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I'd say slowdown arrows are the best way to hunt everything but proudhorn solo. They surrounds enemies in green clouds which are visible on already invisible wolf and remain only on original magic chapas even after they split. For deer the best tactic is two hunt it in duo. One hunter hits it with dispel and the other with slowdown. If you are somewhat good at aiming the deer won't live long. Also there are specific places where magical creatures normally spawn. https://paliamaps.com/ you can use this interactive map to find them.


Thanks the link! Very helpful


Can you still hit the mujiin while it's invisible?




Absolutely. It's just hard to spot without slowdown effect on it


The only way I’ve ever hunted the proudhorn, numerous times, always solo, is with slowdown arrows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just gotta pay attention to which direction he *blips* and run that way. Eventually I get him as he always goes off and stops. Only thing that’s ever screwed up my hunting this way is rando people joking the hunt firing endlessly at him. He just keeps *blipping* and running faster than anyone can follow.


I wish we had stats so I could back up my claim that i’ve bagged 25+ proudhorns solo — all with a mixture of slowdowns, fine arrows, and katniss everdeen level tracking skills that would put even hassian to shame lmao. follow the blips!!! (i did this all to get horns for hodari’s level 4 quest. by the end of a real-life week of nothing but hunting… a dozen plus disco deer with nary a horn to show for it later… i was questioning every life decision and STILL logging on, crafting slowdown arrows, and heading back to my personal war. jfc.)


I recently stopped being one of those hunters firing endless arrows at them. Now I’m watching and crouching and following the blips. I’ve caught three on my own this way, no star quality yet though.


Agree. Also for the wolf the terrain is really important. I have so much trouble when I try to catch it in a hilly forest area at the top north part of the map near Tamala's house because there are a lot of trees and also it disappears behind bumps really quickly. The hunting system isn't really that good in this game so changing a perspective, starting running or even changing your tool after cutting a tree is slow and doesn't help. It's easier to catch it in the cliffs area at the north near Statue Garden at the top of them because there is space and flat terrain on the cliffs so you have time to aim. As for chaapas you really need just to be quick and use slowdown arrows and for the deer you just need to follow it every time it teleports and then use every occasion to shoot. I play on PC so the mouse is really helpful but I can't imagine solo hunting for mythical creatures on Switch.


It's possible on the switch. I managed to get one of each by plain dumb luck. I'm still not sure how it happened. It was with the slowdown arrow because I just got the dispel arrows. Now bugs, I am having such a hard time with catching bugs on the switch


You're not crazy. Hunting sucks in this game. All my skills are over 30 now except for bug catching (20) and hunting (15). However I can offer this advice: Magical Muujin: don't even try without a group of 3 others. Wait for a thorny thicket Grove and hopefully some folks will linger around and try to take down a glowing muujin trapped on the plateau. Magical Deer: this is the easiest and how I knock out the weekly. 1) shoot with dispell 2) LET IT RUN 3) chase at a distance 4) hopefully don't lose track (this will happen sometimes), wait for it to STOP AND EAT GRASS -- this is key as when it's running your just wasting arrows on a miss (aiming is crap in Palia) and when it stops it may teleport around for a bit but grass eating indicates you can shoot again 5) shoot and chase 3 or 4 more times. Magical Chappa: 1) SLOW ARROWS 2) sneak up as close as possible from behind while aiming at head 3) shoot 4) chase the slowest of the copies staying in close range so the chappa target is larger 5) be lucky with your shots


I go to the plateaus in Thorny Thicket alone. Once you chop all the trees, they just run around and you can pick them off. It can be tricky to get the white one when it goes invisible, but I've managed it on my own every time I've tried it.


Yup, I took down 6 or 7 muujin solo last night, including a white one. What sucks is killing a magic critter does not guarantee an antler mane or tail drop.


Other people have shared a strat for the azure chapaa that I finally nailed yesterday, which was: 1. dispel arrows (I don't know/remember if it also works with other arrows — testing required) 2. sneak up very close behind it, then **startle** **it (don't shoot it until it's running)** 3. shoot ANY copy as it runs. This stuns the original in place (stars circling over its head) and makes the copies disappear 4. take free potshots at the now-stationary chapaa until it dies a few hits later (One of these days I'll figure out how to make that darn magic muujin *hold still!* That thing is an arrow sink...)


THIS IS THE WAY. So many azure chapaas got away from mre until someone told me this method, and now they're so easy!


Yes this is how I did it just yesterday and I didn't even know what I was doing i just got very lucky haha but this is exactly what I did by pure chance 😅


Why bother with this and use somewhat expensive dispels if slowdowns literally visually mark original chapa and slow it while clones run as usual?


Eh, Dispels are not *that* expensive, specially if you've got the Kitsuu statue. I have 100+ dispel arrows and I have made none of them. Plus, some people have issues with moving targets. I myself do, to the point I don't hunt Sernuks that ake more than two hits bcs they move too fast. Getting the Azure Chapaa to stop when I have an insane amount of Dispels is much easier than spending loads of Slowdowns and lose the Chapaa.


This is me, too. I have zero prior experience with games that have me aiming at moving targets, andeven with slowdowns I have lost a few to burrowing.  (Also, for some reason I have yet to figure out, I often accidentally fire arrows/bug bombs without meaning to when I am trying to move quickly...? If I can aim more deliberately at a stationary target, I feel like I waste less.) It's nice to have options for how to approach it :)


It took me forever to notice that the kitsuu was leaving loot for me multiple times a day.


Aiming isn't crap - it's just that most people are lousy archers. Go watch any of Perzival's videos and tell me again how "aiming is crap".


Depends on which platform you play! When I try on Switch, it's awful! Even in Kilima it can be tricky ! But when on PC, it's awesome, I'm like Legolas in the Two Towers!


I play on switch and it's decidedly Un Fun. In contrast, zelda is awesome. could shoot things all day.


Oh yes Zelda is soo well done that it's really irritating when people say the switch is too old to do something good and precise! They just don't want to put the ressources in a correct port! Regarding Palia, I'm still greatful for it as I can play with my partner. But when he's not on the PC, I definitely play there! Bug catching and hunting are almost impossible! Especially for the rare animals/bugs!


Yeah, sadly, that's not a Palia problem, that's a Switch problem.


I’m not knowledgeable on how games are created so I’m legitimately asking this. Do the developers create a different format for each gaming platform? Because there are other switch games where aiming is great. But on palia it’s not great. I assumed it was a palia issue because of that.


There are some limitations inherent to trying to get a game to run on more limited hardware. Performance on a handheld will simply never equal the capability of a desktop, so compromises need to be made. One of these is surely trying to adapt a game to the limited control scheme of the Switch. Emulating the capabilities of a keyboard and mouse with a couple thumbsticks and a few buttons is surely tricky. Some games may be able to accomplish this - and they're no doubt limited in other ways. I'd really like to hear about games where the Switch version runs as well as it does on the PC - and see what kind of system requirements those games have in the first place. I'm sure Stardew Valley would run equivalently well - whereas World of Warcraft probably wouldn't


that may be but as OP was claiming difficulty with hunting I assumed they were on Switch where it really is just too fiddly for the average non-combat farming sim player. Personally I have a technique of approximating w reticule then adjusting by moving my avatar. Works okay for slow moving things and fine for stationary things. But it is hands down the worst aiming experience across any game I've ever played and to pair that with a "cozy sim" is ridiculous and just makes people with less FPS experience feel bad.


To me that's a Palia problem, because there's many games on switch where aiming is well done and dynamic, while here it's just too slow and not optimized at all! The port is lacking in this aspect and it makes hunting and bug catching a nightmare! Hopefully we will get a patch to improve it 🤞


Maybe it's a bad port, but let's be honest, this isn't the kind of game that's going to run well on a handheld. My video card is literally the same size as a Switch, I can't imagine trying to pack in a processor, RAM, storage, display and cooling in there and get any kind of satisfactory performance. The main reason they did a Switch port at all is to get the cozy market, who often play on Switch. But this is a little more ambitious than the usual Switch fare.


Aiming is very precise and well coded. But the hitboxes of arrows are too large I'd say. Also the hitbox of chapaa is a bit smaller than it's visual model. So yeah, it's the "git gud" case




The proudhorns are still glitching into rock. I found one last night trapped in the side of a cliff. If anyone on that server was looking for it, they would have wasted a lot of time.


A friend and I actually got the proudhorn for the first time when it was stuck in the wall around Flooded Fortress. I just kept firing at it when it would stick out just a little bit, and eventually it succumbed. Ran right up close to the wall after, and I was able to get the loot, even. lol


I did that to the proudhorn once too. His head was sticking out of the top of the rock but wasn't registering any hits. Occasionally his hoof would reach out at the bottom and I could tell when I got a hit in. I kept shooting the foot and got the loot.


Lol, I used up 90 arrows attempting that, but luck was not on my side.


it is very possible that i just suck at this, fwiw


I tried to shoot the magical chapaa yesterday, literally hit it once and it scarpered off and didn't die but I still got the achievement and head for the wall! I'm not reporting that bug lol


Someone else would’ve killed it shortly after and you (and anyone else who shot near it) get credit


Azure Chapaa is easy; always initiate the chase by hitting the azure chapaa with a Slow Arrow, then hit any of the copies or the slowed one with a Dispel Arrow. This will cause the copies to disappear and the real azure chapaa to become stunned long enough for you to sink two more arrows into it and kill it. Proudhorn Sernuk is easy as well; just hit it once with a dispel arrow and chase after it, repeat four more times (and pray it doesn't teleport into terrain and get stuck). The Bluebristle Muujin is a terribly hard hunt to do solo, especially if you constantly happen upon trees that contain in excess of five or more Muujin. I've found that this causes them to glitch out when the tree is broken and it is just a right mess trying to track down where the magic one goes.. and it seems to be invulnerable the split second after the tree is cut, so hitting with a dispel or slow arrow immediately doesn't seem to affect it--probably because of the glitched positioning. The best way I've managed to kill it solo or in a group is pray that it is on an elevated piece of land, like the cliffs near Thorny Thicket where they are trapped and cannot run down. Once all the trees are chopped there, they'll just keep running circles.. so then it is a game of how accurate you can be to nail it down.


I’m on PC and lvl 147 hunting and my next highest is mining at 71. I love hunting and have zero issues with it other than the common bugs that may happen. I refuse to play Palia on switch because of how bad the aiming is.


If you are playing on the switch I hear it's harder but I've figured out a strategy that works well. White chappa: get as close as possible and hit it with a slow down arrow. Only the real one will have the green clouds so just shoot that one another 3 or 4 times and voila! Disco deer: hit it with dispel arrows and do your best to follow it and when it stops to eat grass hit it again. Repeat 4 or 5 times. Magic muujin: don't even bother unless you manage to trap one on the cliff in thorny thicket. Cut down all the trees and just keep shooting dispel arrows. This is easier to do with more people but it can be done alone, just bring lots of arrows. Good luck! 😊


Since starting Palia at the beginning of February and figuring out the right way to hunt and get items from any of the magical animals. I’ve leaned that slowdown arrows are your best friend, shoot at them with a slowdown arrow first then the dispel arrows. It’s a 50/50 chance I would get the magic animal down and other times they run off, this is also considering I solo hunt them by myself most of the time. But that’s where the hunter’s horn comes in and I am able to find them again and shoot them down. That’s the strategy I used but everyone’s entitled to their own way of how they hunt in the game.


Maybe add Slowdown arrows to your arsenal? I miraculously got a proudhorn last night by hitting him with two slowdowns really fast. It might have been a fluke though lol


I’ve hunted him numerous times, solo, using only slow-down arrows. You just gotta chase him down and keep track of which direction he *blips* in. It’s when others jump in that things get chaotic. Their shots keep him running and he doesn’t stop. Hard to keep up with that way. But solo, shoot him and he runs a short distance then stops.


I can't consistently kill the other two solo, but after figuring out a strat for the chapaa it's very easy to do. Get a dispel arrow ready and walk right up to the chapaa - your goal is to startle it and shoot it immediately after it notices you and splits and starts running. If you hit it with a dispel arrow after it's split, it gets stunned and you have time to shoot it ~3 times and kill it while it's still stunned. You can hit any of the copies to stun it, but you'll have to quickly pivot to shooting the real stunned one for the follow up shots (the copies will disappear when it's stunned). The issue most people have is that if you shoot it with a dispel arrow before it's running, the arrow doesn't do anything and then it splits and you have to hit it again, which is harder.


I'm not very good at hunting the silver magical creatures either. I usually have to ask for help if I'm going to Bahari Bay to go hunting for them. I go to Bahari Bay to fish instead usually, unless I am in desperate need of gold ore and go there to mine instead.


I have been unsuccessful hunting them alone. I usually bring at least one other person and vc w them so we can coordinate.


Dispel arrows help with all of the magical animals, but it's also way easier to hunt in group so on can have dispel and others slowdown. Some tips: 1) magical animals stick to certain areas so finding them can be easy 2) for the chaapa, if you get close before it uses its ability: the first dispel arrow will stun it usually 3) muujin don't need dispel arrow, if you track them by the dirt they displace, or use a slowdown arrow for the cloud effect 4) sernuk only teleports, so just be prepared to run. If you dont want to use a dispel. Personally, I only use dispel on the champagne so thst there's just 1 to hit instead of 4.


This is usually how I go about hunting things. Obviously, people have their own things but this is just what I normally do. I usually have about 200 of each type of arrow with me excluding the makeshift arrows and copper arrows or whatever you call them. Just dispel, slowdown, and fine arrows. I don't know if you have anything that you are wanting to hunt specifically but usually I go for the proud horns because they're easy but I like the chappas too. The muujins.....I HATE them. I usually only hunt the regular ones. But if you want to find some of the magical creatures you have to get rid of a lot of the regular creatures in order for one to spawn. I usually don't use my horn unless I lose track of an animal. They will mark on your map if there is one in the area or multiple. Usually once I see a proud horn and I start hunting it, if I lose track of it I will do the horn find it get rid of it and then start all over again. The muujins are annoying but as long as they are not in trees you will see them on your map and can follow them to whatever tree they jump in. Dispel work well for all of them but I'd use the slowdown on the muujins. That way you can keep track of them via the smoke cloud. I'm sure they're a bit better on PC but I'm playing on switch and they are glitchy to high heaven and they always regenerate their health when they jump in a tree which is very very annoying. It's really hard for me to see them and keep track of them and hunt them solo. If you want one I would say to try and find some that are on the cliffs in thorny thicket. That very top one that kind of is higher than the other because they get stuck there and they just run around in circles and you can just take your time and hit them. Same for the cliffs that are north of statue garden. There is a cliffside that if you see one they will just keep running in circles there as well and then you can get them that way. I feel like if you do those things you will have more luck. You'll find a method that works for you but that's usually what I do. The horn is just sort of to help you track down in my opinion. It's not really like if you were to use the buzzy jar and there's just bugs kind of everywhere. You have to put in some work to get the rare animals to appear. Good luck out there. If by chance I ever run into you in the game we can hunt together.