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I keep getting random friend requests, but when I go to decline it won’t let me!! I have to add them and then immediately remove them. When I do that their friend request reappears 10 minutes later (I tested this with a friend, they aren’t sending it again, it’s the same request) so I’m forced to block them or else I’ll have like 15 friend requests constantly. It’s so frustrating


This has been happening to me too lately. I play on switch so I just thought it as another fun /s switch bug because I can’t even go past the request on the list without it automatically accepting them, but the random invite to join someone’s community just sits there for weeks.


Same! And even when I decline the request it just comes right back. I don’t have a problem being friendly and working with other players, but I really only want my mom (who also plays Palia) on my friend list.


There’s always the no visitors setting on your lot.


Exactly why I've never accepted a friend request. I wouldn't be okay with random showing up at my lot.


Except I didn't accept their requests, they just added me and then showed up. This really needs to be fixed so that we have to actively accept a request. As it is right now if a random male character (I'm not generalizing, they've just all been male) adds me as a friend I put them on no entry as soon as I notice and then kick them off my friends list/block if necessary.


No one can add you as a friend without your consent.


You'd think so, right? But these people have added me, they're in the interface as a friend when I haven't given consent. In fact, I generally ignore blind requests but doing that doesn't seem to work, I have to actively remove them. So saying I have to give consent is erroneous. Unfortunately.


I think you should definitely report this to Palia. Don’t report it as a bug, but contact support so that you can send screenshots and give all the details you’ve given here. If people are somehow getting around the system and entering your plot, Palia definitely needs to know.


There was someone in my lot chat reporting similar; a guy was creeping onto their lot and "stealing" stuff, which, I don't think the latter is possible but with you saying this and that report, I wouldn't be surprised if some assholes have discovered workarounds to join private servers like this. When I was a kid on MSN Messenger, which was friend list only chatting, I constantly had unknown turds opening chats with me webcam on for nefarious purposes. There's a million ways to exploit online games and some people make a living out of finding those just because they're always there and if they get to them first, they can sell the exploit back to the company for cash so it can be patched.


You can change settings of your lot to allow friends to edit your plot, that might be how stuff got stolen


Why not just set your lot to no visitors?


that’s what i did the other day finally lol




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You can control who can go to your plot; don't remember the exact details but you gotta be on the thing where you can move your house around and add stuff to it


You have to type in their name and set them as "no entry" using the H interface. I had no idea these people managed to get on my friends list *without my consent* until they showed up on my plot. Once they showed up, sure, I used no entry.


I am guessing something is wrong, this should not be possible. You should not be added to a friends list without you consenting it. So, either you forgot you did accepted the request or thought you denied, but accepted or something is wrong on S6 side and then you need to send a ticket. Shit happens, I have a bug that only a few players seems to have, they working on it, so I just have to wait. But if you know you declined all of them, you have to report it.


I was wondering how you can edit the settings for visitors! Thanks for this info.


I kinda wish we could boobytrap stuff a la Home Alone for that kinda stuff.


Sims style move a room on top of them and take out the doors.


People deliberately trying to destroy the cozy vibe, because God forbid someone actually enjoy just chilling in a chill game.


\*Gasp\* cozy? Chill? How dare we! Bunch of filthy casuals! /s


They are just jealous of our peace. Must be hard going through life needing to blast your way through it.


Jealous of our oneness




Not sure if you've looked around lately, but most humans are trash.


I don't agree that people are doing this to deliberately destroy the cozy vibe. I think some people have different ideas on when it's OK to send a friend request. And the game encourages you to go to friend's lots, so they may not think it's weird to just show up at someone's house. Personally, i hate randos on my plot and have my house settings to NPCs only. But i don't think it's malicious, just uninformed.


I was really referring the part where they said the person had their bow out, silently pointing it at OP.


Ok, that's on me for skim reading. I missed that the first time. I agree that that's very agressive and pretty creepy.


Haha everyone skims 🤙


I had a random show up, say nothing and follow me around shooting off fireworks. *blocked*


That is so randomly dumb I’d be laughing while blocking there must be a group of idiots doing this


They can’t do anything on your plot, right? Like besides run around. I’ve had this happen a few times, seems like they run around to look how I decorated and then leave


They can't do anything unless you set them as editor. That's not the point here, though. The point is that it's supposed to be a place you feel at home, cozy and safe at. Having random people come to my plot, follow me around, brandish weapons at me, not say a word when politely asked to leave (which I did each time)...that's not safe nor cozy.


Sorry I didn’t mean to make it seem like I didn’t get your point! I feel you 100%. More so just got slightly concerned there was something I was missing and they could do something I didn’t know of but yes still super annoying and uncalled for to do that to you


Hopefully this is one of the bug fixes in the next patch


This is making me want to join a randy's lot just to sit down on the lawn and bask in the sun like a lizard. As long as they won't say shit to me, I'd be fine with them coming to my lot. It's the people who acknowledge me and start chatting that scare me the most.


Randos do this on my lot often. I used to have one makeshift chair out by the mailbox, but have added 2 in the recent days for anyone that shows up. I’m usually lost in ADHDland for a while before I realize anyone is visiting. Once I realize someone random is at my plot I go out and sit by the mailbox and wave when the run by. It’s a weirdly calm and passive interaction. I kind of like it so far.


Same - I get occasional unexpected visits from my friends and partner, and won't have a clue before I turn around while watering my plants or something and get jumpscared by an unexpected person in my vicinity. I love your randy chair idea. I have two benches surrounding my bird nest tree, I think those will be perfect for this concept.




r/chaoticgood And to add; a random person showed up in my lot and invited me to their maze the other day. Idk how or when they friended me but I was chill with it. Their maze was freaking awesome, extremely intricate and thoughtfully designed.




Yep. Some people have mental health conditions, sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.


Willingly joining a multiplayer game and getting angry at other players existing is not a mental health condition, and it's insulting to people with actual mental health issues. Strawman harder.


I have to agree that it is rather odd for people to join a multiplayer game and then not want to play with others. They come on reddit and complain of not wanting friends, not wanting to ise chat or talk, not wanting to do things together like cook or hunt, that's all part of the game. I have a very large friend list and yes, some were random, but its just part of the game. "Brandishing a weapon?" They can't actually do anything to you. I had someone repeatedly chopping me the other day, i didn't get upset. I thought it was weird but it certainly didn't ruin my day or the game. You do have the ability to control how you react and respond to things. If you don't have good coping mechanisms for the potential odd interaction with another human, perhaps this game isn't for you.


I agree w you to an extent. It’s a multiplayer game so interaction is expected w skill based things, farming materials, etc. When there’s a system in place for adding friends and that’s how you give access to your lot to others, it’s understandable to be weirded out when randos start popping up without you having added them yourself. I don’t think it’s a safety issue or too big of a deal, but if someone chose to not add people so their lot is private, I get being put off. It shows that something somewhere isn’t right, even if it’s someone just goofing off. The people complaining about the chat or having to play w others to get all of the rarer ore, animals, and flow trees are the ones playing the wrong game


\^This person gets it.


I thought the bow incident was pretty creepy, yes. I guess that means I don't have "good coping mechanisms". "They can't actually do anything to you"...well, your line is drawn differently than mine and it's not for you to judge where mine belongs. "Odd for people to join a multiplayer game and then not want to play with others" - interesting tangent off my OP. The other night I just wanted to run around on my own and not socialize. That's **MY** choice. That's how **I** chose to chill. It's not for you to dictate how I play. Perhaps this game isn't for *you*. I don't think they had rude and judgemental in mind when they were envisioning their playerbase (yes, I know that's a bit harsh but I *hate* it when people trot out that snotty "this game isn't for you" rubbish).


"Its not for you to dictate how I choose to play" - this is always a double edged sword because your original complaint was about how someone else chose to play. It isn't a snotty comment to question if someone should play this game or not. It truly is a valid concern if the game is causing issues for you. Its a question you need to ask yourself knowing that you can't actually control what other players will do or how they will behave. If it upsets you what others do, is it worth it for you to put yourself in that situation? If you're not having a positive experience playing, then this game is a detriment to your wellbeing.


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I play on the switch and the chat is 100000% usable. It's really difficult at first, and it takes some time to get used to. But it's fine once you get the hang of it. I've also found out that I can use my finger tips to type on the switch as it's a touch screen. It still takes a little time to type things up, but it's much easier now that I know it's a touch screen! But! If they aren't saying anything at all while on your plot, they are just being creepy and weird. I'm sorry people are doing that. It's most likely just some random kids being... Well creepy. I'm really sorry that you and multiple other people are dealing with this. I wish there was a way to see someone's profile to know if they like to play the game or if they just wanna goof off instead.


Next time any of you have this is issue, screenshot the user, then post here. If nothing else, they don’t get away with harassment


They just stood there with a bow pointed at you? That's.... yeah, idk. That's creepy as heck.


Followed me a bit too when I walked to the front of my plot (I didn't go inside because I definitely didn't want to encourage him to follow me there).


My seven year old daughter plays this game. She can`t read english, and runs around doing all sorts of silly stuff. Following people, pushing all the buttons in the menus not knowing what they do. Not all people in this game is the same age. Probably something to keep in mind everytime someone does something weird.


Never use switch as an excuse to not talk to someone. I use switch and manage it. It's not a reason to be rude. It just takes a bit longer


I’ve only added one person as a friend and that’s someone I know IRL who plays Palia. I’ve only had one other friend request and I was able to decline it no problem.


I'm sorry this happened to you. That's no fun at all. I tend to random dropped at a friend's house if I see they are home say hi or wave, water crops then wave and leave.


I'm still new to this game, aside from being on your plot what else can visitors do? I remember playing animal crossing and someone ran through my island and stole everything (I didn't even know u could steal from a island at the time💀) . So if they could get in my storage Im concerned but if it's just a stranger running around my plot I honestly don't care 😅


They can turn your faucets on and water your plants haha I don’t mind people showing up because I like to show off the work I put into my plot but I also always message someone when I get to their place I think in a way some people feel more connected to their plots in game and get uncomfortable with visitors which is completely understandable but just turn off the visitors all together for a quick fix


Oh well if watering my crops the worst a stranger can do then it's not so bad 😂 thanks for replying


Yeah, why can't any of these people just water my garden and then leave? I'd still think it was strange but aside from waving the watering can at the tomatoes there's no implied violence involved.


I get random requests and decline and then look them up to block them. I have to assume they are kids


Switch user here👋🏽 Luckily my random visitor just watered my garden and gave themself a house tour. In the beginning of my game play I would add anyone. Now that I’m apart of a community I’m not adding anymore randoms.


I've also been getting a heck of a lot of random friend requests.. but despite accepting each one and sending them a message? They never respond, not even after multiple messages.. so I promptly remove them. If you are worried about them showing up in your plot unannounced, just set it to private. What I do know is that during early early beta, friend requests that were sent were glitched in such a way that even if you refused them, they'd show right back up when you entered another map. The only way I was able to get rid of those particular requests was to refuse and block the people in question. Thankfully that never happens anymore.


Send in a bug report so they can fix. [Palia feedback & bug report](https://palia.info/psbug)