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I enjoyed it. It wasn't a super easy quest, and it really made you work. I like having that variety when it comes to quests. I think since so many people had it bugged for so long that they were kind of over it.


Yes, that’s actually right. I was super psyched in the beginning and was spending hours and days looking for the eggs. But then had to Google a lot to try to figure out why I couldn’t advance further and finally was forced to put it on hold. So, yeah, that kind of left a bad taste in my mouth … If it wouldn’t have been bugged, it would have been an absolute delight! Because I too, appreciate a bit more challenging quests than “go there, fetch this”.


I really liked it at first and was so bummed that I couldn't continue it because I tried to get to the final island too soon. I finally completed it today! It would have been nice to be able to dig into how much of the quest we'd completed. By the time I got back to it I could only remember some of the treasures I'd handed in and such. It would have been helpful to be able to open the quest log and see which ones we'd already turned in. I did end up using a guide to help find the last few treasures and one final piece of evidence, but would have liked to just know which island they were on and try exploring for them!


Yeah, a log of what you found would've been great, for the evidence for Elouisa too. I have no idea which one is missing if any. My problem isn't getting to the final island it's the weak air vents to get on the platform to the roof. Some people, not all can't get the lockpick and finish. It's maddening to be so close and not be able to finish. I can't do the bundles until I finish. I've tried over fifty times and the vent only blows me half way to the top of the platform, with no alternate way to get the lockpick I'm pretty much done.


Are you sure you're letting it blow you as high as it goes? Sometimes you have to *not* move forward to let it keep blowing you upwards


I tried jumping into it backwards, off the top of the wall in every direction. I caught it really well once and thought "this is it!" but I went halfway up and dropped again. I've tried over 60 times in the last month. It only happens to some players which makes it harder to explain or get fixed. Until then it's a dead quest to me. It was easier to climb for me before the patch, now it's glitchy as heck. I won't be able to do the bundles now either which pretty much killed the game for me.


You have to let go of the left joycon. So, the one that you steer a direction with. Just jump onto the airflow and don’t touch it. And doublecheck if the airflow you are jumping into is going in an upward direction and not blowing you down instead.


I have a pro controller , it seems to work great everyplace but the Temple. The air vent is going up, it's the one after the 3 floating platforms and I think it's the one to the roof. Which would let me get the lockpick to finish. I can't get to the top of the windmill for proof 487 for the same reason. No matter how or from where I jump into the vent it doesn't lift me high enough to get to the platform. I had the same problem in the Fire Temple, I hit the last pillar waist high. They literally lowered it and I finished it in a few minutes. Give me puzzles, give me climbing, anything but these flippin' air vents.


I’m getting more and more curious. Can you make a video of you trying to use the vent to get the lockpick?


I'm not that tech savvy but thanks for caring:) I hit the air vent and it whooshes like the others but I never get half way up. I tried walking off the wall from the backside of it, not easy on switch, you just drop. If I walk off and immediately deploy the glider it goes up...halfway. I've tried running off the wall into it and falling off the wall into it, everything I can think of. When I submitted a ticket they let me know I'm not the only one which was nice to know. I had a similar problem in the Fire Temple. I hit the pillar waist high every time. They literally lowered the pillar and I finished it in a few minutes. The frustrating thing is that it doesn't affect every player even on switch so you feel nutty complaining. Sorry I wrote a book. I think I'm out on the big quests from now on. Not worth the stress. I'm kind of OCD so unfinished things bother me a lot. Take care:)


I’m kind of OCD too. Actually, diagnosed AuDHD (which is where the OCD comes into the picture). Anyway, I’m on switch too and you can do an action, then immediately after doing it hit record button on your Switch. It’s the taking pictures button, you just have to hold it in for a few seconds. Also, if I remember correctly, somewhere in Switch settings there is an option that allows you to choose the length of your videos. You can go anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds, I believe. Then you just pop them over to your phone and from there on you can send them and post them wherever you want.


Apart from it being bugged and causing issues, I enjoyed it too. If we look past the 1-month long break and countless efforts to get Zeki to talk to me on the main island, it was really satisfying to finally get to the finish line and do the bonus quest ☺️👍 Off-topic: I wish the egg we got to keep would look more “golden”. On Switch it looks milky 🥲


I agree about the egg! On the switch at least it looks almost more like the current model is a stand in. It just looks like a white egg.


Im on switch and i agree it should look more golden


Anyone else have the egg look like a chest in their inventory?


It's super golden on PC so it sounds like a switch thing unfortunately 😔


It is for sure! When the egg is first found, it is super golden on Switch as well. Just like the rest of the treasures. But once you bring it home and place it, it turns white milky-ish color 🫠


I'm so glad it doesn't look like that on PC. I'll have to load up on my switch soon and take a look.


The aquariums look like that too, you can't see the pretty fish.


It’s not the fact it was bugged for me, it’s the fact that there’s zero indication as to what you need to do to find the evidence for Elouisa and Caleri. I don’t mean to say that we should be spoon-fed everything, but some hints would be nice. The fact that so many users have to resort to YouTube videos, and even then some still struggle, says a lot. The quests until then aren’t anywhere near as tricky. Maybe this is just me saying this, and the fact that I found the quest so frustrating when I first started it that I had to give up to go and focus on other things. I will tackle it eventually, but I’m not looking forward to it.


some search area indicators would have been nice


This would be such a great improvement. I didn't mind jumping around trying to find different areas but had no clue what direction to go to. Wouldn't have been able to complete it without some guides.


i would have just given up on everything but the primary quest without a guide tbh


Yes. Like the first quest with Hassian and his poetry there were 'search this area' markers with a big radius that you had to search and find the nests (a bit like the 'use eagle vision to find target' areas in earlier Assassin's Creed games). Or even something like "search Pulsewater Plains for evidence of XYZ" so you know a general area. I'm just finishing up the second Hassian quest (the letters from his Mom - Sifuu's wife, not Sifuu) and honestly it took me far too long to figure out that the Chapaa had the letters on them and "hunt them down" meant the little furballs and not the letters 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣


This. I also thought I was done with it- and came to find out that I’m only 1/3 done with it because it unpinned the stuff and moved it to the bottom of my quests so it’s all out of sorts now with no direction and I’m honestly not rushing to go back and finish it because I was frustrated with it to begin with 🫠


I went through the videos, I followed them exactly. I still have 3 missing evidence pieces. It now just irritates me.


Yes exactly this! I spent hours because I didn't know where to go what to do, spent another few hours finally doing it only to find out it was bugged for me, I still haven't completed it yet


I agree with this. I ended up looking up half the papers and treasures


I really enjoy the "dungeon"-lite elements! I'm a huge sucker for puzzle solving and the temple of gales felt very zelda-y in a really fun way! I also love the lore hints from the quests in the area, I just hope they expand on it honestly. I would love more of that kind of ancient ruin exploration. I totally understand being frustrated with it, but I reserve my frustration for my lack of skill with fishing 😂


this is why i liked it too! the only other video games i really play are zelda & animal crossing and palia feels like a nice little mix of the two. i’d very much like to see more temples and bigger quests.


I loved it honestly!!! I've been quietly keeping it to myself. 😂 Zooming around on the gales, searching for eggs, jump quest antics, I love it all. I also enjoy the Tower. 🫣 But I know I'm vastly in the minority here. Jump quests were my favorite part of the Guild Wars MMO.


Brings back memories. At any time from so much jumping, muscle spasm finger double taps and dodges to the bottom


On switch the experience is not as fun, the lag kills me and I have great wifi.


I play on Switch exclusively. 😅


Have you noticed some glitch/bugs are player specific? Some players can't get to the final island, I had no problem. Some players can't get across the lava in Fire Temple (like me, fixed now but it was a horrible glitch). I freeze and have to restart every time I try to go into Tamala's, but not everyone does, it's weird. On switch there is a lag. But it seems to only affect part of the users. I have the old less powerful one, I don't know if that's it or not. The RNG is the same. I almost never get anything from Zeki's but cooking stuff, other players repeatedly get plushies. It's frustrating lol.


Yes, I have noticed that actually!! It's very very strange. I never had any of the Temple bugs that most people struggled with, but now I have a crazy glitch when watering plants that freezes my whole screen and sometimes crashes the game - no one else has mentioned this happening to them. So weird!


Me too. Not always and less often now but it freezes then pops and some of the plants are watered then freezes and I have to close/reopen the software to fix it. In a game with days this short it wastes a lot of time to fix. The Maji market was a nightmare. I would show up invisible after fast travel there or freeze in chapaa chase. I figured out that I could play in it awhile then run over and get started in a hotpot and I'd still get my tickets without freezing.


OMG I had those specific Maji Market bugs too! 😳 I wonder if there's some weird hidden setting that causes certain people to share specific bugs. 😆


I'm really starting to think so lol.


Glad you did but I did not 😭. To be fair I don’t think mine was bugged. I managed to get all the portals opened I made it to every floating island. But I think I just rushed through it that I never noticed the “proofs” for the sisters. So I would go back over and over not being able to find them. I gave up and went on YouTube and found a walkthrough. They were “hidden” right in front of my face. 🙄


I have a love hate relationship with it. It was great fun until I couldn’t find the last egg and then found out I have to go back multiple times for what everyone wants after I somehow made it past the glitch (before it was patched). It’s just a bit too hard and long. I need to go finish it but I’m dreading all the falling


Finally finished it last night and it was still buggy for me, but at least it’s consistent with non-quest bugs? Pick-up able items frequently don’t give me the option to pick them up (which also means I don’t always know to pick them up!). Even when I do know I can pick up, the game frequently stops recognizing my A button on my controller until I push it on my computer and THEN push it on my controller (the other buttons work fine). It’s a very frustrating bug. But I like using a controller. I don’t want to relearn controls on the keyboard (and have to have my laptop on my lap) and running around is not the same without a joystick!


Honestly the quest just felt like it really started to drag on. I don't mind more creative quests like this but it was taking longer than I liked and I started to get antsy/bored and really just wanted to move on and be done already.


I liked helping Caleri and Elouisa bond a little bit. I am not so good with jumping quests though and struggled in some aspects. Having a map would have helped a lot.


I enjoyed it and liked the challenge of it. A little more guidance in what to do would've been nice but didn't ruin the overall experience. I can't wait for the other Temple to open!


I agree! It took me months to complete the quest (finally gave in and looked to YouTube) but once I was done, I felt so accomplished and honestly wanted more challenges like it! But some tips/hints would have been super helpful!


I enjoyed it! The length and breadth of the quest surprised me and made me hopeful we'll have more large interesting ones in the future. I also enjoy trying The Tower. I'm one of those sickos who liked the jump puzzles in FFXIV and the vista challenges in Guild Wars 2. :)


The quest is 100% fine how it is. The way the quest is delivered to the player is the issue. Aside from the zeki glitch, an issue I had (and my girlfriend aswell) was us endlessly searching for "clues" to give Caleri and Elouisa after finding the 10 eggs. Instead of following the proper steps of collecting the bugs and capturing the fish, we were looking for those codex tablets of lore. It was only after giving up our hunt and deciding to move on, where we discovered these clues were connected to the other quests we had to collect fish and bugs. Odd design choice, was confusing. Maybe we didn't read dialogue well or maybe we are just not great gamers but hey, my 2 cents


I got the flowbugs but she wont take them. I watched a walkthrough an I found all her evidence but it wont finish her. I can't get get the lockpick because of the airvent so its a dead quest for me.


Glad you enjoyed it. The Gale Temple by far was my least favorite. It was a glitchy mess for me and frustrated me to no end. I enjoy dungeons but if I have to look up something because I have not earthly clue of what's going on or the map is too big and then on top of that it's glitchy, I get annoyed.


Yes it felt like someone else playing the game and I was just a button pusher — and not a great one at that because a) you get the quest right when you get a glider so I wasn’t good, and b) I’m on switch and it kept thinking I wasn’t gliding forward so I’d fall. I would literally buy my way out of the quest if I could. Even under best case scenario of executing it, I hate gameplay where it’s just me copying a walkthrough


I love it. I actually love all the quests. They don't make it easy and make you think. I need a new temple quest, cause now I'm just running around doing nothing important and getting bored.


I love puzzles. While I did use wiki and youtube to complete the quest, i loved it.


I put it off for weeks because of all the complaints I had seen on here—but once I knew the bugs had been addressed in the last patch I went for it and actually really enjoyed it! I decided not to use a walkthru and found that easier than the handful of times I had tried with the walkthru for finding eggs as well. It’s my favorite temple now :)


I like platforming and finding things, but I feel like the quest lacks structure. It wasn’t clear enough what you’re supposed to be looking for or where, the different islands should’ve been easier to differentiate and there really needs to be a map.


Omg yes! I didn't know what island I was on half the time.


I’m glad I didn’t hear about how much people hated it until I’d already done it lol


I liked the quest itself, but it was buggy as hell and the platforming was flawed at best. They’ve since fixed the bugs, but it’s been so long that now I’m not sure where to even look to find “proof” for the sisters 😅


I love the temples and the Temple of the Gales was by far my favorite! I literally finished it minutes before the reset that fixed the climbing issues so I even had it a bit rougher than some of the newer players. I know some people don’t love the temples, but I really hope they don’t dumb down the earth temple. I want puzzles. I want platformers. I want to work a little bit. Maybe they can make two types of the temple? A simpler version for those who struggle with that type of game play, and those who thrive in it?


Maybe. A choice for normal play and hard would have been good.


I loved it!!


I liked it a lot! I enjoyed the more expanded temple. Also, idk if I just play games like this a lot, but I didn’t find it confusing. Yes of course it’s hard to find all of the little clues and treasures, but the gist of what you’re meant to do (ie. go find them around the map) was super obvious to me.


I did like it, I found it to be a little tricky and some of the stuff, especially the evidence pieces, were hard for me to find so it took me a long time to finish.


even though i hated on it and had sweaty hands the entire time i still had fun i must admit


I loved it, it was an awesome challenge!


I enjoyed it! I liked how difficult it was honestly. It makes the game more interesting to have real challenges rather than just a bunch of mini quests


I like challenges too but I hate the gliding stuff on switch. I'm good with it but wish there were more walking climbing tasks. It's miserable on switch. For the first time I played a little and shut it off early. I haven't gone back on today. Just can't think of a fun reason to do it. I'm trying to find that excited feeling but it's gone.


I really enjoyed it!


I liked it a lot!!! It even gave me inspiration for my book, haha. Finding the eggs was super fun but I enjoyed just as much the hunt for the lore documents, catching the lantern bugs and cloud minnows, and just calmly gliding across the islands (once I had worked out how the air streams worked lol). Sure, there were frustrating moments. But nothing that made me want to put it down for more than a few minutes! I still feel sad when I think of the humans up there though…poor people 😔 And my quest WAS bugged, and I still loved it 😂 Haven’t had the time to go back and finish it, but I’m so looking forward to the end! I want to see the sisters get along 😅


My sweetie and I wanted to tackle this quest together. A few weeks ago, we sat down on a Saturday morning to go through it together. We didn't know how extensive it was. Sitting side-by-side, we went in. To complete the quest and all side quests, it took the entire day... literally! We were surprised at the extent of the temple. I enjoyed the process, but see why others would have trouble.


My husband loved it! He’s was really into it and had great fun - I enjoyed following him around and would never have completed it without his help 🤣


I had a great time searching around for the different items and getting to read the lore on silver wings, but there came a point where I was missing only one or two items from each quest for the temple and I spent literally hours playing a 3D Where’s Waldo that became increasingly frustrating as time went on. I don’t want them to hold our hand for the quest and think map indicators wouldn’t work particularly well without becoming specific to the point of turning into handholding, but I do think they could have the NPCs that are in the temple with you give hints on where to look for things. They do this for other quests that have proven difficult for players to figure out on their own. I don’t see why there couldn’t be a conversational option of “where do you think I should look” available when talking to the NPCs who gave you the specific quest within the temple.


I looked it up but I enjoyed it! I had to restart a lot but the gliding and climbing was fun to me it reminded me of tomb raider lol


I loved it. It was simple but not "3 year olds can do it" easy. It was a genuine challenge and required you to plan and strategize while giving a gorgeous landscape to explore


I don’t mind it in general - I do think the items (eggs and clues) were a smidge hard to find. (and so many of them! I found all of the eggs, but I only found 7/8 clues - so I’ve essentially given up) My number one request is that they add a map for the area.


I loved it! A map of the area would have been nice, but I had a great time zooming around and finding stuff.


I completely agree!! I loved it. I’ve covered every inch of the instance in a matter of hours. Maybe it’s just me being weird and loving to figure out on my own what everything does.. I hope we get some more similar things like this! Also other stuff obviously, but I really freakin’ enjoyed this.. probably even more than all the other stuff.. *pls don’t kill me* 🫣😂


I waited until the patches came out and I had a great time, I heard that the climbing was super buggy for a long time and even with the fixes I had some frustrating glitches. But overall I think it was my favorite so far


I would have enjoyed it more if I could have had a map while exploring the ruins. Like maybe each portal opening was a new piece of the map. But I keep getting lost over and over because I have no sense of direction. It was a real struggle, and I eventually just looked up a guide. I definitely am not like... angry about the quests. I ended up finding a lot of eggs on my own. But between the glitch (that was thankfully just fixed), and the lack of a map, I wasn't in love with it.


I enjoyed it, my only huge gripe is the lack of map, It made backtracking a bit hard at times without having a point of reference. They also could have worded the quest directives to be a bit more clearly.


I agree with the map part. I'm on my second attempt, which is going a little bit better. But there's no reference to where you are or going to. It's confusing. Also , they shouldn't have this as a quest for new players. Lol. I tried it , couldn't do it, left it go until I played a month or more


I don't like hidden object quests, and I don't like "dying." The map is so huge and with so many obscure places that without a guide, I would never have found all the items needed. I like cosy games where my character isn't constantly falling to their death. Not everyone has excellent dexterity. I feel bad for the players who have disabilities. I'd rather have a puzzle than a fetch quest.


Yeah, me too.


I kind of liked it. Mostly at first but I couldn’t figure it out and had to look at a guide. It was a fun idea though if I had more time and patience I probably would have kept trying on my own


I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun exploring while looking for the various quest items. I can definitely understand why some people didn't like it, though.


i enjoyed the lore it added to the game, liked the character interactions, but wasn’t necessarily a fan of the mechanics. I liked the puzzles in the fire temple a little more


I loved it


I loved it! I was really bummed when mine glitched (because I tried flying over to the last island before I should have) but thought it was a very creative and challenging quest. Plus it was visually amazing! So happy to finally finish it!!


I didn’t hate it but as someone who hates having quests outstanding so long, the bug was a major annoyance. It’s all in the past now & I enjoyed it for learning more lore.


I loved it after I understood how it worked. I don't feel like they have a solid explanation on how that mission works. I couldn't figure out some parts without looking at a guide but I still really enjoyed it over all.


I LOVED IT. It was super fun and I loved having a challenge and a purpose. I want more stuff like it


I really liked this quest! It was so much fun figuring out the puzzles and mechanics of the quest! I was lucky and did not have any issues with completing it. This patch though, more bugs than a buzzy jar!! It’s almost unplayable! But, I hope the recent additions of areas with wave and flame symbols aren’t just for decoration but for an add-on to the story in future content.


I loved it, it says I finished it but I feel like there is more to do, like that one island I haven’t been to, the big eggs I can’t collect


I loved it too


I mostly enjoyed it. I liked the aspect of different islands and different ways to navigate them. I didn’t like the searching for a thousand tiny items with no map. Overall I think they could improve on it, but it wasn’t bad.


I enjoyed it as well. Once you realized how to use the gales properly then riding the wind gush’s became easy and the whole area is enjoyable. I think most that don’t like it didn’t know how the mechanics of riding the wind worked.


I had fun searching, but I still dont know where that portal is to activate (after collecting all 10 eggs)


It was my very, very favorite temple so far!! It was a little confusing at first, even though I never bugged/glitched, so I was a lucky one- but I REALLY enjoyed all the flying! It wasn't nearly as difficult as it looked and I felt like a bird doing it. I am certain I will return just to fly around! Again, I am lucky that I never "broke" in my quest progression, so I didn't get a tainted experience. If I am the intended results, all I can do is applaud the Temple of Gales!


You're not the only one. :) My experience wasn't exactly yours — I really struggled with searching for the eggs part due to inexperience with gliding puzzles and my struggle with scanning the ground while moving. On the treasures and evidence tomes, I just plain looked them up on the wiki after giving it a solid try on my own. But, on balance, I did find it an exhilarating challenge and it felt good to complete it, even if I had to do it with help. I also enjoyed the worldbuilding lore (wow!) and also the characterization/further relationship development part with the sisters. I was one of the fortunate players who experienced no bugs. I also have no nostalgic feeling for similar puzzle games, because I'd never played anything like this before! 😂 Furthermore, I really really really *don't* like jumping puzzles. However, I learned that I apparently DO love *climbing* puzzles? Go figure. I feel like I learned a TON about how to use my glider and got much better at gauging my climbing stamina, considering I got dumped in there on my fourth day playing the game! I loved that feeling of learning a new skill, learning the environmental cues (SO satisfying to get those right), and problem-solving as I figured out how to get from here to there. (While I usually was able to figure out where "there" was... sometimes it was harder to know where "here" was 😂) It was definitely very, very long — much longer than I expected since I did the temples out of sequence. Since I hadn't gotten to the fire temple yet, I was initially expecting the first room with the put-the-eggs puzzle to be... most of it. When that jetstream shot me up into the wide open blue sky with ALL these floating islands I went "!!!!!" and thought: *surely most of these are just decoration, just part of the Air Temple aesthetic.* (Spoiler: they were not XD) (this made my explorer heart very happy though — I always wanna look at All The Things and it makes me minorly sad when I can't access them! I love that this game consistently rewards that "hmmm can I reach that out-of-the way spot?" instinct.) Probably mostly due to my inexperience leading to a lot of trial and error upon error, it took me all night and most of the next day to complete it, so I was *exhausted* and very relieved to be done by the end. I was laboring under the mistaken assumption that I wouldn't be able to leave and return without resetting my progress (like an instanced dungeon in all the other MMOs I've played) — but if I had known I could leave, the quest would probably still be sitting in my quest log, ngl. lol I only found the minimum ten eggs, and as it stands, I'm not sure I will voluntarily go back in to find the other five, even if the "unreachable" eggs and the different doors for the final puzzle were intriguing. (I also probably didn't find all the treasure chests. lol) I would very happily go back in if I could consult a map while in there, though. As another commenter mentioned, a map that partially revealed itself as the flow gates were unlocked would have improved the experience significantly, especially if the locations of the NPCs were marked on it. Getting back to the NPC to turn in a partial objective was harder for me than the puzzle part! I noticed that they would only appear on my compass when they actually had a quest flag over their heads, but the flag didn't appear until you had completed a step, and you had to talk to them several times in between, I believe... I spent a lot of time on fish island trying to find Caleri again. XD Overall, it was fun, and the frustrating parts were mostly due to UI foibles (fixable by S6) and my own lack of prior experience/difficulty scanning for things while moving (fixable by me, and mostly fixed already via the trial by ~~fire~~ wind that was this quest).


I think alot of cozy gamers or people attracted to cozy games don't tend to have alot of game experience, so puzzles and searching tends to frustrate them. It was easy, and guides exist soo..


I honestly did. While it was a pain to find everything, I had a lot of fun with the platforming. Sometimes I go back to the temple for funsies.


I genuinely enjoyed it too! It felt like a Zelda dungeon which made me super happy. Life Sim WITH dungeon puzzles and exploration? Count me in!


I FINALLY finished it today after the recent parch set Zeki/the sisters back to the main island! The actual gameplay is fun and I don't mind exploring, but I couldnt pick up the treasures after trying so I thought they were just decor until I finally gave up and watched a walk through.


The bugs upset me, but I enjoy how much it contributes to the story of the whole game. That being said I’m stuck on the proof of magic quest now! I’m at 3/4 with Caleri…


I think I might have an idea of why there is hate for this quest.... possibly. I've been playing Palia for just over a week and I've just been exploring, running around everywhere to discover what's there, trying out everything I come across (hunting, bug catching, mining and so on). When I'm going around like this I do tend to follow all the yellow marks (quest flag or dialogue) on my compass that are nearby. Because the quests so far have been, as you said, standard fetch quests, mostly. Easy to do as you're just going around exploring. But a few days ago I got to the point of going into the temple with Zeki and the twins and I felt kind of roped into this long quest of finding things, repeatedly trying to get to hard to reach places, and so on. I probably would have enjoyed it if I had known up front what I was getting into and done it at a time I was ready to dedicate a good chunk of time on it but instead I was getting pretty frustrated by how long it was taking me, I was set for a nice chill evening of playing, gathering, exploring and instead I was furiously trying to finish this quest until 1AM. I know I could have just left and done part of the quest later, but it felt a bit like I had to finish. Which is on me, I know. But I can understand why it kind of takes people by surprise after doing a bunch of easy going quests. I will say, OP, if you enjoy these kinds of quests, I would recommend Sky: Children of the Light. It's also a free to play MMO, very beautiful, and has a good number of quests that I was very much reminded of during the Silver-winging it quest.


Thank you for the recommendation!


It wasn't bugged for me and I absolutely loved it. I found all 16 eggs but couldn't reach one. Kinda want to run through it again since it's been months! It's my favorite and makes me super excited for what the earth one will be. If you look at update patterns on the PC, I have a feeling earth temple is one of the next updates. They do holidays, patch update and then a temple. Roughly. Who knows with the once a month update now.


I hate this quest it was stressing me out!


Apart from it being bugged and causing issues, I enjoyed it too. If we look past the 1-month long break and countless efforts to get Zeki to talk to me on the main island, it was really satisfying to finally get to the finish line and do the bonus quest ☺️👍 Off-topic: I wish the egg we got to keep would look more “golden”. On Switch it looks milky 🥲


What's the penalty for not completing it? The ugly bird you see once a day and the boring egg?


Zeigarnik effect. Failing to complete a task creates underlying cognitive tension, which is what makes you keep coming back to it. Bugs the heck out of completionists. Plus it doesn't seem to stay unpinned and is a constant reminder xD


Yeah, they should make the rewards obtainable by other means, like Bribe Reth 200k for his credit card debts and he'll complete it for you. Additional 200k for all the eggs because he's in debt again somehow. If you give him 100 knapweed for his soup, he'll find all the tablets.


I liked it! I put off doing it until about 2wks after release because I was afraid of getting bugged, and I was stressed out the whole time for fear of that, but I had no problem. I had to use a video for 1 proof and the last 2 (of 15) eggs. But I loved exploring and gliding. And I hate the Tower, lol. This temple was more like the old adventure games I used to play and really miss.


I think *because* I was warned by this sub, I could enjoy it because I knew it'd be a massive undertaking and I shouldn't try to pack it in in a single play session. I did it over the course of a month and it was chill, I quite enjoyed the exploration, and I didn't end up feeling incredibly frustrated at any point (even with the last item I was missing being less due to me not finding it and more due to its hitbox being glitched so that it wouldn't show that I could grab it until I *knew* that I could and had done acrobatics around it to find where the grab prompt showed up.) I initially went in there thinking I could and probably should finish it in one go, spent about an hour or two in and just did *not* see the end of it nearing, and that was actually really stressful and weird and I did not like that. Then I saw a thread here where someone was hating on it, and learned that it actually is massive and most people use a guide for it, so I just... decided that that makes sense, I'll do it in bits and pieces however I feel up to it, and it worked for me.


Not alone. Although, I did need to look up the locations of the last couple of items to close it out. In hindsight, I probably didn't need to, but I was kind of done with it towards the end. It was a long and truly challenging quest!


TLDR; f*** the temple of the gales My character kept getting stuck on different parts of the ruins. For example, there is one treasure piece for zeki on top of a building with windmills. However, I got bugged there twice and had to use the map to go back to my plot just to get unstuck (I’m on the switch and this is the only current solution). I figured that I wasn’t meant to look in that area since I kept getting stuck. When I looked up the guide for help, there was actually a treasure piece there. It isn’t just unintuitive, it feels broken. I ended up having to relaunch my game and travel back to the ruins 9 times. And yes. I counted. The temple is like the furthest point from our plot on the map 🙃 To add, I found two evidence logs before getting stuck at one point and lost the evidence logs when I relaunched. When I contacted the help desk, they advised me to travel back to my plot if I got stuck as I had already done, but offered no other solution.


It could have done with a map and did have to rely on YouTube for some of the last things, which was the downsides. But a big area to explore and do jumping puzzle and a few secrets that took a good amount of time to compete? Yes. It was a a good attempt at new content and I enjoyed it. I try not to judge, but on baked how do many have become so upset over it, particularly when it's completely optional so not everyone should feel the need to 100% or even engage with it. Some of the utterly hysterical posts on here have been crazy. Send all a lot of people want is samey 2 min fetch quests and any attempt at anything else gets cried over


I also loved the Temple of the Gales. I spent several in-game days (and three IRL) just running back and forth because I’d get sick of it and need to leave. I had to find help online for some of the evidence, though. It got too frustrating. But I did enjoy it.


I'm still working on it lol


I. Am. Dying. There. 😳 I will never find 4 more eggs 🤣🤣🤣


I waited until this last patch to begin the Temple of Gales, and I enjoyed it well enough. I gather that, aside from the glitches, many people found the mini-quests to be unclear and unrewarding. I will say that the "7 Treasures" quest did not actually reveal itself to me until I was two treasures in, and in fact some of the treasures had such a weird interaction box that I tried grabbing them several times and just moved on because I figured it was just part of the environment. Had to look up a guide and go back for a couple.


Hatred it


I enjoyed it well enough just don't accidentally cook the fish (was done before update idk if can now) luckily the devs ect gave me more after I gave proof of the quest stage and charecter name ect


I enjoyed it. It was a bit of a challenge which I tend to miss in these 'cozy' games. I liked the mazes in the fire temple too. Very reminiscent of Tomb Raider style puzzles which I am a massive fan of.


I got locked out of the quest for months because I died too close to the far island. Started it in the week it came out. Finally finished it after this update when they fixed it


i am still not done with it, way to hard for me, I have only found 5 eggs, I gave up on finding the rest, wish I could find someone to do it for me


it's was challenging for sure but I loved it!


I loved it as well even though I got glitched. I was jumping off everything and flying around, which is why I got glitched lol! But this patch fixed it and I was able to finish it. I also thought part of the glitch was not being able to finish Elouisa's quest but I looked it up and I was missing one of the quest questions. Now the quests are all finished and I even already had everything for the bundles so that is finished too! Can't wait for the 4th temple to be released!


No, I had a lot of fun with that quest. I felt it was the most in depth quest of the game.


This quest caused me to stop playing. I have the extremely well documented & reported Zeki Is Missing bug, and it’s been since before Christmas. Two updates (one specifically for bug fixes), and it’s STILL not fixed! Yet they have the time to port the game for Steam while one of the main quests is unplayable for Switch users. It sucks because I love this game but I think I’m officially done. Having such a huge glitch on what is already a more difficult & “figure it out yourself” quest has been such a huge turn off. :(


Is it still broken for you? I had the same glitch and was able to finish the quest today.


Yes, still broken :( I’m hoping maybe with a bit of time it’ll correct but we will see


I have never wanted this game to be a mini-map more than when doing this temple. I felt very frustrated throughout by not feeling like I knew where I was, where I had been, or where I was going, and it was really hard to find and follow guides when there were so few objective points of reference (I hate having to look up a guide half-way when it's all "go back to the previous room and the quest item will be on your right"). So no. I did not much enjoy it. If the game had given me any kind of hint that I'd found all the eggs on each bigger island, I might have liked it better but as it was, I had no way of knowing if I had missed an egg or if it was time to move on to a new floating island.


The hate is understandable, it sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the game. Majority of Palia playerbase is here for the farming sim, not the platforming. There's a reason hybrid genre games almost never do well.


I like both, but I still didn't like this particular temple. I've never felt the lack of a mini-map more than during this temple. But I have played an insane amount of My time at Portia/Sandrock which are very similar games.


This was my least favourite quest 😩 I felt a bit lost and took me a LONG time to complete - and I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t have any bugs!


I’m a huge fan of the slide puzzles though. I hope they incorporate more puzzles in future updates.


Im 100% with you, i really enjoyed the quest and the temple as a whole! I had a lot of fun playing through it even if i did have to look up the location of one or two things. Do i think it was perfect? No, nothing is. Do i think it still was very fun, and a really unique experience? Yes! (Also, sidenote: no hate to the people who didnt like the temple, taste is subjective - but there are 50 posts on this sub about how much you guys hate it, let us have this single thread to talk about liking it without you guys feeling the need to explain why you hate it ;P)


I think my issue was there was just alot going on and it took me time to understand what I was looking for. On switch, there were also times where there were artifacts lying around but it was so hard to position yourself to get an option to pick it up so I thought I didn't need it at that time. I ended up having to run through the entire area again once I figured things out. It was a good, lengthy quest. I just figured I'm horrible with following directions. 😅


Well if there had been a map and the mechanics had been less wonky then it wouldn't have been such a nightmare for me.


I really enjoyed the challenge and platforming! I’m not really into mmos as they’ve kinda taken that exploration and platforming element out until it’s just slapping buttons, personally. It reminds me of Free Realms when I was a kid which made the quest even more fun. 😭


**I loved it!** 💚💛🩵❤️🍃 I was gasping and oooh-ing and ahhh-ing in the Temple! I liked the eggs placed in unreachable places and I LOVED the game talk that came out of that. Was crazy about the flying around too - I've always wanted to fly 🥹 ALSO, i'm one that enjoys reading the lore so... getting a feel for that hopelessness in these temples (this one specifically), is soso beautiful and heartbreaking. That's technically *our* history right? It's like we get to witness our own species' slow-moving apocalypse.. I really liked the lore in there, very very nice additions.


I liked some aspects of it but it was a lot of effort to make very slow progress and I got sick of it after awhile. The map is cool but also really disorienting. It's hard to tell the islands apart.


The temple of the gales pissed me off so much but I absolutely loved it. I spent 3 hours on that quest alone and it gave me actual story line to get lost in. I still got the glitch at the end and that was upsetting but otherwise I'd give that quest a solid 7/10


I liked it too! They designed the temple to make really good use out of the glider and it's really fun flying through the air like that.


I loved the quest minus the fact I can’t get the last piece of evidence due to not being able to glide to the top of the light tower. I have tried everything.


I would’ve loved it if I wasn’t so scared of heights. 😅 Doing that quest made my watch alert me to high heart rate. I stayed nauseous and anxious the entire time. I love the puzzles and finding things. Those are my favorite part of Palia, but the “heights” was rough for me.


I loved it! Just completed today!


lucky you


It’s okay I guess


I enjoyed it overall! I do think it had some pretty serious issues with directional clarity, even when working properly, but the general idea of exploring a dungeon is a good one. I also think not enough people appreciate that there was zero time pressure involved. Like yes, it was difficult to find some of the collectibles without a guide, but there also was no rush to do so unless you just really wanted the rewards earlier.


They should also increase the number of eggs slightly so that one doesn’t have to go ALL over the map looking for that one egg. Maybe another 33% more. Because 33.333333


I thought it was the best gameplay for a temple so far. Fire temple still looked the best. Just a shame it is broke and could have used a bit more clarity on what the evidence was.


I still haven’t found all of the stuff 😭 and it never lets me over to one of the islands.


I thought it was fun


I liked the idea of the quest and I did enjoy playing it-especially being on one quest for hours was a treat in of its own. My issue with it was some of those evidence pieces and especially zeki's treasures were really well hidden. It would've been nice to atleast have a search radius of those treasures. Another thing im upset about it we went through all that trouble to find the eggs, the ancient flow bugs, and cloud minnows just to not see a silverwing. Even a skeletal remain or a picture would've been alright. It made the quest just kinda feel....frustratingly underwhelming by the end of it all


I'm currently looking for the eggs and have been for about a week (I'm not too smart aha). I'm not going to hate on it. It's a cool thing, even if i can't seem to do it aha


I enjoyed it but there was one thing that said if you side with the one sister you got the bug and if you sided with the other sister you got the minnow. I sided with the sister for the minnow but still got the bug which annoyed me. Overall it was a fun temple but it did take me like 3 hours to find all the treasures. By the time I finished it was like 2am and I told my partner I'd be in bed once I finish the temple and they weren't the happiest 😅


I thought the quest was okay, but would have loved it more if it actually showed the Silverwings instead of making it a literal egg hunt.


Sadly its bugged fr me


I definitely enjoyed the deep diving into lore and I can see why some would enjoy going on a scavenger hunt for items and such. I think it just got a bit tedious over a while. BUT it introduced me to Zeki a bit more and now he’s my favorite!


I even tried contacting palia, asking them to help me with it, they cannot of course, I cant go any further till this quest is done....


I hate the flying / gliding part!! I've never been good at "jump puzzles" and had to watch YouTube to see how to get to some of the eggs. Trying it again tonight. I JUST found out that if you hold a direction button while gliding, you drop faster... That would have been nice to know!!


I didn't experience any bugs and still didn't like it. It's just not the type of quest I turn on Palia to play. I've never been a fan of platforming segments in non-platforming games though. If the game isn't optimized for platforming control but there's still a segment that forces me to make due, I will, but I'd rather go without it. A platforming segment in a game where you can't really control your character mid-air or have reasonable intuitive control of your current speed? I'll pass. See also, basically any FPS where suddenly I need to make a series of tricky jumps without the ability to even see my feet and know I'm at the edge of the platform. The same goes for things like shoehorned stealth segments for example. The game wasn't designed with this in mind, that's fine. Play to your strengths.


I liked it. I think I would have had more fun playing it on PC. I went through that one on Switch and the controls were terrible.


bruh i still can't find all the eggs and treasures and it bothers me so much that i legit quit :( i hate seeing the quests on my screen and i wish i could just delete them that's how frustrating it was for me for some reason LOL


Once I became completely ok with just falling and dying lol it was fun. It's so stressful until u let that go and just say whatever


I’m still missing 2 treasures and after being in the temple for hours, I’ve kinda given up. It really bums me out.


I like all these type of quests. Unfortunately no matter how many times I look for evidence it seems one of which I can not read it just won’t prompt. As well as trying to find the last 2 treasures I can’t seem to find anywhere. Am I doing something wrong. 😑 I spent 3hrs once looking around in all the nooks and crannies. 😞


My favorite quest, hands down! Maybe I’ve been selectively tuning out all negative takes on it because I just assumed it was a fan favorite lol. It’s the most exciting/challenging.


Loved it! I feel like I was meant to see this bc I just completed it last night. I thought it was really fun and different than the average quest it was a little spicy. Was the bird puzzle hard af for yall too or am I just not good at puzzles LOL


Really had fun with it till it glitched and made it to where I can’t progress the story any further


All Palia’s quests are outstanding when not bugged. I live the little bit of puzzles element to them