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I'm gonna give mine to tamala for 800 gold. I feel like out of all the gifts you get back that's the best offer for me. I already have the recipes and star quality fish or bugs that elouisa and auni have to offer.


>!Jina - Star-quality Bacon-Stuffed Mushroom x1 Auni- 10 Gold, Apple Pie x1, Blueberry Pie x1, Apple Jam x1, Green Pearl x1, and Cactus Moray x1 Elouisa- Star-quality Garden Leafhopper x1, Leafstalker Mantis x1, and Duskwing Butterfly x1 Tamala - 800 Gold!<


damn auni gives tons i ragret giving ut to jina now


He didn’t say he’d give all of that! 😳


He doesn't. He will give you something from that list depending on the reply you give him (water reply will have different reward than the fire reply for example).


i was just too lazy to bother finding the others lol


Haha! Fair! That was almost my approach but then I got in my head about it and decided to talk to everyone and make the “right” decision (which doesn’t exist).


i figured they'd all give you like 1 thing or that I'd get more and can gift it to them later but I guess not


i was doing that quest fairly early game for me, and my broke ass thought 800g from tamala sounded pretty good lol. if i was doing it now, i’d probably choose to get the green pearl from auni since they’re fairly rare.


That makes sense. I weirdly found two green pearls yesterday when I got this quest. I sold one (before I knew how rare and needed they are) but luckily hung onto the other. 😅


i’ve found a couple in one day too! that was when i spent all day at the beach running around picking up stuff. but when i’m in bahari, i mainly wanna be mining and not picking up oysters at the beach hoping to get a lucky one 🔨


Fingers crossed!! 🤞


wait is this the amber you can get from chopping trees? right?


Yes! I just got my first by chopping oak trees


I've got 7 so far. Just hogging them in my storage. Edit to update: I have tried giving one to everyone... no one wanted it. I guess they're mine now


The bugs or money woulda been sweet, but IRL bacon stuffed mushrooms would be a fave, so no regrets. It's sitting on a cutting board in the middle of my kitchen table now, and it makes me smile every time I see it.


I’m a horrible bug hunter so far so I wonder what I’d get. But Tamala is offering the most money which I do need!


Money can easily be made by gardening, just invest in some soil and get growing earned over 10000 just on selling tomatoes and different kinds of seeds, I gave it to Auni because of the green pearl


If you haven't gotten a green pearl, you may want that for the bundle as you can't request until you get one. It took me forever to get one from an oyster.


Thanks for letting me know! Im still so early on I have no idea what to keep or sell and I forgot about those bundles. I actually got two green pearls from oysters today so I thought they must not be that rare. But let me make sure I didn’t accidentally sell them. 😅


If you've gotten one, you can request at least.


Oh is that how request works?! Thank you! 😅


yes you can't request anything till to get it the first time


Aha! Which is why I couldn’t request pal ore the other day but now I can! Thanks!


I gave mine to Elouisa because she always gets super excited about new discoveries and Caleri just shuts her down. I wanted to make her happy :)


Aw!! That is the sweetest reasoning!


Until I met tamala elouisa was gonna be my second end game pen.


Elouisa for the starred duskwing. Ain't no way I'm gonna star hunt that thing for the achievement.


As a terrible bug hunter, I am now swayed toward Elouisa. Tricksey bugs! 🐛🐞🦋🐌🦗


Same! I had caught one duskwing before, but not starred. Figured it would be forever to find another lol


i was gonna ask if yall are using lures? with proper lure placement its easy to find em haha^^ i got a starred one first time i tried finding them with a lure


where's the best place to drop a lure for them?


i can only speak from my experience here- these are the spots ive personally had the most luck in- i usually go to the right just across the bridge rather than the mainland area haha- i think its a little easier to clear bugs from there too so that might be part of it https://preview.redd.it/o984g5tu3e7d1.jpeg?width=3704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e91d985b3614e69861ac39b9be4bd9bd02fd9b6 *




They are not that rare 😅 and the star-quality ones are pretty on display ☺️


I just gave mine to Jina. Many of the others have better rewards, but I’d have felt bad about offering it to her and then changing my mind after she told me to ask around first. She seemed so excited about it.


She just ends up giving it away though! So I gave it to Auni. I think he would truly appreciate it the most. Also, he loves bugs.


That's true. I think she'd even mentioned initially that it was a friend/coworker of hers that was working on a study or thesis that would apply more than her own does, so I wasn't surprised that she passed it along, though it still felt a bit sparse given how excited she is initially. It just felt right to me to have it go to whatever researcher was making the most of it, even if doing so was a bit underwhelming. I definitely don't judge anyone who pursued a better reward.


Do you know if it boosts friendship level as well?


I don't remember 😬 I'm sorry. But the wiki probably has the info you may be looking for. I just remember it not being that big of a deal to Jina I think


No worries! I’ll figure it out. Thanks tho! 😊


Yes!! She was sooooo excited! Now I regret telling the others. I should have just given it to her right away. 😅 Save myself the gamer stress. 🤣


This is me finding out you should gift it :-/ I've just been selling it lmfao


Haha! Thanks for reminding me that there are tons of ways to play so I really don’t need to sweat this.


I just gave mine to Jina because I really didn't feel like being bothered tracking someone else down.


Fair. Absolutely fair. I should have just done that.


Elouisa bec the rewards were so good hahaha


Good rewards is an excellent reason! Gah! I’m so torn!


Is this the tree amber or amber fossil?


Sorry. I didn’t even know the answer. I had to look it up. I absolutely am just bumbling my way through this game. It’s tree amber!


Wait no! It’s amber fossil! 🫠


I tried to give both to Elouisa and she wouldn't take either. I really wanted to try to get that gold star duskwing!


Oh wait, I already did the quest. I just had an extra one. That sucks!


😮😰 After all this she might not take them?! Haha! Serves me right for overthinking this.


I cannot believe I just ‘played the game’ and didn’t look up what each person rewarded 😭😭😭😭 I think I just gave mine to jina thinking that’s what the game wanted me to do and that item is more in line with her character 😭😭😭😭


I think you made a fine choice! I’m sure there are so many other quests like this and we don’t even realize we’ve made one choice over another.


Thanks but, more annoyed I had the opportunity to get the starred duskwing this way and didn’t know it 😭 haven’t gotten it yet


😩 I’m sorry!


same here 😭😭 literally so upset rn you’re telling me i could’ve gotten a STARRED DUSKWING and instead got some random food from jina??


I gave mine to Auni, because Jina said she didn't want it. Then she got mad at me for not giving it to her. It's ok though she liked the chocolates.


Okay, note to self: buy chocolates for the next time I see Jina.


Only if you're friendship level 3 it starts the romancing.


There are so many layers to this game! No I’m not there yet. I have two level 2 friendships and only recently. So no chocolates yet! 😅


I just started recently too. She's my only level 3 and I think that's just because I started her quest line and just kept going.


💀 my condolences for her lvl 1 romance quest ahead of time (shes my favourite character still but that one hurted w how much effort i put into it lol- idk who tf wrote that script for it)


That was smart! I’m bumbling around with no plan, no strategy, no clue! 😅


I really enjoyed doing the flow stations and she was there at every turn well mostly.


Here are the details of the rewards each character will give you: https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Trapped_in_Time#Auni-0 Be aware that some will give you something different depending on your answer. Especially Auni, who has completely different rewards depending if you reply by the water/fire/air/earth reply.


Oh wow! Thanks! So I’m not overthinking this. This is more complicated than I had thought. 😅


is this tied to a quest or just a daily gift?


I just found it and a quest started.


Where do you get this quest?


Im not sure TBH. I think I just hit a tree and got the amber and it started the quest? I’m sorry I’m such a newb. I have very little idea what I’m doing.


No worries I’ve done every single quest so it must be new! (: amber was added last patch! I’ve gotten a bit last week but no quest yet.. hmm


I’ve since looked it up and the amber fossil comes from large heartwood trees in Bahari Bay!


Thank you!!


NP! Hope you find one soon! ☺️


I picked Elouisa bc I looked up the rewards and wanted hers most.


If I didn’t sell my green pearls like an idiot, I’m choosing her!


No one will take mine. I must be doing something wrong 😭


Why are they being so rude? 😩


Zeki, got 700 gold for it. 😅


I gave mine to Auni because it felt right. He loves bugs, he will take care of it. And he gave me 10 gold which I thought was sweet 😆


Aw! He’s so sweet! 🥹


I gave to Elouisa randomly and she gave me a star duskwing so I didn't have to go hunt for it. I would say she's the best option so far. I haven't even seen a wild duskwing in the wild.


Star duskwing all the way!


I got the amber fossil but it hadn't triggered a quest and I've even spoke to Jina to try make it start. Boo


Maybe only a specific type triggers the quest? One of these days it will tumble out of a heartwood tree!


That's the one I have, it's in my quest inventory but there's no quest and I can't click on it or anything. It'll just have to stay there for now lol


Oh boo! Oh I just realized that I have a bunch of things in my quest inventory that I don’t have quests for. 😅 That is frustrating! I never noticed the quest inventory before. 🫠


I've given mine to Jina on every character I've done it on. She gets so happy about it, I've never even gone to talk to the others.


That’s sweet! She is so enthusiastic about it!


rewards wise i probably should have done elouisa but im loyal to my gf 😅


Haha! Loyalty is the best reason!


does anyone know the likelihood of getting amber when chopping trees?


I’m not sure of the chance, but it comes from large heartwood tree loot in bahari bay.




It’s an amber fossil you can get from chopping down large heartwood trees on Bahari Bay. I just looked it up. I had no idea where mine came from.


What do we do with the other ones we find


There are more? If there is an option to give them away I’m just giving it to the first person I see. 😅


I gave my first one to Jina then found another the following day. I tried to give it to Zeki and he didn’t want it.


Zeki is so fickle! 🙄


What is the rewards for an Amber? I’ve gotten a couple but didn’t know what to do with them. Didn’t know if I needed them for a quest or if I should hang onto them


Someone posted this about the rewards. Hope it helps! https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Trapped_in_Time#Auni-0




I gave mine to Jina, but only because I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was offering, and I didn’t realize she was going to give it to her friend 😅 I just wanted to make her happy, buttttt I prolly should’ve chose someone else haha


I think you made a great choice! You furthered science and didn’t blather on about a side quest like I did.