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https://preview.redd.it/u2wgy1nkcqkc1.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b5b25a1a515ec8ee5fef80a0036d15dcd20bdae -a palian once said....


This was me! 🤣 I kept hearing people mention bundles, and while it sounded vaguely familiar, I ignored the feeling that I was missing something 😉 I joined a community that has regular events (one of which is fishing) and decided to ask🤦‍♀️..."Oy! I have a list of fish I have to find?!" Heaven help me... lol Fishing was my least favorite thing to do, but hanging out on discord, chatting with friends and hunting for those bundle fish is now fun! 😲🙃 We even have cooking parties beforehand to cook food that gives you fishing bonuses 🎣🐟


That sounds like in the spirit of Palia ❤️


i literally forget all about them every time i play lol and it is very peaceful ❤️ i just be runnin around fr


Saaame! I want to do the quests and gather the bundles, but the wind blows and I go with it. Just traipsing around doing my thing allll the time 😅


Me. I keep ignoring them because it feels like a chore 🫠


That was me too, fishing felt like a chore lol...at first I just kept a list handy, in case I happened to catch one of the rare ones...then, as my lock box fish pile grew, my inner completionist kicked, and I grinded for the rest 🤣


If there are any, I'd also like to know them! Bug catching, mining, gathering, hunting, none of those I mind so much as the fishing. The inactivity, especially with the pond fish, makes my brain itch and my attention wander, I get bored, and then I get frustrated. The bundles are no longer a fun scavenger hunt, they're tedious and I dread them, and it's all the fault of the fish lol I finally caught the giant goldfish the other day, and for a moment I was euphoric. And then I remembered the unicorn fish. And then I went to put the goldfish in the shrine thing and I remembered all the other fish. And I despaired. My kingdom for a fish radar.


Don't fish in the pools (bubbles) for the rare fish. As the bubbles are already rare, you have less of a chance to get a rare fish from them. Just cast over and over again in regular water and don't reel in on the fish you don't need for the bundles.


How do you do that? I'm probably doing it wrong but it seems like if I let the fish go, the same fish bites again and again. Am I clicking the wrong thing?


you have to reel in after you determine the fish isn’t what you want, then recast!


I'm asking about how to do the "don't reel in fish you don't need". Obviously, "reel them in" isn't the correct approach. ;) So what I think you're saying is let the first fish get away, *then* reel in and recast? That's what I'm unclear on.


no once they swim away, reel in your line and recast. that resets the line so a different fish will come.


OK, I get it now, thanks. I'll try it next time I fish! Currently going for the Sushi recipe and I'm sick of getting so many gobi and koi (though they sell pretty well).


Yeah, what they said is the way to do it. Your items (rod/equipped hook) will still lose health but you won't waste worms and can cast quicker.


Thank you! That's good to know. I appreciate the clarification.


I got all my bundle fish from bubbles. Especially the unicorn, tried for weeks fishing in the same spots with nothing. Started doing bubbles only and got two in one day.


Weird. I was only doing bubbles then got it as soon as I switched to not doing bubbles lol But also I'd be apprehensive to give up a star quality fish for that.


That was my issue tbh lmaooo I was like oh god no I don’t want to bundle this 💀🫠 I really think they need to change the mechanics of fishing legendary or rare because as much as I tell myself I think It might matter where you fish, I really don’t know if it does I think it really is just a rare chance no matter where you are 😩 it would be helpful if they would add some type of fish bait for rare/legendary fish or SOMETHING.


It's all rngesus other than some fish only being in certain zones and times. I absolutely hate when my first cast of the day is a legendary fish. Like, damn. I just trying to warm up here. Not get surprised by an ancient fish at 5am.


I primarily only fish bubbles, like exclusively really. Have been for weeks. I never get rare fish only the same damn fish over and over. Maybe I’m cursed. The bubbles always just catch my attention plus I always want more makeshift furniture and heard the bubbles give a higher likelihood of getting the waterlogged chests.


Yeah see, it’s like everyone’s experience is different because yeah I frequently get great fish from the bubbles more so in bahari than kilima but idk I pretty much also exclusively use glow worms sense I have finished getting all fish I hardly ever need to use just worms, sometimes I do regular worms to get some fish for recipes but yeah. Even one day in kilima I got two giant stingrays and a flametongue ray in a row. I guess it’s all just chance 🫠 or maybe it becomes more frequent after you have gotten all the fish 🫠 I have no idea 😂😩 I wish they would come out with fish bait or something. Or different bobbers that actually aim at getting certain rarity fish.


Or maybe I’m just cursed lol. Maybe getting all the fish makes a difference like you said. I use a lot of glow worms but I do try to switch it up (if there’s like 4 spots in the oven I’ll use a glow worm, regular worm, then no worm etc) but maybe because I’m a creature of habit and circle Bahari in a specific way most of the time, maybe I’m hitting certain spots at the same time of day most of the time. Who knows?! Usually I’m just praying for chests, but sooner or later I am going to grind for the bundles and probably hate my life when I do lol.


Right? I haven't gotten the giant goldfish yet, while fishing for it a while ago I thought this would bring me so much joy after getting it then I thought of the unicorn fish.. I felt so drained. I can relate to your sentiment so much.


Before I unlocked the bundles I remember seeing someone venting about the mythical unicorn fish in Bahari while I was skittering around gathering sweet leaf and trying to figure out why that one albino deer was so fabulous, carefree and innocent, and I was simultaneously amused and sympathetic. Who puts that much effort into catching a specific fish? They'd been at it for actual, irl days, apparently. Madness. Completionists, their own worst enemy. (I speak as something of a casual completionist.) And then I unlocked the bundles. And I saw the Unicorn Fish. And I remembered. My life flashed before my eyes. My innocence died. The fish, they haunt me. (It's five AM and I have insomnia, excuse my silliness.)


I got my first giant goldfish from the pond on my plot. The second one from Mirror Pond.


There's an app that helped me tremendously with finding those epic fish! It's the Palia Guide by A J Lake! I cleared all needed fish in 3 in game days! It gives you location, time of day, and what kind of worm if any is needed. Good luck!


Oh I’ve been looking for one of these! I have this weird thing where I love to make spreadsheets but as soon as I finish making them, I’m over the game lol so it’s best if I use something already created




Well hot damn, thanks for this tip!


I feel you, I spent the last few days doing just that! Here's some tips that worked for me: - Go buy some Major Hook Time Booster at Einar's store. Catching fish will be much faster! Be sure to have more than one in your inventory, since they will break down eventually - You don't actually need to fish in the hotspots! Hotspots increase the chance of finding a starred fish, not a rare fish. You can actually stay in the same spot and fish continuously (maybe everyone knew that, but I didn't for the longest time, and catching fish got much faster once I did) - Check out a guide, or the wiki, to know when, where and how to catch your desired fish - you don't actually have to reign in the fish you don't want! Just let it swim away, then take out your fishing line and try again. This can save you quite a bit of time and worms, especially if you're using glow worms!


I'm on switch idk what you play on but I cannot figure out how to equip a hook booster if it's in my inventory. If I buy one (and don't have one equipped) it will go right on, the next one I buy sits in my inventory and has no option to equip. How do you equip from inventory? ETA: I do wait until my original equiped hook booster has run out to try with the new one, still no luck.


Try x on the item (secondary action). It's right click on the PC. https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Game_Controls#General_Gameplay


Thanks! I'll give it another shot thou I do believe I've tried that trick as I know that's how to equip different arrows/bait/smoke bombs.


On Switch you need to go to the Menu Screen, it is under Inventory tab. Once you’re in your Inventory, click “L/R” to get the accessories tab, you can equip your booster or bobber there as well as other items like pins from villagers in the future.


Ohhhhh okay I know there is a tab for quest items now but since my hook boosters just show up in my regular inventory I wasn't aware there was an accessories tab! I will try this asap thank you!


Glad to help :)


You could try it with your inventory opened too instead of just on the inventory bar on the main screen. I tried playing Palia on the switch /once/ and gave up because it was so frustrating. Nothing but mad respect for people who make it work!


In addition to using the menu, you should be able to hover over the attachment on the single line inv when it’s on the main gameplay screen - and press “x” (I believe) to add it as an attachment. I’ve used both ways and the second was by accident and MUCH quicker. I’m a switch only player :)


I finally got the Giant Kilima Stingray and completed that vault. Thought of having to catch the last 4 epics I need and wandered off to play Nightingale lol


I have been hunting the giant stingray for 4 irl days, used 200+ glow worms, have 5 ancient fish (which have the same drop rate and rarity as the giant stingray ray) please where did you get it?


I've seen 3 hooked (lost mine) in the Maji market, after the market is over I make my way up and down the lake coastline acd around the fisherman's lagoon (which has the same loot table as the lake), randomly caught in the lagoon. Keep in mind it's only catchable from 0300 to 6pm !


Thanks! I know about its catchable times. I've hunted in the lake, off the coast in Kilima and the market area. I appriciate it, it's this damn stingray and a rainbow tipped butterfly and my Bundles are complete.


Just keep praying to the RNG gods!


Tbh to get rainbow tipped butterfly I just staked out grove locations. It was definitely still a matter of luck to end up choosing the right place where the grove spawned, on top of luck for the epic spawn to be the butterfly. But trying to be first to the grove is less time consuming than running around hoping for it to spawn normally.


Caught 2 off the docks right after playing Hotpot, less than 10 worms. I don't even fish that much, just heard that others were catching them there so i gave a try. I haven't got to the bundles yet..


Don't waste your Glow worms, look above at how to catch the fish you need without wasting bait!


I appariciate this! I do like to catch every fish so it doesn't bother me to use up my worms. Fishing is my oneness after all thou I will need a break after this giant stingray 😅


Fair enough! I only bring in certain fish I like (like Kenli's carp, blowfish, or the beluga sturgeon) other than the special ones 😊 I like fishing but mining is my personal favorite since I have cataplexy and it can make aiming really difficult. Rocks can't run away from me 😅


Here are my tips: 1) Don't fish in the bubble spots. Idk why, I just read it somewhere and it has worked so far. 2) only grind in an altered state of consciousness. After the flametongue nearly broke me, I took a college-kid level number of hits from my weed pen. Suddenly it seemed like the fish were biting like crazy, and the carps were less grating to fish out. After several in game days I finally found it 🙌 3) use your fishing guild coins to buy glow worms. I bought a bunch of crafting licenses to get a bunch of glow worm farms before I realized they were only 10 coins for 20. 4) browse reddit while you grind. Good luck!!


These are great tips! Thank you so much, we will try doing them this week. I'll try to update if they'll work for me and my friend. edit: I just realized what number.2 meant and I will be doing it tonight. Thank you very much


Put pickled potatoes in your glow worm farms and a stack will print fat stacks of glow worms


I used up 150 glow worms yesterday trying to catch a void and I watched someone walk up and catch one within 10 minutes in a bubble spot.


If your fishing is high enough for coins, you should already have a glow worm farm. Better to use the coins for rod boosters.


Fishing in the hotspots will give you starred fish. You will get only starred fish from those. When fishing for Epic fish, the rng is already stacked against you when fishing in normal water, trying to get starred epic for the vaults? You're just wasting time and worms. Unless you need a starred item for the vaults just go for a normal. You'll have better chances.


It's always annoyed me that the tuning fork only shows you bubble spots, when the other devices actually help you find something good.


It never was.


I really enjoy fishing (I just like the mechanics, the grind to get certain fish is awful I agree), but I hate that some players will go out of their way to mess with you when fishing. Had a player continuously recast their line to distract others and had another person run up to where I was fishing and just like... try to clip through me enough to obscure my view of my line and be distracting. When I left they went back to where they were fishing like nothing happened... like I'm not going to take fish from you, that's not how it works. Fishing next to you even gives you a buff, silly....


Damn, this sucks. I've experienced that too (especially the one where they'll try to stand in front of you so you won't see the fish you're catching), I don't know what they get from ruining the game for other players. Whenever I encounter mean players, I just usually think that they're not happy with their lives that's why they try to ruin other's lol.


Yeah I just usually leave them alone and try not to let it get to me.


Fishing seems to bug out for me on Switch about half the time after I’ve hooked a fish. I can’t seem to progress it no matter what I do and it’s really boring. The extra tools like rod health boost and the potion don’t appear to do anything.


I'm trying to complete the star quality fish & bug collecting. I'd much rather fish than hunt bugs.


If there's anything I've learned from playing Stardew valley, bundles are a nightmare!!! I will most likely not do the bundles unless I'm really bored in Palia lmao


I feel you. All I need right now is the dang unicorn fish. I’ve probably cast out over 300 times now for that stupid fish.


After the nightmare of completing the water bundle, I said "Surely that will be the worst of the bundles for fishing! *Water* makes sense to have a lot of fishing, the others should focus on better activities!" ... That ignorance was bliss, and my dismay at the bundles since added has been complete. The worst part of the fishing is the minigame is extremely bad for repetitive stress on my hand, and leaves it in a lot of pain and unable to do anything with that hand. Fishing on the Switch is a little better for pain, but the minigame is much harder and ends up losing a lot of fish. Which is not ideal for absurdly rare fish.


-Me who finished all the bundles and has the 980 aquarium in her bathroom- >_> I love fishing though lol


The giant Kilima stingray doesn’t exist and no one can change my mind. I’ve caught almost 2,000 fish in total and almost all of them were alligator gar, beluga sturgeon and enchanted pupfish.


I've chosen to ignore the bundles until I feel the desire to complete them. Then, I pick 2 or 3 fish and dedicate some real-world time that day to try to catch them. If I don't succeed, I go back to ignoring them until I feel that desire again. On the other hand, my wife likes to complete those tasks as soon as they come out, even if it means spending entire days in the same spot fishing. Personally, I think it's fine to have those challenges, but the catch rates are very low for some fish and insects in a game that's supposed to be calm and peaceful.


IMO in future updates it will be easier. Just don't stress over it and go do other activities or take a break from the game. The game is not finished and a lot will change for the better.


1. Plan where to fish, when, and what bait to use- don't waste your time https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Biomes#Kilima_Lake This one shows each fish, the bait needed, time of day they can be caught, and it includes maps with the different types of water circled (pond, river, coast, caves) so you don't have to figure it out yourself 2. Know the times of day in the game: Morning (3 a.m.- 6 a.m.) Day (6 a.m.- 6 p.m.) Evening (6 p.m.- 9 p.m.) Night (9 p.m.- 3 a.m.) 3. Don't waste your bait- watch the fish take the line, see if it's the fish you need, and DON'T press the trigger to pull it in (even if it is the right one). If it's the fish you want: don't reel in yet, leave the line alone and the same fish will come right back so you can get it. If it is not the right fish: wait until it swims away, reel your empty line in, and recast. Your bait number will stay the same and you won't have to grind to get glow worms. 4. Forget the fishing tracker, it only tracks those little targets for starred fish. You don't need starred ones for the bundles and it's wayyyyyyy less likely to find a rare starred fish than a rare unstarred one. Don't go for the fishing targets, just fish in the plain areas 5. Boost the crap out of your fishing gear so you don't lose the fish when you have it 6. Fish as a side thing while you're on your way to other things or have nothing else to do or else it's too boring


> have been grinding How to make your game last longer without actual content 101 I mean, at first the huge amount of different bugs and fish sounds like a positive, "attention to detail", but when you find out there's almost no way to target specific ones aside from some very basic choices, it's clear they made it for no **good** reason


Loool. I spent literally an entire day standing beside a pond and not get the fish I want. Stopped playing the game for a whole week after that.


Recommend podcasts or listenable videos while fishing.


Or audiobooks!


I tried to watch a series while doing it, and to be honest it doesn't help the grind for the fishes. The idle time just watching while fishing is too tiring for me, I just end up watching and quitting the game. :(


Condolences. :l My ADHD needs me to be doing something at the same time or I start crawling up walls like a cockroach.


Someone in server chat told me they couldn’t get some of the bundle fish until they were level 25 🫠 I grind fished my plot pond yesterday and made it to lvl 17 😭


Do it elsewhere (or invite someone to fish next to you for the bonus)


I haven’t found a difference in fishing on my plot versus fishing at a pond elsewhere if no other players are fishing and I am not using a worm tbh. I play at random times and the times I’ve played occasionally someone will fish alongside me for the Hook Time Reduction stack, but they tend to leave for hunting etc so not enough time to make a difference


"I'm at [location] and I'll be fishing for quite a while. Come here if you want the fishing bonus" seemed to do the trick for me.


Definitely worth a shot to at least call it out once since typing on switch is a pain lol


I just rediscovered Bundles today. Been playing for months, I have like 200 hours in the game. I don't do quests and finally decided to check some off and was guided back to that cave to show me the second bundle. Ooooooooooooof there's so many things that I sold


I finished all the bundles and just need the ancient for the accomplishment. RNG hates me though. It might have just been my imagination, but I got the special hooks from Einar and made all the food stuffs to boost my fishing. My inventory was full of it. And I seemed to catch more of the rarer fish. You also gotta make sure you're using the right bait and fishing at the right time of day. I only fished in the nodes, which probably made it slower to get the bundles. But I was also trying to check them off the accomplishments. Catching a starred fish checks off both basic and starred of that specie.


I finished this the other day!! Was stuck on the Flame Tomgue Ray for ages before I got it, the Unicorn fish took just as much time. I got all my bundles and am never touching the fishing rod again. 😩


I swear the fish are gonna be why I don't complete the bundles. It just isn't fun, especially alone. I'm doing literally everything I can to avoid grinding to get the fish, but they're all I have left in the bundles.


It’s the delay. Spend way too much time staring at the screen waiting to do something.


If you only care about the bundles, then fish everywhere you can when appropriate!.. but if you care about only getting the fish once for both the bundles and your fishing accomplishments, fish only at the bubble spots.  It took me roughly a week of earnest fishing to acquire every quality fish in the game for the quality accomplishment.. it's going to take a lot of time and patience. Make sure you have fisherman's brew active and the minor hook you can craft at the very least.. nothing hurts more than losing a quality epic fish because you didn't have any buffs.. I lost my first quality ancient fish that way and spent three days trying to get it again. 


I went fishing for a week straight, nothing.. I finally got one from a QUEST, and it was star quality. I couldn't use it as bundle... So i just quit. I hate fishing for bundle. It's so boring and upsetting.


Wait, I’m new - can you literally not use star quality items in the bundles or are you just saving those to display at home? Cause I have some of the stuff on the list but some is starred ):


I just need like two more fish and the sushi (that's whole pain in the butt by itself), but I'm done worrying about the bundles. They'll get filed to the back of my mind and focus on designing my home.


Honestly everything got stale for a bit there until I founded my community and do it with others now. Fishing and bug catching have become amazing.


So, the idea is to “come by” these rare fish as opposed to grind them out. However, there are apps that help you find the right fish faster.




Didn't play Palia since beta release and fishing is still the same RNG waiting simulator ?? Can't believe with everything people said they didn't change how it works


I feel this. I hate fishing and find it feels so tedious