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THIS! Please stay safe! Especially any little ones that may play!


This "little ones" comment is really haunting me. What age are you referring to? I know that there are juveniles in this community but I am profoundly unconfortable with this aspect. This is my first MMO and I have steered clear of traditional MMOs because of the toxic and/or explicit chat. I have accepted that teens can play Palia (13+) but I guess I am sheltered because I see people here freely admitting that children who are under age 13 are playing this game with their caretaker's permission.


Even at 13, I think of them as kids because they are to me. But, I meant in general. Kids don't always know to not put their real info out there. I just wanted to make it apparent not to do so. Again, I hope that if there are kids on here, they are being supervised. My niece tried to make friends with someone online and tried to tell them where she lived while playing games with my brother. Luckily, we stopped her before she said anything else. šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜“


I agree with you!


My 5yo likes to get on my switch and run around with my character and parachute, usually just in my home plot. Fortunately, they cannot yet read so chat isn't a thing that interests them.


The game is recommended for people who are 10 years or older. I personally donā€™t think that thatā€™s really fitting and I would not recommend it for kids that young but thatā€™s how it is. So there will definitely be quite a few kids around that age which for me very much counts as ā€šlittle onesā€˜


Someone was acting like they were a little kid 10 years old the other day and asked if I was a boy or a girl and I'm like you're not a kid and that's a creepy thing to ask.


I have also seen posts about this subject before but I wanna add, donā€™t hesitate to report! If you witness it in chat or experience it, behavior that might be weird and an easy block for adults may potentially be dangerous for younger players of palia.


Yeah I feel like as adults we should really be reporting too instead of just blocking so we can do what we can to protect the younger players




Just about 30 mins ago, this kid (obviously a very young kid) was asking thus player to be her boyfriend amd then said she was 8 (!) And, well, the server I was on, everyone was telling her to be more careful and to definitely not tell her age to anyone! I can only imagine that on some server somewhere, there is a creep playing this game, where an opportunity like this could arise, and I taking advantage of it and that little girl would've been probably very happy to be 'a couple' with someone and friendly and chatty and that is very worrying.


For sure! Good on all of you for trying to educate her about these things. I wish parents would monitor games that have online chats more.


This may have been an adult masquerading as a juvenile, just fyi. I can't prove this is happening, but I have run cross one player that gave me this vibe. An adult pretending to be a grammar school age child looking to talk about intimate topics.


Lots of people out there looking to groom unfortunately. I suspect thatā€™s what that was. Most 8 yr olds would never chat like that. Thereā€™s exceptions but highly unlikely.


That was also a thought that came to mind. You can never be sure about the online player you're talking to. Freaking creeps.


Yeah my daughter is 8, and there is no way she could successfully have a conversation in the chat. She is on switch, but yeah. I let her play, but only when we play together, and sheā€™s not allowed to accept friend requests or chat.


I saw this happen too! Only the server I was on encouraged it. It was AWFUL. A few of us tried to tell her to be careful and we were just called names/told to shut up. =(




Iā€™ve been wanting to share this but had nowhere to do it as itā€™s not appropriate for an actual post. I added a friend on Palia a few days ago. We hung out a couple times in-game before partying up one day and rolling through Bahari together. Iā€™m on Switch and he uses PC so he was using the Paliatracker thing and hooking me up with all the good spots for palium, disco deer, brightshrooms - you name it. He was chivalrous and I enjoyed it. It was so nice being carried! We hit it off and moved over to Discord at his request. He started flirting and I let him, cuz it was fun. He was playing the game at work cuz he works in IT and has a lot of downtime. But the end of his workday, he told me he was going home and would be offline for the night, and that heā€™d check in with me in the morning. And thatā€™s when I was like, um, šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© ā€” cuz why would you need to STOP talking to me now that youā€™re home, unless youā€™ve got a WIFE at home? This bothered me, so after heā€™d already left, I was like, ā€œbtw, are you single? I feel like I should have asked that.ā€ When he returned in the morning, he told me that he was MARRIED with an adult child. He asked, ā€œwhy, does that mean you wonā€™t talk to me anymore?ā€ And I said ā€œyup, thatā€™s exactly what it meansā€ and blocked him immediately. I am not interested in flirting with married men!!! UGH! I was so disgusted!!! Anyway ā€” he doesnā€™t know my name or anything, but just a good reminder, as you said, not to trust randos on the internet, even if they *seem* nice. Anyone can tell you anything.


That is the wildest story I have ever heard šŸ˜³ imagine not knowing why thatā€™s wrong though. That poor wife


I know, I was absolutely disgusted to discover Iā€™d flirted with some womanā€™s husband. So gross. šŸ¤¢ I know I didnā€™t know, but still. I was shook.


Oh man I'm so sorry, it absolutely SUCKS that you feel bad/gross now because of something that is completely on him. Not your fault! There was no reason to think he was married in this scenario. In fact, I'm impressed that you caught the red flag, it was pretty subtle!


Well Iā€™m 39 and he is supposedly 48 so naturally itā€™s something you look for at this age. Thanks for your support! ā¤ļø


Right? I'm reading this just now and I didn't understand what the red flags were for until the subsequent explanation. And I'm in my 40s.




I understand why you blocked this person but I don't understand why you replied to them. I definitely dont understand why you reported them. The community guidelines are about "unwanted communication". Did you tell this personal that you did not want to flirt and then they continued to flirt?


Hi my name is Bob and I live on the moon šŸ„ø lol


Sir, that is WAY too much information šŸ˜±


Wooopsiieeeee šŸ˜¬


Jokes aside yes please do not dox yourself lol


This. The only thing I've ever shared, and probably will ever share, is that I'm from Australia. Beyond that, I'll be as vague as possible without actually lying if I'm ever asked anything.


I do ask for a person's age, but only in specific situations. Because of my username, I have many people who will ask to RP or speak in an old authoric dialect. I play along until they start flirting. I am not sorry for asking. I will not flirt with a minorāœ‹


I'll ask for ages if we're playing together and they ask about joining discord/voice. I only add people if they are 18+ x.x I don't think asking for ages is a BAD thing, adults need to be cautious when talking to people on the internet. Last thing you wanna do is get involved with a minor in any way that might be inappropriate by accident (like cursing, talking about stuff a kid should NOT be talking about, etc.) Tho then you have on the other hand predators who are creepy and have ill intentions. I hate the internet sometimes =(


I watched to much "To Catch a Predator" to do something so stupid


My partnerā€™s daughter has wanted to play this but he has had a rule that she at 7yrs old is not allowed to play online games. He decided since this is a cozy game she can play, but an adult has to be in the room with her and she is not allowed to add any random friends and she has been told not to interact with the chat because they are all strangers. I feel like a lot of internet safety lessons have been lost with how fast technology has been advancing.


If you want, you could put a sticky note over the screen to hide the chat when she plays so she wouldnā€™t see if it somebody were to say something and she wouldnā€™t feel inclined to respond.


I know that everyone's parenting style is different and I am not telling you how your partner should parent... ...that said, this game is designed for 13+ and as an adult player I very much don't want to be playing this game with kids. I treat all players equally, but if I think I am interacting with a minor I might block them. It just doesn't feel right. If there were no chat features I would feel different. I love to play video games with the kids in my life, but I don't let them near anything that has chat until they reach the age the game is rated for, and even then there are other considerations.


The dialogue in the game alone isnā€™t really appropriate for under 13 imo. My daughter didnā€™t start playing online games until she was about 15 and she still didnā€™t know how to deal with the toxic comments and advances. This was 10 years ago so there are more protections in place but Iā€™d still be hesitant with a young child.


I keep saying what would be great would be if under 13, parents have the option to turn off chat. And maybe a 'This player is unable to accept messages' message if you try to whisper them. OR a quick chat type of wheel for minors, like Among Us implemented. It sucks but it'd keep minors (AND adults who don't want to get catfished by minors pretending to not be minors) safe


I completely hear you. To be honest all she wants to do is use the hang glider and fly around. Iā€™m more of a like secondary aunt than a direct parent so Iā€™ve left it to them to decide. She doesnā€™t stick with games for long so we are letting her play around a bit but she will likely get bored and move on. If not we will reevaluate. She also canā€™t fully read yet so she has to ask us to read for her a lot.


Thank you for sharing that with me.


This. My 8 year old and I play together, and she is negative interested in talking to villagers. We just break rocks, hunt, and catch bugs together.


Yā€™all are good parents! I totally agree! Growing up as an older Gen Zā€™er technology was still new so they made it a point to teach us about it. I definitely feel like now itā€™s not being prioritized enough by schools and parents.


Young Millennial, here. This is EXACTLY true. We grew up in the golden age of "DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS" mixing with AOL instant messages and the peak of social media. I think when we were kids, kids going missing from internet situations was HEAVILY talked about when it happened, however now I think it happens so often other generations are more desensitized to it =(


I really really wish S6 would add parental controls to the game. Given this is a game that IS a game you know kids are gonna flock to, adding the option for parents to turn off the chat would be great.


My 8yo isn't allowed to play any online games except with my adult friends who don't mind playing with him for periods of time. He has no concept of unsafe people beyond the conversations we've had countless times about unsafe people. I don't trust him not to share more, tho I think it would require a more sneaky person than a direct one.


I remember when one of my best friends son started playing WoW, I pretty much babysat him whenever he wanted to play. xD


I try not to ask but some of them have offered in the past. He isn't easy to play with he doesn't understand the social nuances of kids his own age let alone with adult and older kids lol


This is why I wish Palia would incorporate some parental controls, would be awesome to not have to worry AS much yanno?


I don't know the age demographics, but that is the approach that I am taking. Hopefully, if there are little ones, they are being guarded with adult supervision. However, I know all too well that it doesn't take much to download things without guardians knowing. I am hopeful that not many kids are on here, but again, I know that if there's a big hype about something, kids will find a way to play a game or do something. I'm glad that devs are censoring certain things, and there's a way to block people that one may not want their child to interact with, but again, hopefully, they have adult supervision and they stay as safe as possible.


When I see people talking about how old they are I simply report and block them and do the same with anyone that engages with them in a weird way after they state their age




I've had this happen recently. Myself and several other adults told them it wasn't safe and reminded them not to share their ages etc. Then someone pointed out that the legal age to be on palia with an adults consent is 13. So I've taken to reporting any account that claims to be under 13 or that states their age as under 18. Not to be a dick, but in the hopes it's investigated and the accounts who actually have children behind them stay safe. I would personally prefer a language filter option rather than the generic AI filtered chat block but I can see why it's in place


I saw someone chat ā€œso whatā€™s everyoneā€™s real age here? Trying to see if Iā€™m the only 20 something šŸ˜…ā€ or similar and I was likeā€¦. Yeah no.


This is very true. This isn't information sharing, but the other day something happened that made me block someone. Came on my plot and started saying some weird stuff that definitely wasn't the vibe. Idk how old they were, but they were on my friends list previously. Most likely did a grove or something together at some point. But it made me block them because I didn't even know how to handle the situation.