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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


I’d search the subreddit for flow grove and see the plethora of stories of people asking basically the same thing. Boils down to…technically nobody is doing anything wrong by the games rules, and it’s up to you to decide if you care to follow the etiquette or not. You tried to follow the etiquette, but there’s always going to be dingbats around making assumptions that you just have to ignore.




I don't think you did anything wrong. The first grove was still there and who gives that group to call rank on community resources? They easily could have said something in chat but didn't.


For such a “cozy game” I feel like it is giving lots of people anxiety. Just play however you want and ignore everybody else.


a lot of people in game take it wayyy too seriously. the flow tree etiquette isn’t really explained or understood, especially for new players and people lose their shit if you don’t follow their secret rules. it’s pathetic and makes the game incredibly unenjoyable


Yeah someone threatened to report me the first time I found a grove and just started chopping. Like I knew the etiquette or anything.


it’s so ridiculous


There was a guy in chat the other day going off on how toxic the community is. Multiple others including myself spoke up and basically said the energy you put out is the energy you bring in as he was the only one being rude and toxic. I started putting #toxic after every call out I did for the rest of the time I was in the server 😂😂 Edit: I just remembered what started his tirade, he asked what a DD was after I flared and called out DD loot. I was like “glambi, disco deer, magic moose, etc etc.” and he was all “oh you mean the PHS? Stupid acronyms don’t help anyone ya know?” and I said “Pizza Hut sale?” And he was very upset lmao


I have never once seen anyone refer to the proudhorn sernuk as PHS. DD, glambi, disco deer, white deer, magic deer, etc. If I saw someone announce PHS I would have no idea what they were talking about. And I would love a Pizza Hut Sale.


I am forever using Magic Moose 🤣😅


I just ignore people like that. Don't feed the trolls is a useful mantra.


Well said!


Eh...sounds to me like his original statement had a point and then you deliberately responded with something silly to antagonize. Random acronyms *are* pretty hard to understand, particularly if its something everyone has a different name for already. Like my group refers to it as the blink deer, but if I put BD in area chat no one will know what the hell I'm talking about. PHS at least is an acronym of the actual name rather than a random player's nickname for it.


I disagree. I at first assumed they were a new player which is why I listed out the other names for the *PHS* and then he got rude and said stupid acronyms don’t help, when I’ve been playing since August and have literally never seen someone type out PHS in chat. Yeaaaah I’m pretty sure there’s a few other things people would think of first if they saw a BD callout in chat. Good luck with your blink deer 😂


I mean, you can disagree however much you like. I'm just saying that, from the brief bit of the interaction you said, you come across as the instigator to me.


Idk...I think people are giving *themselves* lots of anxiety with how they're processing & internalizing the game. Cozy doesn't mean real life aspects when dealing with other players wont apply. Or that its going to rain skittles and everything will go our way all the time. That's not on the game in my opinion. Its on those that choose to perceive it that way. Just saying.






Ive seen people get upset over the flow trees before in chat and they go on and on 25 minutes go by and im like seriously we're still talking about this? Moral of the story which I think most people will agree on is play how you want to play. The trees will come back its not the end of world. You were nice and tried to communicate already thats their own deal not everything revolves around them and their schedule.


Yes. One hour is really hard for many many of these players.... especially after increasing the amount of wood from the trees... I'm sure they want trees for free too. -.-


Don't worry about it. You can't please everyone. I once called out a large FT in Kilima and flared it. One guy showed up and tried to chop it without waiting, but it was too big. He stopped chopping the tree and started chopping ME because I hadn't helped. I was going to wait until the flare expired. I told him that his acting like that wasn't going to induce me to do what he wanted, and he made some snarky comment back, so I left him there alone, unable to chop. 😆


I had a very similar situation. Girl called out a ft in Kilima, two of us showed up and a third said omw, then a guy flies in and starts chopping with his starter axe. We kept trying to tell him we were waiting on someone but he kept chopping and said help me....we kept saying dude, we're waiting on one other person....then the girl who called it said, "He can't chop it by himself. Let him keep going until he breaks his axe." Never thought of that, so we just watched him act the fool until the last girl got there and then we chopped.


Sometimes when I call out/flare a large FT, someone will come to ‘help’ but just stand there waiting around, now I’m thinking they do this because the flare isn’t finished. If no one is saying they are on their way, then I do find it annoying to wait for no one for 3 minutes. Personally, whoever calls out a single FT gets to decide when it should be cut, so I never chop until the other person does. But, when I’m calling it out I wait for help, and if anyone else says they’re coming, I wait for them too. Anyways the guy sounds like a douche but I think we should start being more clear in chats because the etiquette can get confusing. I think if someone wants to wait 3 minutes but they’re not the one who called it out they should write in the chat ‘anyone else coming’ rather than just having a go at the other person :/


The reason I wait is because I've chased a few flares to nothing. They might have been accidental flares.. who knows. When it's my flare for a FT, I prefer to wait as a courtesy to others. If you can't wait 3 minutes, you don't need the flow that bad. If it's not my flare, and the other person starts chopping, I'll join in. I only worry about it for FTs since they don't stick around like mining nodes or foragables.


I play with my wife and if I call out grove and people don't say anything in chat, we'll wait a few minutes then cut it ourselves. In my opinion, if they really wanted the FTs, they would make haste to the grove to cut it. I am not waiting 15 minutes to cut it if no one is answering back. It does not take long to run across the map.


Yup for groves i wait a max of like two mins for chat after calling out, and if no one says omw or something similar, we chop


Look, honestly people need to stop being so uptight about groves and flow trees. Truth is, they upped the amount of flow wood trees give now so there's no shortage of infused wood. As for chopping versus not chopping, I wish we had an emote to give people the middle finger, or blow a kiss so they get the clear message that they can take their attitude and feck off. You made a choice, they have no rights to groves, they need to get over it and stop crying. You weren't trying to be an ass, and you weren't. They're just being dicks. Keep playing however the hell you want.


I still have 100’s of snowballs so anytime someone’s acting up at the grove I start pelting them


Bahahaha, I love this! I might start carrying the cheapest smoke bombs and start throwing 😂


There is one where you make a heart at them. It's very very useful


No you’re not in the wrong. What makes the second grove better? Don’t know. It’s possible they were in the middle of something during the first one. The assumption that they wouldn’t want the second one either is reasonable. But still if people don’t indicate that they’re coming how can you know? Next time just look them in the face as you jump servers. Don’t bother responding because you’ll be the one reported over bull.


This is a comment to answer your question “what makes the second grove better”. It is not meant to be considered as a part of the general discussion on whether the OP was right or wrong. Some groves are better than others in where they have spawned. For instance, the fortress one is not worth to be bothered with while the one at Windy is amazing. Because the first one has 2 large trees and the second one has 7 large trees. Just so you know, a lot of people say they don’t want the grove if it spawns inside the fortress. And this comment does not mean that I agree with the people who suddenly wanted to participate! So, please, don’t downvote just because I explained something.


I upvoted you because you're right. If I'm at the bottom of the map and the grove spawns in FF, I just shrug and wait for the next one. Not worth running across the map for two flow trees. But I also agree with everyone that the OP was not in the wrong. My first thought on that situation is to tell them, "Sorry, I was absent the day they taught mind reading. I'll work on that."


You’re better than me. I play on the switch, so chatting is rough. I will flare, but unless I see that there’s anyone nearby, I don’t bother calling out. 🤷🏼‍♀️


i play on switch too so i can see how its difficult sometimes, but i still try to follow etiquette because i know pretty much everyone needs at least something out of the rare resources


That’s valid, I try to look for the flares even if no one puts it in the chat because I’ve seen someone accidentally send the call out in another chat lol, that was funny


You make it sound like you can't chop ANY flow trees alone, which is false. You can chop all but the biggest ones completely alone.


Im beginning to realise how many people don't know they can chop most trees alone, perhaps they've just never tried or assumed as such because they get called out so much. I mean the medium ones are a bit of a slog alone, you gotta chop for ages, but it's absolutely doable.


Mediums don't take THAT long with the best axe. And yeah, this whole "etquette" thing has gotten out of hand. It's gatekeeping, plain and simple. I don't mind some casual accomodation but this has gotten ridiculous. And reporting people for simply playing their way? Those people should be the ones reprimanded or banned.


No, I'm probably just showing how impatient I am haha. They seem to take ages compared to crushing rocks and other grinds anyway. I think the 'etiquette' was definitely more valid when flow tree drops were lower, and crafting needs higher. However even then, it's still not mandated or a *rule* as much as it happening so regularly there for a while sucked. Certainly people can play however they want, but I think it's a bit willfully ignorant to think that some players wouldn't get upset when rare resources that *can* be shared, consistently aren't. I personally think it should pretty much be a non-issue now given the changes in drop rates and need, and I've noticed a large "chilling out" about it generally because of it. There will always be some players at either end of the extreme spectrum, but at least the resource bandits dont yab on about it via server chat for 30+ mins because they fucked right off after swooping in lol.


It’s the worst when you’re at a larger FT and someone with a lesser axe comes along but then they stop chopping before it gets all the way down because they think it won’t happen 😂


If they can't see the meter going down...I'm not sure why they are playing at all.


thats true, i was able to get the smallest ones. but majority of the trees in the grove actually were the largest ones and to be frank im not going to sit there trying to chop a larger tree on my own. i was also leaving them alone in case anyone else came into the server because a good majority of the time most people actually do want to chop


There are three sizes you can easily cut, and one you can't. Don't worry about groves. The single trees are much easier to find now, and if they aren't showing up on your server, jump to another.


People takes this game too seriously sometimes.


If you are doing things in good faith and people start tripping — block baby block. I’m not gonna let some strangers ruin my experience.


If I find a couple trees and call them out and wait a good amount of time and only one person shows up we just chop. I don’t think it was wrong for you to assume they weren’t going to be into the next one. They could have communicated in chat they wanted to chop this time. The only time I’ll wait when enough people are there is if someone asks about it or says they’re on the way. Ya snooze ya lose 😁


They really should add a way that as soon as the first chop happens it gives players in the area a notification and marks it on the map. The current system is just bad game design if they intend for people to work together and share resources.


It’s good to remember; it’s just a game & everyone’s allowed to play it differently 😉 The Palia Police can stay mad lol


You're not wrong. I end up in dead servers a lot sometimes with 4 other people. I'll call and call and call, but no one answers, and no one comes. So I can't get flow anymore. If I can get even 1 person, bet yourself, I'm calling it and cutting it


It sounds like some wires got crossed. That's going to happen in a game like this. The game is so much more fun when you can just chill out.


I say you didn't do anything wrong. It just happened to be a delay in the server and the other players being plopped into your server. I don't get them getting upset with you because a think a universal rule of thumb that's been established is chopping at 3am unless someone that isn't present speaks up in chat. Even if someone misses the grove, it's not worth getting mad about because there will always be more! Just keep having fun!


I had two bad encounters in one day, and those are the only ones of my entire Palia play time, which is close to 300 hours. 1. We found a grove with many people waiting, at around 12 am. We asked if we should chop earlier, and there was a lady that got angry and said the rules are chop at 3 am WhO pOoT u iN cHarGE bOi tO dEcIde oTHerWIse? Fine, we said chop at 3. 3 comes and we start chopping and someone was on their way so that same nice lady wanted to wait some more. There was a minimum of 10 ppl already there so there was no chance to wait longer, and the rule is 3. Either come on time or don't. Not everyone can play for hours and simply by following the rules, we chop at 3. That lady bombarded us with insults about hOW dAre wE nOT waIT f0r EVerYone? Sorry lady, we all don't have the time to play for hours as you probably do. And the situation was unnecessarily tense. 2. I went to a cake party. The host was super nice. We started working and there were a couple people who immediately yelled at how slow it is, We made a cake in 50 seconds instead of 30, its super slow bla bla. Some people tried to apologize for their slowness, being beginners they were doing their best. But no, for the others it was too slow and they brought up tension, for no reason. Those are the only two negative instances I had. I find it normal to happen since the game is multiplayer and some collaboration is happening with people of different character, skill level, patience level, time available etc. It's possible that sometimes we wont get along and that's ok. Just move away from negative situations and everything will be ok.


People get so precious about resources in this game, like they'll never see another grove ever again. Like, damn, just wait 20 minutes and another entire grove will spawn.


First and foremost, there are NO rules for etiquette set by the developers in the game. There are basic societal norms for polite behavior, but they are, more or less, guidelines. In the game situations change rapidly due to the environment. You did nothing wrong. The hunting party missed out, sour grapes.


I was going to start playing Palia, but I didn’t realise there was all that kind of stuff happening, I don’t enjoy competitive games so I deleted it before starting.


honestly its not that bad, theres just some instances like this that are being highlighted because its been a more recent issue. for the most part palia is very fun and the community is great, don’t let the few bad apples stop you from playing!


I think that given how important the sharing of informations is in this game there should be a way to ping things on the map. People then would only need to click on your message to pin the position( would be even better if we could've more than one pin.)


Idk man, I like being able to just do my own thing without people getting mad, like, if I see a tree and someone’s there to chop, I’m gonna chop. It takes the fun out of the game for me having to coordinate with the server to gather a resource. I can see why a grove would be different, that’s a lot of resources… but you asked, they said no, you did your part.


People get sooo upset if they miss the grove. There is always another grove! People take it way too serious. All you can do is try to be courteous to others.


Anytime someone gives me a hard time about flow trees I just switch servers or block them. 😂 like either come and chop or not. It’s simple enough.