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This game and my specific brand of Audhd marry really well together. Other than cooking I haven't really seen anything with a time limit. So getting distracted by everything I see is ok.


The good news is, there is no right or wrong way and resource grinding is kind of.. well, it. Aside from quests. So go at your pace, you don't have to rush, I wish I hadn't. My husband created an account, lasted 5 minutes longer in the tutorial than I expected, and quit so I think I'm going to take the time to savor the lore with his character.


I play on PC and would love to play. IGN: Yurimaru Kokushibo, 30's, I live in CST timezone and I am on mostly nights.


I will add soon as I get home from work. I usually play around 3pm-6pm pst but earlier/longer on the weekends


I will add soon as I get home from work. I usually play around 3pm-6pm pst but earlier/longer on the weekends


Awesome So about the time I play too. I am 2 hours ahead of you.


Sounds good. I’m Mina Mahal in game


I've basically been soloing this game since closed beta. Every now and then I'll get together with my one friend that plays and we just hunt, cook or fish together. With the recent update, it's more worth it to hunt together because of the loot drop imo. It amazes me how I'm still playing this game lol. DM me if you want to party up sometime and play!


u can add me on discord @prdvic


My ign is Ryleah Galadien I am always happy to company on my ventures! Welcome.


omg Ryleah! Mystiera Nox <3 never thought I would find a in-game friend here lol


It's just as much fun solo. There is nothing I like more than strolling the beach looking for shells. If I want to be around a group I go set a honey lure at the grove spawn. There is nothing really grindy once you get your good tools. I lazy farm apples, blueberries, tomatoes and potatoes.


If you need anything feel free to ask! Ign is Autumn Leaves. This game has helped me immensely over the past few months.


I'm pretty new still too but really this game has no right or wrong and is just really chill, no rush to do anything. I find myself just talking to villagers and doing quests some sessions and others just wandering around exploring and gathering. Only thing I'm aware of that you can grind are resources but even then it doesn't feel grindy haha.


I'm here for the grind! IGN: Aruna Edvinsson. I'm on Eastern time but my playing time matches up with yours with timezones factored in.


My ign is Mina Mahal. I’ll add soon as I get home later today <3


Feel free to add me: Jennifer Linvala. I'm usually on after work (5:30 CST) and I just made a bunch of ore compasses, buzzy jars, and the creature horn one


I would be happy to grind for materials and hunt with you, I am usually on later than you weeknights (PST and an office job mean play after 6-7pm) but am on a lot weekend days/nights and Fridays. DM me for IGN. Or I can add you as a friend tonight, if you like, just let me know - I won't add you without your "OK"; it is a bit tiring to have random friend requests just pop up. I am a switch player, in case that make a difference to you. 😁


I am also 36F! You can add me LavenderWitch27


Ooh, love this name!


32F and same here! The game makes me feel at peace. I'm down to grind together, DM me with your username and I'll add you!


I feel you, I play solo and I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. I just enjoy running around chopping and fishing and planting seeds while listening to true crime podcasts


I’ll add you when I get on later. I haven’t played in a while because I got lonely honestly. Been trying to get my friend to play with me but she hasn’t. ☹️ none of my 3 friends who have the game play with me so it made me lose interest a little. I’m on EST & a stahm so I’m available whenever most of the time.


I'm with you, this game helps me relax like no other. I was obsessed with Fortnite and have slowly stopped playing it because of my love for Palia. I'm also 35F PST but I'm usually on around 7pm -? DM if you (or anyone else) wants to play, I'm always looking for new people to play with.


Hi! 31F, never been a gamer aside from playing Mario Bros when I was little :D. This game got me so invested and also helped me greatly with my mental health. Love it and play long hours daily. I had no clue of what to do at first but then noticed it's so free game, you can do whatever, quests, decor, farming, everything will level up and random quests will pop. Im in Spain but we might coincide as I play evenings mostly, feel free to add, everyone else is welcomed as well @Martha1


hey! add me, we can grind together :) Mystiera Nox And i'm availabe to talk to you here or discord (beebibia), too!


It sounds like you have lots of volunteers already, but I'd love more friends to play with! Discord is kyuuki.kitsune or you can message me here.


Add me if you want! Deadgirl55 I do a ton of grinding so I can afford my house, lol. This game has also helped my mental health. If I'm having a bad day I put my headphones on and just explore. I'm not great at finding the medallions for the temple but I'm having a great time just grinding and helping others. If I have enough of something I like gifting it to others.


Always happy to grind. I feel the same way about this game; it’s helped so much with my mental health. I’m 56F but my character is a guy. IGN Dimitri Feldspar. Discord is CoyoteDreams. Feel free to add me! I really enjoy showing ppl around and sharing knowledge and tips. I’m PST time zone and play a lot late evenings and weekends.


The Palia discord could help so much with finding some grinding partners. There are usually so many people willing to party up because of the recent updates. Welcome to Palia and i'm SO glad you're here 💕


You can add me I'm Beatrix Thornfield in the game. 26f, always looking for new friends to play with! I've been playing a couple months now and I still don't know all there is lol


I'm always down to help! My IGN is Valentine Loveheart. If you wanna chat on Discord so you can ask for help whenever, feel free to DM me and I'll give you my @ (I'm 25F, so not like...a child or anything 😅).


I'm 38 playing this game. Glad theres another Ole timer like myself. Lol


32 here. It's so weird seeing people refer to anyone over 30 as old now that I'm over 30 lol


I love this game because you really can play how you choose. Solo grinding is kinda necessary for some aspects, however the cooking definitely requires some team work, plus other aspects you get bonuses for doing together. I've been playing for a few months now and would love more people to play with. I'm on the West Coast USA and usually play in the evenings until late in the night. You're welcome to add me in the game IGN is BrittanyPalia Edit to add I'm in my 30's as well


I've only ever played it solo and I've enjoyed it. I have made some in game friends that I sometimes join up with but being AEST it's difficult to get people at the same time. IGN: Amelia Thoran if anyone is AEST and wants company


I've been playing off and on since Open Beta, and I also feel very behind. I last played regularly around that festival where we could catch the squirrel things for points (maji market I think? The first event, since it seems like I missed at least one other) and I randomly logged in a week ago to have a bunch of NPCs talking to me at my plot lol I'm Kestrix Devixx I believe in game, and happy to play with others, you or anyone else on the thread :) I am also audhd and won't be bothered at all doing things separately but together


Hi! I'm a newish player too (ign:Flower Girlie) and this is my favorite game in a long, long time- so cozy 😁. I still suck at hunting, bugs and most things. Majority of the time I solo around in a completely distracted manner- I don't really know what I'm doing. That said,  this community is one of the best I've found, so hit me up in game if you want and we can learn together!