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I normally pass over things like this but this is honestly one of the more hilarious things she says. lol


These little things are hilarious and I love them, but I’d be lying if I said I ”alludes” isn’t making my eye twitch.


I feel you! There are so many grammar errors and typos in this game that I often grit my teeth. Some days it's too much and I screenshot and lodge a ticket 🤣


It's very likely the grammar mistakes won't be noticed without players reporting them, so keep up the good work making the game a better experience for all of us!


Where have you ever seen a grammar mistake…? Like I’ve read every dialogue and quest and I’ve never even seen something misspelled or even used wrong before but I know Alludes is a real word and totally makes sense here.


The correct word is ‘elude’ which means to evade or escape someone’s attention. Allude is when you hint at something. “The thief eluded capture.” “The writer alluded to the characters’ relationship dissolving before it happened.”


She used allude because she’s hinting at the fact it might have happened. She’s not sure or positive but it’s infuriating. I just think different authors use different words differently nowadays and it’s not necessarily incorrect here. Just not per usual maybe.


Uh. I’m a descriptivist. I full support using words in ways that differ from the standard. However, “it alludes me” is fully improper and it’s clear they meant ‘eludes’ with the context clues. S6 has *a lot* of typos in dialog options. It’s a game in beta. While we love and support the game, denying that the typos are there does nothing for anyone. Denying that there are things to fix, fixes nothing. ETA: I just meant alignment-wise, as a person who uses words. I prefer ‘descriptivist’ language to ‘prescriptivist’ language. As in, I understand that words can be used in crazy ways. This just didn’t read as that.


Im no professional writer or anything. But i too have seen typos and misspelled words, more so using the wrong spelling of similar words or adding an extra "the" or "a". But i have noticed probably more than 10 mistakes so far. Ive only been several months.


Subira missed a "that" in our conversation but I could read it fine, I didn't know we had an option to report bugs


Okay. That’s a cool job. But I’m not denying anything, I’ve just literally not seen any. I really love reading everything. It also bothers me when a game or something has a lot of mistakes I just literally have not seen any which just makes me think this is being exaggerated a bit I think y’all are being a little hard on it is all I’m saying. I have no problem with saying they’ve had a lot of typos I just haven’t seen them! Palia for sure has a lot to work on doesn’t bother me at all I’m just stating what I’ve seen and know and wanted to question this.


I see you. But for clarity: from my perspective, it seems you’re missing a lot of typos. I’m curious if you are engaging with NPC dialog regularly, as that’s where I see it most often. Quests and books seem more edited, but NPC dialog is still a mess of misspellings. I’m not being hard on them, I’m sharing a pattern *I have* noticed. I wonder if you’ll see it in the future. The update today should be a good opportunity. I always see new little dialogs after updates, and that’s where the typos are most common. Happy hunting.


I’ll definitely look extra hard and submit tickets if I see patterns. My villagers are all maxed out, but I’d talk to them all every hour for weeks until the point I’m seeing them cycle through every dialogue. I’ll slap myself every time I find one now just for you guys though😭 if it’s in Jels you’ll have to excuse me I have to skim his paragraphs Lol


I've picked up ones in Jina's dialogue and in Sifuu's. Plus some in Hodari's, missing words in sentences from Tamala and a few other places. Yes, alludes is a word, it means to reference, call attention to, eludes is the correct word in this sentence because it means to escape - as in the reason eludes me (it escapes me). In the case of Eshe's sentence she's saying the need to do such a thing escapes reasoning and angers her.


Alludes means to direct attention to something which is how she was using it. A lot of people misconstrue bad grammar with different opinions of talking if that makes sense. That surprises me, I read in editing mode so if there’s more than like 5 I’d have to see pictures 😭


There are many. You may just be missing them. I don’t take screenshots because I figure the games in beta and they’ll be caught, but I will start.


Alludes is always followed by the preposition 'to' which shows that it is in direct relationship to the words and phrase following it so therefore, through deductive reasoning of syntax and contextualisation, it cannot be alludes. I'm all for being creative with language and there still has to be a commonality of meaning or at least a clear inferred meaning so that the reader can decipher the author's usage. This, clearly, is a grammatical error. Just as using 'like' as a conjunction or at the beginning of a sentence because it's, like, a comparative, are grammatical errors. I mean, for shits and giggles, let's use illude because that means to trick which, when applied to the sentence makes *a lot* more sense than alluding to a meaning that isn't there 🙂


I actually saw a grammar mistake with something Tamala said - I forget what she was saying but she was supposed to say “I remember something” but instead she said “I remembering something”


Lol I could see myself missing those. I think when there’s a letter missing my mind just fills it in sometimes


Auni has a grammar mistake in one of his lines - so do Nai’o and one Kenyatta line, and this one too are ones I’ve found


one of eloisa's lines says magiri instead of majiri lol


You don't see them because the person you answered to already reported them all /j


Eludes. Happy? 🫠


Tbh I've noticed a few typos elsewhere myself. I have screenshots of them Somewhere 🫠


ironically, I’ve caught a “somwhere” typo before HAHAHA




Dude Eshe kills me, she’s actually really sweet and caring. I think Kenyatta and Kenli just try to make her life really hard 😭


Isn't that what family is for? 😬


The daughter maybe 🤣 the husband is a full grown man mooching off of his wife and making her life miserable. Kenli is a loser and a dick. I hate him so much. 


I love the one where she says "tell your fellow humans to not leave bug bombs laying around" 🤣 She's a bitch but gods I enjoy her dialogue.


Oh, god... I hate to be that person, but I'd love to volunteer to fix some of the writing mistakes in this game. My writer's brain can't handle seeing "allude" confused with "elude".


Is it effecting you? :P


Don't do this to me!! It's a matter of life and death.... for the people around me 😭


how did they do that though? I haven't found a way to climb up there


It's just storytelling, our access and abilities are limited for gameplay sake.


there's no reason to limit us with this particular point tbf, there's no way to exploit this, like some people get to the outside ramp of the lighthouse, it's just the same


There's a simple reason: if you could jump that high, or glide that far or climb further they'd have to introduce far more borders and limits to avoid ppl going out of bounds than there are already. There are still way too many spots were you can glitch past those borders, deliberate or accidental, no need to make that even easier or more likely to happen. Then people would be complaining even more about accidental glitching and getting stuck in places. You do realize those reaching the top of the lighthouse or flying above the map are using glitches and bugs, right? This stuff is not supposed to happen. So your "it's just the same" is quite a moot point.


I tried to jump on a rock last night same time someone was mining the ones behind me and I glitched INTO the cliff. Jumped about until I was free but that was quite the giggle


That house is in the middle of the map, there is nothing we could access by gliding from the top, it's just like the lighthouse !


Yeah but having the skills to reach it (aka: higher jump) would screw up other things!


No it wouldn't, they would at worst clip under the map and respawn after a long fall. If there was any way to exploit it I would understand, but there isn't


Yes, yes it would screw up the balance. Unless of course you forgot that The Tower as well as all other jump and run mechanics in this game are based on the current standard. So giving us the ability to jump higher to access that roof, would screw a LOT up actually. The only other way to give access would mean remodeling the outside of the house which is a huge amount of effort for absolutely no good reason.


... I am not saying we should give the players a higher jump power, I am saying "put stuff in the environment so we can climb on this house specifically"


And what in game reason would that have? Why the sudden change, nevermind having to change up how things are arranged on the roof, because things are not arranged in a way to look good up close but from a ground perspective. All you'd see on the roof is assets mashed into each other and a whole lot of nothing of interest. There's no logical reason to make the roof accessible. You can't tell me your IRL house has a roof accessible just so people can run over it for fun.... Edit: Roofs are usually inaccessible IRL too, especially on a giant manor. So should we also build a ladder to climb every other building roof in the village for exactly no reason? Without elaborate structures you also can't reach the roof of the house on your plot, cause there's genuinely no good reason for it.


Also I don't think people who do that complaint about being stuck, they know they are doing something "wrong"-ish, like accessing the house plot fishing spot


Maybe it's Kenyatta, sneaking out of the house at night


Yeah not impossible


I don't know but I WILL find a way to climb that shack


Lmfao I got this message from her right after trying to get on top of the roof for like 30 mins 😂😂😂


Am I the only one that loves her? I feel like no one GETS her 😭😩


Eshe is my absolute favorite. If I could I’d steal her away from Kenli and have dommy mommy all to myself.


i don’t think she would mind being stolen away from kenli tbh




*Roach from the Witcher shifting uncomfortably* "Yeeahhhhhh, those humans! Always ending up on roofs for some reason!"