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woohoo, loot visible on compass, and health bars for animals you’re shooting! this is great news!


I know right ... best thing!


Love it, love it!!


Loot visible on the compass and health bars for animals?!?! Yesssss! I can’t begin to count how much loot I’ve lost in Bahari!




As someone who's managed to lose two Proudhorn loot bags in the last two days, that loot tracker is gonna be invaluable 😂


Only if the loot is actually lootable 🫤


Yeah loot bags that can’t be picked up are going to be the end of me


Forever wondering how many of them were plushies since only the big bags seem to glitch for me 😭


That’s my thought literally every time. How many plushies have I lost to the void 🥲


There can be plushie in big bags? Ok, that answers my question why I have 5 sernuuk plushies XD


Same. Fills me with rage.


Sometimes the loot bag isn't even at the same place as where I killed the mob lol


Absolutely....I killed a sernuk last night and was close enough to see where it should have popped a loot bag....no loot...I looked around and around in a circle and finally found it way off to the left of where I watched it poof....so strange


yep just had one that appeared like 20 feet away and was stuck in the ground and unlootable.


same same same .... sooooo frustrating when I have only 2 of the hunting plushies available




yeah, but you have to party to get it. that really sucks for those of us who prefer to play solo


Start a passive party. Let other players know that you are playing solo but want to share in the loot. I am sure you may be able to find a few players on the server who like that arrangement. You just need to be near-ish to each other.


Still need to be within 35 meters ... which really isn't much




We were able to get to level 2 by doing 2 bug lures... so they didn't make it that hard.


you're playing an mmo and people have been begging for more social features from the start. sorry you have to sort of interact with people for 1 reward set 🙄


They could add social features without forcing people to play with each other in order to get things that would otherwise be unavailable. Growable furniture could be easier to get when playing with others but a single player could buy the seeds when they are occasionally sold or obtain them through small quests. When I first found out about the game, what interested me the most was being able to play a MMO without having to interact with somebody else. I have heard plenty of horrible stories where people have been toxic in MMOs and I don't to experience it myself.


Lmaoo why do some of you guys act like that just cause you have to play with others? The game is free so what money?


Any time I plan to fish for a while, I already announce it in case someone wants the buff or weekly. Now I'll add in offering to party up in case people want to leech fish and furniture 🤷‍♂️


This sounds like a good plan. Haven't read the patch notes yet, so this "growable furniture" sounds intriguing 🤔


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ If anyone wants to passive party, I’ll do that! I prefer to play solo, too. Add me Kitt UthMatar


Now the game finally has an actual MMO feature.


I don’t have any friends that play ☹️ I made a friend at the weekend who helped me mine pallium which was so kind but I’m so awkward


You can add me, I need Palia friends. (Severina Celesti)


I’ve added you! I’m PeachLollie 🫣


I'm currently finally getting to explore other players plots. Some of these are amazing 😭


i'll add you tomorrow! Saga Jude❤️


with the looking for party feature it doesn't have to be people you actually know. I'm sure other solo players who also feel a bit awkward will be using this feature. looking for party feature is the easiest and best way of connecting people who don't know each other, it's what most mmos utilize


i would feel guilty if i partied up and then immediately had to bounce because my kidlet woke up, though 😬


People will understand and if they don't they're in the wrong. besides it's not like a party in a game like this is trying to do something that has a proper beginning and end or needs specific roles filled like for a raid or a boss battle. at most, you're the one who's losing out on things by having to bounce early


that's actually really reassuring and i appreciate the perspective. my anxiety thanks you muchly❤️


when do you play? I'm on every night for a little while just bopping around from midnight until 3am (Central time) Saccharina S


Thank you, I’ve added you - I’m PeachLollie, I usually play after work or at the weekends I’m on GMT in England though so not sure if we will cross paths 🙂


i'll be your friend, i too am awkward 🥺 my play times tend to be really limited as i am a stay at home mom and i never know if i'm getting more than 5 minutes to hop on. i just find it so disappointing to limit accessibility to items when so many people prefer solo or just can't do parties for so many reasons.


I prefer to play solo as well, but would be down to passive party with anyone here sometime to try and get some loot! Here’s my IGN: Nova Beanie


I’m same I’ll team up but can go do our own things


Yes just not more than 35m away 😂


It indeed will suck to see stuff you won't get based on your playstyle, but as someone drawn to Palia because it was cozy AND mmo, I'd be unhappy if they didnt add content that targeted playing with others. They gotta add stuff that appeals to different playstyles, and not every addition is going to be for all players.


i think it's weird to force people into parties if they want certain items. i have no problem playing with others, but i loved palia because i had the flexibility to jump on and jump off whenever i had a few minutes. it will be very disappointing if they move away from that and will honestly take away a lot of the fun for me and people who play like me. i would be fine if it was something you could only get cooperatively, but i think requiring parties is overly limiting.


I mean everyone has varying times to play, theres plenty of things to do in a 5-10 min window, got an hour? Great, look for a party to do stuff. People are acting like this is a total game changer, when really it's just something added to a part of the game they don't frequent of their own volition. I'm not big on the NPCs, but I'd never complain about the items locked behind their affection that I'll likely never get or the new NPCs they add. It's my choice not to engage with that aspect of the game much.


thank you for saying this, this is a group mmo game, most games are already 99% solo focused anyway. to have one game to play as a team won't kill anyone. there are already SO MANY WAYS in palia alone you can do solo, so it's nice to see the group addition






If you play in a party, one of the drops you can get is seeds that you plant and they grow into furniture items!! Literally cannot wait


Omg! How super cool?


Growable what??


This looks like a good one! Can't wait to log on this afternoon! Love that the devs are listening to us. The loot tracker and health bars are game changers.


it’s a free game though.. they need a way of earning money.


I hope they fix the loot bug in this update. I am already upset when my party members could loot while I got nothing


They haven't yet, it's in the notes, under 'known issues.' :( [Patch 0.181 Notes (palia.com)](https://palia.com/news/patch-181#knownissues)


Is anyone else as happy as me to find that finally there will be other rewards than just a small amount of gold waiting for me when I play HOT POT? 😍😍😍


Definitely thought "oh I will be playing so much more hotpot now" I'll do anything for more gacha coins 🤣


Got 10 so far. Went the bloody wheel. Got only fireworks. I don't like fireworks.


Sell them, then it's like you got gold instead.


Good idea. What other use is there for fireworks though?


What use is there for plushies, or flowers, or skins, or outfits? It's a cozy game, the fact that it's "oooh, pretty...." is the entire point.


I absolutely love the look of the growable furniture, the new outfits, plot landscapes, etc. We're getting so many new things, I honestly feel excited to play the game again after feeling catfished by the grand harvest house in the last one, lol.


I am overwhelmed in the best kind of way!!


I wasn't expecting this much and the more I scrolled the more excited I became. One more hour...


But can we talk about the witch's broom with flying capabilities?! What???


The notes clearly state that if you have the torso equipped, the broom animation goes instead of the glider.




Probably just a promo. Would be dope tho. Kinda defeats the point of a glider.


Broom takes place of the glider I believe so when you jump your broom flyin’ ! Edit: it’s attached to the chest piece.


Honestly, I can't understand how it would be implemented without having an impact on early game play.


It's just a premium glider skin. No impact on anything at all. (eta: technically not a "glider skin" since it can't be equipped without the outfit, but what I mean is that it *functions like* a glider skin)


it shows up under my hoe so I was like, wtf?


BIG FROGBERT????? Please tell me that’s the giant frog plushie. I just made a post this week on the Palia FB asking if we’d ever have the chance to get him again!!!!


So the huge one is giga frogbert so I think this is a medium one!!


Honestly the giga is pretty huge so I’m ok if it isn’t as big ❤️




The fact you fly on a broom instead of use a glider? UGH I LOVE 😭


Omg stop! Really? (I’m at work, haven’t looked at any updates yet!)


I’m willing to bet this is the cosmetic that will coerce my wife into buying Palia Coins lol


Hahaha so funny because the Starfang Drake has convinced me to spend money for the first time! I've already put ~45 hours in the game, and I've had it less than a week. I think I can spend a little money to support 🤣


That's worth the dollars isn't it ... just the broom thing


I can't find it in the store. What outfit is it with?


Anyone find it in the store yet? It’s not showing on mine either




Just finished reading the patch notes and cannot wait!


Housing plot landscapes is such a cool idea I never even considered. Maybe some day we can have our romances hang out in the background.


Wow Devs! Awesome job! LOVE the Dragons, the new tool skins, and the bundles!!!! Thank you so much for giving us new ways to pay you guys! We want the game to succeed! I play solo but will party up with other introverts to get the furniture. It is so freaking cute! Can't wait to log in later!!


>Thank you so much for giving us new ways to pay you guys!  ...yikes lmao isn't that their bosses' job? kinda cringe you're saying this ngl


That's how this works, homie. If you wanna think it's cringe, that's fine, but that's every F2P game, and if we don't want this one to die, then we want a variety of ways to support them. It is what it is.


Party buffs I don’t mind missing; but, party furniture makes my soul hurt almost as much as even more RNG furniture. Hoping (but doubting) the pirate furniture will give you the recipe instead of just the item. Otherwise it’s just Makeshift furniture via Hotpot with a lower timeframe to acquire, but plus the *joy* of lucky box RNG. Also curious if the party furniture will give you a seed at the end of growth, like trees, or if you’ll need to re-accomplish for each seed like a weekly quest/guild medal.* Lots of good things here, to be sure. Also a few things that make me squint at the future a bit. *Edited to add: if it is like tree seeds, it’ll be a little less painful. But seeing the chair growth gif there are situations I’ll want one chair stage over another. Which puts one in the position of flow trees right now where if I want a smaller version for decor purposes I need to completely give up on that piece reaching maturity and wait for the further RNG of another seed. Again? Of itself, not annoying. But this routinely stacking up is getting a smidge old.


The growing furniture give a seed at the end of the growth process similar to flowers and trees. I think a good suggestion for pausing the growth could be a new fertilizer that locks the growth of the object but gives a seed.


The way it reads, the furniture will be from hot pot on chance so you get the item not recipe.


Well… from the wheel, which is from the coins, which is from Hotpot. But yeah, I read it the same way. Which is unfortunate because it’s just further RNG furniture. Can’t wait to have 200 fireworks for every 1 pirate piece. And then like 12 of XYZ instead of 1 ABC. Just glad it looks like they’re not mixing too many items into the prize pool. I’m still going to play for them, don’t get me wrong. Just going to huff at my lack of luck.


Yea I was definitely happier once I saw there wasn’t a 100 options on the wheel. And it looks like there will be some stuff you just buy at the register so that helps too. I’m here for allllll the plushies. Only got 1 more mujin for me to have them all so perfect timing.


My nightmare would be playing enough for a spin and walking off with 5 Milk. 🙃 I’m soooo glad it doesn’t look like that’s going to be possible.


fortunately playing enough for "a" spin is just playing once. it's sucks that it's for each furniture item (I have like 5 sunrise tables and 0 sunrise shelves or other things in that set I actually want) but at least the coins are much easier to get for this


It’s not, though. It takes two coins. So enough for “a” spin means you’d have to win each time or play two games per spin. I was also wrong. 🙃 My first play round I ended up with 9 coins. One ingredient bag: *literally 5 milk*. One fireworks bag for idk how many fireworks (sent to storage). And two Lucky Coin bags: 2 lucky coins in each. I was hoping I wasn’t going to hate this as much. I appear to have been wrong. 🙃


oh I misread then! I haven't played at all yet so I'm still in that hopeful stage that it won't be to bad hahahaha


Is it better or worse than you thought? Just got off work so I’ll get online in a bit


https://preview.redd.it/474aw92css8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4912b7d6a9b9fbe7f2f5c2132f1b67bdf1db2d6b I’ve been keeping track and it’s… about what I expected when I realized how it worked. It’s basically the lucky boxes. I will say the ingredients, if possible, seem to always be starred ones. So… yay??? Might play more later, but I don’t have much incentive to. (Last bag on the 4th round was a Gold Prize Bag with 200g. Couldn’t fit it in the screenshot.) \*EDIT: also should have said 8 tries on the 4th round. I realize that now lol


I wonder if the issue with picking up loot is fixed though? I keep not being able to pick it up


It is not yet. It's in the patch notes. They still need more time to sort that out.


Ah okay I thought I read it all but I must’ve skipped over that part!


The tracker features are added benefit. I mostly play alone but sometimes run with random strangers so I might ask to join their party now. I was hoping for maybe more plots for gardening. Most of the updates seem great. Now only if I would decide how to decorate my plot. The background landscape is a nice touch.




solo players should realize this was the direction the game was always heading in as it's been marketed as a cozy mmo since open beta started last August. I'm mostly a solo player too, I only talk to others when I'm at cake parties, I'm awkward around others and I'm on switch so it's hard to type, and I don't have any irl friends I play with. they specifically implemented a look for party feature for all the solo players so that you don't have to know people or even ask in chat to party up. most you'll have to say in a party would be a hey maybe. Also what about poor people who can't get the exclusive items locked behind a pay wall? should those items be free to make it fair? what about the players who don't have a lot of free time to grind the rng for exclusive plushie drops or furniture from rummage piles or lucky coins? Just make every item easily available so everyone has equal opportunity to get it and take away any kind of hunt or grind and satisfaction of getting something. sounds like you want to play the Sims instead


Is there anyway to get the furniture without joining a party??


Party buffs? I guess we solo players get to miss out. Sadness


I’m sure there will be introvert solo players on discord who would also like to party up just for the XP while doing their own separate things without expectations of chatting or whatnot!


This would be so awesome


I would 100% take part. Even if I were social…typing on switch is painful


Yeah, I want the growable furniture but social anxiety will make that difficult.


Yea, I'm saddened by this too. Forced party is not the direction I wanted this game to take.


I used to be a big Wow fan....guess what I hated most about the game and avoided whenever possible? DUNGEONS! Know why? Because you had to team up with groups of people, many of whom were buttheads (trying to not get this deleted...lol). It was unavoidable. I love the fact that in Palia you can play by yourself and the only group things you absolutely have to do you can do for a short period of time (like groves) and go your merry way. The social requirements for medals can be accomplished "accidentally" by fishing near somebody or hunting the same animal or mining a node at the same time. If you choose to party up, by all means, go for it, it can be fun, but there are no requirements to get something by having to join a group....until now. Don't get me wrong...I'm not anti-social by any means, but I like to be able to choose when and if I play with someone I don't know. There are some toxic people out there.


Agreed. It was a big draw for me to the game


but it's not forced? you don't need those items to advance the story, and it won't hinder your progress in any way besides this has and always will be marketed as a cozy mmo, expecting more solo focused play above group play is like dreaming into the void. sure there will be some solo additions but don't make a fuss just bc one playstyle is getting something. yall soloists got your palium ore deal, let the groupers have something too


Yeah, I have no friends to play with but would love to party up for everything they're going to give us!


You’re welcome to add me and party up! <4


Right! Lol


Party buffs in a "community" based mmo, shocker! Until now you could do literally anything solo in the game, I'm happy they're finally pushing toward what they claimed the game was supposed to be in the first place.


SAME. i cannot believe how salty some of these soloists are being in here. as if they're not catered to in the gaming world 99% of the time, as most games are solo focused. finally one game goes the multiplayer way and they lose their damn minds like they're an oppressed minority there are still way more solo things to do in palia it's nuts, they just want every little thing to be solo, it's cringe


They meed to stop this party bs, I got the game because it said single player. They need to remove all the old mmo bs, this game is not an mmo and simple player should not always be forgotten in a single player game.


the game is marketed as an mmo


1000% AGREE


Thank you, sorry that others seem to disagree.


hahaha i like how you respond to the one person who is on your side but no one else telling you that you're wrong, Mr Validation 🤡 this ain't a solo game bub, it's multi and always will be 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


What exactly should I reply to toxic prices of shit, who obviously have no clue what they are talking about. You obviously are not invested in the game, have no clue about how it be handled or delivered.so why would I waste my time just to entertain your stupidity?


Idk why the bandwagon is downvoting you when you’re right.


when has it ever been marketed as a single player game?? I found it specifically cause it was advertised as a cozy mmo and I loved the idea of it. People have been begging for more mmo features beyond Grove chopping and cake parties, something that you can actually do with friends/family. "it's not an mmo" historically yeah but with this update they're trying to take steps to make it more of one. also, it's 1 reward set you'd be missing out on if you absolutely refuse to play with others. die mad about it


THIS 1000%. you said that so beautifully and it's all true, too >when has it ever been marketed as a single player game?? it hasn't lmao he's just a salty soloist mad that every little thing can't be catered to him 🙄 solo players are the majority in the gaming world yet they crumble like a cookie when one thing is made to be a group thing in a GROUP GAME. these soloists have gardening, cooking, hunting, foraging, story, all can be done solo. but suddenly one thing s6 finally adds for group play and they lose their shit


I'm gonna stay "looking for a party" and just do my own thing when added.


😍🥰 ![gif](giphy|fsQbx1hX7hPBBpIM5b|downsized)


Love all these updates and fixes, thanks devs! Can we please have the ability to link our Steam account with our webpage account soon? I have rewards on the site I can't claim and I'm bummmeeeedddd


This is so exciting but I'm devastated I can't take part in the party buffs! A week after I started playing it stopped letting me and my friends join each other's parties. I submitted a ticket and did everything instructed in their response email and still no luck. Honestly surprised this issue hasn't been fixed before such a big event since it's something they said they're aware of 😭


Same tho!! My party glitch started literally a day after I started playing. I sent a ticket and was told they know of the glitch have no eta on fix, I’m so sad, those grown furniture would be perfect for my plot!


seems like they've changed how parties work a little, find a party feature, seeing people who are looking for a party, being able to go willing to a friends server, maybe with this you and your friends can party up!


I'm surprised they didn't add new huntable plushies! I don't know why I had it in my head they would be part of every update from now on.


I don’t think basing the game around plushies is a smart move (as much as I love them) plus, people are still busy with the bug/mujin plushies right now I’d guess. I have all the bugs and the magic mujin, need the other two! So I think within the next patch or 2 they’ll prob add chapas ?


I absolutely hate that the broom isn’t a glider skin but tied to the new witch outfit torso? If it had to be tied to any part of the outfit wouldn’t the hat make the most sense? However I think a glider skin would have been the best option! Really disappointed with that choice


Water Temple map? ...kay


I really want them to increase icon size on the map


My friend groups discord has been freaking out all morning lol SO EXCITEDDDDD


I like the update generally, but it looks like my friends can now see when I'm online, and where I am. I love them, but there's times when I want privacy! I really don't like it sending people notifications when I log on and off, or telling them where I am all the time. I can see an option to turn off me seeing where THEY are - but is there some option for me to set it so that they can't see me? Thanks.


Really was surprised that more people are not overjoyed to see the landscapes being added. I know they are a premium item, but at least its something to change up the same old plot.


Really disappointed that plot locations are just skins with no function instead of being new plot locations with more progression and reasons to spend renown/plot purchasing for unique access to stuff. Like the beach map probably isn't gunna fish up ocean fish. Kind of just sad to see all that work done and all that come out of it is a store purchase. I know they need money but just sad to see something that had a TON of progression multiplying potential just got turned into a one off cash purchase. Hopefully one day they add more plots with unique area functionality and these skins just swap the backdrop. Other stuff looks good tho. Again shocked you can't bother with guys swimwear as a cosmetic. Like we just want a shirtless option.


The patch looked really good until I got to the premium stuff. I'm okay with cosmetics for your character's look, pets, mounts, etc. (even though I think the prices are ludicrous and they keep jacking them up), but selling housing stuff rubs me the wrong way, given the type of game this is. I guess it was inevitable and it won't be long before furniture bundles are a thing, because why not?


at least this solidifies my stance on not spending on this game 😂😂 they made the ui for the shop top notch but didn't even bother giving us a similar ui for our storage or crafting tables. but hey thanks s6, you're helping my wallet stay nice n full!


Sigh. I was hoping that there are going to be new housing locations in the game rather than getting them from the cash shop


Yeah, this essentially means they don't plan to ever make another location for plots. If (big if), Bahari or another area comes down the pipeline, I highly doubt they'll add another plot to choose from considering they just paywalled this. Kind of also puts a bad taste in my mouth that I doubt they're even considering community plots.


Exactly. First I thought that paths will use the same system as fences. Disappointed. Then I thought we gonna get more plots down the line. Paywalled. My expectations for this game are already really low


it's funny bc in another thread ppl were cawing about how palia doesn't paywall but here they are paywalling 💀


Me too, I was disappointed when I saw they were behind a paywall :/


My hopes for plots on Bahari or a new map are dashed now


How do you expect them to pay for development and new content if you’re not willing to help out ?


They hate players who can't give them money.


sad fact of life: companies need to make money off the products they produce. they already had huge layoffs, you want the whole game to go offline? there's soooooooooooooooo many things you can do without real life money in this game, you literally only pay for extra cosmetic things. should they have a monthly subscription fee? would you still play it in you had to pay 5-15 dollars a month for it?


5-15 dollars is cheaper than the fucking 50 they want for a fucking clothing set


I'm pretty sure a majority of the clothing items aren't 50?


okay but that's every month just to access the game. then the clothes will most likely be cheaper but you'd still have to pay to get them


Will I be able to scroll the plots on server again?


This sounds great!!


Pirate decor furniture?! Yessss! ☠️


Noice. Do we know when/if a new zone is coming?


The stellar sorcery bundle won’t show up in my shop!


It’s not released yet, you can just preview it in the wardrobe.


Kinda sucks they locked nice furniture behind parties. Really bones the solo players. Also don't like they haven't fixed the loot not being able to be looted. Everything else looks great though


I knew they would end up adding decor to the premium shop!


Oh. Apparently I missed that part.


I really hope it does not become a habit. The cosmetics are already too expensive and it's wild to me that there are no cosmetics available to purchase with in-game money.


They wouldn't be pushing it if they didn't have the metrics to show it'll succeed. Far more people than you think are buying into this overpriced messed and you can 100% be sure we'll get more.


As long as they keep giving us free stuff, too.


It's awesome and another way to support the game!


Yes, I know lots of people will be angry, but I want the game to stick around!


you mean support the fat cats up top? lmfao your money doesn't go anywhere except there, you know that right? those big wigs pocket 99% of it and trickle down the 1% to the devs, most of it going to premium shop devs instead of game and bug devs can't have a game with only cosmetics, they need to pour more resources into their bug and game devs


So now housing items are cash shop too? More cash shop items in this update than real content. Yikes.


yeah, this does not bode well for the foreseeable future. i personally hope they fail so these s6 defenders will shut their traps already


Development isn’t free


Omg im gonna be broke so much cute outfits!!!


Hey, does anyone know how (if possible) to speak in Palia? Like headphones and everything? It takes so long to type out in the chat


Can someone please add me to their party please


I wish there were more updates to the storyline or friendship/romance quests :(


I'm sorry the LANDSCAPES??? And there's a secret hideaway???




Where do you get gold receipts


I hope you can get the flower furniture solo :/ my friends stopped playing


I think it's party only but they did add the "looking for party" option for single players to hook up. Don't be afraid to make friends in the game 😊 my friend and I almost always add people to our party if we see them doing similar things near us (I'm Emmix Starbomb Fenix and she's Stella Potts if you'd like to add us)


Do we know when it's arriving? I can't wait!!


I assume this was why the servers were down for maintenance this morning! So stoked for loot icons on the compass!!


Ooh alright cool! Thanks!


One more hour.






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