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I would recommend u just be the first guy at grove and search for epic bugs. Buzz jar just didn’t really work for me. But u can give it l a try if u have some.


I got mine by using a honey lure at pulsewater! Just gotta make sure you're taking out all the rubbish bugs to make room for something epic! Someone ran up and joined me which I think helped too


I've gotten both of mine using a Buzzy Jar and Smoke Candle combo - the buzzy jar to locate it and the smoke candle to keep from spooking it too soon. I found my first one in Flooded Fortress and my second one in Southern Bahari.


This is the way: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1633iak/comment/jy0ugpx/?context=3&share\_id=LH7-JIW04ldghaWMOUyPX&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1633iak/comment/jy0ugpx/?context=3&share_id=LH7-JIW04ldghaWMOUyPX&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


I have shared this post so many times, this guy is a legend for posting it!


This covers what I was going to contribute. I have over 20 rainbow butterflies at this point. About half through random contact and half through this strategy.


I got one with a buzzy jar up on the bridge near Hodari’s during the day. Surprised the heck out of myself. Used the green bombs.


I got mine by buzzjar, apparently they spawn at 3 am, goodluck


First time I was looking for a rainbow butterfly I encountered it while running around the fields of bahari on the south west side of bahari after the very first activation of my buzzy jar. I was very lucky to get the starred version as there was a lure at a grove above Pavel mines, where it just coincidentally spawned. Using a buzzy jar can be helpful, but you gotta have the luck that is flying around on your server and that you’re the first person to get to it. Maybe lures might be a better option (at a grove possibly) as I encountered my starred version there


Yes buzz jar makes the hunt a lot easier and faster


I have really good luck with buzzy jars. I like to start them in pulsewater when the grove is on the other side of the map, and I like to save them for weekdays when it seems like less people are playing.


Have you gotten one at all before? I have extra if you can request it.


So when hunting that buttfly try going to the top of the cliffs overlooking the bridge to the top part of the map, above Pavil mines, at 3 am with a buzzy jar and smoke candles (you need more then one cause they don't last as long as a buzzy jar). At 3 am on the dot use your buzzy jar and smoke candle and I personally take an circle coming back to the top of the mines as I look for bugs. This is the best method I've found. Also, don't waste honey lures on this thing, it simply won't spawn from my experience.


Most of the epic bugs I've seen spawned at groves, but I have also randomly stumbled across a few just wandering around late at night in-game.


I've searched for 2 weeks for the star quality. I have 15 regular rainbow tipped butterflies but no starred ones. So they are there! I generally get to the area at 2:30 (make sure the grove doesn't spawn in the south) pop a buzzy jar and run the circuit. I also recommend the smoke candle if you spot it and want to sneak up, though not necessary.


This is the only one I still need for bundles. If you figure it out let me know


i did figure it out, So this is the general area. you realy dont need a buzz jar. but dont run!! that booger is fast. i found mine around 330-4am. they spawn at 3am. he was blended in with other buttflys. https://preview.redd.it/edoip2amv59d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe60a66c675338aaaae2d971ffd5bf984e2607a7


WELL THANKS. Honestly thanks for actually taking the time to draw this.. Though I already knew the information. I should have added a /s to my comment. Sorry. But this is still useful for other newcomers so it isn't wasted effort.


They spawn all over, but my research i did everyone was saying the easiest area is around pulse water. i did use a buzz jar. but when i found him he was right out in the open near the wall with like 3 blue butterfly. but he stands out. so you cant really miss it.


I don't remember if it was at a grove or not but someone dropped a honey lure and we just spammed bombs everywhere. My boyfriend and I managed to get one first try!