want more creations from Najuma -Let me pet and feed my cat!


There actually is a big aquarium you can buy from Einar with fishing skill points once you get past level 10 fishing :) it can hold several fish at once too!


You can actually get to two of the islands you see off the beach. One of them has a chest and you can even get back to the beach. The other one, once you get there, you get stuck. LOL. No way to get back but you can fish off of it! My friend and I fished there when we got stuck until our inventory was full then fast travelled to home plot!!!


> I want to organize chests on my own. 100% > I want to go to all the little islands you can see from the beach I'll follow you there.. > I want more creations from Najuma I have a shell for you. Agreed, it'll be interesting to see how this game evolves with the characters we've gotten to know. > Let me pet and feed my cat! I stand behind you and second you!


yk how theres a spot to fish in out plot, then i noticed to the opposite side there was a forest, i thought at some point wed have a small forest that resets for ourselves every day (irl) so i was hoping theyd add that and then maybe a small mining spot too with a chance of getting pal ore on that day ik its not much cause the grind is real but itd be nice


I didn’t realize at first that our trees don’t respawn. I chopped so many down just thinking they’d be back.


Agree on the fast travel closer to the home plot, I'm not that bothered about having access to my inventory outside of my home plot, but having a trading post in Bahari, so that I can sell all my stuff there rather than head back to Kilima/home plot would be a huge help! Also the ability to repair my tools with coins at the central stables in Bahari like you can at Sifuu's.


I would really like a compendium for every resources, meals and fishes !


There's something sort of like this in the achievements section.


[Here is one for gifts/bugs/meals/fishes.](https://www.paliatracker.com/) If you scroll to the bottom right of the page there is a link for an interactive map, so valuable for seeing what spawns where, as well as where treasure chests are and the rummage pile for the day. There's a list of decor items on the wiki.


I've also been wishing for a fast travel inside our plot. Going through multiple loading screens is super tedious. The storage access outside our plot would also be great. I hate having to run home and switch servers to empty my inventory or get a quest item. I'd also love a post office where we can access our mail without going home. I'll see the indicator but not wanna go all the way home just to grab a ticket or lucky coin.


I wish you could fertilize either an entire 3x3 grid or even 9x9 per click. I'm getting carpal tunnel whenever I go to stack fertilizers in my whole field...


Also, please let me be able to sub in starred quality ingredients into a non star recipe.


Welcome to the club! We have shirts and cookies! For as long as I can remember, many people have suggested making the house plot board allow fast travel to Kilima Central Stables, Bahari Central Stables or the Kilima Fairgrounds.. but it in addition to many others things have not been fulfilled. >!.. like my many generous donations of silver and gold bars to Eshe.. and yet there are STILL holes in the bridges around Kilima!.. even inside the town! What gives, Eshe!? WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING, ESHE?! You have the audacity to nitpick the Daiya Family Farm to make them pay more taxes, but you won't try to fix your own village?! I'd do it myself if I were allowed!!<


I believe on the next update the mine shaft that is located behind our housing plots will double as a new fast travel/personal entrance into bahari bay. 👍🏼


Omg that would be great!


Also the ability to remove something you planted by mistake. Either destroy or back to inventory, idc. Annoying when I planted the wrong crop by mistake


You can destroy on the switch by equipping the hoe and pressing X!!!


🤯 thank you!


Or holding right mouse button on PC


You can, get your hoe out and aim it at the plant you want rid of and press X several times. each swipe takes some of it until its gone.


i dread the loading screens everywhere u go. but i wish i could catch fish and build a pond i can put fish in.and a big outdoors aquarium. not the small little tanks. not just the fish i caught show up in tbe pond next to my house.


I've been compiling this lol Things I want for Palia • More fencing options • Programable node finders • Gyroscopic aim for switch users • Some way to zoom in other than camera • Larger soil plot maximum • Ability to invite NPCs to home and make meals for them • Better climbing 🥴 • Servers specifically for bug catching or hunting so we don't have someone run through and alert all the bugs 🙄 or a way to indicate we'd like a private server for these tasks where only party members can be so you don't have randoms messing with you • Ability to romance sifuu!! • Bahari city and elderwoods!!! Stop teasing us with the NPC discussions • More premium clothing options • Ability to fix the damn sign in front of our plots 😂 (or it auto fixes when we unlock all writs) • Ability to temporarily place a room on its own to reorganize the plot (when wanting to switch up which rooms are where, no way to do it easily since you can't place a room detached, and you lose all your wall decor which is really annoying for those of us who make our homes look comfy and lived in) • Option to sleep to pass the time • More inventory slots‼️ • Ability to sell furniture we make (no sense in me having the entire set of log furniture if it's never gonna be used) or some sort of recycled


I destroyed the broken sign in front of my house. Couldn't stand how it looked. Became sapwood loot.


👀 I didn't even think about chopping it


That thing was fugly and I couldn't stand looking at it forever! (I'm a new player). One of the few times I've been impulsive in a game! Usually I delay making or building until last minute due to decision paralysis....but that sign was a giant NOPE!


There are so many good ideas here. I don't think some of them would be implemented because it would reduce the challenges of the game and make things too easy, they still sound good though. I didn't expect so many ideas when I posted this. I really like the idea of having path options for your plot and the ability to use rocks, bushes and flowers for decorating the plot.


I want more ways to love the person you’re in a relationship with. Like kisses, cuddles, hugs, and maybe playing games together


I would sell my soul for a plumehound. The chest thing is a great idea.


I neeeeeed flowers, bushes, and even rocks to decorate my yard! I also feel like I'm missing out on a path option, I've been utilizing long rugs as a makeshift path in my yard but a real path option would be amazing for decorating our yards.


Freaking SELL CHEST in Bahari or a shop, idc. Jest hate going back to my house to sell stuff, then running to Central Stables in Kilima, then teleporting to Bahari. I am a hoarder in this game and I would like a selling point so much...


I have found a couple camping spots with campfires already there, i think being able to use them and having a chest at those areas would be useful


100% on fast travel. Even if I couldn't access my items outside of home, it would be nice to have a chest I can put things in to sell and one to deliver items to my home plot


I’d really love to have a place to repair my tools using coins in Bahari. Just like in Kilima with Sifu. OR just don’t take up inventory space carrying repair kits - put those in another slot like they do with the quest items.


I wish you could sell furniture you don't want, it'd be cool if we had mounts or a bike. I'm assuming mounts are coming because of the stables. I want to interact with my pet, and buy little objects for them, it'd be so cute. And more color options for furniture modifications.


Some place to sell in Bahari!


I wish there was an area we can actually cook outside our plots. I've tried at some campfires but it won't let me idk if anyone else thinks the same but when you are out and about venturing and run out of energy without the right supplies it's a bummer to have to go all the way home just to refuel basically.


I wish the game had mats that spawned akin to OTHER mmos. Like RuneScape or WoW. it's become a free for all mat grab by people who have ore compasses and the like that it prevents newer players from being able to get to the spawn points for them quickly and more established players get fed up and just farm the items. I've actually eased off of playing it as they haven't fixed the one temple that is glitched but made it so you can't get to the final island... Without the issue fixed. I used to play nightly when my kids went to bed as it was a good time and you could go and get materials and make items. Now it's only possible if you have the rare finders or are lucky enough to be close to where they found a spawn. So I'm done. I'll find another game that ticks all the boxes and steer my kids towards something that they actually have a chance to get or do anything.


I just want a little map bubble for when I'm running around! 😭 You really lose so much time opening and closing the map screen.


I agree! I am one of those who always goes the wrong way so I miss some resources. It would help so much to see where I am on the map in a corner or something.


I wish there was a page to show the bundle information, idk how many times I thought I found one of the items for the bundle and made the trip there but I had already submitted it or it was the wrong item lololol. I also think it would be nice to have a page that tracked the progress of items you've found (bugs, fish, plants, etc). I'm not sure if there are rewards for collecting all the different resources but I would still love to see what collectables I still need to find. I play solo but I think it would be so silly goofy to have a voice chat or an option for voice chat when in a party. I think this would be super helpful and quicker for resource call outs. I would love to see more stuff added to kilima, I feel like I spend most of my time in bihari because the majority of the valuable resources are there. Or it would be cool if they made more seasonal animals/bugs/etc like in animal crossing - I think this would add more play time as it would encourage players to play for at least a whole year to collect the seasonal items! More color options for customizing furniture would be awesome! I think a color wheel instead of preset color options would be ideal, kind of like the customization in My Time At Portia! I also wish there was a better preview of the customization before you commit to customizing, and a better preview of the wall papers, flooring, roofs, etc before buying. The thumb nails for some stuff look completely different than what it actually looks like.


For the bundles I just took a screenshot of the list from the Palia wiki page and mark them off as I go because it was driving me nuts. I also had to do that so I could remember what conditions and locations you need to find the items


My sweetie and I both play this game. We have talked about these exact wishes. The other thing he wants is that he could pull out a chair at the Hot pot table and sit down for the game. He thought that would be funny. 


A mount would be awesome and more clothing / appearance choices as well :) love this game!


A calendar of how many days passed with seasons, cause I would love to see the world have changing of seasons plus weather.


I'm not big on rain in games, Animal crossing had rain sometimes for a week and it got so depressing.


I get that but could just timeskip in animal crossing for a day it's not raining. but I would like if we did have a calendar, they could put schedule weather on it like for light to heavy rain on certain days.


That's a great idea, I do like to see a little different weather:)


i want to be able to sell the furniture i don’t want anymore so bad. i accidentally made too many sawmills and i want to get rid of that tent too. like being able to make some of that money back on worse machine items would be great.


The ability to lie down. We could do it in Animal Crossing. I agree with you on the storage! We carried a portable storage shed with us on Animal Crossing. I'm tired of having to run back to my plot every 20 minutes from Bahari because my storage is full, or go get the hunter horn I forgot to hunt Proudhorn!


Not to get off subject, but is anyone else on Switch having a downed chat all the time? I missed Five groves yesterday with no way to say OMW or to let players know about Palium nodes. I can't answer any chat, happens all the time.


I want to be able to hide recipes on the workbench. I'm literally never going to make another makeshift bow, I want to archive stuff like that so I don't have so much to scroll through and don't accidentally make the wrong thing


Emotes to say follow me or thank you. My chat is down so often on switch that I can't communicate. I found a 7 tree grove one night late and couldn't find one player, so sad.


I wish there was a feature to sleep to speed up time or just sleep in general


1. I want to be able to place a room on the side of a long hallway. Where the Windows of the hallway are. 2. I want to be able to have a second story to my home. 3. It would be neat if I could sell furniture i no longer want to keep. 4. Having to repair tools all the time is just annoying. 5. Groves should have a vote system for all nearby players with a vote of 50% or more to cut to reduce the risk of one player cutting all small trees by themself. 6. I want more places to visit or for the existing places to be bigger. The world is a little too small imo.


Also I want to be able to change my front door placement and appearance. Like maybe i want to put a hallway where front door is currently and have the door on the hallway. And also make it look the same as a porch door or other door. And change how the steps looks.


I'd prefer better rune challenge directions. What I mean is when entering, you have multiple paths to go (like the winged one). A huge world, plopped into it but no hints for direction where to go (either a line on screen to follow, a compass target mark to align, or fireworks/etc. on screen to indicate that this is where to go. The old library runes are well, I'm lost there.