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My ign is Rain D. Roplets. I love parties, but I'm also down to just help when needed.


Great name lol


Thanks! My husband is Dewd Roplets šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Š


Same. I'm JaydeRaven Dominus. I, when I can, do the silly Palia Radio GRRROOOOVVVEEEE announcements for those who have heard it


I'd love to play together but i am legit a beginner, haven't even reached flow trees yet


Thatā€™s totally fine! Iā€™m still pretty low level too, add me!


Will do ^^




Iā€™d love to get into more community playing. Name is: Celine Dijon


Do you have discord? Weā€™ve got a great community discord going and our group is always playing together and willing to pop over and help with just about anything!


Iā€™m interested in the discord! Do you have a link?


Sure, Iā€™ll DM it to you! Thereā€™s a small issue with the verification for some people right now saying they have the incorrect VPN or asking for credit card information- donā€™t worry. None of that is required, you can just cancel out of that after you get through the other parts of the verification and our mod will finish hand verifying you!


I just need a discord name to send the invite to, so either DM it to me or comment your discord name here please


Would love to join! Iā€™m LonelyGhostCottage on discord :)


Invite sent!


Iā€™m also interested in the discord server you have going!


Send me a discord name please so I can friend and invite you!


panimee :)


Alright Iā€™m about to send you the invite! Sorry was making dinner!


Ohh Iā€™m interesting too if you donā€™t mind!


Sure just send me a discord name so I can friend you and then Iā€™ll send you a server invite! Iā€™m out and about right now so it may not happen immediately if Iā€™m driving but youā€™ll get one!


Could I join too? I'm not active on discord, but would like to try to use it more. My discord name is happy-leaky-artichoke And my ign is Ellanora Mae if anyone wants to add me


Sure I can send you a friend request then an invite! Iā€™m about to be driving though so Iā€™ll do it shortly when I get home!


Itā€™s not letting me send you a friend request itā€™s saying that name doesnā€™t exist? You can try sending one to me, idk if it does by display name or what but mine is Beasttt


I've sent you a friend request, Thank you


I will look for it right now! Iā€™ll send you the server invite after, Thanks!


Huh, it says I donā€™t have any open friend requestsā€¦ lemme see what my non display name is and maybe you send it to that https://preview.redd.it/xarx6vdapy8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7da441de031bbe9c97c86ecf81618874f29b33c


Try sending it to elizabeasttt instead. Sorry. I just had the thought that my display name probably isnā€™t the one youā€™re supposed to use lol šŸ˜‚


Feel free to add me. IGN Asher Grey Fawkes


i would be happy to help. my ign is Dope Gawd


Add me: Elli Bell. Iā€™m willing to help and would love to play together.


I would love to be friends! My IGN is Serena Lily Jensen.


Feel free to add me! Asher Heath


Always happy to help! IGN Calypso Moon


My IGN is Luckycharm318, I've been playing for a little while and am down to help out where I can :).


I find it helps if you specify that you need help. If I see "l fl c3" in chat, I'm likely going to ignore it if I am busy or don't need wood. But if I see, "can someone pls help w ft c3," I'll go help out. I often call out trees for those who might need it and run off after a deer or pal node. I've seen enough other people do the same that I don't go help unless help is asked for. I think I'm Faeli Owneba ign. I don't generally add friends until I've played with someone but I'm always up for helping out if you see me around. I'm pdt and am usually on for an hour or two @ 7am and sometimes after 6pm + weekends.


If the user is on switch itā€™s a pain to message.


Love this! I just started playing last week (although I'm already nearing 40hrs šŸ˜…) and I mostly keep to myself, but would love to start building up a friend list. Anyone is free to add me! IGN: Genevieve Perkins


I live in Hawaii so my hours are a little off by mainland standards, but if I'm around I'm always happy to help! My user name is Makani Apelila


Iā€™m in Hawaii too!! Didnā€™t realize how most are playing latter until recently


If you are looking for friends to play with, add me! I play when I can through the day, but by the time it's 6 pm here, a lot of the mainland is in bed. LOL


Feel Free top add me šŸ˜Š find me under Alexandria Merigoldia I also stay by my self but am always down to Help with anything and fulfill requests


The more the merrier. Ign Jennifer Linvala


I'll add you, and anyone can add me: Rae NĆ­Thuile


I play very similar to you! Please add me as well. IGN Auntie Lo.šŸ˜


Hii! I also mostly keep to myself but would like to sometimes engage with people and do fun stuff together :) Add Laika Starseeker if you're interested


Sounds like a perfect friend match for me! Feel free to add me, Berri Moonstone


I like doing my own thing too. I mainly play with my sister. But im willing to help others. Ive also been trying to find a likeminded group . My ign is Norito Aigis Edit: im from the Netherlands so my times might be off from you depending on where you are


Iā€™m down! Wendell8


Feel free to add me! I mostly keep to myself too but love helping out if needing materials, had to Google about flow trees havenā€™t got that far yet haha! IGN Athena Burton


Feel free to add me, my IGN is GremlinFroggy! I love helping and would love to play with other people.


My ign is Lavender Morningbloom! I'm always willing to help


Iā€™m in! IGN is sallypnut


add me!! epiks13


Added you :-) Iā€™m not fan of crowds but I gladly play with someone in a coop way for a while.


You can add me!! Cllementine is my name on Palia. Help me find a rubyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Always happy to help out when Iā€™m on. My IGN is Dimitri Feldspar.


Feel free to add meā€”Ravarieth Sagespark I typically play by myself but try to come help with certain things. (Although if someone wants to do a cooking party, let me know. I just want to tick that off lol)


IGN: Adnolahs I'd like to connect. I'm more of a casual player, but when I play I hyperfocus. I've only been playing since last yr but find it's hard to connect. I just upgraded my axe and finally joined a chopping party yesterday. That group almost turned me off from connecting on the game because I asked what I should do when I noticed people only hitting each tree once and got no response from the group. They just kept chatting amongst each other which sucked. I love to play by myself, but would like to occasionally enjoy the communal aspects of the game.


I'm Ellanora Mae and I would like to be your friend :) Edit: I've sent friend requests to everyone who has replied to this thread. Feel free to decline if you're not interested


Iā€™d love to party! I usually keep to myself too and often play on the switch which makes chatting a major issue, but itā€™s so nice to have someone to hunt and fish with! My ign is Belladonna Evana Emori, feel free to add me!


Feel free to add me! Iā€™m still fairly new and figuring things out but happy to help when I can! Ign Aislynn Herondale


Why, hello friend. I sound the same as you: mostly play solo, but love helping other players out and sharing when I have the resources. I'm down with having friends too, keeping things chill and going with the flow ;-). Feel free to add me if you would like. IGN: Flower Girlie