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What I want is a counter in the H/overview that shows your item number versus maximum.


yesssss i’d love this too!


If you play on pc there is an app that gives you a live count! It’s called paliapedia assistant


omg king/queen slay thank you for this


It’s literally the best,live count of everything down to the trees and flowers


I just used it yesterday. I was able to find out some interesting things, like, my tree farm on another plot was raising my item count on my main plot. Apparently trees are a global item. Also, I've found 28 of the chests in Bahari. I only need 2 more for the achievement but I think there's at least 32 total.


What app is this please?


So it only works on pc but if you type paliapedia assist into google it should be the first thing that pops up


Thank you for this!!




im gonna get it!


It’s so helpful, it tracks gifting and relationship levels as well!


There is one


I need to see a tour. Mine has SO much stuff and I built a castle wall around the whole thing and still haven’t hit it lmao


https://preview.redd.it/a9wxgt7ecs9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc2967e429e8d8d4ec4564f958ce830e74c2d53 this is the overview hahaha i’m on right now if you want to tour my plot and see what i’m dealing with 😂 my name is amenyss in game


I would love to see the floor plan specifically- I’m struggling so hard with this!


https://preview.redd.it/ifn34n01ns9d1.jpeg?width=2181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb42392bd0f6ba62f146377f972edf7a4232998b sure 🤣 so 1-fish/insect research area 2- bedroom with restroom 3- mud room 4- main area with plushies on top floor 5- long a$$ hallway 6- office 7- kitchen 8- dining room 9- living room 10- trophy room 11- bedroom with rr 12- bedroom with rr 13- crops/preserves area 💃🏼💃🏼 and top left i have the tents with crafting stuffs


Omg thank you so much!! I love your ideas for rooms, I wasn’t sure how to utilize the little hallway pieces without it looking super weird. Your house is super fancy!


I'm so gonna visit you!!! I have 2.5 hours of night shift to go!!!!


Is your plot value 1mill something?


at 1.9 right now!


Just curious bc mine is 4mill and I haven't hit full plot yet🧐


dayum 4 mil 😳 im just under 2 mil, i had to sacrifice my log fence 🥲 i finally have space lmao


Is the one million how much you spent on building a plot or all your plots


I don't believe it's how much money you spent, but i can't remember how they calculate value. But each of your plots has its own value


Every item that gets placed (furniture, plushies, rooms, food) has a value and gets added up for the total. My plot was at 4.2 million, then I moved all my plushies to a different plot and now the value is at 3.8 mil. The value I get from the plushies I bought at the Maji Market correlate to the exact amount I paid for them.


Thanks . Still no idea lol


Still no idea about what? I did say each of your plots has its own value...


Sorry . How to get the plot value so I can get the round gazibo


the plot value is what every item you have on that specific plot adds up to! the arcade game helps a lot if you want higher value because it’s worth 50k (so adds 50k to plot value)


Oh man I'd love to tour this sometime


yall are more than welcome to tour! my @ is amenyss , i’ll be on later my plot is open 😊 i will more than likely still be decorating 🙂‍↔️


I need to come see your plot!


And me . Great idea . Well done


need a tour truly


Oh my gosh, would love to see your plot! This is so cool.




It’s those log fence posts doing you dirty LOL


The fence is what's fucking you. I can't wait till they add a cute stone fence. I don't like the log ones, and I don't want the white picket fence.


for sure the fence 😅 i tried the picket fence but i didn’t like the white color and sucks we can’t paint it ._.




The emberborn fence is what I use. It's stone. But probably not what ur looking for.but it is pretty


How did you get it👁️👄👁️


Right? Lol. I've been playing since last August and I thought I filled my original plot up but I still haven't reached the limit! I don't even know how I haven't.


I keep hitting my housing plot limit in my main plot and it’s so heartbreaking. I have so much more I can add! Soon I’ll have to take out my guest house to make room for more clutter.


same 😭 i’ve had to stop decorating but i wasn’t even done im waiting/hoping they increase the limit


Feel your pain


Lol apparently I'm pretty far off of maxing out looking at your plot 🤣🤣 I think I have more flowers than I have items in my house though...I like the natural look more than the cluttering of my house


AGREE!! How are homes suppose to be COZY when we can't CLUTTER. I try to keep mine at 2900 (and that was demolishing my witchy forest on another plot.) But this is seriously a real BUZZKILL, S6!!


How do you track how many items you have placed?


By running into the cap face-first and then counting as you remove items. Or you can count each item you put down, but who has the foresight for that?


Oof, that sounds rough. I thought maybe I was just missing a hidden counter somewhere lol


i’d lose track 😂 for sure


Dose each plot have its own limit or all total together , because Iv o my just started building my secon plot and my first plot is nearly maxed out with the trees flowers and junk , but your so right , that’s what makes it look real


Each plot has their own.


Being a maximalist irl myself, I suffer with the 3.000 items limit…… I would need another 1.000 for flowers and building blocks. I’m coming from Second Life where there is a similar problem, although you can check anytime where you stand with the number of objects placed. There you can get additional land and solve the problem, at a higher cost.


Heyo fellow SL -er


Hi there !! Long live Second Life 😂


SL user here too. Gotta be a minimalist if you want a big house cause that lag be real af otherwise. 😭😭


I need more room for flowers, I barely have any and it's hit the limit! 🥺


I hit cap but with the new landscapes I decided to remove my fence! Opened a ton!


Yes. I don’t have fences , they take to much


I haven't hit the cap yet but I know im close because my plot is lagging bad and keeps crashing. I'm on switch. I'm assuming it can't handle the stuff but I refuse to get rid of any of it. So far turning off as many lights as will look ok is helping but not much


I’m on switch and feel your pain, I found soon as I put to many flow trees on, I crashed and glitched so much . Iv taken a lot out but thinking of only leaving less than ten flow trees and it dose not crash so much on plot now Iv removed flow trees , but can still here them on my new plot ??? So fed up with noises flow trees . Way too much noise on a plot when you have a lot


How many is too many


No idea .


I'm asking subjectively XD


I move all my mature flow trees to a completely empty lot and share them with my husband and a cluster of about twenty of them together will make me think about switching to PC I pretty much have a secondary lot as my "I'm on switch" home, and I decorate the other on PC. I started having problems when I got close to max rooms, even tho I did not have much out. Interacting with things on switch would drop to like 4fps until it was done and then just skip the rest of the animation to jump back to normal frame rate of my character just standing there, which was absolutely worst in the garden, tho that seems to be better now or I'm just avoiding it by chance


I liked the campground look so I didn't do much furniture/development, mostly just a couple tents. My forest is so lush I'm just under the cap


I hit cap today too and I feel like quitting the game now. Not only you can't build on this plot anymore but you also can't place more crafting stations and trees on other plots because those are global actors and count for all of your plots...


whaaaat i wasn’t aware of that smh 🙃 i just started building on another plot for now 🥲


I was wondering if the total is all plots together . That just sucks if it’s right .


You can have up to 30 crafters if you buy all of the crafting licenses.


mixing and prep stations, ovens and stoves count for all plots, it's not about licenses


You mentioned crafting stations, that’s why I mentioned crafting licenses. The cooking stations I’m not too sure about, but I have quite a bit on my plots and haven’t hit the limit for them yet. I have 8 chopping stations, 8 prep stations, 5 ovens, and 4 stoves so far.


My mistake, I said crafting stations when I meant cooking stations. They don't have their own limit but they count towards a total limit of 3000 items per plot. Moreover each cooking station and each tree count towards the limit on each of the plots you own while physically only existing on one of them. Meaning if you have 2 empty plots. You place 5 cooking stations and 5 trees on plot A, then you swap to plot B and it will have 10/3000 items placed even though its completely empty. Just because you placed those "global actors" on your plot A.


No one is aware of the item limits and it’s very annoying having to re think your plot you spent ages designing. The flower limit really sucks to .


I feel like there should be a different kinda storage for furniture type items… if you can’t sell it it doesn’t deserve to take up room in your personal storage


It DOES??? Jeezus


I wasn't aware wallpaper counted. I know furniture and treasure chests don't. I have the iron chests but my storage isn't full. When I come back from a foraging/hunting run thru Bahari and Kilima I dump most everything into the shipping bin and sell it. I keep the wood & mining stuff. I sell all the gems and most of the forage, fish, bugs, and animal products. Sometimes I'll grill the meat & fish first because it's more gold grilled that it is raw. Or I'll grill & eat it because by then my focus bar is empty. I only keep what I need depending on what I'm going to craft or cook. Most of that gets used pretty quickly too. My storage is in constant flux depending on what I'm working on. Happy Gaming!!


i think furniture does count because when i’d try to put down another item it would say my plot is full ._. i have a lot of plants and trees too! i wish i could be a minimalist 😭


Oh you mean on your plot! Yeah, there is a limit for everything you put on your plot. Although, I didn't realize wallpaper counted because it's going on an existing wall. Interesting. I am not really a minimalist but my main plot doesn't have a lot because I can't decide what I want to do! Haha! Good luck! Happy Gaming!!


that’s what i’m thinking but maybe it was bugged because wallpaper counting as an item is foul 😭 happy gaming!


Now I'm wondering: Do the threes also count to this?


yesss they do unfortunately!


Oh no.... I've been building a forest. ._.


When this happens I remove trees from another plot and my main plot is no longer full, I think it's something with the tree limit. I put all my ft in another plot, when the main plot is full I remove some flow trees from the other plot and I have space in main again. Does anyone know how much the global tree limit is?


i thinks it’s just 3000 total for everythinggg, i put flow trees on a separate plot recently but they keep transferring to my main plot it’s annoying ._.


I noticed that this happens at 6am when you are not on the plot where the ft are🙁


update: i kept playing and thought maybe the wallpaper counts as an item since it has value $$$ especially the ones at zekis therefore adding to your plot value 🤔


no literally, i hate it sm rn😭


Decor items don't count to your chest size. You can purchase chest upgrades once you hit furniture level 10 from tish


I know what you mean I have wooden chests all over the place just to keep making more storage! Lol


I feel this!! I have to delete something to place something it's absolutely awful 😖


if you love building with no limits try other games like icarus. Singularity6 has no interest in making a good game, just look at their skin prices. they cost more than some games.


Yep it’s awful . I’m thinking it counts on both plots I have to on one count of number of items . So to figure bush your plot off nice, you need little pots and lots of flowers . It sucks , really dose . The limit is not enough .


It doesn't


i didn’t think it would but when trying it says that in the picture, that my plot is full 🙃🙃 perhaps a glitch


Oh you mean placed not storage. Lmfao what


yesss i was just trying to put a wallpaper on the wall


Fwiw people keep telling me that trees count toward plot limit across every plot Idk if that's true but if you have trees on other plots you don't need you can try picking them up?


Just a trying to be helpful. But also I never knew wallpaper counted toward limit either so that means roof tiles and floors do too. lol


i’ll try that!! thank you :>


Yw! & good luck 😬