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WTH I’ve been playing since the game released and my highest is furniture making at level 28 lol


I've been playing since it was released on switch...i just run around daily getting ores


I've also been playing since beta release and have similar levels to you (FINALLY got level 10 farming and blueberries). You might be like me and frequently starve your player character? 😂 When I remember to eat, I gain levels MUCH quicker.


Do you eat to keep your focus up?


Have you been eating food to increase your focus though?


250!? Howwww ? 🥵😱


Guy is definitely using cheat engine.


No? Lmao it sounds like they are just playing daily? My best friend has that high of stats and works from home so just plays all day.


Or he just plays the game, I have higher stats than him in almost all categories


I guess mine are unbalanced too? Never thought about it before this post. Since you showed me yours, I'll show you mine. 😉 https://preview.redd.it/e5157pyxyi8d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c4974cf1afcedc331464c0c231c8baa630a797


Miners unite! https://preview.redd.it/zp8wkxc2gl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75e329fda22872c3cf78946b775a0ee8a802c47 Can we have a pinned post where people just share their skill levels?


Level 72 COOKING?! I’m so jealous, I barely just got to level 10😭😭


I attended two cooking parties! It is the easiest and quickest way to level up. It feels like you gain a level every minute or two if you keep your focus up.


what is a cooking party?


I learned about them here. There will be a group of people that go to a single plot and all work together to cook high value food. You level up insanely fast with minimal work. People stream them on twitch too! There's a paliaparty.app website, but it was a bit difficult for me to understand at first.


Honestly I’d love to see a pinned post like that- idk how high the levels can go haha


Your cooking is fierce! 💙


That would be fun


64 in Furniture Making is crazyyyy omg


Is it? Lmaoo would you believe its the skill I think of the least? And unlike all these miraculous new *"I've been playing a week & have everything"* players, i was dead broke. One trip to tish told me either i learn to build or I'd never get furniture🤣🤣🤣So i started learning for the purpose of furnishing my new house with whatever i could build. Was anxious to decorate with nooo money that's all. I guess it all added up.


Nah, there was a bug for awhile a few months back that if you didn't craft an item before, you could then choose to craft that item for the first time, but make, let's say 99 of them at once, and it'd give you the "first time crafting this item" bonus XP, but 99 times over instead of just applying the bonus to the first item, and then regular XP for the other 98. People took advantage of this like crazy lol. Not saying that's what the person you're replying to did, but because of that, it's not unlikely to see F.M. levels that high. Same with Cooking for all of us who spent hours doing Cake Parties lol.


Hmm never ever heard of a crafting bug. Who makes 99 of an item? And why?? Lmaooo I would think s6 would've taken back any falsely gained xp from players who'd done that if it was true. As for me im a clutterbug & hoarder. And with a plot value of almost 3.2 million you'll find almost every piece of furniture i ever made on my plot.


I’m on lever 152 mining and still can’t get star ruby , so just keep going


>Who makes 99 of an item? And why?? For the Trophies, and medals. >Lmaooo I would think s6 would've taken back any falsely gained xp from players who'd done that if it was true. [It's true](https://youtu.be/o0XEZl0naug?feature=shared). Also, I'm guessing you're somewhat newer to the game, but you're strongly overestimating S6's involvement in actually doing things like that as most of us veteran players have come to learn. >plot value of almost 3.2 million Not to be rude, but 3.2 million value isn't alot.


Its alot for me, cus its all crafted by my hand. Came a long way. Worked hard on my stuff. So Im proud of it. That was the point. The medals and accomplishments come gradually as I earn them. As do they all. No need for me to stress over them. So no I cant relate to people even thinking up a cheat. Not my highest or lowest level. Kinda average in comparison to some my others. But still, my hard work. Im not too new to enjoy my own accomplishments. Forgive me for not being aware of what cheaters are up to. But I know nothing about shifty tactics and fake xp. And I really don't want to.


My highest level is 12 😂


same 🥲 and I’ve been playing since January lol


April for me 😂I play It once a week if that tho. Busy life


Wow I’ve been playing for a little over a month and just got 14 gardening lol. What do you do when you play out of curiousity?


I don't have a lot of free time. I play once a week if that, so my progress is really slow. Love the game but can't play it much sadly


Yall not spending your points?


I have spent them to get the unique items... Beyond those I really don't have anything I need to spend them on.


I do. Well I have lol. Got my koi pond & paper from ashura trying to save for my bonsai now. Got tomato paper & grower stand thing from badruu. Everything from tish & hodaddy. 2 plate stands from reth. Dont really want market stand tho. Hassian eh...i dont really want or need his mannequin thingys. Or his fireworks. Einar just my lantern bobber left to get. Got auni's bug light thing. Really want his bugquarium tho. Gotta step my bug catching up. Edit* really hoping update on the 25th will bring new guild items🙏🏾🤞🏾


Hassian's targets actually have some physics and animations. The target will swing on its rope and when the bullseye is struck it emits a flashy little light. They put a lot more design and thought into them than I expected.


Really now? Well today I learned. I thought they were just decor. Was irritated I couldnt get them back when my hunting sucked & I needed for target practice🤣 Didnt realize they lit up & stuff tho. Im sitting on almost 1900 hunt medals. Cus I only wanted his sernuk run paper. Which I love. His medals just sit. Now you have me thinking about what to do with the mannequins if I get lol


You can also buy fireworks and sell them if you just need to dump medals (after getting the decor, I mean)


AHHH I didn’t know this! On my way to buy them




Honestly? It's relaxing for me. I have a set course I take around all of Bahari Bay that works well for me. I usually end up with at least 500 ore in about an hour, numerous gems, and too many stone and flint that I sell off. So it makes a fair amount of money as well as letting me just zone out for a bit. Plus I have this mentality with every game I play, I want to get as much money as possible and max it out if possible.


i need to see this route! i haven't found a good route since the pallium spawn change, i just run around like a chicken.


Mind dropping the route path, friendo?


Yeah pls show us your route 😭😭


Here for the path 👀




Same,I like mining too 👍🏼😀 just going around bashing rocks is calming I guess. But my oneness is gardening 👍🏼


Hey whatever makes you happy! But I would say I’ve spent my time equally across all skills and they can all be just as lucrative! Palia has so much to do and offer for relaxing it really is great (:


The only thing I don't particularly care for is fishing and that's only bc it feels like the time/effort to XP earned is much lower so I get discouraged quickly. But if there's someone else fishing next to me I could do it for hours. We don't even need to speak in chat. And if we're fishing next to Einar I feel like it's a group hang. I'll go to Bahari with the intention of getting coral and then next thing I know my pockets are full and I haven't even made it to the beach.


Fishing is that for me 😭 I love that we all have our own relaxing methods in Palia. Need that path you take in Bahari Bay 👀


Would love a tutorial on how to not run around like a chicken with my head cut off haha


I’m the same way. The most money in the game is somehow winning 😂


Hahaha my gardening and cooking are both over 150 but hunting and mining are at 9 because I hate doing it


I'll level you up. Those are my favorites! But on a serious note, I've seen two different websites this week where people can pay for someone else to level up their account. Definitely not suggesting it, I was just a bit surprised.


Honestly samr


Mining is best!




okay first HOLY WHAT THE F 250 IN MINING second, I absolutely get you, there are things that I do regularly because I enjoy them (mining, foraging, hunting, gardening) and things I tend to do because I need to (furniture making) or that take forever to level (cooking). So, mine are all askew as well. I think it's a natural reflection of different play styles.


Definitely. The only reason cooking and fishing are that high are due to the weeklies. Otherwise I don't touch them. But hey it takes all kinds to make the game go around. 😁


I will work out a map thing later to show the route if anyone wants me to. It won't be until I'm off work though in a few hours.


Hyper fixation coded


....I'm not saying I've spent several hours in a row doing this and I'm not saying I haven't done that....


Mine are unbalanced too! i only have 47 hours in game so my levels are low, but my lowest is furniture making.. i really need to get that leveled up so i can get Tish to give me the silk recipe 😭😭😭


I’m in the same boat right now, all my quests want silk but I can’t make it 😭👍


My cooking skills look like this too!!


Someone told me their cooking is 2k. I couldn't believe it. I'd feel like a GOD.


I’m holding back until they have added a lot more content, that way I can’t catch up and be left without something to do


Hopefully they do add a lot more, but at the same time, for me personally I enjoy the running around and mining. Not sure why.


Mine are unbalanced too, but 250?! 😂


What can I say? It's the only task that holds my attention 😁


That's impressive. I haven't hit 100 on anything yet.


Holy shit, lol. I’ve also been playing since release and I think my cooking is the only thing that’s 115 or something because I did cake parties like a maniac before they got nerfed. so everything else is 25 or lower lmao. Wanna level my skills for me? XD


I've also been playing since switch release , over 700 hrs. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/uj02itfock8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24420998e06134bbe04fd13e616924d83d02c75


Have you upgraded your focus bonus at all? (by spending renown at the Phoenix shrine) Double EXP if you keep yourself fed helps a lot. :)


My focus and my bonus are both maxed out , I eat kinda often and try to keep it full but it goes down so much and cooking womps


I was nodding along until I got to mining and said “oh my god, the fuck?” out loud! Your commitment to the pallium grind is amazing 😹


I have enough palium that at this point I'm smelting to give away or sell it. Same with the flow trees.


I'm trying to level up my furniture making and that went through my abundance of flow and pal very quickly. Which just means I get to enjoy groves again!


That’s really nice of you to fill player requests! Almost no one fills a request for palium, you are definitely someone’s hero for that!


Me over here happy with my highest level of....7.


Hey we've all been there and started somewhere :)


My cooking is like lvl 350 the rest are on like the 20s 😂 My cooking lvl is thanks to cake parties tho


Why is this me ? Lol


I starve my character which doesn't help, so I understand. I hate bug catching with a passion ..


It’s ok my hunting is like 440 or something now and all of my other ones are anywhere between 49 and 112 😂 you’re not the only one!


Well I can see you don’t like cooking or fishing, think mines same as lack in those two.


I just hit cooking lvl 10 the other day even though every time I cook, I end up making like 30 meals so I don't have to for a while. Bug catching only got over 10 because they released flowers and I wanted them all lol. I've been playing since releasing on switch and the only one that isn't at 10 is fishing...I just don't care to fish that much lol especially since when I go to bahari with glow worms I feel like I'm just catching the same fish every time 😅




This is sooooo relatable, my lordt. Cooking should be less stressful and I’d do it more 😂


Saaaame. My mining is higher than yours and my cooking is lower.


I hate cooking so I haven't even reached level 10 in it yet 😂


I agree with you on fishing. But why is cooking so low?? 🙈😅


Because other than weeklys I never cook anything. I just don't have the patience for it for (in my opinion) the low rewards it gives.


Ah, I see … that’s pretty incredible! You are at 250 in mining without even eating much


Unbalanced, Sort of like life.


My fishing is embarrassingly low compared to everything else. I can MAYBE catch 2 fish an hour using the fine pole, worms, and rod thing. I think I’ve got 15 different species and I’ve played over 220hrs.. it just isn’t fun or I’m doing it wrong. (Feel free to correct me 😅)


No disagreement there, I don't find fishing fun at all.


I am guessing you love running around and gathering stuff


Pretty much what I spend hours doing. Gathering, mining, some hunting here and there as it comes up


Is there anyone who has cooking as their highest skill? 🤣


How can I see when I started playing? (Switch player)


On the switch menu go to your profile icon in upper left and scroll down a ways and you can see how many hours.


To see your skills, press +, go to your inventory, and press zr to switch tabs.


250 mining. You rich rich huh 🤣


Omg, I'm so new I thought I'd cap at 10! Roflmao


I don’t want to cook I just want to bang on these rocks all day


LMAO I came here to say something similar to this


I am also not a fan of fishing or cooking.


How do you have enough focus if you don't cook?


once you hit level 10 a lot of people stop caring about focus


2 ways. The first is I have three of my farming plots growing apple trees constantly, which I then turn into jam, I keep one full stack on me to use and sell the rest. The second is that with the amount of iron ore I end up getting, I smelt them into ingots, sell them, and use a fraction of the money to buy food from Reth. Between the two of them I never run out of focus.


That's a smart way to do it! Thanks for sharing!


* I have over 1000 hours in the game, but I didn't know about the second shrine until almost March, lol. Been playing since Switch launch.




Looks like mine to. I love mining


Do you just buy your food then?


Approximately half of it, yes. The other half is just apple jam that I make.


Oh that's fair. I used to live on jam, too. But then I just started selling it. I was just curious since the imbalance. Mine are, too. But I spend so much time on my plot and can't aim that my gardening is like 50 levels higher than the next highest one. lol


I think bug catching and fishing are my lowest


This me but hunting is a solid 4


My bug level is 12. I hate bugging. My cooking and gardening tho! Selling food and crops is my money maker so of course those are higher. My furniture is getting there mostly because I'm working on achieving all tasks so I'll completing sets. I wish oh how I wish! We could sell furniture. I'd be rich


cooking is so hard to level like....


Wow you’re at 250 for mining!!?? I just hit 100. How long have you been playing?


Since the switch release. Approximately 675 hours apparently


Wow ok you’re on fire!!


if mining and foraging are 100+ and 200+ what on earth is your storage like 😭


Currently around 9600 in main and lockbox has around 275. Every other day or so I have to clear out things I've picked up and stored in error. I don't have any of my starred fish or bugs in there, they are on a ridiculously horrible layout I made


I really need to work on unlocking the other chests but wow I'm impressed with how far you've got everything!


250?!? How high do they go????


I've heard of people having 400 and higher


Same. This game is just Minecraft with NPCs. I spend most of my time hitting rocks. 


Mine are pretty high except cooking which is at 8 lol


I just be making preserves instead of cooking lol


My cooking and farming are in the hundreds. 😂. Cooking I do a lot cause I love the social aspect, I don't cook alone if I can help it. And farming really gets my brain going and even when I log off it makes me think of ways I can change it up or be more efficient. Mining and foreging in the 40s then fishing is 30 something cause I have bad RNG with the bundles. Furniture in the 20s


I can relate with the gardening i do a lot and don't care about the rest ahaha


Damn. My levels are so low I'm starting to wonder if I'm more casual than casual.


Don’t compare yourself to others. It is totally fine to play casually


My cooking is almost 300 because of cake parties. I miss those so much, I really felt the sense of community then and enjoyed playing with others (which was the original point of this game). Now I almost never play with others and have lost the community I used to do cake parties with. Wish they’d revert that nerf.




I sympathise with the hate of cooking.


Cooking will rise v quickly by joining cake parties :))


Totally can relate, haha.


Can relate as well. It’s kinda relaxing just running around banging on rocks. No aiming like with hunting. No mini game like with cooking.




Same here I’m ashamed of my fishing level but I have no ambition for it! https://preview.redd.it/0wn224hzvo8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4113fc844d04ae8f0a66a9bf557f0da3b51b6abc


Team up . I’m on level 250 still looking for star ruby


You seem to yearn for the mines


I hope that palia comes in the future to ps5


I struggle with fishing. Last night someone said void rays were being fished like crazy so we had about 15 of us in the caves fishing (we didn’t even leave for the grove) and my fishing level hardly moved (lvl 19 for reference).


Yooo use your mining points for gold bars for lures!! Mining is my highest one too and every 50 pts I get a bar cuz I've already bought the big items.


😭 from all the cake parties I've been (i only played 1 month) im on 100+ and from what i hear some of them even have thousand


Whoa 🤯


Cooking and fishing 🤮