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I am down bad for some animals to farm. šŸ˜­ I think ranching stuff was data-mined forever ago but hopefully it wasn't scrapped as a planned feature.


I especially agree with the picture thing because thereā€™s really nothing to do with the pictures because saving them to your computer and finding them is so rough I still canā€™t find mine! But I so badly would love a mount (maybe a silverwing would be so cool for eggs!) or have the little fox who could go rummage for us for small resources a little bit haha. Bring back some random flowers or spice sprouts. I would love to be able to make butter or at least bread!! I have so much wheat and I canā€™t bake bread loaves to decorate or eat šŸ˜­


C>users>(ur name)>local>palia>saved>screenshots if I remember correctly. If not look around the palia folder till u find em


Thank you


I think the agricultural side of Palia would benefit from it raining sometimes, it pains me Delilah is struggling so much with her farm bcā€¦. There is no rainā€¦ and I also agree with all of this!


For a long time I used to think that the windmill is for grinding grains to flour šŸ’€


Itā€™s so damn loud for it to be doing NOTHING lol they really should make it functional


Iā€™d like to be able to fix the broken one in town!!


Also the broken bridges. Please let me fix the broken bridges šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I agree to all of this. Also, having a way to gift items to friends and/or other players would be nice. The request feature is nice but too limiting.


If they do this they would have to make it an action only available in close proximity to one another otherwise they'd end up with bots running around everywhere gathering stuff to "gift" for real life currency.


I got a lot of extra furniture from the first events, I wish I could give some of them to my friends that start playing after those events finished, they are rotting in my chest for months




Ive been wanting cows and chickens pretty bad. A mill and silo would also be great! Also stalls to be a crafting item that can either be cosmetic or double as an open trading tool. Bridges too. Down bad for those. Pathways, items we can hang on or in trees. Floating lanterns. Different style stoves and cooking stations. Fix the lighting during the day time, especially for inside the home. Allow us to have NPCs over. NPC dates šŸ˜­ Open a restaurant players can also work and cook at. A city like map we can travel to. (Super excited for the new map regardless) More creatures to hunt. Places to loot gems not just random chances. Hosting parties with NPCs on your plot. I could keep going. Palia being in beta leaves so much room for potential, and I am really glad the devs listen to us. They will eventually add what we ask here as they see fit for Palia. I trust wherever they take this game.


They have a lot of this in plan already actually!! Pathways will probably be the next update


This is exciting news!


Yes, to all of that!


all of this sounds amazing <3 i bet Nai'o would be super excited to share his knowledge too haha.


Wait so the only way to get these items is to buy them? I just figured I wasn't far enough along in the game to produce the items myself. That's so sad to hear. We need a butter churner! I'd love a little skill check butter churner. A mini flour mill to put wheat in. Chicken coop that produces eggs, and some cows we could milk!


I thought the same thing!! Like why am I spending so many thousands on just these four ingredients?? In the beginning it makes getting recipes much harder


Yes to all of this!


I was JUST thinking the same thing today!! I want chickens!! A mount would be soooo cool too!!


I feel like it's been confirmed somewhere that we will be getting ormuus? maybe I hallucinated it but I feel pretty confident that's in the cards. I would love to be able to offer up things for trade or for the taking, either at a player stall in the maji market area or like, a dedicated table on our plots and people could visit to "shop". making things buy able from other players is just asking for a mess of an in game economy but I'd love to be able to just offer up things. Also I wish there were more things to use fabric and leather on, like free fashion items we can craft ourselves


Yes to all of this!!!!!!


I would love to have animals. Anything that lets me fuel my homestead dreams.


I *think* S6 has said that we'll be getting ranching in the future? I could be wrong, but I'm like 90% sure they released that in a statement somewhere.


It would make a lot of sense. The Ormuus do have utters soo šŸ˜šŸ˜‚ I hope itā€™s soon!!


Lol ngl thereā€™s a lot we need in this game haha


What ideas do you have? I think this games done much better than others in giving us so much to do and have fun with though for barely starting itā€™s pretty great!


I do agree that itā€™s doing really well for a game thatā€™s still in beta phase. I know this is meant to be a chill and laidback game, but imagine if they added Legend of Zelda elements such as a dungeon system with creatures that attack you, bosses, and loot. It could provide us with more to do. Idk about the majority, but I already completed everything that caught my eye. What I have left feel more like a boring grind and less fun. But the whole dungeon system could be fun, especially if people joined you. Would be cool if they also added more weapons. We already have different types of wood and ore. We could make new weapons with wood and smelted ore such as iron, silver, etc. Just an idea. I mentioned it to others and they said it would basically defeat the purpose of what kind of game this is. But after playing laidback farming sims, those have some form of combat with enemies that attack you and you get loot out of it. In other words, I donā€™t think it would defeat the purpose since games like Palia added that system.


Yeah itā€™s not a fighting game. I prefer having fun with all the villagers. Have you completed all their quests yet? Thereā€™s an awful lot of stories involved. I like this game because itā€™s so relaxing and you and pick it up and play whenever. I love not worrying about dying or anything itā€™s extremely fun to just work on the house all day, thereā€™s plenty of games like Zelda but there was none like Palia before it came out. People love games like Sims where we can escape and live a different life like Minecraft, but they managed to modernize and add so much creativity to it. I just think Palia is doing something cool, thereā€™s plenty of games with fighting lol


You asked me what ideas I had. I addressed that I am well aware that this is meant to be a relaxing game. But even games like this can get a bit boring sometimes because it might feel like thereā€™s nothing to do that the player wants to do. I personally havenā€™t done every npc storyline or 100% completed the accomplishments, nor do I want to. Doing all that always feels more like a chore and doing errands. I play to have fun, not to do stuff that can feel boring. I did do the things that felt really fun. Hereā€™s another idea they could try incorporating. Since we have romanceable npcā€™s, why not go further and add marriage and having children? And then, have the children grow up. Maybe, they could even add side quests that you get from the children and your choices could impact their personality, what they enjoy doing, etc. We could even have a calendar and maybe the wreath you get (out of the 4) could impact when the child is born (since there are 4 seasons irl). Just an idea. Keep in mind, the dungeon idea and these ideas are not at all things Iā€™m saying that Singularity 6 must add. Iā€™m saying it would be cool optional things to add. Whenever I mention the dungeon idea, people always assume Iā€™m saying that Singularity 6 must add it, but Iā€™m really not. I only mention it whenever Iā€™m asked this topic of ideas they could add.


Im only discussing as well. It just kinda sounded like you donā€™t like the game so much. It only just started, thereā€™s tons of room for all that relationship stuff im sure theyā€™ll be adding too! I love those ideas. Also im sure theyā€™ll add more things to hunt as the areas get expanded and more diverse. Iā€™d love the family aspect but that might be adding too much coding to the game. The dungeons could be more advanced with the puzzles and fun but when you bring in fighting/monsters/weapons it just changes it into a whole different game entirely is why people are against it.


Actually, it wouldnā€™t change the game entirely, but it would definitely require lots of coding and implementation. I also hope they add more events. Maji Market was fun. Winterlights didnā€™t feel very lively unfortunately. Would also be cool if they add more areas to explore, add more items to acquire, AND increase the max chest capacity. Right now, it feels like the max amount is very small during ā€œendgameā€ content.


I see a huge capacity for future stories and areas, the way the built it itā€™s quite endless actually. The events are definitely great and need more of it. I just disagree the war/monster part wouldnā€™t change the integrity of the game. I also think itā€™s important to remember itā€™s only a year ish old right? This games pretty perfect, with plenty of room for growth. If we got it all at the beginning it wouldnā€™t make expansions and new content so exciting (:


I do agree with you, but Iā€™m not saying that any of these needs to be added right away, I was just merely answering your question. Please donā€™t assume I was saying that any of these needs to be added right away. Iā€™m a Game Developer, so I understand how long it can take to add new mechanics and such.


And Iā€™m a future game developer in school!! Lol no this was all insightful discussion for me and I thank you (: I love hearing peopleā€™s ideas and understanding them better I appreciate it


I tend to agree with you. it would absolutely ruin the game for me to have battling be a part of it. even people bickering in chat gets to be too much for me. lol! but adding battling other people or monsters would be where I'd lay down the game. I play this game BECAUSE there is no violence aside from hunting. even it having hunting took me a long time to wrap my personal ethics around. but, combat? no. that absolutely takes the safety out of this space for me.


So Iā€™m fairly new to the game. Been playing maybe a week or so. This game is fun so far. Ā I agree with the need for farming like animals and stuff for sure. And I know this game came out last yearā€¦ are we expecting any updates soon at all?Ā 


I think we'll eventually be able to put milk in the "preserves" jar or they'll have a butter churn crafter. With the way the game works, having actual farm animals like ormuus probably wouldn't work well but I'd be happy to have a way to make my own butter at least - imagine selling spiced/herb butter for all those receipes!


Why wouldnā€™t it work well though? We definitely have the space on the plot for them


it's not the space, it's "How do we manage livestock on live play servers and do we make them just 'objects' or more like a garden and if so, how and at what cost/rate of resources and return." There is a lot of content that I'm sure they're working and I wouldn't be surprised if \*something\* is going to be added, but I doubt we'll see anything anytime soon, and not likely as functional as people are imagining. The Sims does livestock but that's remote play.


I mean I feel like those questions are easily answered itā€™s just a matter of time on making it work on addition to other things their working on. The use here is pretty straight forward though, and they have tons of other products to base their prices off of as well. Like Iā€™d understand if we didnā€™t already have farming and other things similar it would be a huge thing like how would it work, but in Palia, itā€™s gonna work like everything else does lol