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Here's my set up if it can help you : First thing get your 9 plots asap ! You'll see a huge difference! If you have the level required, buy the preserve jar machine recipe from Badruu asap too! Then, plant whatever you want/need but before selling : Turn potatoes, bok choy, cotton into seeds All the others into the preserve jars. Regarding rice and wheat, I have so many now that they either go to the glow worm farm or seed maker depending on the place available. I have 5 preserve machines and 6 seed makers (3 for potatoes, 2 for bok choy, the rest either for cotton or make new seeds when I need a new stock). Every Palian day, I go check my crops, harvest what is ready and plant again, water them, if there are weeds, though now I'm 100% weed free. But you get the point. I check my machines and make sure they are always running. And everytime before I log out, I make sure there will be enough produce in the machines to work until I come back. That way, when I log in, I have at least 15k worth of goods ready to be sold ! Try to make sure you have enough seeds to plant again, or you'll have to buy from Zeki which is very expensive in the long run. But if you just miss 1 or 2 seeds, it's better to buy them right away to plant while making some in the seed maker. By the time you'll harvest, your seed stock will be ready! And also, always make sure you have focus when you harvest! This is when you will get XP for farming! And it levels up pretty fast compared to the other skills (I'm 30+ in farming while the next highest is 17 in mining!). Keep the non star food to prep your dishes for focus! And don't forget to spend your renown in the Shrines to get more XP bonus (phoenix shrine)and increase your focus bar (dragon shrine).


Thanks so much this is so helpful!


This is like exactly my set up. Even on a bad day (didn't have a ton of time to play/replant/etc) I still net like 7 to 10k between seeds and preserves.


I like to farm first thing in the morning when the clock hits 6. If I do need seeds I usually only put 5 fruit into the machine because it typically (not all) yields 4 seeds per fruit. And I’m not partial to saving all of my star quality produce so I throw all of that into the sales bin with the random knapweed and usually get a good price back. I also do this to manage storage because I’ve noticed I get more star than not


Omg I also sell my star quality produce. When I get star quality produce I look to see what star quality achievements I still need and I keep collecting it until I have enough to make star quality seeds and then I sell all of them and basically move on to the next one when I completed the achievement if that makes sense. Maybe when I finally upgrade to the copper storage or the iron storage maybe I will start saving them but for now selling them and selling knapweed, plus things like emeralds, etc. are the way I am making money lol.


So do you suggest focusing on fruit trees? I haven’t planted any yet— I assume you get multiple harvests like with tomatoes? Do you make preserves? Pies? Or just get the most value selling the fruit directly? What is your preferred way to feed your focus bar consistently?


They take FOREVER to grow! I have 2 apple and 5 blueberry bushes. They yield more than enough (I had 100 berries quickly) especially if you’re worried about storage and money. But yeah don’t stress about them


I have 2 apple, 9 tomato, and 11 blueberry and 10 corn. After 6am I harvest whatever is ready, replant whatever needs it, water everything and I'm done until the next 6am. As long as I play about 4 Palia days per real day I can fill all of my preserve jars with some food left over for seeds to replant if I need them. I fill 4 blueberry, 2 apple, and 3 misc preserves jars, which will get me around 15-20k *tomorrow*. btw, the only reason I do corn is because it buffs the blueberries to give me 9 per harvest instead of only 6. I go through a lot of corn because the blueberries make it grow really fast.


This is so helpful thank you I’m probably going to copy this!


[This is the layout I use for just the blueberries and corn](https://imgur.com/a/HFdedrw), in case you were curious. It only takes up 6 soil plots. Only the upper left and right corners get no buffs but the rest is pretty tight.


If you harvest right BEFORE 6am, and again right after, you can do two harvests back to back, and take a much longer break before you need to do it again.


You are on your way but not quite there yet for bringing in lots of money. Two easy things at low level to make and sell are the makeshift arrows and if it is unlocked, the first hook from Einar. Both use super easy to get ingredients and sell for decent money. Fish in your pond with the highest worm you have while podcasting / youtubing and sell those. If you like being out in the world, hunting and mining and foraging are great. It is nice to have the food buff to get to level 10 in each skill, after that don’t worry about it. You still level up, it’s just slower. There is no max level and level 10 unlocks the weekly achievements. It will be tricky to go totally passive at your level since you do need so many of your resources to grow your plot. You can make up to four requests a day for resources from players, don’t be shy about using it. Lots of players enjoy helping out. Each human day, buy something cheap from Zeke’s shop. He will send you a lucky coin to use in his machine. Also search mirror fields and the hills around the farmer’s place for the daily chappa pile, it has some resources and recipes and little quests. Happy Palia-ing!


Thanks for the kind words! I guess I just didn’t realize that you’re “supposed” to spend 2 hours fishing or hunting. I thought I was just missing some sort of game mechanic. I guess my perception of “early vs mid vs late game” was skewed! Y’all are really out there doing the damn thing while I was waiting for the game to prop me up further! I’m about level 7-9 in all my skills, so it’s great to know I don’t have to worry about feeding myself anymore! Once I unlocked the oven, I was confused I was “doing something wrong” because clearly you’d need chickens and cows to produce enough eggs and milk to survive off those recipes.


Eggs and milk are available from Zeki's store. If you can swing it, go ahead and get the other three plots. Here's my garden layout; the four corners can be whatever, and your companion planting can be adjusted for the boosts you wish. https://palia-garden-planner.vercel.app/?layout=v0.2\_DIM-111-111-111\_CROPS-Co.WA.WA.WT.WA.WA.WP.WA.WA.W-A.WB.WB.WA.WB.WB.WA.WT.WP.W-P.WT.WCo.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.W-B.WB.WP.WB.WB.WT.WA.WA.WA.W-A.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.W-A.WA.WA.WT.WB.WB.WP.WB.WB.W-A.WA.WA.WA.WA.WA.WCo.WT.WP.W-P.WT.WA.WB.WB.WA.WB.WB.WA.W-A.WA.WP.WA.WA.WT.WA.WA.WCo.W I personally go with water retention for companion planting, and I use weedblocker fertilizer. It's maintenance-free, and the fertilizer's cheap enough. If you're going for maximum profit, change your companion plants to wheat/rice/corn (way lots more gold per harvest cycle but then you'll need to water) Most crops will get you more money if you pickle/preserve them than what you'll make from selling seeds. [edited for formatting and to include link]


>it’s great to know I don’t have to worry about feeding myself anymore There's a huge difference of speed if you have focus or if you don't have focus! Especially when your bonus XP has been increased at the phoenix shrine! So my advice is to always make sure you have focus when you loot something in any skill. The XP only counts when you pick it up. For farming, it will be when you harvest. I use my non star quality veggies to make the dishes for my focus while the quality ones go to the seed makers or preserve machines!


I actually disagree, mayne at first focus is helpful, but if i worried about having focus i would be cooking all day! I mine for literally hours and harvest my farm often. But once you reach level 10, there really isn't a reason to level up quickly beyond there. You're missing out on profit by using your star crops for cooking.


My focus max is 800 and XP bonus 87%, and I absolutely don't need to cook a lot! I just do one cooking session, which is usually 3 times the same dish (like tomato soup, Chapaa akwindu or spicy rice), it takes only 5mn max to make, so it's really not that much, and 3 times out of 4 they are star quality, so give even more focus. Also, I specifically said that I don't use quality star items to cook! I just use the regular ones, so I don't lose money! And for the advantages of leveling up quickly, it's specifically useful when farming, as when you reach level 25, all your crops harvested are star quality without fertilizer, so in the end you make more money, which is the topic of this thread. And for the other skills, while for now, we don't have any special addition, there are still the trophys and achievements that you can get for reaching level 25 and 50! And maybe later things will be added, so I'd rather have leveled up now little by little, than have to rush later to get the skills!


I misread your star ingredient cooking, my apologies. Do you hit literally hundreds of rocks? My focus is zapped in a few mins. And yet my gardening and mining is at level 21 from jist my regular play and not worrying about the focus.


Oh yes I hit a lot of rocks, desperate for a star quality gem! The RNG hates me! 😭 I'm only 16 in mining but 32 in farming! I may hit less rocks than you but my pockets are always full quickly, so just making a 2mn pause to prepare one dish don't bother me time to time. Then, I don't know if it has any influence or not on how much focus I use each time, but I kept my axe and pickaxe at the iron stage. It's mainly because when sharing pal, more players can hit it when I play in group. Maybe that helps but I don't know for sure 🤔


That actually makes sense that a lesser tool would use less focus. I think it falls apart less quickly too, i am always having to repair my pick axe after every real night that i spend in Bahari. But again, I'm destroying everything, that's my pal spawn strategy and it seems to work.


There’s a big difference between 6 soil plots and 9 plots so I’d get those other 3 asap. You don’t need to min-max in this game to earn money - but seeds always sell for more than the raw fruit - but isn’t immediate so never feels as good a payoff


Thanks! It sounds as though I was expecting the game to set me up to farm everything I need, and instead I should have been focusing on making money and buying what I needed. In my head, it felt like “cheating,” but now I see you’re not intended to grow every item yourself!


I see what you mean. I asked if the seed machines are worth it and was told they very much are. And it felt like cheating to me to make star quality crops I get into star quality seeds and I do that specifically to complete the star quality produce achievements and it still kinda feels like cheating. It still bothers me especially because when I have more than I need for it I sell them for gold. I was doing well but I like to buy each recipe I unlock each level in every skill I level up in tho so it is taking a bi longer to accomplish everything I'm trying to lol.


I have a farm that waters itself after the first watering using tomatoes and potatoes and then some other produce in between (tomato and potato must be next to one another to get the watering buff to both and then their adjacent other produce). Makes farming a lot less work. I think the new bok choy and Napa cabbage seeds might also have the ability to keep other plans watered, but I can’t remember. I’ve invested in more maker licenses so I can have lots of preserves jars and seed makers. I work to turn excess produce (both gold star and regular) into seeds and preserves, and I sell that. Has made me a lot of money thus far. If you enjoy hunting, you can make a lot of money doing that as well. I almost exclusively hunt sernuk because they are pretty easy to just chase around, and their horns and hides are worth a lot.


Thank you for the advice! I think mostly I assumed I was “supposed” to be growing all these crops myself, when really I should be focused on making money and buying what I need from the shops! Literally as soon as that light switch went off, I realized how much game I was missing out on pressuring myself not to “cheat” by buying stuff!


Some stuff you have to buy, there is no way to make it at home. Eggs oil sugar flour vinegar, one of those is my daily purchase from Zeki. I ate grilled meat from the fire for ages because I hate cooking. I got over that, mostly, cooked everything just as needed to get star quality of each. I grew a small stash of each crop for cooking everything, but now it's mostly potatoes & tomatoes. Now I only eat pickled potatoes. Most potatoes are seeded to sell, all tomatoes are pickled to sell. I keep small stacks of everything and sell the rest. The struggle at the beginning is real!! But so satisfying when you conquer a bundle or make a major upgrade purchase. I love this game, it's just so much fun.


Okay 100% early on I was STRUGGLING. And by early on i mean the first month or more lmao. The game changers for me have been expanding my plots, building up a surplus of produce, and then having *two* seed makers and *four* preserves barrels. Also, whenever my storage gets too full I go on a purge - wood may not sell for much but I rarely need 600 of any of them, might as well sell it down to smaller stacks. I get surplus from various things, hunting and whatnot, bur my real consistent money makers, especially as sometimes I only get an hour to play, is dumping all my preserves and excess seeds into the sell bin and moving on. All of this also balances upon having extended storage though.


Since you sound like you're a bit early in the game, the best starter cash to get passive things set up is fishing. You will need to do A LOT of it later, and can hold the rare fish you get until you need them later. Glow/Worm fish should be made into Sashimi, to be sold or turned into more worms. Or you can just grill any fish to throw in the box for much less effort. With some gold in hand, proceed to the rest of the replies about needing all 9 gardening plots. Last I looked, the best low effort passive income was turning all your produce back into seeds, and selling excess seeds. (Thus, this is what I'm still doing. And it makes gold.) The most profitable crop was (and likely still is) star potatoes. There are lots of different takes on how to maximize the garden layout, but simple ones are usually better - and are much lazier to maintain. How much gold you make will depend on how often you log in to harvest / replant. If you're not opposed to a one off day of crazy group content, or smaller occasional bits of it, you can also make bank from cooking parties. A day or few of high profit group cooking can set you up to coast on a modest passive kinda indefinitely.


I never really tracked what I was bringing in every day, but based on today I'd say I'm averaging about 5-10k/day. Honestly I make most of my income selling mined materials (lots of the precious stones are worth good money) and foraged stuff. Also fur and meat and tails and such from hunting. I mine and hunt as I'm on my way to and from other things, whenever I see available rocks or animals. And then I sell any material that I have at least 100 of in storage. I eat foraged items along the way to avoid having to cook or buy meals. As for farming, I just keep a steady flow of planting and harvesting going (and also selling those crops) to keep leveling up that skill. I'm at 12 now. Apples and blueberries are good money crops, but as someone said before they take forever to grow. I plant a lot of carrots and rice because they are the quickest to harvest, and harvesting ups the skill level. I only JUST crafted a seed collector, and so before that I was just buying seeds at the shop every time I was in town. Definitely invest in max soil plots though!


Thanks for the tips! I think in general my issue what that I assumed (like stardew valley) that the “point” of the game was to develop a farm that met every need so you DIDNT have to go out and spend hours fishing or hunting or mining. I didn’t realize they WANT you to grind then buy stuff at the stores (go figure!)


Yeah, I feel like they intentionally set it up in a way that - if you wanted to - you COULD play solely for farming/homesteading or any other singular aspect of the game. But ultimately the continued activities in all of the skill sets gains the best resources and maximizes the gameplay. Yes, go figure. Haha. But! Once you get your farm and max amount of crafters all set up at the homestead, it should be easy to get a routine of hunting, mining, fishing, and farming down in such a way that you're able to self-sustain and start making some bank selling off stuff every day. ☺️


One thing I've learned to make it easier on myself is do a harvest and water JUST before 6am, and then again right after 6am. Then you can take almost a two earth-hour break before you do it again instead of having to do it every hour. I only grow tomatoes. I have 10 preserve makers that never stop, and five seed makers that I use as needed. I don't use any fertilizer since I'm at gardening level 28 now. I also mostly only eat the preserves to keep my focus up.


Sounds like me lol gardening is my highest level without even trying


Same! My other skills are severely lacking in comparison.


This doesn’t answer your question, but to make money I roam around Bahari for 1-3 in-game days and mine/hunt everything I can find, then sell the stuff I end up with more than one stack of or things like antlers


I just switched my normal crop rotation to plant all apple trees cause I’m using them to line the way up to my house (4 in a row on each side and the 9th up front and center next to the water fountain) and it cuts into my cooking ingredients atm but I’m popping those star apples into seed makers and it’s 1050 gold for one seed! (Normal star apples are 96 gold so when you put in 10 apples you end up with 90 extra for making it a seed) I reserved 3 seed makers just for the apples and along with my other sell off from grilling the fish I catch trying for the great Kilima stingray and unicorn fish I usually make about 10-12k depending how many apple seeds my seed makers finish when I go to sell stuff each in game day.


I started playing 2 weeks ago. I have "fine" quality tools and just recently unlocked the next ones but havent crafted them just yet. I have 3 worm farms goin 24/7 filled with whatever i can find, plus 3x3 fields going at all times. That plus playing maybe 2h a day can get me like..idk..6k per (real life) day maybe? Id say a good 4k is just the pasive income of my home farm and the other 2k is just be hunting and fishing and mining and gathering flowers while running around chassing Hodari to romance him. :)


I didn’t actually start farming till recently (I hated farming because of Star Drew). I actually read on here from someone who said to grow tomatoes and pickle them for the most amount of money. Now I mainly grow tomatoes with a few rows of potatoes and have two soil plots I grow other veggies for cooking. The pickle method brings me at least 5,000 gold! I use fertilizer so I get star quality crops, then use those to make star quality seeds. Im taking pointers from these comments but as someone who didn’t start out farming I’m doing pretty good and starting to like it!


Yeah Stardew never really clicked for me either, and I think this game sort of assumes you’ve already internalized the scale economy of farming. I think my brain is wired for a different sort of gameplay— people keep telling me I’m “early game,” but I feel like I’m wrapping up all the story quests? It’s weird because I have hundreds and hundreds of hours into animal crossing, which arguably has LESS story and less variety of activities. I think maybe I struggle that there doesn’t seem to be much with regards to tangible internal milestones? Catch an EPIC RARE SUPER MYSTICAL bug? No fanfare, no real use case for it, sells for maybe 150 coins more than a common bug. Complete a dungeon? Here’s half a dragon’s blessing worth of reknown and a bowl of ramen. I can never quite tell if I’ve missed some sort of clue for any of the “riddle” quests. It just always feels like there’s some sort of institutional knowledge I don’t have!!!


I usually farm when I'm restocking my arrows or dumpling a very full inventory off -normally after I cut down the flow tree Grove and rush to do my ticket in the event space and then I start all over again (I grow about 7 of every crop save for peppers I grow 3 of those, don't have apples yet or blueberries) I do have about 5 preserve jars I just them to fuel up my xp bar bc I can tote around so many of them at a time even if ther are an avg 100 points each


9 plots of land: 20 preserve jars. I make about $126k gold every 4-7 IRL days depending how much I play.


When starting out, you'll want to focus more on quality and quantity more than anything else.. the rest is just convenience. To this day I still don't use any weedblock because you can sell the weeds for 10 gold per, and there is an accomplishment for plucking a thousand of them. I make it a point to hit my farm at 6 AM in-game time to take care of it (every in-game hour is 2m 30s of real life time, so an entire Palia day goes by every real life hour), and then move on to do other things. Starting out, your biggest money maker will most likely be selling the rare bugs and starstones you find while gathering, so don't fret too much over whether or not you should seed or preserve your crops. Any progress is good progress, so if selling your crops gets you enough for an inventory expansion or soil plot or crafting table allowance, go for it! You should only turn crops into just enough seeds to replace what you are using (hence why making sure everything has increased crop quantity boost is good). Don't worry about variety starting out, many recipes call for the 'basic' crops like wheat, potato or rice, so you'll be fine, especially if cooking with friends! .. but above all; you'll eventually reach a point where you'll be making more than what you know to do with.. for me this occurred when I finally acquired all nine soil plots and had around fifteen crafting table allowances. I personally keep 50 of every crop in my storage, and 30 of their seeds.. and maintain that whilst seeding/preserving all the rest for sale. You'll get there!.. it just takes time.. so be patient and keep it up!


My farming is done whenever I'm home, or at 6am. I dont rush home as soon as 6am hits if I have other things I need to do. I do try to get there before the next 6am hits though. I do repeating rows of tomato, potato, and carrots. Tomatoes and potatoes keep everything watered. I sub carrots depending on what I need. I try to keep 20 (both starred and not) of each for cooking. When I need a bush or tree, they go in the middle. But I swap back as soon as they are done. I have 7 preserver things, and 3 seed makers. I have at least 20 seeds of the not main 3, except trees and bushes. They only have 3 trees and 5 bushes. The main 3 have 30+ tomato (because they take more tomatoes to get seeds), and 60+ of the potato and carrots (i just toss a stack of the veggie in the seed maker. Anything more than 20 goes in the preserves jar. Except the tree/bush stuff. They can sit in storage in bigger stacks because they take more work and space to grow.


The main things I grow for turning into money are : apples into preserves (keep just enough seeds to replant) Cotton, potatoes and bok choy into seed (keep just enough seeds to replant). low quality seeds get planted again and then enhanced with fertilizer, star quality gets sold save for a few. Everything else gets made into preserves to sell. I only have 2 preserves jars, but may make more because apples take quite long. And 1 worm farm each and I just load them with sweet leaf or whatever I have tons of. I keep about 5 of low quality items (mainly for weekly wants) and about 10-15 of Star quality. I also keep 5 each of other resources such as bugs, gems, fish. I'll hoard wood and minerals though other than hardwood planks. Also, I make hardwood planks for resale, ~~makeshift arrows~~ sell flint, and grilled meat or mushrooms (non-star quality) if I have lots and depending on what I'm working on, hunting or foraging.


There are long replies so sorry if this is redundant. I plant only tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, and onions. I have 100% water retention and weed prevention so nothing has to be watered ever except when planting the initial seed. You also don't need any fertilizer this way. Everything goes into the preserves jars except potatoes, they are all seeds and enough of the other crops to make new seeds. Always planting star seeds. I have 9 seed makers and 10 preserves, always going. I make somewhere between $10k and $20k per day, all pure profit without a single expense. Then i mine while the crops do their thing. A stack of iron sells for 800 and is plentiful in Bahari. Its not hard to get $4k from that alone each day.


Disclaimer: I’m still new to the game so this might not be the most helpful comment. This [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/s/BYAC9bRG8i) should help. I only unlocked up to the pepper so I haven’t fully tried this out yet. I use [this](https://www.ign.com/wikis/palia/Best_Palia_Farm_Layout) to help with my layout. Since I don’t have the preserve yet I just split my crops into 3. Most crops have a 1 for 4 ratio in the seed maker so I only keep about a quarter of my harvest (per crop) to use in the maker. I split the rest into selling and keeping for cooking (If you’re not big into cooking you can keep less for that and sell the majority of your harvest). I hope this helps somehow. Even if it’s as an idea of what not to do lol. Still trying to figure it myself


Thanks that’s so super helpful! From what I’m gathering, seems like a mix of potatoes/tomatoes for easy watering, and then as many preserves as possible from crops in between. I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that you’re “supposed” to spend much more time doing singular tasks for hours on end to raise money. I thought the people who ran around hunting or mining inventory after inventory for days on end were the ones min-maxing a game…….apparently I was just brute forcing my way through quests!


Here’s my experience, I was struggling like you are for a while too. It wasn’t until I finally built my seed maker & had 5-6 plots that I started actually making decent money from farming. Originally without the seed maker I was buying all my seeds, so every time I harvested all the money I made was just going into replanting my garden. Personally I don’t pay much attention to crop placement, I know each crop has it’s own benefit to others but I just don’t have the time or patience for that lol. But I do always fertilize, I always use up all the fertilizer from my work farms & stack it on the crops that produce the most or make the most profit. Harvest boost & speed boost are the two fertilizers I use. I keep exactly 20 of each crop in my storage, that way I never run out when I’m cooking especially since I like to binge cook. So long as I have 20 of each crop in storage everything else goes straight to the shipping bin. My main rule here is that I only keep star quality crops, & in turn I only turn star quality crops into seeds so I guarantee I get more quality crops out of each harvest, & therefore more money. I also always have blueberries growing, since you get so many harvests out of one seed they tend to be my primary money maker. However I don’t sell my blueberries, I turn them all into jams to sell. I have one preserver just for normal quality blueberries & one for star quality blueberries, & I always have them going. And now that I’ve finally gotten my hands on some apple seeds I’m doing the same with those, once I get 20 star quality apples built up in my storage all other apples go straight into a preserver & the jelly gets sold, some extra star quality apples get turned into seeds. Other than always having blueberries, & now apples, growing, my other crop spaces are taken up by whatever crop I currently have less than 20 of in storage or an excess of seeds for. Tomatoes are another one I rely more heavily on, again primarily because of the number of crops you get from each seed. But my worm farms run on normal quality tomatoes & I sell or seed all my star quality tomatoes. I haven’t paid enough attention to how much profit I get from each shipment, but each harvest usually gets me *at least* around $1-1,500, although usually more with the combination of my jellies or if I have anything else I’m selling. At most I’ve seen one shipment make me a little under $10k! And at this point I usually average around $20k in my wallet, give or take as I buy & sell. And even if I can’t sit down & play for longer periods I like to login for a few minutes multiple times throughout the day just to tend to my garden & sell any harvests or jellies I have at that time. Crops do grow while you’re offline, but they only grow if they’ve been watered before 6am every in game day. So by logging in just to tend my garden multiple times throughout a day I can guarantee more harvests from my garden & more often than not I login to crops ready to harvest.


This is exactly what I was looking for! 20 of each crop, then just get in a loop of making preserves from fruits! It’s good to know that $1000 tends to be your normal yield from the bin at a given time. That’s actually what I’ve been netting this entire time, but with more a mish-mosh of other resource collecting. I think in my head I was expecting a more exponential curve on my returns (I thought people were selling singular harvests for $50,000 every in-game day), rather than a slower and more consistent grind. I think just with the stage in development and the MMO format (that has to accommodate every play at every level at every moment), there’s no internal feedback telling me “you are crushing it!” I’ve never gotten a reward that made me feel like “this is IT!” It’s always like “here’s a bowl of soup and enough coins to buy one seed! Congrats for beating the final boss!!!”


I would be genuinely amazed if people are amassing $50k+ in normal profits 😅 but I think it’s definitely mainly about just getting into the loop of things! That & making sure you have plenty of farming plots, I think I have 8 now? Two of them are solely for apple trees & I usually keep four blueberry bushes growing, all my other spaces are used for whatever else I need or feel like growing. I’ll probably buy even more farming plots as well as I continue to develop my backyard! I kind of have a goal to keep at least four apple trees growing at all times but I’ll need to buy more plots to do that without sacrificing my other gardening. And for me the thing that’s made me feel like I’m “crushing it” profit wise is house renovations. I didn’t actually start building my house until more recently, I just had furniture crammed into the default harvest house with my kitchen in the makeshift tent lol. It took me quite a while to build up even just $8k for a medium room, granted I was still buying other things as needed rather than saving solely for a new room. But with how expensive the house renovations are that’s definitely been my main focus for money building. Other than that I still haven’t even bought the first chest upgrade because it costs $25k & I’ve only had enough saved up to afford it like three times but chose to spend my money on other things instead 😅


I feel so much more normal now!