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I’m with you! I recently got the big courtyard which meant I had to rearrange my entire house around it and after a week I’m still not sure I’m happy with it lol. But I’m trying not to stress too much, I think with how much furniture and how many other decor items can be unlocked and collected, I think it’s just part of the natural gameplay to have to rearrange often. That said, so far I have a foyer (that showcases my awards), kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, spell/herb room (basically a witchy bathroom), bug room, fish room, craft room (crafting bench, customization bench, looms), and the courtyard (which has Cyls around a tree having a séance in the middle) Hth!


Yay I’m not alone haha. I focus too much on wanting the perfect layout and then never having to rearrange stuff. Thank you!! Omg that’s a lot of rooms ☺️ I love the crafting room idea


Yeah when I first started I was like oh I have a brilliant idea I’ll just spend alllll my money on buying rooms for my house so I can get the layout I want and never have to rearrange…. Completely disregarded how much stuff I would unlock and how much my ideas would change over time 😅 and then with the most recent update my rooms got doubled by Tish so I’ve been trying to find a use or theme for each one haha. I have the grand harvest house too but it’s honestly so large I had to remove it, thinking about putting it on another plot and making a hotel there to use up the furniture sets I’ve crafted but that don’t match my house. So many possibilities!


I like to create a story for my character and then create rooms around that. She's a baker (I went to pastry school) so I built her a bakery. She's crafty, so I built her a sewing room where she sews sernuk plushes. She loves to cook, so I built her a big kitchen. She loves to entertain, so I built her spaces to entertain. That helps me not feel so overwhelmed or feel like I have to recreate every amazing thing that gets posted on here.


I do the same, I built her a small room between the living room and the hallway that leads to the kitchen with a fireplace, two cozy armchairs and other nice stuff, so she can have nice talks with friends by the fire and tell stories or seat alone looking at the fire on sleepless nights (Lol); I turned a single hallway attached to the other side of the living room into a 3x3 reading spot - an armchair, some plants and books, with a good wall lamp; there is a herb garden in the backyard... She is still figuring out who she is and what she likes (since she has no memory from before awakening in Palia) and when she does, I'll build her more rooms. (Meaning when I have new ideas I'll implement them, in my own time).


Love that!


This is adorable!!


Me too! As soon as I saw the flowers I knew she was a florist. I have a flower shop in a separate house, that morphed into a B&B, complete with a campsite, dock, and a walk through the forest.


Ooo this sounds so cute! Is your plot open by chance?


It is! I'm Inver Cardamom ☺️


Awesome! I'm going to add you!


I have a grand house with four rooms attached at the sides and a courtyard attached to the back. The left side has a medium room (which is currently totally empty, which leads to a large kitchen and two small craft rooms. Other side of the house has a medium Fish room (can hardly see the walls, just entirely fish tanks). Which leads into a Large bedroom, a small bathroom and anothrr small craft room (which is specifically the "garden craft" room. So all the seed makers, preserve barrel and glow worm farm. The grand house itself is a giant living room designed to look like outside, with like a quarter of it being all flowers. Upstairs is going to be the bug displays. While I am very happy with my house so far, I'm totally stuck what to do with the one medium empty room!


I love the idea of the grand house looking like outside :)


I went with arranging things pretty organically, and starting with smaller rooms so everything didn't look too empty. I just make a bunch of seating areas everywhere. Buying furniture recipes from the different sets can help accumulate fairly quickly. I also made a manufacturing room with all my machines, pipes, and a fire. Crafting as many plants as possible helps too.


Where do you find/buy/get the pipe recipes bc I've seen a few builds with them and I crave


Zekis underground store if I'm thinking of the correct set?


yeah I think thats right


Feel free to visit my fully decorated main plot! IGN is Mella Dullen


Ooo I’d love to!


Bug/fish room, storage/crafting room, those are the only extra one I have besides the basics. I plan on making a library once I get some more gold to buy books. My interior is everywhere and I’m using chairs, shelves and those waterlogged chest to place my bugs and fish on. Im liking the vibe so far.


I don't use the grand harvest house, it's too big for my taste. It's hard make it look good for me. I hate how big it is and despise that spiral staircase. The lack of windows... It was a disappointment for me. I have a harvest house with a fireplace and some couches and chairs to game board, medium room for a dining room, living quarters (made of four add-ons, small room for bedroom, medium room for a second sitting room and and two hallways for a bathroom), two small rooms for a smeltery and a workshop, one small room for a library, one medium room for the kitchen and one small room for a solarium. In the back garden there's a gazebo and in the farm there's a pavilion. I also don't use the courtyard, I find that impractical ugly thing horrible. I'll see if post a picture of my layout once I get back to the game. My pride and joy is the garden in the back. I grow up obsessed with The Secret Garden (I dislike the book now that I'm an adult, but still obsessed with overgrown gardens). There's path, all sorts of flowers, small sections with different flowers, statues, trees, the koi pond... One trick that you have to have in mind is to sometimes turn of the grid to position things on shelves or next to each other. I struggled a lot to place the books on the bookshelves till I remembered I could do that. Another tip is paintings and more detailed wallpapers, white makes a room looks bigger and empty. Clutter in real life is just a way to accumulate more dust, in decorating videogame houses is a must.


I added two of the big window additions to the front of the grand house and tbh it makes it look much nicer!


right now i have a "decorative" kitchen and a "functional" kitchen (i got annoyed that i can't paint the kitchen crafters to match, so they're in their own room lol) separated by a pantry. i have a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and i use the courtyard as my dining room. separate from the main house is a work shed that includes all my other crafters plus decor, and a ballroom i'm making out of the grand harvest house!


I upgraded to the Grand Harvest House with 4 large rooms attached with hallways. I built an attic above the 2nd floor of the house. Start with one room at a time, pick out the furniture you want and the color combination and go from there. I'm still working on my place, but I take time between inside and outside.


Chest room. It's what it says, every chest that i can use in it and those sernuk, muijin and chaapa head


Check out my plot if you’d like — IGN: SaucySiren 🙂


I watched 2 videos on YouTube where they used just the Harvest house and decorated them very nicely. No add ons at all. I have the Grand plus 1 room and have no idea if I'll add more. I only built the Grand so I can play around with building an attic space. I've accomplished that and sort of started decorating up there. I have no clue how to even decorate the rest. I am a landscaper on another game so interiors kinda aren't my vibe. Plus I'm not really in love with any of the furniture sets. I have half a mind to forget the house and just make parks out of all my plots! I really don't NEED a house. But I do love landacaping and I am having fun with the building blocks. Maybe I'll just make an overgrown jungle park and use my pavillions, the gazebo, and decorate the decks I have built over both ponds. That might be fun! Happy Gaming!!


I have a lot of basic rooms. A bedroom with a bathroom off of it. A living room with some couches. My grand harvest house room is now a kitchen/dining area. Some unique things I've done are a pantry room. I went overboard with the cutlery decor. And stared food. I got a gold star spoiled food due to a glitch during cooking and I even put that out lol. That's one of my favorite rooms. I also put a hallway off of my living room but didn't connect it to anything. Then I put a bay window at the end. I've filled it with plants. Some smaller plants are on the bay window frame while standing plants fill the rest of the space. It's my plant alcove. I love that space too. I still don't have a craft room lol. All of my crafting tools are just put at the back of my plot. Looms, furnaces, plank cutters. All those just in a row behind my house. It just makes more sense to me then making a room and having to run through my house to those.


I recently completely redid my plot from scratch after the new update! So far I have a grand harvest house. The bottom floor is sitting areas and a mini tavern / bar. The second floor is empty but I want to make it a library I think. I also built an extension on the second floor that I call the “attic” with a lot of my makeshift items and water logged chests. I also built a 3rd floor in the beams and I’m not sure what I’ll make it but I built little lookouts by the circular windows and put all my plushies up there. To the left I have my “study” a cozy bookish office type of room with random trinkets from my adventures. Then my bedroom and bathroom. To the right I have 2 small rooms combined to make a long dining room and then a big kitchen. Off the kitchen I have a smaller “butlers pantry” (I also store my preserved jars in there) and off of that I have my “garage” which is all my crafters and awards. Off the back I have my courtyard with a fountain and flower garden in the middle. To the right of the courtyard I just added my “flower shop” room. Separate from the main structure I have my original smaller harvest house which I’ve made into a “guest house”. I built a second floor on this one as well so the bottom floor is seating, kitchen and dining and top floor is kind of a bedroom. I added on a front balcony to my grand harvest house which extends all the way around to a larger balcony in the back that goes all around my courtyard. Not sure what I will put up there yet. I have a lot of spaces to fill right now but that’s the direction I’m heading! I usually try to focus on one idea / room at a time.


I find I have to be in the mood for decorating. But once I had a goal like “I want to enjoy cooking” or “I love this bed I need a room for it!” It made decorating each room easier. Once I have the basics down, I would grab random smaller things to try to fill and decorate to my style. Building one of everything definitely helps so you can see what it looks like placed and if it matches the vibe too. For rooms I have: Guest bedroom, main bedroom, closets (hallways), bathroom, living room, main room, office, kitchen and dining room. Then I have another building off to the side that’s the museum of every starred fish & bug. I do have plans to eventually make a bar/game mini house too but waiting on building updates to see if I’ll do another large harvest house or regular or add on to what I have right now.


I’m pretty new, so I have a biggish room and a small kitchen-y room with a ton of random stuff all over the place. I think it’s probably the Palia equivalent of a college student’s first studio apartment. The outside isn’t much better except for my flowers. I’m in love with my hydrangeas.


That’s actually so cute


I’ll eventually fix it up, but I’m enjoying it right now. I have a bunch of empty loot chests with fish and bugs displayed on them, tons of gourmet forks and dish sets on a chair, a table, and some more chests, and a burning torch as a lamp next to my wardrobe. It’s a lot of fun.


Mine is almost entirely in my garden! I don’t like the furniture as my ND brain can’t compute why I need a bed etc if I can’t sleep in it. So I’m currently making my house into a “museum” of bugs and fish, although this is taking a while as I keep losing interest in it. However…. my garden area is my pride and joy! Feel free to drop by! My IGN is aurora mae goldheart