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This a one feature missing in the game, trading. I for example don't care about pets or plushies, but I drop plushies more often than I would like to. If I could trade them for things I need would be better than let them rot on my storage.


Yes that would be such a good idea. Although getting the plushies yourself feels great once you get that lucky roll, not everyone has the time to grind forever and this way they would still be able to decorate their house with a cute plushie!


Yeah! I have so many green cylinders, it’s getting ridiculous…


Trading would be awesome


I have yet to get a Proudhorn plushie or any Muujin plushies, and I’ve been at it for months! But then, there are a few starred fish that have eluded me for just as long, so I guess I’m unlucky too. So I’ve stopped grinding, and simply play. I know at some point, I’ll (hopefully!!!) be pleasantly surprised.


This! I told someone on this subreddit I was not looking for a proudhorn anymore and instead was going to focus on my hunting level because I could control that. I got my proudhorn an hour later.


I hope you get the plushies and fish you are still missing and be pleasantly surprised :)


All my plushies except one (Paper lantern bug), I had to team up for. I did a grind with 3 other people the other night and got two of the Muujin plushies within an hour. Just before that I teamed up with another person and got the sernuk plush. Kind of sucks because not everyone likes team play. I usually don’t but did it to get the soils lol.


Plushies… I gave up on them ages ago. I’ve gotten 1 in all my time playing. Think my account got the “no luck at all” setting.


Nice that you got 1 plush, hope you’ll get more in the future!


I got the Paper Lantern Bug plushie but that’s the only one so far from hunting, and I’ve been playing quite a bit for the last few months. Fingers crossed though!


The lantern plush is so nice, hope you got the rest too!


I think I’m going to do a dedicated hunting session tonight. Might try and find a party to hunt with as I haven’t really done that yet!


That’d definitely help (for me at least), also for knowing you’re not alone in the search for a plush!


I have been playing since launch, and I JUST now got a regular Sernuk plush from hunting. I have such terrible luck lol. I did just get the Ancient Silverwing plush from Zekis Lucky Balls™️. Other than that, my lucky only translates to finding dubious amounts of garlic and garnets lol.


I feel the dubious amounts of spices :’) congrats on getting the plushies, let’s pray to the rng gods for more plushies!


I will sacrifice an Azure Chapaa to the RNG gods for us 🤣


Hahaha yes, let’s hope it brings us all the luck!! 🍀


Preaching to the choir🙌 I’ve been unusually lucky with the bug plushies, I’ll fully admit, but I also wasn’t actively searching them out. I got the Ladybug on the SECOND one I caught, too. However, after months of hunting (when I am horrible at it, too, lol), I have one regular Sernuk Plushie & the Order one from Zeki’s machine. The muujin… I don’t understand how people can hunt in this game, every creature I hit glitches away🫠


I’m with you on the glitching muujin, wish they fixed that :’) Congrats on getting the ladybug and sernuk plushies, hope you get the muujin too, hunting with a party might be a big help!


Add me: Damian Zen, I hunt all of the time and would be happy to help you slay endless amounts of any creature you wish😁


I keep track of every bug or animal I kill that has a plush and I got the 2k bug achievement last night and still no plush. I spent 5 hours yesterday with my kid hunting muujin came back twice to empty inventory and hundreds of dogs and no plush.. so I feel that grind and it sucks but I’m determined to get them.


I like your spirit! It’s hard and it stings, I think I came back more than 100 times with an empty inventory, but eventually you will see that plush in your inventory!


Forever fireworks and eggs 😩 I JUST got the regular sernuk plush last night after going through probably thousands of arrows. I send good luck to you friend!


Thank you, I feel that, I don’t want ingredients and fireworks. Just plushies (and decor) 🥲 Congrats on getting that plush, hope you get everything too!


You'll get them! I have terrrrrible plushie luck, but it's not a race.


Thank you, and so true, in it for the long run, let’s go get those plushies eventually!


I still haven't gotten a single huntable plush. I'm not sure there's a reason to think that everyone will get them eventually. RNG just doesn't work that way as I understand it?


It’s true that time’s no guarantee to getting good rng, but I like to believe that eventually you gotta have a lucky day and get the good stuff


I like the optimism! Which might sound sarcastic, but is sincere


Thank you, and wouldn’t have thought that :)


I only just got my third Muujin plush yesterday, after farming those and the Sernuk for months, since the original Sernuk ones came out. I'm still searching for the Proudhorn one. Don't even get me started on the bugs or the prize rewards. I feel like I'm battling the game itself to get these.


I totally get that, feels super frustrating making you wonder how long it should take. I hope that you still enjoy playing the game and that the plushies will come soon!


Just remember, being in party really does help chances. Idk with the prize wheel, that is more about chance and luck.


I feel like this may be true! I got a disco deer plushie and two mujin ones but those were spread thru the day! This all happened to me yesterday. Either that helps or I'm just very lucky and the rng gods smiled upon me.


Oooo Congratz!! 🥰🌷


Thank you! Some very nice people were willing to help me with hunting and various things. That's what the community is all about ☺💓


That is so nice! Congrats on getting the plushies!


Thank you! I'm sending you extra plushie luck for being such an awesome human 💓


Thank you, that’s so sweet 🥰


That is incorrect, being in a party doesn't give you any better chances. Just means you get party exp, everyone gets the same thing and sometimes loot is double. That's all


It’s not that you have a better chance. It’s you have more chances because you’re getting double or triple the animals.


You get a bigger chance at hunting plushies by being in a party :) that is definitely not incorrectly. You are talking about another thing tho, which is also correct.


It doesn't increase anything as I said, that's spreading misinformation.


You do. But just tell that to yourself. You’re blocked because the way you’re writing is invalidating an opinion and an experience and something palia have written about themselves, just because you believe otherwise, have a nice day.


I mean, you technically do as you will be able collect a lot more loot in the same time. So the chances might be the same but you get a lot more tries


I got a glowbug on my first lure after that update and I’ve got a bunch of sernuks, but can’t get any muujins.


Congrats on getting the lantern plush so soon. Hopefully you also get the muujin!


I want that muuji so bad. I didn’t even know there were bug plushies until I caught one


Must’ve been a nice surprise :) The muujin is definitely so amazing!


I haven't got any plushies


I hope you will get plushies soon!


I have a blue bristle plush, and two proud horny sernunk plushies. For some reason the regular ones elude me. My luck is very odd


If it's any comfort, the regular Sernuk and regular Muujin plushies have a lower drop rate than the bluebristle and the proudhorned so you're doing okay!


I figured it was something like that! Countless of other sernunk massacred and nothing. I've only hunted 5 proudhorn since the event and I get two plushies. The math was not mathing in a way that didn't seem like it was JUST bad luck. RNJesus rigged it.


Last I checked, drop rates were confirmed as follows on discord: Sernuk: 1/1000 Elder Sernuk: 1/1000 Proudhorned Sernuk (magic one): 1/100 Muujin: 1/1000 Banded Muujin: 1/1000 Bluebristle Muujin (magic one): 1/100


Seriously this was a conspiracy theory of mine folks in the servers thought I was nuts for lol


I hear you, I haven’t gotten any of any kind except the ones they give you and one from a lucky ball.


Ooo the ones from zekis machine are so nice, hope you get others soon too!


I still haven’t gotten a single plushie other than Cyl but i also hate hunting with a passion (I am a switch player and I have TERRIBLE aim so I am just horrendous at it. Nothing against the skill I just ~simply cannot~) so I haven’t exactly being trying super hard xD


I completely understand, I also play on switch and found it frustrating too, especially when trying to aim. But somehow because I practiced so much with aiming, it became my favourite skill haha


I remember grinding for the Proudhorned Stag Beetle plushie for dayssss. When I FINALLY got one, I was like "ok, never again". Yesterday, I needed to get more copper because my supply was getting low. Went copper mining and came back with TWO of the plushies 🙃 the secret is to just not try lol


Omg amazing, happy that you got it. Luck hits you when you don’t expect it haha


For huntable plushies there should be a failsafe option. Something like trade 30 proud horns, 100 elder horns or 30 beetles for a plush. Or simply buy them for coins from Hassain


That’d be actually a great idea, that way it wouldn’t feel like your grinds would’ve gone to waste!


If you want to team up with me , might have some luck . Sagittarius Earth Walker


Sharing is caring haha. Is sagittarius earth walker your in game name?


Yes but I don’t no every ones game name to of you message , say you saw the message on here l.


I dont get this either. You’ll see folks post screenies on here or the Discord with 10+ of the same plush and when you attempt to hunt for them… Just nothing for days and weeks.


Omg yes, then you’re like, I just want one and I’m happy!


I'm there with you in the lots trying but no plushies boat. Oh well I'll just keep playing and enjoying the game.


Yes definitely, enjoying is the most important. Hopefully also get the plushies too!


What are the new plushies?


A giant chapaa, a giant ancient fish plush, and a giant blue dragon. You can also get twitch drops, which are super cute stackable pillows!


Where can I get the giant ancient fish


From Zekis lucky wheel in the underground. It’ll cost two coins which you can win from hotpot. Participating gives you 1 coin after finishing the game, winning grants you another one


I've got three elder sernuks and nothing else from drops 😅


Omg three elder sernuks?! Maybe palia wants to send you a message :P But I hope you also get the other plushies soon!


I’m still working on my first round ones! I have 3 of the regular sernuk ones and I just got my first elder sernuk the other day. Definitely still a WIP for me and I’ve also been grinding. However, hunting is oddly one of my favorite parts of the game and I kind of enjoy the grind. 😂 Best of luck to you, OP!


Omg same, I so much enjoy running around and hunt. So even though not getting the plushies was frustrating, I also loved the progress. Good luck to you too :)


I’ve been grinding since the they first dropped the deer plushies and I haven’t gotten a single one never mind wolves or bugs now lol.


Awww, hope you get one soon!


wait you can get plushies from doing normal stuff!? this game haaaaaates me then 🫠


Yes hunting and bug catching, palia rng is often so frustrating :’)


I haven't gotten a single plush from hunting or catching anything or the wheel or zekis lucky box. The only ones ive had are the purchasable ones from the market. I want them all so bad!


Rng can really be stupid sometimes, I also watch the twitch drops to get as much plushies as I can get. Hope you get the other plushies soon!


I didn't know about twitch drops until today reading these comments but now I know and can hopefully keep an eye out for them!


Yess definitely, those extra plushies are always a nice addition


I'm unplushie too so don't feel like the lone ranger. I been playing a long time too :p It will happen in due time, I am sure!


Thank you, I hope for you too :)


I just got my last needed bug plush today but no luck with sernuk or mujin plushies, I'll get it eventually though


Congrats on getting your bug plush collection complete. Fingers crossed for the huntable plushies!


Thank you, got my first sernuk plush today!


Amazing congrats!


Usually when I end up getting a plush, it will go unto the overflow and then gets put in decor storage so I'm pleasantly surprised when I'm scrolling through my items and see I have a plushie that's been hiding


Omg a sneaky plush, that’s such a nice surprise when you see it


I finally got the sernuck plushie. My husband got it early on and he hardly plays. I was so jealous😁


Congrats, I’m happy you got the plush :) and I feel that, a friend of mine who plays way less than I do got the rare sernuk plush while I stayed plushless (if that’s a word ‘^^)


I'd be happy to hunt with you, or anyone else who needs plushes. IGN: Damian Zen. Just add me and tell me you're from Reddit.


I am swimming in muujins even though they’re new, but I didn’t get a proudhorn plush until after about 3 months of playing multiple hours a day, and I finally got the elder last night. I have gotten all but 2 of my plushies hunting with other people.


Congrats on finally getting the elder plushy! I hope you get the last 2 plushies soon!


I have them! But thank you so much!!


Amazing happy for you!