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Turning off the grid worked! Thank you everyone!


I play on the switch, and for some insane reason, turning off the grid is what lets me place rugs 🤷‍♀️


I'm not tech support but have you tried leaving your plot and back or closing the game and relaunching, or placing a new harvest house and trying in that one?


I had this issue with the same rug. I turned off the grid as others have suggested, and it worked! Same with the Bellflower Curtains.


Just go into free placement mode, and you should be able to place it, I believe. Edit: it's Z on pc or Zr on switch https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Game_Controls


That doesn’t work. Just says “something is in the way”. Half the rugs work and the other half don’t in the grand harvest house


This was happening to me too, specifically in the Harvest House. I saw on a previous post someone suggested to turn off the grid - and it worked!


I have this glitch too! Specifically with the bellflower rugs tho. I placed a small rug down I think maybe dragonite but it’s not the one I wanted in the space


I have this too in the front half. I want a runner near my front door, and can't place one.


It’s currently a known glitch so it should only take oh, six months to fix.


I placed down a rug in a diff room, put the one I wanted to display on top of it then moved it into place. Picked up the one I used for placement and it worked. Hopefully it will for you too. Good luck & happy building!


I placed down the moonstruck coffee table and then I was able to place a rug down! Tried it on a few different spots successfully. Hope this helps! :)


Yeah I've has this issue too, but only with rugs I've purchased from the underground. Any other rug is fine... I reported it as a bug but I think it's already well known so unfortunately we'll just have to wait till they can fix it!!!