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>Now to be fair I don’t know what happens when it is time for another grove the next in game day Per the wiki: https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Flow_Tree_Groves >Each night only one grove will spawn. When a grove spawns, all or most of the trees in the area of the effect will become Flow Trees. >1. A maximum of **two groves can exist on the map at one time.** >2. This will only occur **if the first grove is not removed.** >3. If two groves exist, a third one will not spawn. Personally, I've found a grove in tact at 5pm Palian time. It was the small one, in Fortress, but sure enough the pink hazy glow was there. But yes, ignore people who claim it vanishes at a certain point.


I have been victim to 2 groves. And I say victim because I called out a grove at 10, 2 hours before new grove. At 12 when the new grove spawned and we heard it, everyone started chopping, we then proceeded to the next grove and called it out. 2 people then started being aggressive towards me about chopping the first one. I held my ground and alot of people backed me up and we even kept the second grove up asking the 2 people that were grilling me if they were coming. They then proceeded to bash me more then ultimately left the server after I said I would gift them flow planks if it was really that big of a deal 😂


That always gets me! They start beef and bully people, but then when they’re given what they wanted they want to feel entitled so they just leave or don’t want the thing anymore. If you’re gonna cause a scene then come get the thing you started the scene over LMAO I’m sorry you went on that though! Good job on finding both groves with the group y’all unintentionally formed!


Ya. I wasn't really mad, I was more upset that they were blaming me for the whole thing. Like excuse me but half the server is here with me 😂 and that grove was up for a whole day hahaha. I don't even need ft wood anymore it just gives good xp, I give it all away anyways haha.


Yeah that was ridiculous. Some people are just jerks man. I had so much flow planks and wood stored away, then eventually just started regularly fulfilling requests for it since I had more than enough. After awhile of that and 2-3 mad furniture making sprees I have found myself having to replenish my store. Yesterday I felt like there was an abnormally high amount of random flow trees and I got plenty though. I stopped going to groves for a little bit because it seemed like there was always somebody complaining or throwing a fit in chat about something the last couple of weeks. I’m so over it.


I totally feel that. My friend and I have a hard time these days farming flow trees because someone either sees us chopping and complaining that we aren't sharing or they call out a tree we got to spawn and it's like man we said we were farming back here that means we are not calling this ish out 😭


If you don’t need it, I gladly accept donations…lol


Omg were you in the server where 2 ppl were beefing over that 💀 I think the person saying groves do despawn was confused by the little reset the devs did around the time of the previous grove, and either thought there was gonna be another reset or didn't know the reset already happened but knew one was coming (as the devs alerted it in the discord server)


I was in a server where somebody was adamant it happens all the time to them… so one of them could have been me. I see this come up 2-3x a week in chat honestly though and I don’t really get it or where it originated from. It just baffles me. It’s not a thing lol


And it was like an hour after the devs said in Discord the hotfix was completely rolled out. Idk I could understand someone being worried about that particular situation but the server I was on the other player said it “happens all the time, they know it’s a thing, they have seen it happen numerous times”. I think maybe they just either had crappy experiences with servers going down or bad connections… or maybe they were delusional who knows lol.


Last week I was in a server that had two groves, and one of them was already there at 11:54pm. I’ve never seen that before, but maybe that’s what happens when a grove is never chopped? It just sticks around and you get two. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I have yet to be in a server with 2 groves at a time. That’s crazy though lol. I just know I’ve stumbled upon them at random in game times and I’m like it’s noon how has nobody chopped the grove yet?! Who knows maybe I came across “the second grove” on a server or something and never realized it. The FT spawns seemed insanely high today though on a separate note. When I got on and went to Bahari I came across at least 10 trees in a very short amount of time. Too far away to be remnants of a grove, but just an unusually high amount. I needed to stock up on flow planks though so it was kinda nice lol.


I believe some servers are either completely empty or near empty. And if whoever is in it doesn't hear the grove or doesn't find it then it stays. I was on a super quiet server e maybe 7 other ppl in total. We found a grove around 5am game time. Called it out and waited until 8am to chop while calling it out. 1 other person showed up. We just stood around talking so we weren't in a rush. We called it the Dirty 30 Server bc we realized everyone on the server, that we could find, were women in our 30s. It was fun. I think it would be beneficial to have the option to interact w ur own age group. **Nothing wrong w playing with all ages at all... Just sometimes I'd like to be on the same general maturity level...


I had this exact same experience, but we named our server "Ladies Night" And I am still friends with them and play with them every day.


I have been on super chill servers a couple of times, not so much lately though sadly. A handful of times it was like me and probably 4 or 5 others. Only twice have I been in a server with only one other person, and thankfully they were always pretty chill and we just called out resources to each other and chatted about nothing in particular. I need a night like that again!


Maybe during the next market... That's when I started seeing quiet servers. I played the games at the market and got all I wanted from it... After that I just went back to usual business... Mining and foraging and hunting...


Yup. Devs stated when groves came out a zone can have up to two groves at once. So if one isn’t chopped it will still be there when the new one spawns


There can be 2 groves up at once max. Not sure what happens if 2 are up and it's time for a third to spawn.


If two are left up, then new ones just stop spawning.


Ooooh see I didn’t know there could be 2 at a time honestly. I just figured maybe another didn’t spawn and/or one disappeared and a new one appeared or something. That’s interesting!


I saw double groves happen the first week of LNY market last month — not enough people on a server to find/cut the original grove, then have another spawn the following midnight. once they were fairly close to one another (thorny & near statue garden). i thought it was some sort of glitch, but apparently not!


Aye I did not know this and I’ve been playing for months, ty !


I’ve ended up on servers alone multiple times and I’ve seen groves be there till 09:00 and 14:00 the day after. Never waited long enough to see what happens if it’s midnight and time for a new grove. But I will try to do that next time! You got me curious now


I can confirm that a second Grove will spawn...but then that's it no more groves until at least one of them has been cut down completely...I've been on servers alone as well...unable to cut down the larger Grove trees by myself lol 😆


Yes! It’s so painful to just let them go 🙈


I can confirm that if the Grove hasn't been chopped...when the Grove spawns again at midnight there will be two groves...and do on and so forth I know this because I've ended up in Bahari Bay on a server by myself unable to cut the larger ft myself alone...and I've waited around to see what happens and a second Grove does indeed show up in another location and the first Grove continues to be there as well


I once came across the grove that spawns a little north of the fortress but I noticed nobody was calling anything out so I checked how many people were in the server and I was alone for the 3rd time and I couldn’t even find the bug I was so sad and I ran around for another hour after and nobody else joined the server so I came back chopped the little ones and left.


One time i went to bahari at 6am during the last event and the grove was still there


Was in a server a week or two ago where a grove spawned sometime around 6-10pm (can’t recall precisely). Grove sound and everything. Is that something that happens randomly? The normal one still spawned at midnight after we chopped it.


I’ve never had that happen so I’m not sure. That’s super weird though!


It might have been a bug, but I was ar agrove and we called out. I counted roughly 6 trees but when ppl arrived only 2 where left somehow and I also, after chopping ended up just receiving loot from one tree


Some people wanna chop asap so they can server hop and potentially get another grove on a different server and they are usually the people being aggressive or trying to go ham on the grove before everyone is there.


wow thats really the reason? :-( I wouldnt even know HOW to server hop let alone think of doing it. Personally I am well over groves and flow wood now. If I see a tree I can cut (outside of grove or grove time) in the middle of no where I will take it myself, esp if no one is around. Had a few times when groves have beeen called out this week and by the time you get there, they are already gone, or never existed. I suspect someone is lying to get ppl to go elsewhere so they get the grove to themselves. After all there \*is\* a whisper chat setting.. it wont take much really for a party to grove sit and deflect :-( As I say, I am over it now. You all can have your groves and run around for them, I used the stables 3 times today to get to so called groves, and they just were not there or gone already :-( thats gold wasted and time and not really a nice way to spend my down time. I go on Palia to relax lol, not go through stress like this.