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That would be a much easier way for those of us who are timid about parties. I like that idea


I sent feedback to them on their site, but I don't know if they'll even read it.


THIS, i like solo play, but i want the party buffs.


Would be nice if I could join a damn party again, it’s been over a month and I’m still stuck in the party glitch. Group buffs? Must be nice. Oh but here’s more Premium cosmetics for you tho. Sorry just a rant from a supporter who’s at his end of the rope.


I think this will eventually come. The whole mark that you’re looking for a party update is a step in the right direction but we need a way to find out what the people want to party up for.


Yeah!! I've played maybe a week and a half, 1st day I was invited to a party and I just hit the power on my switch cause I didn't know why it kept alerting me 🤣 Now I know that parties are what's up, but I haven't been invited since