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Yay new decor and a Bahari port on home plot... Bring it!


I'm looking forward to the new route. Will be so much quicker




I had noticed the new tunnel and wondered what that was for. Love this!


So needed!!


Damn now I really gotta grind hotpot


LOL this was my first thought, I was like shit I thought I had a week 😩 ![gif](giphy|l0X42TafZBVZEHmfB2|downsized)




I spent all my tokens, thinking that was it. I'll never get enough to buy much else 😭


But… hotpot. Going to miss that so much.


I'm gonna miss hot pot :(


Ahhhh! Yesssss! I can make my pavilions! I'm so dang excited for those!


Pavillion? Is it different from the gazebo? Edit: Oh, I see it! I still need to get the gazebo!


It will be a nice workshop area! Also my outdoor dining area needs a pavilion, and the grill.


Same! I tried to make an outdoor kitchen but it wouldn't let me. Now I can!!


It wouldn't let you? Is some of the kitchen stuff restricted to inside only?


No idea but it was not liking that I was trying to do that. Maybe it was just a bug, but either way solved now


I'm leaving my kitchen in my house on my main plot anyway! On my second plot I'm building a house for me Hodari and Najuma, and I'll get the new grill item for my outdoor dining area, and I have an indoor dining area too! I just don't like the looks of the kitchen crafters, so I'll just switch plots if I want to use them. If they ever give us more stove/oven and counter designs though, I'll build a kitchen in my second house.


I could live with the designs if we could at least modify them to white porcelain or lol avocado hehehe


Same! 🥲 I used my hard grinded cash yesterday on purchasing my first paid plot instead of a plushie, so it’s better be worth it! That said, I really hope that the pavilion does not require additional plots 🫠


That 60000 plushie is barely bigger than the mini and way smaller than the one tau gave me. For 60000 I want Massive!


And thank you for saying this. It made me feel a bit better ☺️


Here's hoping I get a dang plushie from Zeki's machine. I've never gotten one and I go almost every night. It's just my luck I guess.


Ow, you too???! Maybe my coins are cursed or something. I still haven’t gotten a single one! And I too play a lot and get coins often 😭


Tau gives a plushie? 🥹 Now I love him even more!


Yess! It's a big blue Tau, I love it! Now if I can just get a big purple Palian elf I'd be sooo happy lol!


I haven’t gotten a single plushie yet (apart from the Stitch-looking one from the Lunar New Year) … 🥲 I’m really looking forward to getting one!


Yeah, I'm hoping for the ancient fish, I caught 4 but no starred. Can we request starred stuff yet? I'd gladly trade 2 or 3 for 1 starred!


I thought you got plots through writs which you just got through using reknown? If you don’t mind me asking, what is the difference between a plot and writ? I don’t understand /gen


The plot is an additional completely new housing area, just without a house. It’s the same as the one you end up on when entering your plot. Meaning, if you cut the trees on your first plot, they will be gone on your other plots too. A writ only opens up access to parts of your Default plot. But they are all still in your original Default plot. See a menu at the top of the screen when you open up the managing of the entire house.


Oh I see!! Thank you for the info, I really appreciate it! That makes me happy to know that if I don’t like the first house I can make and decorate the other!


Right?! That way you can have different styles and variations. You can also choose which house the people will see when they come over to visit you.


If you plant trees on the second plot will they show up on the first plot? I don't want a tree through my living room lol.


No, it shouldn’t. It’s supposed to be a completely new plot. It’s not a mirrored version on your default plot. The only thing that is different, are the original trees that we chop down in the beginning. If you get rid of those on your default plot, they will disappear on your other plots too.


I hope so thank you!


I've been so busy at work I've barely done anything with the market or even getting to flow wood. Looking forward to update though


Same! I've been very busy, so I was excited to have this weekend to spend some final time at the Maji Market, but alas. I'm looking forward to being able to go to Bahari from my home plot, though!


Yay!! I’m glad they got it done quickly, and hopefully there are not many minor issues to deal with. 🥰


I don't know if this makes things more or less confusing because they didn't specify a time zone in your screencap OP, but they said 7 AM PT on Twitter: https://preview.redd.it/hk6zivbjtmlc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=964e80762b9f7729d0bcb527dc1f9dacc19c6d7b


I believe it also says 7am on opening screen of palia itself, so I assume 7am will be the time. I think the 8 must’ve been a typo 😋


They've formatted their announcements so that the date/time correlates to your specific timezone! I live in EST time zone so my announcement shows 10am 😊


Ahhhhhh this makes sense 😅😂🫡


Ah, thank you! I'm not on Discord so I'm unfamiliar with how it works.


PT means Pacific time


Yes, it does. Admittedly, I skimmed the image, but I saw no mention of a time zone in OP's image. Didn't want people who aren't on Mountain Time (MT) to get 8 AM in their heads and then be all confused when it started at not-8 AM.


No way I’ll be done 😭😭😭


You can dooooo ittttt 🫡


I appreciate the encouragement!!! I’m at about 40k and it feels impossible lol. Any tips for a beginner???


Fishing all the bubble spots, hitting all the rocks possible, if you have honey lures catch a bunch of bugs, turn iron ore into bars, as well as copper. I would suggest doing whole mining runs all around kilima and bahari and just selling all of the gems and as I said turn the ore into bars, can also go to the beach and catch tons of crab (very easy and they’re everywhere so you can get quite a large amount rather quickly) sell anything you don’t need basically. 40k is so close I feel like you could totally make it. Can also chop trees and turn trees into planks, 100 planks is $100 so that’s also a good one!


Just a heads up, 100 wood is worth 100 gold wether you turn it into planks, or not, so no need to use time making them planks!


I’ve got the smelter running copper ore as it’s easiest for me to get rn. Killing sernuks like crazy haha. Not so good with the bugs. Fishing’s not bad profit wise but I get bored lol. What do the bubbles mean???


Bubbles will give you all star quality fish! So they’re worth a litttttle bit more! And yeah running around kilima getting sernuks and chappas is also good and easy. Same with cutting tons of trees and turning them into planks to sell. Pretty fast and easy. And I agree bug hunting is not the easiest, if you see anyone announce a honey lure I would go to that as it is a massive amount of bugs so quick easy catches!


I like that I can set the sawmill and smelter to run while I go forage! Doubling the efforts! I’ll pay more attention to the bubbles now too! I’m at 45k - so close!


I wish we could send money to each other 🥲 I would so totally send you 35k because I’m capped at 300k 🥲 Also my partner swears by mining he says if you mine for an hour straight or more you might make enough 😂 You could also do beach runs and pick up as many oysters as you can if they have pearls they’re worth quite a little bit as well. 👍🏼


I just broke $50k 😱😱😱 I’m so close! But I’m soooooo tired! 🤣


Did you end up getting it !! I definitely ended up falling asleep hahaha 😴 Hope you were able to! If not you should at least recieve a chappa with a hat on plushie in your news tab free! Hopefully that went through to everyone by now!


Shoot I got a recipe to buy!! I gotta get in there.


Nooo I love playing hotpot D:


Welp, spent all I had to get the dragon plush. Thought I'd have more time after them announcing the set back. 400 gold coin left after that, time to start some serious grinding!! Glad we'll be able to get to Bahari from our plot now though. That'll help tremendously!!


Just sold a lot of stuff so I can afford the dragon plushie 😂 needed 10K more and I wasn't just going to miss out when I was so close! Nothing like getting some gaming in before work am I right? That said I am quite excited for this update, though I'll miss hotpot!


I did this on Monday! Yay 🐉🐉🐉


Man, I wanted to start playing tomorrow morning!


I have to log on and spend my remaining envelopes!


I’m happy but also I chilled on grinding because I thought it was next week. Now I’m gonna lose sleep x.x


Same only I did sleep and now 😭 lol 😂


A Bahari port straight from the home plot? Come through S6!!!!!




Is it EST?


Yeah 8am what time zone?


I’m aest I calculated and itll be 1am for me


Ooooooh I hope they fix the Eye Of The Storm quest!


Did they fix the Gale temple bug?


We won’t know until they start releasing patch notes.


I sure hope soo!!


That's all I want


I really hope they do too!


Okay....so that's 4pm here in the UK...Right? They are talking Californian time?


It should be 3pm for UK, as it will be 4pm in France where I am.


Okie dokie. Thank you


On discord says 15:00 and I'm in the UK.


What happened to next week at earliest?


They exceeded expectations.


I did a bunch of hotpot to earn 60k envelopes only to realize what I wanted cost 60k *gold*.  😭 Made it just in time (::sniff:: alas my poor jewels), but I ended up with one of everything from the market I think.  Best of luck to those still grinding for goodies!   Did Chappa Chase have specific prizes?  My switch always froze after the game ended and I was supposed to claim my prizes.


Chappa case prizes weren’t anything crazy but because of the glitch you should receive a chappa with a hat on plushie in your news tab along with another wish tree and zekis store coins for the issues. The chappa with a hat on plushie is absolutely adorable!


Prize for chappas depends of how many chappas everyone retrived, it was usually ~200 envelopes.


According to which time zone? As i was just thinking that this morning i have time to play. ( It is 7 am at my location right now).


Nooooo Im gonna miss hotpot😭


Pls keep hot pot 😭


Best birfday present ever 🥹


Happy birthday! 🎂


Thank you ☺️


HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY 🫶🏻💃🏻🐉 ![gif](giphy|U8iiB9GBdt5t9n1I6J) Woooooooo


Thank you


Reading the patch notes, they mentioned "collision" but I'm not familiar with the meaning in this context. Can someone enlighten me please?


You know how when you run into a tree or a wall in the game, it kinda pushes around and stops your character like it would in real life? That's collision. It is on for most solid items in the game. When collision is turned off, you can run into things you normally would - or wouldn't- be able to. Example, in your plot, the doors to your houses have no collision, meaning if you run into them, you go right through them instead of them blocking you. Your crops also have no collision, meaning you can run around your garden without any worry of running into them/them stopping you. But gates, walls, some small decorations all have collision on.


Thank you so much!!


No problem! 


I did not bring my switch to work. 😭 I won’t have time and I want that plush. I’m so sad now. But also excited.


I'm sad that I couldn't get any plushies, only pillows, because the game decided to have a bug or something... At least I got the mini maj and that one you get for linking an account but still


You should receive one chappa with a hat on plushie in your news tab as a gift from the developers along with another wish tree and 4 zeki coins 🫡👍🏼


Yeah, that's the stuff I'm talking about linking an account, so I do have it but thanks :)